Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 02, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    - - -
Tuesday, March a, 1920.
Satin and Weaves of Velvet Are
Exceptionally Smart.
Sheer, Dainty Models Have Not Lost I
Caste Lingerie Blouses Popu
lar for Spring.
) i
Bread LiKe Mother
Used to MaKe
You can have it if you use our famous
White River
For Your Baking
We have just received a car load of Sprisg
Beardless Barley for Seed
We-pay highest cash prices for
Hides, Pelts and Furs
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Co.
When your Plumbing goes
1.7 '-', !
T-TT5P 1 ".V 'TI Zl.iri ; . . t
ji.vt y t r . u-j- 'M'.
---' wf. j-li rat 1 H
We Keep a Record
For You
!l (HTM l I l M iiwim; llk
Mint i 1 1111 i rr iiiw 1 i i; n:u.
1 u 1:1 1 i;ii i ii 1 111 in h ikh or 1 hi: 11 ink
IN Ml I Hon WHIM t'Ut i lot l H Itl .
't;i lit IIU II M't M W II W I WW h - M .
I s WW ,
lll 1:1 nll'V l II N I II'M r l
l I
I III - IUM. Will Itl I'M l i In II W I
IUWIV, I.i li v
Farmers & Slockgrovcrs
National Banc
We make a specialty of quick repair work, keep
ing always ready the materials and men for im
mediate mt ice.
If ou liae ir.-w work Oat you wih us to figure
011 we will lie ery L;'ad to Mi'imit prices.
( )ur work is ruarauleed to i;i e you jieriect satis
faction and if oil are not pleaded in every partic
ular we will .-pare neither time nor money to
make it riejit.
Peoples Hardware
The blouse of heavy fabric not
necessarily really heavy, but in any
event lacking the transparency of net
or georgette Is one of the favorites
of the winter season. Among the
materials favored, satin and the vari
ous weaves of velvet are exceptional
ly smart. In emphasizing this fancy
for the heavy blouse, however, it must
not be understood that the sheer,
dainty models of lace, net, georgette,
etc.. have In any way lost caste. The
heavier models have merely been add
ed, giving even greater variety to the
already lovely display.-
The sketch shows a very smart
blouse, which may be developed at
tractively in velvet with bead or wool
embroidery in contrasting color, or In
satin with metal, silk or wool em
broidery as the trimming. The blouse
shown is waist length and finished
with a soft, crushed girdle of self fab
ric, two long fringe-tipped panels dis
tinguishing the blouse in front. The
slightly flared elbow sleeves are fin
ished with the embroidery, and the
neck has a piping of self fabric.
Another exceptionally smart blouse
recently st-en was of terra cotta col
ored satin. . cut straight and long
enough to reach just to the hips. The
blouse was trimmed about the lower
edge, the short sleeves and the square
open neck with Bulgarian embroidery
In an attractive blending of colors.
A smart and severely plain casacque
blouse shown in one of the smart
shops recently was of navy crepe de
chine. It was cut as straight and
plain as a Chinaman's shirt, reaching
just to the hips, and was finished at
the lower edge with two big tucks,
each approximately an Inch and a
quarter wide. The elbow sleeves were
similarly treated and the open neck
was finished with a three-lnch-wlde
accordion plaiting of self fabric. Nar
row tie ends of rhe crepe de chine
were attached at either side, at the
normal waistline, and were loosely tied
nt the bacft.
An unusual-looking garment also re
cently displayed In the blouse depart
ment was a slipover blouse of knitted
Ypj- I
Mi A.
! kW ;
1 1 Median Suit Blouie. 1
pll1- A 1 I - i
aamsS' pTwra Our line of Men's Dress Shoes, Florshiem Brand,
I I'l"''. J 19 cannot be surpassed. They insure you style and" com-
I t'4, I IS Ve also carry the famous Endicott-Johnson Brand
I I I I in hnth Work- and Dress Shoes that ffive VOU real
I V. I IB , ,i ' k
i Sv ' r i value Ior ever' oouar invesiea. n
ii am nupnes vo. i
f 'k if ft
' 15? itl ST"-
duvetyn, the most wanted
for winter, Is cleverly used
In this attractive suit. The choker
collar is of beaver. Tan braid lends
an original tone to the skirt.
Worn-Out Garments May Be Trans
formed Into Numerous Articles
of Apparel.
Old blouses make numbers of pretty
and useful things afier they can no
longer serve for waists. A pink pussy
willow taffeta blouse will ttiake a love-1
ly girdle for a white net party frock,
a dainty boudoir cap, a most becom
ing facing for an evening hat. or If a
delicate shade it will make a fetching
camisole to wear under some new
If the silk has tieeim to slit folds
can he laid In a girdle or in an under
i hat brim so the worn pint will never
show anil Hie sill; will many times
do remarkably long service used this
iHtter way.
An old in jali po:igi'e blouse that hud ,
been worn and washed till It whs fad
ed lonklng was dii;ei1 In di-ep rose
dye anil It made a most jaunty sports
hat. mwred over a hurkrum frame
wllh hi-Mvy curds e'g'ti? the top and
bottom of the crown and the brim.
Cable cord, rnvi'ti-l vi:h bias strips
of the mcti'iial. was sewed In h di--si-n.
Hat I'lliM-t. mi the sides of the
crown mid the tint win complete.
A bi-i iiit-colun d crepe de chlnf
waist "lis dipped In cnlTee to give It
more tone ami Iro.n the whole parts of
Hie blouse eliom.ii material was res
etted o eever a s'utill toque. Inch !
fobK running vertically, were laid !
aroiind the wide of the toque ami I f '-t
loo, Ittmwe of si'!, oil the crown L'ltvr I ;
a MtvlUli linn t to the list. t
Witty In Time of Misfortune.
When the conflagration that de
stroyed Prury Lane theater, In 1800.
broke out, Sheridan, the principal
shareholder, was in the house of
commons. Declining the adjourn
ment offered out of sympathy, he
hurried to the theater, only to be
pushed back by a soldier, with the
curt wanting: "Stand back, sir l" "My
friend," replied the witty dramatist,
"surely a man may warm himself by
his own lire'."
pX t4-i : v 4 i
J 1 C t ?
Dreadful Mistake.
There wj.s a distinct air of chas
tened resignation about lilin ns he
penned the following note: "Dear
Miss Brown: I return herewith your
kind note in which you nccept my of
fer of marriage, I would draw yonr
attention to the fnct that it begins
'Dear George.' I do not know who
fieoige Is, but my name, as you will
remember. Is Thomas." Houston Post.
ilk In Iteiniiii stripes, recommended
1 for kvutli.ru retort wvur with a sport
i skirt of white.
I l or i'i.na. according to prewut ,!u-
ili.-ai .eii. liifc-ir.n bloue wlU b very , truW or ,1UVT ,
' lopwU r. The frUled lniU4 of sheer i '
oiivtirf liial luiuili.wchiv( lineu are to
! m l In the lend.
The colhir uti'l front of this bluOM,
wliich was nil l;i on- plee with
l.iiiisi Itchi d b.nder. and the ruffs wwi J
rut from til's w;nt. to be nd to gi ,
s H'W tom b to i.tioOier die. Tint j
vote mill cll(T et of tnA rro 4
chine will i'.k nil on either a dark
wimiI dr.
III , ' - -. '-v.'.a A
. I ! . C- ( ' j u
I - f . . :
-f U 1 Il.SM i?
I siij ilrr&rr-i w.A.'hM .s-.ts! I
"Curct" for Rheumatism.
I'heimi.'itism Is perhaps n disease
wiiielt nflects mote people on this
ourtn than miy other coiiiplnlnt. and
the writer agrees that ( sample 19
ntnple! Hut Ihe ininiber of recotn
ineiiilid "cures" emhrnelng ttie com
mon lllatil'orx salts and the costliest
drug, still seem in leave some st)fer-
,-rs to the annoying ache, n writer In
London Answers stales.
William B. Vaiin, famous expttrsr
and hsad sf the Jshn Wanamakor tx
pedititn ts the aietic, who returnod
te the UmUi SUtes recently after two
year spent m the frigid regions of
lb North.
Moire Velvet to the Forefrtnt; Beads
Still In Favor; Wmr Bags for
Tailored Suits.
Metre eli It bell.u tlcd fof a
linlnln r of ti e lieet hiitn!lii!. Itl
I Kor ail ihe toul and i-o jniy ics
yon should read the lleisld. only
' 12 00 for a full year.
Pekan or Fisher Takes Precede j
Over Other Small Pelts and 1
Prices Are Seanng. I
Tber are wnMeii. write a Paris .
fiihliu irr-xMlrnt. who appatenl
ly cutiterl be etrnug:int enough la
f ii for one full imintle of sa
ble, mink. kolinky and npiirrel. th
Apes Fear Fire,
l'xplorer Stanley 1ms given nn no
roiinl of apes that carry torches at
night, lie was ikeihlloss mistaken, for
all the monkev tribes lire nfrald of
lire. Nevertheless, gorllltis will gather
about a deserted rumpflre for tlte sake
of wiirmlh though II never occurs to
thrnji to keep the emliem liUght by "
aiblliig ftiwh finM. 5 1 1
Won't Sweeten Coffe.
"Sweet are the uses of iikerslty"
but we have no usu for It. Ilost.tti
,v:ul luiitleii wtti l.el fr.iiue. 1 he i imier In the nible ilye or in the nnt-
In ml .- 1,1V liiii.le III r..n.t;.iitliHi of ; r gray tutor. The kins are ail
biol lilel elel. for the um.ian whoj wrkel III tr'.-d pntterii". om of
doe not want the fortm-r nrleiy. , rlrdi' the width of the inutitir
White iT.e'nl i I.e. ne i;d f..r frnuie, . w It ll other run up and down. The :
nlo, in Ihe le eprtine bti.-. Jul- iii;a.t'c repreriit the be'i;ht of luxury
I e l.n ii.le I In h h fur, and I
.ifteli It nde llito rine!e pnte. tlielt
el, l.octid with .-ii'd in, t.il. I'nv
edited l"!-r l:u I iiihIii iclc. Incrnl
r, with .!.! l .-. -l Mi in .Ii, ;ht bhie
nli.l l Ike al' I 1 a" i mrt llh
the tr m !.i.lore.t i, I,
i n It n.
I ;1 :.;.M:t I f (tie t U . II 1 '
i !., re I l.e f ar i f i! r ' e i
. . i. ., It .r".... ' U i
I'.e ft..,' r'. n ..( r
t . i TV ; tun, h i
f.ii-l Kin t.n !- Iirr
lie h- l.i'i t'lalw
f, r r.tnh I-.- l,ou:ii b p-
-vlkl totr.
i -e ew!rf
; 1 e tl IliOl i- t
'i n ...inner?
. t tlin r
I ; d
I !-:.!) at-
' ..-tintmit
' ' . ife. Mid
e i ! A t Ull
: i Iv fof
I tbruttf B
III fur wrap. They nr at verv lm
iM delgll. ninny without li-er, but
a!ii with big eiielop!ng rulliir thnl
n.nle Ihe throat and lnnililrr.
Nrit af'er lhee fam y fur garment
riiiue t'ioe of liudn eul and nutria
rut after tin mime fnbloo; oet'nton
; ally a cont of hunt lnmb or inrnrtil
ai ;''", '' it t:ire k;;. are ery rnr
j In I riiii'f.
' ti mil. ill fur. s kai. or f.hi-r. t!!l
lilke pie-ciell, e o,-r nH other !!?.
Tlie (iiirt y ilre,--l c inn tio
..nh a .!.-. I.hd t i'.' f- r Tie .k:i1
tbit I ' ,- ore ..i r r;.
tt j x Ti ai
1 -yr
Cwttee ei Btbt'i Cceeet
t ti r i 1 ( I ii i . '" r p Ihe ! l. he
from I tb) boi.m-t .!r : rrrjf (in.
ou eh . m. ft ii H em en with a
littl if l uil' t. : then all "U la
.i do I t" in I 'l'li -i tlo 'ii. ainl Ihla
ar C"iiidemll t m.
adi and Whit Checks.
I'.Kk mil lrke ttisk
tuia.it liu i.g fuT catMt.
t-. -
Choice Cuts of the
Best Meats
best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured 8he
i lining m it -he lu! htr Mint at thi ,hoji which
i ci'tuhtctcil in conformity with mmlcrn methods of
sanitary niarkctirp.
Central Market
McNAMER & S0RENS0N, Props.