Tuesday, February 2i, 1020. THE HEPPKER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE LEGAL NOTICES t XOTil K VUil Tl BLi CATION' Department of the Interior, U. 3 Land otfico, r.t La Grande, Oregon Janus; vy lr.ih, i'.20. Notice is h. eoy "iven that ARTHUR 2. AYERS, of Echo, Oregon, who, on January 4 3 015, marie homestead entry No 014189, for N, Section 24, Town ship 1 North, Range 27 East, Willam-j plication, the land and timber there- ette Meridian, has filed notice of in-i on have been appraised, at f 130. 00, tention to make three year proof, to the timber estimated 80 M board feet establish claim to the land above des-i at $1.00 per M, and the land $50.00: CHARLES S. DYKSTRA, whose post oil ice add:-cr-s is Heppner, Orvwn, did, on the 7th day of Janu ary, 1918, file in this ofHce sworn iaH-r.;:nt and application, No. 01S82G, to purchase the N7 STU Section 13. Township 4 South, P.ange "7 Enst, Wilkir.-.ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision.-, of the feet of June 3, 1878, ar.d r.cts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," . at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such an- cribed, before J. A. Waters, Clerk or Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9tht day of March, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Rauch, of Echo, Oregon; Frank Ayers, of Echo, Oregon; L. D. Neill ,of Echo, Oregon; Roy Coxea. of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. that said applicant will offer final, proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 5th day of May, 1920, before U. S. Commis sioner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, -. Register. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE BOUNDARIES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a spec ial election will be held within the precincts of Irrigon and Boardman within the West Extension Irrigation District on Tuesday, the Twenty fourth day of February, 1920, be tween the hours of eight o'clock in the morning and live o'clock in tha afternoon of said day for the purpose ' lUe' J- M' Prindle. H. Spinning, D. H. of determining whether or not that ! PricfU?' Hu'h Taylor, Anna E. Tay certain contract between the United j lor' Ina Ciibert, c- F- Ames, Anna L. States of America and the West Ex- j Ames Amanda Agnew, J. I. Agncw, tension Irrigation District approved I Margaret A. Cleaver, J. D. Watson, by the Board of Directors and filed I Matie c- Watson, W. G. Drowley, Notice is hereby given that a petition signed by Western Land & Irrigation Company, Adell H. Rose, C. J. Prin- in the office of the Board at Hermis ton, Oregon, on the sixth day of Jan uary, 1320, shall be authorized1 and entered into by the Board of Direct ors and which said contract sets forth the maximum amount of money pay- Henry Winsor, B. F. Strohm, Elmer E. Cleaver, Hattle B. Cleaver, il. S. Garfield, J. W. Messner, J. H. Strohm, Arleta White and Clifton Leaver was, on the Gfh day of Febru ary, 19 20, filed with the Board of able to the United States for construe- Directors cf the John Day Irrigation tion purposes, or in the assumption of District, praying that the boundaries liability for district lands for such of "the John Day Irrigation District purposes exclusive of penalties an i may be so changed as to exclude from interest in the amount of $1,100,- Ea,:d John Day Irrigation District the 000.00 and also provides for the sub- lanQS ot' tne Westland Irrigation De stitution of the taxina nowev of ths trict included within the boundaries said taction 19 a dhftrtce cf cue-half mile, moie or b ss, to the Ete bunk of the Cmawlhi rivet; Th ru-e rucr.ias in a north erly and exv.tci ly diivrti-.n oa the West lh.iik of ir.e. s.ud t'nta tr.h'. river ,a distance of fr. o xnHes. nvr.-e or less ,to ire South line cf S.Tfion 2S, Tcwr.yhip 5 North, -'danyre 28 East. WMam elte Mori.1i.in, thence rurmtnjt in a Westerly ch; ection on the South Una of said Section 28, to the South ;ve-t corner of Section 28, thence running along the West line of said Section 28 in a Northerly direction to the Noith west corner of said sectijn iden tical with the Northeast corner of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, the place of beginning. All of the lands within the said boundaries except the East half of the East half of Section 20,, and that part of Section 16 lying West of the Uma tilla river in Township 4 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian! are lands within said Westland Irri gation District. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said petition will comt on for hearing before the Board of Directors of the John Day Irrigation District at the next regular meeting of the said board in room G Robert Building. Heppner, Oregon, jn Tues day, the 2ua day of- March, 1920, at 10 o'elock A. M. of said diy, or as soon thereafter as the same- cm be heard, at which time and place, all persons interested in or who may be affected by such change of houodar ies of the said district may appear and show cause in writing, if any they have, why the change in the boundaries of said district as propos ed in said petition should not be made. Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. F. R. BROWN, Secretary Board of Directors John Day Irrigation District. NOTICE mil PUBLICATION it: r lie ps Grocery district in lieu of the existing liens by individual contracts and other pro visions ,which said contract in full may be seen by any landowner or other person interested at the office of the district in the U. S. Reclama tion Servics building at Hcrmiston, Oregon, in the office of J. G. Camp, at Irrigon, Oregon, and in the office of Emmette Callahan at Boardman, Oregon. At Said election the ballot shall contain the words "Contract with the United States Yes," and "Contract with the United States No." The school Iioubo at Boardni.'.n and the Reclamation Office at Irri gon within said district are hereby designated as the polling places for the purpose of said election and George Rand and R. L. Wisdom and Merrill Double have been appointed judges of election for Irrigon precicot and A. W. Cobb and C. C. Paine and F. E, Burns have been appointed judges of election for Boardman pre cinct within said district. This notice is published and posted pursuant to an order of the Board of Directors of the West Extension Irrigation District made and entered on the sixth day of January, 1920. J. O. CAMP, 39-43 Secretary. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, January 31st, 1920. Notice la hereby Riven thrt KATUCniNK HIGGIXS whoso poit office r.ddresa is Lena, Oregon, did, on the 24th day of Oc-i tober. 1918, file In this otfleo rworn 1 statement nml n'plicnlion No. j 015392. to pu'ehaw the :X4 PEi, j SV4 NK'i. Section 5, and NW',4 ' SVj, Portion 4. Tnwnnhlp 4 South, I Kancc 2!) East, Willamette Meridian, , and the timber thereon, under the piovh.io.i:! or the net of June 3, 1878, and arts ntm ndatoiy, known aa the j "Timber ami Stone Law," r.t ai !i : value as utlirht bo f i s fi! by epi.r;ils?- ; rm nl, and that, pursuant to nuch up-! I.hralinn. it." hind nil timber them nn have been appraised at 1338.00. the limber eMlmatcd 4 2 1 M board feet at l-r M, end the land 1220 00; that mid applicant vl'.l of fr fin;.l proof In ntpport of hi ap plication and mora statement on the 4th day of May. 1920, before f. 8. Cmntv.lf lonor, C. C. I'aiteraon, at Heppner, OreKon, Any pernen Is t liberty to protet this purrha'f in for entry, or Initiate a contt at any time before patent Uauif. by nllnr ft rorrctwiratd afft davit In this office, allrrin fsru wlileit would dnfent the entry. C. 8. Dl'NN. Register. hereinafter set forth, and that notice of the filing of the said petition and of the time and place of hearing thereon be given by publication, as required by law, and that upon such hearing an order be made excluding from the John Day Irrigation Dis trict all of the lands of the Westland Irrigation Districted included within the following boundaries: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 2S East, Willam ette Meridian, and running thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one and one half miles; thence West one fourth of a mile; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth mile; thence South one-fourth mile; thence West to the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 4 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian; thence South one-half mile; thence West one-half mile; thence South one-half mile; thence West one-half mile to tho Northeast corner of Section 12, Township 4 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile to the center of said Section 12; thence South one half mile; thence West one-half mile; thence South one mile; thence East one-half mile; thence South one mile; thence Wert etie-hal.' mile; thence SmhIi one mile; thence West ( i ne-.i ur'h of a mile; themv South on "-fourth of a mile; ' nee Wett one-fourth mne; t!i";tc r!(i-.it;! one-fourth mile to the center of Section in utiiti Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, February 14th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that HARVEY McROBERTS,, of Lexington, Oregon, who, onDecem ber 23rd, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 016877, for S SW, S SE V , Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and Lot 4, SW NW, and W SWVj, Section 4, Township 1 South, Rango 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des- cribed, gefore J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 13th day of April, 1920. j Claimant names as witnesses: J. T. Ayers, Echo, Oregon; H. G. Coxen, Echo, Oregon; F. W. Coxen, Echo, Oregon; Frank Ayers, Echo, Oregon. I C. S. DUNN, I Register. i PI BUYING YOUR GROCERY NEEDS HERE BRINGS MORE THAN A MONETARY SAVING. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must measure up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. Evaporated Fruits This week we are featuring as fine a line of Dried and Evaporated Fruits as has ever been offered in Heppner. At this time these Fruits are seasonable, at all times they are nutritious and appetiz ing and in these days of high costs they are economical. Our line of Evaporated Fruits include the following-; PEACHES APPLES PRUNES PEARS RAISINS FIGS APRICOTS , Look In Our Show Windows Phelps Grocery Co. : ETTOTZn "'I t 7'M'M' i. it. ii i ii . mshbm,, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION theme V i n p- MT! K Kll PI BI.ICATION Department of the Interior t. 8. Lsb4 offft La Crsnde, Oregon. Jsoasrr 21t. 1J0. Nolle is hrbr given I hut h;i!f m!!e; thence Somli ore-hiOf mile; thenr VHt one and .r.e -.mlr Pules; thencp South one lr !h t,r u milt ; thi-m o V t on'-l'.uilh of a mile thence Sou'h on-fotirth of a mile; thence pt one-fey th of a mile; thin-e Pout i nne-liblf tnilo lo the .'UithweM comer of .-'eriion !. Ttm ii! hip 3 Not t h. lignite 2 7 fca-tt, Willamette MijhJirn; thmre Kant one-hilf tulle; Tience South one-halt mll, th"ttr Kant one find one half mile; thenee North one half tulle; thence V.ttrt one-hnlf mile; tin nr.' Netlh otie-fourih of a mil"; thenie Kant three fourths of a mile; thence North cini-fourth of a inlie; thenr one half mile; Ihenee North ,n"-fotirth of a mile; theme Kat one-fourth of a tnlle lo the V.nnl line of Tim nnhipn 3 tnd 4 North, fUDK" 2? Eaat. WHIam. ette Meridian ; throe North to the goutht eorner of fWtlon II, Township 4 North .Ttana Si Eail, Willamette Meridian; tbene running In a eaititrly di rection along fhe South tin of Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, February 14th, 1S20. Notice Is tiereby given that HERBERT E. INSTONE, of Lena, Oregon, who, on February 15th, 1915, made Honieatead Entry No. 014313. for Si NE. REVi. Section 4: and EVa NE'4. Section 9, Township 2 South, Rano 20 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to in tike three-year proof, to crhihlish eliilm to the land r.hove dene'lhi (1, before J. A. Wat era, Clerk of t'oniity Tourt, of Heppner, Orecon, on tli" 1 tlh tiny of April, 1920. f'liiiiii-Hit nrietsntt viUneMHes: Phil Hitl. of Lena, Ore-on; Frnn cls .Mcfhilie, t.f I.ttin, fireuon; Ed. Iml-eity, r.f Li-na. Orecoti; 1'hll 1Mb-Kit.:-, m' L-Tiii, Ort'K'.n. C. S. Id'NN, IteUlhler. NOTH I. MM! I'l lH.IC.VrioN' In pail ne fct of the latfilor, t'. S. Land i.Ilire ;it La firnn l", Ort-Kin, Kehniaiy Hth, 1!'2n. Notice in t.ei by plvtn that MAIt-H fOI IITNKV. of I.era, O'eivm. who. on Match 1 3 1 Ii. : 19 IS. made lloiiunleiid Lntry No, 01M17. f'r S' NK'4. H SWU, Fwlli n 22. TownM.lp 1 SoiHh, . Itai.Ke 2! Ecit, WII'.im'M Meridian, has filed notice of Intention lo make Ihree-year pfnof to elalilnh claim to the land above denrrlbed, before . A. ' Water. Clerk of County Court, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of April. r,2fl. Claimant name a wltnefe: Phil IlittRln. of l-na. Oregon; j John Keesan, of Lena. Oregon; frnt i MrCab". of Ina. Oregon; Geo. Vln- , cent, of Lena, Oregon. ' C. 8 Dt'NN, Rfltr I For all the local n1 rounty e I you ahould read tha Herald, or 'y 1100 for a fall ytr. o l, i ( t ome Va ues ' 1 ! E . I i IN D Jants NOTE THE STYLISH CUT, THE PERFECT FIT OF THESE GAR MENTS. EXAMINE THE WEAVE AND TEXTURE, NOTE THE P L EASING PATTERNS. WE HAVE THEM IN STYLE, QUALITY. J AND PRICE TO SUIT EVERY TASTE AND POCKETLOOK. KHAKI PANTS, i sizes $3.50 WOOLEN FABRICS in Plain, Stripes and Checks $4.00 to $8.50 CORDUROYS in Tan and Lrown $7.00 THESE GOODS ARE ALL OF THE FAMOUS NEUSTADTER BROS. BRAND, MADE-IN-OREGON FROM OREGON WOOL. "ORE CON PRODUCTS FOR OREGON PEOPLE." mi ISam Hughes Co. J K il H K 1 :; 1 1 K t -! ! ( A ti