THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MORRO Tuesday, February 24, 1Q20. CKC1L XKWS , 4- 4- . In. Cecil on Sunday viewing the "Iron cats" and also the "Cecil Scenic High way." Martin Bauernfeind of the Bauern- W. A. Thomas of the Allen ranch. I fei J. BOAKOMAX NEWS ? T. I ; I wag caliug around Cecil Saturday. Boh Montague of Toppenish, Wash, made a short call in Cecil Wednesday. Harold Ahalt spent Sunday with his brother, Cecil, at the Shepherd's Rest. J. Gentry of Heppner, was looking atter his interests In Cecil on Wed nesday. J. M. Melton of the Lookout, was calling on his friends in Cecil on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Edwin Fanchier from the Barnett ranch, were doing busi ness in Cecil Saturday. Galen Falkner made a trip to lone during the week for a load of pipes for Oscar Lundell of Rhea. R. S. Wilson, late of Ewing, was over on a business trip" from his Boardman ranch on Tuesday. J. W. Obron of Cecil, accompanied by Ralph Winter of Four Mile, au- toed to Heppner on Monday. Miss A. C. Hynd and her friend, Miss K. Mahoney of Heppner, spent the week end at Butterby Flats. F. Philips of Arlington, has been busy during the week at Highview, fhe residence of Mr. G. A. Miller, do ing some carpentering. E. L. Vinton .district engineer for the highway and A. Leach, one of the surveying ciew, made a trip to Hepp nei on Saturday returning to Cecil Sunday. Mrs. Frona ISalhm, who has been visiting in Heppner for the last three veeks. returned to Butterby Flats on Friday to resume her duties there once more. Leon Logiui of Four Mile, has bought a Kordson tractor during the last, week and experts to turn up some hundreds- of acres of wheat land on his ranch in a short time. The Cecil friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Winters of Shady Dell, extend their sympathies to them in the death companied by his mother, Mrs. Ista Bauernfeind and aunt, Mrs. Wilson, of lone, visited with Mr. Peter Bau ernfeind at Cecil Wednesday. Melville Logan, who has been look ing after her daughter in Four Mile for the last three weeks, left on the local for Portland. We learn. Miss Vivian Logan has recovered from her severe illness and was able to ac company her mother to their Port land home. About 5:30 A. M. Friday a serious accident happened at one of Oskar Hubers tractors near Cecil while Walter Pope, the greaser, was attend ing to his duties by some means some gasoline came in contact with a lan tern and caused an explosion. In an instant every thing Vvas in flames on the tractor and ground. Walter was suddenly caught in a mass of flames and but for the courageous assist ance of the two engineers, John Sad dleback and Joe Randle, Walter would soon have been burnt to death The engineers succeeded in rolling Walter in the sand and after working for a considerable time were able to extinguish the flames. Dr. Walker I of lone, was soon in attendance and I rendered all the assistance he could 'and Walter, after spending a restless ; night, was taken to The Dalles hos pital on Saturday. He is severely ! burned about the face and hands. 'John Saddelbaek was burned on lcil hand and Joe Handle escaped with only a slight scorching. Joe oei'tain'y deserves great credit for his heroism towards his fellow workers. We hear tV tractor is considerably burned on one sids. WHO N'KWS l.KTTKU .J.! The teachers of the public school Mrs. Walter Hinkle, who has been were each voted a "valentine" by the! seriously ill with pneumonia for the school board last Saturday, In the form of re-election. All salaries un der $125 per month were raised to; that amount. Acceptances are to be filed with the principal not later than March 11th, and it is requested that no one sign a contract unless it is their bona fide intention to carry out the same. Special flag exercises will be held Friday afternoon in dedication of the new steel flag pote Just erected. Rumors are strong that Boardman is to have a bank. Estimates for a suitable building have been asked for and parties are in town in connection. with the matter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballenger are, enjoying a visit from Mrs. Ballen ger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murchie of Wasco. ' Rev. Mr. Self of Portland, preached in the Community church last Sun day and announced services for next Sunday. He will also preach at Ir-rigon. E. Francis Williams, architect for CONDON TO HAVI". THKATIiK Sulem. Or., Feb. 20. (Special. )- Condon is to have a new theatre, ac cording to articles of incorporation of their infant, son. The burial took ' filed here today. The company will place in lone cemetery on Wednesday. Jack Hynd, the "Mayor of Cecil", md his niece. Miss A. C. Lowe, of' the Highway House, were callers on Mr. iitid Mrs. Everett Logan of Fiurview on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brlstow and fami ly of luiie. accompanied by tone's loading lawyer, T. H. Robinson, were bo knoivn as the Condon Amusement corporation and the capital stock is 32 "3.00'J. The incorporators are J. B. Spaiks. Libi Cross and Dan Thou vcnt'l. Oregonian. past wee'k in Portland, is now in a i less dangerous condition. Mrs. Walter Hinkle, of Nampa, Idaho, who has been visiting with her daughter, Miss Nellie Walker, and her nbter. M s. Frank He'.r.n. rei tun ed to her Vi 'ne first of the w. . I; iake Bowman and Allen Thomp son were in from their Butter creek ranches Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms and Mrs. J. A. Walker visited at Butter creek Sunday. E. P. Jarmon, who has been visit ing in Texas and California during the winter months, returned to his home at Butter creek, Sunday. Ed. Neille and Will Howard of the Butter creek section, were busi ness visitors here Saturday. Mrs. Frank Hale was taken sud denly ill, last week at her home on the Meadows. She was in a very seri ous condition and her relatives were summoned but she is much improved at present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sehcrer have the school building made his regular purchased the residence property for- visit of inspection Monday. A dangerous fire threatened Cra mer & Co.'s place of business last1 week one night about' 1:00 o'clock., The fire started outside under the rear of the building and just below the sleeping apartments. Flames pouring through a hole in the floor left by the removal of a drain pipe awakened the family in time to arouse the town and save the build ing from serious damage. Incendiar ism Is supported. There are several pupils out of school owing to the grippe but school will continue if matters do not. get too serious. It has been our experi ence that pupils are as well off at school as on the streets. A special school meeting is to be called March 12th to authorize the school board to soil the Castol Rock buildings. merly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Laur ence Malcolm on Garden street, Mr. i and Mrs. Malonmb expect to move on their ranch near The Dalles about March 1st. SOME OK THE K.ST TO THE STYLES OK lXTKIl LADIKS I Oi5 !!( For nil the local and county you should road the Herald, $2.00 for a full year. news only Charles Chick, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Chick, returned from Moscow, Idaho, where he has been attending the University of Idaho, forced to take a vacation ur.iversitv on account of ill health Our New ome WE ARE LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME WHERE WE WILL TAKE PLEASURE IN MEETING OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS AND IN SHOWING THEM OVER OUR BIG NEW STORE. WE WILL BE ABLE TO RENDER MUCH BETTER SERV ICE THAN IT WAS POSSIBLE TO DO IN THE OLD BUILDING AND IT WILL BE A GENUINE PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE IN OUR EXTENSIVE LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, TOOLS, IMPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY. IN ORDER TO CLEAR UP OUR STOCK IN SEVERAL LINES WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER SOME EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, MUCH LESS THAN THE SAME ARTICLES CAN BE REPLACED FOR TODAY. WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION TO EVERYBODY TO COME IN AND INSPECT OUR SPLENDID NEW HOME YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY ANYTHING, BUT ONLY COME IN AS OUR GUEST AND ALLOW US TO SHOW YOU OVER THE NEW STORE. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, The following is a summary of the new stylos which will giace the forms of the fair ladies for the coming sum mer and attract the attention of the male population to a certain extent: The styles in suits v;i'-y hut the Eton or bolero jacket is- popular, also the pony or box coat as well as the more tailored stylo with longer semi fitted coat. The ripple coat is still good style. Navy blue is the most popular color. Skirts of suits seems to be a trifle shorter and wider. Ma terials are tricoline, serge and twoi d. The loading fabric for afternoon dresses is Taffeta, followed by Gor gette as a close second. Long tight fitting sleeves have again been clis- He was rraeu unci milady will be soon with from the "le short sleeve on her afternoon dresses. The Bouffant effect is anoth I er feature of the dresses, which show Increased width. Besides being be-1 ruffled and be-frilled Is in some cases wind at the hip line. A now effect is obtained by the use of black taffeta I and white organdy. Sport clothes will be much In style, this season and their popularity will . Increase after the early spring months. Jersey unci Iricoletle are' i the favored materials ,and ate shown in l lie smiaoh ol rone, nine, green, etc. Sill: sport skirts will be ponu- lar, as will tho black velvet Jac kets ! which were tntrodveel last Hummer. I mouse are of trlcolette, gooigetto and rottan materials. One Interest-! ing note for blotipe Is tho use of1 Ilulik designs, which are hand paint ed in colors. Star Theatre THIHSDAY, KKIIKIAKY 2 DOROTHY DALTOX IV "Quicksands" A paramount Picture, at once clean and entertaining 20c and 30c FRIDAY, KEHRKAKY 27 HARRY CAREY IX "A fight for Love" the Universal Special Attraction Cheyenne Harry may have been innocent of cattle-rustling but he surely exhibited a worid of speed for an innocent when he beat the sheriffs posse to the Canadian border by two feet. A real Western thriller. "(re. ami :50c SALVATION' ARMY CAR KM IM'OHTl .N ATES KOIt Gilliam Bisfoee Portland, Fell. 1 4. It I the girls from the small towns and country district, rather than those from the city, that furnish the majority of the Inmate of the Salvation Army res cue and maternity home here, accord -Inif to Major Sophia Harris, matron or the home. Invi-otlgiitlnn of the home' record, which ate never lliown except to rlrhlfiil am hot It l. reveal that the InMHutinn alicltei Kill from practically every Oic-ion county although more Hum half ate registered from thl city. Mil Jr Harrl explain th" appar- jent majority of I'oitliiiicl ruin In the home with the aniert inn that ttnfnr- , tannic Kill naturally linn In 1 1, larirn clllc hcn leaving tln-lr liniini to avoid diRCovery. Il in not Hu-ir j nrlttlnal Intention to enter a mater nity home but lnn fenced to it by j .'iiriimlani'cn Ihcjr give I'm ll.itnl a their addrm rather tlmn ll.c ariiallw j ton itr cotintlc nherc it , jr run have a wide elrrle of friend and ac- j irtiHlnlanace. Not nf mini-nily I li. tr condition la kept from the knowledge v n of the member of their Imtin dl te family. Kverytl.InK l clone al the home lo ajuard the giib Sulvailon Army adviry h.Mi already formed a part c,f t!,c A"t.y' Hi. me tWvlre I'mr'am for I 2 . which arc Inved'.yjtihii t ' . : r ..'l cr.ridlllona, a' titln.'i.;' ! I , I c r f :n f led j, r f .,iu,m i , i . -. r ' , m i.' !?. In v ct l - t or. I ' t' l.airc irid'iit i h i i , i .. tn i." ti I. on mm; r.,i '. I .. r.i i t I . id lo t.c mi i n ' t' i.i i ' i lo I - i i t t i i , i. ' fel.i t.'y 1 1 t l r, ' M " '!;:" ! ; I.. I nt dr.! . SATKliDAY, KKIHU'AKV 2 NKIX SHII'MAN IN Back to God's Adapted from the story, Wapi, the Walrus, by James Oliver Curwood Sixteen kinds of wild animals play natural parts In this picture. :tOc unci Title Sl'MUY, KK.hiU AI'.Y 2!) "Out of the Clear Sky" i i:ti KiNti MAiuii i:iti: clahk Supported by THOMAS M Kl(i II A N. A Star, attraction, Utre anil :10c FORD COUPE ItKADY l-'OU IMMKHIATK DI I.U l ltY Price $855.00 at Heppner Chas. H. Latourell At THOKIZMi KKAI.I It IIIITNUt MAIN MCI IT OltMiON li ir Imiil I'nnlsnn Trm lor en unite, one In arrive li.ninrrnw Buy Wheat Land and Prosper I now have a fine list of c.hmoc Wheat and Stock Ranches to select from, hut they arc fining fat. Now is the time to huy a tul pet rearly for summer fallowing Easy Terms and Fair Treatment E. M. SHUTT The Rral fsldtp Up-stnirsin Court House