PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February .24, 192c. 1 ft' J -. 1 S4 HI Hi 1 1-1 "7 11 J , I 1 i I i I a I- 1 V m Www ! --, at the f r.1 and one-half miles Southwest of Heppnes the head of Clarks Canyon 6 Sale starts at 1 0 o'clock A. M. sharp. The followin described property will be sold at, Pub 2 Wagons, 3 and one-fourth size vile tires i Wajji-n, 3 and one-half size wide lire I Set of Narrow Tired Wheels for 3 and one' half I'.ain 'aon. 1 S'ieen-foot Wheat Rack ..' 'ivelye-i'o t Trail Racks with Ilrakes. 1 N'ew Racine I'uggy l Superior Hoc Drill 1 Superior Disc Drill 1 Twenty six-foot Wooden Harrow 1 Twenty two-foot Steel Harrow 1 D nihlc Action Disc j Single Discs ..' Dutchman Plows (Clans) 1 Side Hill Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 I ones Weeder 1 1 w e! ve !o t Kimhall Wit-dor 1 I'.'uht foot (Independent) drain lhnder 1 l-'.i 'lit-f.oi Steel C.ra-'n Roller 1 Fourteen-foot McCormick Header (4 hexes) 1 Dcering Combine with Knjine. This Combine- is Brand New and Never Has Been Run 1 Blacksmith Outfit Complete in Every Way 15 Sets of Harness and Miscellaneous Bridl es, Collars, Halters Complete Camp Outfit 2-3-4" Horse Double Trees, Single Trees, Clevices, Emery Wheels, Well Pumps, Pipes, Cylinders and a large amount of Tools, such as Shovels and Picks, too numerous to mention; also some House hold Furniture. I Two-yearold Heifer, will be fresh this spring 1 drey Registered Percheron Stallion 30 Head of Good Work Horses jo Head of Draft Colts, Yearlings to Three Years Old Br SALE: $10.00 AND UNDER, CASH. BALANCE 'j MO NTII3 ON APPROVED BANKABLE NOTES. r.ANEAU-.E NOTES MEAN NOTES SIGNED BY TWO PARTIES AND ACCEPT ED AS GOOD BY A MOKKOW COUNTY BANK. TWO PER CENT DIS COUNT TOE CASH. EIGHT PERCENT INTEREST ON AP PROVED NOTES. FiREE LUNCH A NOON ,a!ter Rood, Owner F. R. Brown, Clerk F. A. McMenamin, Auct. HEPPNER OREGON 3E .i'i'!o io;: ,ii"im;vkxt foiuIomv; tax i.ii:xs r.te In the Circuit Court of the of Ci'on ff." riOiTO"- Couiuy. Morrov.- County, Oregon, a Public Coi noi ation, 1'laintit f. VS. V. C. Eerktell, M. B. Kvans. E. J. Kel'.ev, Archer nice, V.'. II. Maccm bar, The Parvia Company, a ocr lieiiitiu'i!, George E. Quiggle, II. C. Robor;fon, G. I. Eobinror., Iva O. Selhvood, Otis Sliepardson, Olit'f ShepardKoa, E. A. WicUline, and Asa L. Young, and any other per son or peisono owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. Summuns of Notice To W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, V. H. Macomber, The Parvin Company, a corporation-?" George E. Quggle, Iva G. Sollwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wickline and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any j interest or estate in or to the real j property hereiifaf ter described, De- t'endants: i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ' OF OREGON: You and each of you I are hereby notified that the above ' named Plaintiff, a Public Corpora tion, is the purchaser, owner and holder of certificates of delinquency Numbered G12, G25, 041, C53, 6C0, CGI, G62, 673 and 676, Numbers 612 and 625 thereof being issued on the IS th day of May, 1915, and Numbers 644, 653, 660, Gffl, GG2, 673 and 676 thereof being issued on the 20th day iof May, 1015, by the Sheriff and Col ' lector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor row County, Oregon, and filed by said Sheriff and Collector of Delip quent Taxes in the office of, the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore gon, on the dates of issuance thereof, respectively, for. taxes due and de linquent, together with penalty, in terest and costs thoreon, upon real property situato in Morrow County, Oregon, You aw further notified that the amount for which said certificate i3 'ssued is set opposite and following the .lesci;ition of the tract or parcel of land Ic leinafter set out, the same being the amount then due and de linquent, for the taxes for the year 1012, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and des cribed as hereinafter set forth; said ti pet cr parcel of land being assessed for the year 1012 to the first person whose name Immediately precedes description thereof, and is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner thereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, now la the hands of the Sheriff of said county for collection, at the date of the first publication of this summons and notice, which date is tho 17th day of February, 1920. Certlficte No. 612. W. C. Becktell and W. C. Becktell, North half of Northeast quarter (N'H NEVt ) Sec tion Sixteen (16), Township Three (3) North, Range Twenty-six (26) East of Willamette Meridian, $3.65. Certificate No. 625, M. B. Evans and M. B. Evans, Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon, $0.85. Certificate No. 644 W. H. Macomber and V. H. Macomber, South half of Southwest quarter (S SWU) of Section Twenty-wen (27), Town ship Two (2) North. Ranite Twenty three (23) East of Willamette Meii dlnn. $2.30. Certificate No. 653 Thu Paivln C m. t pany, No'-ihwost quarter of .-ter A'l.i l.WVi ction Ki'ven'een (17), cm nr. .up Tn:ve 12) o:-in. Kange Twenty-forr ('- -) East cf Willamette $1.01. ot S I 'erf1 Hi'! As-- L. Youn'-'. ! ' -' ! . ( ifl), Town, h Unrt?c Twentv-FT' Wiilametie Mariil! "' , Aen L. Young li! of Section Six- ) Si.; (C) South, en (27) East of '.n; all of Sec tion Sixteen (16). Township Six (G) South, Range Twenty-eight (28) Ea::t of Willamette Meridian; and all of Section Sixteen (16), Township six (6) South, Range Twenty-nine (29) East of Willamette Meridian, $146.95. . The said amounts bear interest tfSjfl follows: The taxes aforesaid bear IlW, terest from the date of the filing of said certificates of delinquency, res pectively, at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum until paid, the dates of filing of said certificates of delin quency being the dates hereinbefore set forth. And you and each of you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days alter the dote of the first publi cation of this summons, exclusive of tho day of first publication thereof, tc-wit: February 17, 1920, and de fend this suit in tho Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels of land, respective!;', above described, of which you are the owner, or in which you have, or claim to have, int.evtst or estate, together with h'U'i-eft am! costs accrued in this suit thereon. Service of a copy of yorN' answer or ether process may be maijN upon the iimiprsigr.ed attorney for plaintiff, at ihe place specified be low as his address, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of you, foreclosing said tax , liens for the amount sot opposite and following the description of said tract or parcel of land above set forth, to gether with interest and costs there on, against said tracts or parcels of land and said tracts or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are hereby further notified that the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreclosing said tax liens :;,nlns-t said property, hereinbefore described. This summons is published once each week for sixty consecutive days in tho Heppner Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in stid County, the date of first publication thereof being Febru ary 17, 1920, said publication being made in pursuance of an order there for made by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, said order having been made and entered on the 6th day of February, 1920. MORROW COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON, By Samuel E. Notson, District At torney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff; whose address Is Heppner, Oregon. 42-51 FARMERS AXD FARMING So far as the Pacific Northwest is concerned the outlook for the farmer Is full of cheer. Crop estimates and predictions arc of little value at this time, but the price of farm products can hardly be reduced from Inst jour's level. It Is hardly conceivable that another summer will be no dls- u.i.iiu,rui.B iu mi' mom raiser im the past. I,. ef pi U-c?, were ton 1.f A a corp. .fa. ..m. au l the I'arv n i lor n w. r v,... v.ii:ir"y. a corporat ic.a. an.i wco-pe tn-r. :u ri:.ns of r.n Bi'viuice. E. Qz'.n-iW. Houth In!" of the Noil,:- j The c.iy nn' H ,ai- vindicated qtMH.v A'? N!-': ). and S..u!h ilii:i olfire. n, under his ctli.t tir.n V.a'f rf Si'i:th'.vt q'uivi. r of ihc rM aM- 'n .t ruction, mor- ntid mo:e N, rth-.ivt !tiar:..r (, .r.; .W) , f.:: mi-iK in tn . I..n nte imdert.-.k-of s.-ctinn S'xt.-n (If ). 1 mi? ?cl.-ntific ntH;,..-. Kr-.m an i. ir K v.-l-r.iv-l'i ! I'.lllt II. f UilV.J r ,u. (10) Ci-t of Me M"ui: -n. ; t-i'.lt-t t.iki-n hv iin. i'-,i, Fa i in Too the mar nil. ('. r; I, n. ,ip No. r,f,o. iva n. I'll- f..l.'. N rth vt h' nt two of power In,.... Id U.1F, .i . . . .. . J w limn .iif'i. I i ,n till nu w.' ..I rn.l 1 r f,. S, lli' onil. i un, n.-ncbi'. h arp In u -e In th li.rci 2. W-t: 4 of li.wa of e.mtl i:o-k, !m;iI's of ,) ofnn, Warhlntton am or. j-i.s.i. ; ,;, r,.M.i Hade tiin it ' No. flCl ' ; in uxe and Oils Sh.-Mid- 3.M0 will l. n,... ,. ,t ,,. r... ;i n and o-! She;. ir, uti, North half the m;n.. m..!,r1(i .r. t 1TUle (h' of Ni.tlnvM q-mrtKr (N' NE ). ah.A e Inforinnllnn. It l iMInikti-.t S.uihr;.l ii;iMi't of North.-H-l quai - ; tl'nt 3. fin,) in. run. 4,on0 farm liKhl tir (.K1, M'.'i). NortlnM-t , ing pi-intii. and gnuo cm r nvinf.. i't qn iri,.r of Sii(lic,tt tlarti'r (NI'i E). Swili n Nin (). TownOilp Sis (6) 'inh. Twrnly-fisht (2S) V..K uf Hian:-lt 112.50. IVillfirnli- No. f,;. Ollff 5hr .it,!. co i 4nil cliff StD'pnid'Min, Xori.i half f Nitih. i quatlcr (Nt, NW4). 4iilllh-fk1 quatlrr of Nrthirrt riatlir .Wi, XWVi). and North r( qnarlKr of jouthwtwt quntlrr (NW' SW1,). Serllon T-n (10). Tiiwimlup Sit (6) iMith. Hantr Twrntj rishi at) Kat of Wlllaro rlt Mrthlian. li: 90. Onlfr No. 7J. K. A. Wick lln and K. A. WlrkUo. Went half of iWt half of Poulhwrat quarter of j!ou(hraal quarter (W WS flW, ). and l talf of Houthwm t 192ti p--duf h r aaitu' b houi-ht by fariii. during Thfe facia Kilnt to Inrrvaacd pi II. .n and tnwrtt-d emtn, at H, lliiir iucr-nln Ihe r.liirn fio-ri farm lanl. In l!i- fruit rnd h.-rry mowinc dl tr:rlii tl'vt cannciim ate Ixlnst bull! and ftpry prrparaliotj (r , t(. "r yur than Inrrcad rr of fruit and b-irir, murh aa prlw, nt lalna th large Inrroan In riutna frtiru thin !. nf rr"duct from 19 1 to 119. Ooviirnnirnt and tat dopmir,t of arid and uncuHlvatrd land will. In the twu fw ar. lnrr.., the tillable ara of th Pacific North- Current Commerr R"d (h -n!y J 00 a ya-