f PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February. 24, 192c. " ...V., !. IV, U IS i MM1 V, 1 '1 , for people who want the Lest. Only the cho'Ycs-t whent curc-i'nllv graded. a n cl thorou:nlv washed is used 'K in ni;i kincr 1' r ' ion;. '( 'ir liking- will prove to yon l lie Inec aO'. ant a '( ;i ,V -iff Ktr.r ran; WW J " KI.V 1.10th hn rifl a '.id rtr.RK.wi km ( llGppner rarmers j)J ,i , L evator lg. h -M4 liiii jal When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us in. A1 11 m 'vi.;'.hV; COSTLY COAT IS IN GREAT FAVOR Heavy Outer Garment Is Distinc tive Article in Season's Wardrobe. J-TJ-r w 7 tx i .... jgSJtSSXfciiBvji 1 We make a i 1 1 always nirdiale scr I f on 1 1 avion- no will 1 '11 r work i faction asid nlar ui- wil ma 1m- it ri-'i specialty of quick repair work, kocp- reatly t ho malm; vice. s and men for itn- new work that yon wish us So iigutv c very glad to submit prices. guaranteed to give you perfect satis il von are not pleased in every partic 1 span- neither time nor money to it. USE FUR, VELVET AND CLOTH Favorite Materials Arc Lovely as Well as Expensive Cape Ar rangements Prominent in Scheme of Evening Wraps. Frocks fire lovely this season hut after a careful study of the season's modes one feels Inclined to say that the coat is the distinctive arti.de in the season's wardrobe coats are so handsome, so varied, so altogether to lie desired, and also in these most de sirable forms so expensive, says a lor.dln;: fashion writer. One can buy a (heap coat, tint un it ss pocl.etbnoi; limitations positively enforce rigid economy, one is not like ly to buy a tin ap eoat. Temptation lo extravagance lurks on every hand, ft is easy f.i be vise v.-iii folly iliws not wen r iiilns-itis tttrtsw ; Imt'lf m wotii 1111 kc'.h Into a coal shop ibis season with more money in her pocket than she intends to sp'-nd, tile chances are that she wil! Invest it all. Cloths, velvets. ,'urs. all of the ma terials for the hij.;h class coats, are both lovely and costly. In addition, the modish coat is one of such ample fullness that It calls for much of that same costly material. There is no dodging high prices with that com bination of expensive material and plenty of It. Variety i-n Cost of Fur Coats. The smart fur coat varies In price with the kind and quality of the fur, but even Hudson seal and caracul mount up If freely used and trimmed with other fur. These are two stand ard furs for the coat of more mod erate price, and, while the seal, which as a matter of fact Is dyed muskrat, is the softer nnd more becoming, caracul stands wear and weather more sturdily. The matter of becom Ingness Is settled by the big collar of lot'.s-halret fm- or contrasting short lialred fur that Is likely to be used upon either the seal or the caracul. Noted recently were remarkably . stuHrt-looUIng coats of caracul dyed In I a bisque or tanlsh shntlo nnd In about I three-quarter length or even shorter. The collars were draped In loose folds fir inside, as one especially noted. In hoodlllce shape at the back. These models wer unquestionably Intended for rather drossy wear. Hut. to return to the subject of cents of exquisite cloths and velvets, so closely allied are these uititei'lats that In some Instances one en Scarce ly tt II whether it Is the cloth or the fur that Is the foundation mcterlal for the wrap. I'spci'ially Is Ibis true with reiMi-il tn the co.its of the more ei pecsive type. I Smart P.1ct;l3 Pictured. One cent, bairl'-euiety trimmed with I'm-, u:.s of vel ill a lieaullfnl dark lirov, n leiie ti:h tiiiiinrltli s of beaver triintniiiu-. The bmly of the AiiiSlier coat, of navy blue velours, rich in texture and with a wonderful bloom in Its soft surface is trimmed with opossum, which gives the effect of chineilla and Is also tremendously effective In contrast with the soft dark blue velvety tones of the cloth. The coat under discussion is made on the simplest of lines and has a large collar and large patch pockets and cuffs of the opossum. There Is a narrow girdle of the material. Velvet Wraps Are Lovely. Velvet coals and capes of this sea son are really lovely, and upon them the designers have lavished their skill and inspiration as well as the hand somest of materials. There Is a great variety of line displayed in these coats I Gentlemen 1 READ THIS AD CARE FULLY Do you realize that to select a Suit that will please you is a rather serious matter which should he given your best at tention? In sickness you will call a spec ialist in the disease that is troubling you. Whv not be equally wise in selecting yourti clothes? Sleppner Tailor and ' Cleariine Shm Tailors are specialists in their line, with 30 years' experience beinnct them. J )o you see 1:1 Domt? Now is the time to sciect your new Spring Suit.' Our new samples will please, you both in qv.a'.'.iy end price; wun 1 is 1. r r arisen Proprietor j I MWMP MM 1 , . ,s, I iMlis1BWKIiast Peoples Hardware Company mm t t 5V Tit fx ; 1 ' ; .".! ''4 I 1- We Keep a Record For You vi o- Mir M i v,ii or iivvim; hu ool M In IIU I M I Itllr I l l: M'.t . I IOV 'I i ol;:l !t i Mil' Hiiil, n' mii: n WK IS oM i lhi Willi ,n j Vi 1 1 t N I' H tile. m;i it tfti IM.i; MM I; l in , s, . Mi. 1 w: , -I ' H lit ot; 1 ui 1 1 'i;ou m v VI II llilo HK VU! I 1,1 I I I W l HI II V i: Ol I', l'.t i. : sIM h. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. j ''1 U , " " ' I- ry ''l w 1 , .-.-' ., 1 . ' . Ml. : ! I 1 ! ! CmI e Nvy Blue Duvttyn Tnmm4 Witi Cpciium. nmt bulll ul.ti iir.isM ilra but Ihifl lti i,Nli.h ellh t h klp T tpl li of th bnirr, blrh fllfn.lr.1 friw ih ltitii to th e4 rffi vt lh twr. A yvxilnftf, mall rvan4 l tu4 fe f Satin Frock Trimmed With Marten Fur and Gold Galloons, and because of the suppleness of the material It may bo manufactured In a variety of ways. Such wraps Invaria bly show a large fur collar and many S ways of introducing fur trimming. ', Often the collar Is so large that It , covers the shoulders like an enormous' j fur cape. Again, there may be a vel j vet collar with wide fur hand trim I mlng. Another new anil effective i model of velvet had n large fur hood i falling down over the hack of the I mantle. The lowi r part of the wrap i was handed by the fur. ! Ail Cclors in Vogue. , All the dark vlvets are used ftir al'ternnen co.-.ts. ltl iek, of cuurse. has tlrst place bei'allse uf its adaptability ; I but ms'.v dark br.miis, Hie dark J greens, grays, prune, dark blue, the castor tones, amber and sulphur yel ; lows utid various shade of reds ap I pear In the ('I'iplay of rftemoou coats. 1 All of these, without eM-epMoii, are 1 fur trimmed -some in diirlt. lung-hain-d fur like si,i:nk or Its cheaper relatives. Itui any and every etfee- ! tivo tjpe of peltry from sable to bea ver Is pressed into service. Amimg the vilvei emit much origi nality In sleeve. as Well us In collars. Is pie-slide. The ilmpped slmiildrr Is j emphasized by lines of fur ami the uleeve wrinkles nifily from elbow to wrist. The collar may be uf velvet mid liini'lcd by fur. Caoe ArrangetrBnU Pcpular, Cape iirniiigi let-in are seen upen siime of the ihle velvet coats, im well UK upon ( loth mu ll N, and enter Into tln ncbeine "f lieiiallftil eveu ng eeat. I'.llt the I'VCIOtrj cent 1 iiiimiIht Hturv. Afteriiiifti capi enatu having wbi leeve or lust a l! elicin ling Mitnl uf fur nettu linn the .lips of the uar Ineiit me mi uf llie ninuriet thlngn tbl eiisoli. A 'li a riiil '1 1; I v ihhI In iif lhl !vp i velveteen. Th it- tttlh etrtil Piii'ib pnrf of li t- 11 1 h'ipcd vuke mtli ui the did. -. Fur Ur;' a T A-i cMri in li , ..I cii-TMCH u e'fu'c .,f t't-.ci'i ti'l itin ir'Mileed net ! -e'l : ' I "f 11 .birk er leie Tie ti'iloe if Mte ii.il tt Hitl er Miii.it' t'i-1. I I'.i'iii ., 1. in. iritie. .1 1 1 !, ii.pi in,) illuming eiai-'' et Oi e.l ( t!.e ,if,it, l. Ttie , long ! t .iMi-r 1 f f 1- '1 1., n td .ll.l ll.c . -I, H I I.llt'..!. I ill !' of ik'mi 1 .,11 fn.i k urtd ult In ntl -i.- oi-- uf n, t vx- eprlill i; in t In p. i . ' ntol Uif rtr ml nitH Imig ti i -t.-l (.od;,-, at the lur mrt and tartntu other ilirtln ne srw tUHdf of It Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family, . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. M McNAMER & SORENSnrJ Pmne m ' a . I ( ! I I il 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 .1 1 (icttU'eU'le rtlfie and tiinile of blue ti ji i.e l liluuiiH "f ti r. The l.nier letai l:e,l in the ri'l!iu. Th"' artn fur trutinicl I.hii.U ah 11 1 "it 1 v 1 rM. 1 mil I it TlJiLJI 4 . to & ri uEE R'T" Thz hifilrest Prices Ever Known IV A NT 't,l NOW AND tlAVSr WB PU TOCCT 'EM l-ai..!...l,.!i;'?:tqi.hvisHA,i COYOTE N9 7. fi htn. t - t ,,, J tmrntng. ! klrt E'Ji I ? ?t t TrS 5 ro 1 1 f4 if c I o to Mlium root "'" ""fr 'W1 7;-o s;,it3 s ca ttnta itw Silk 4 Wol Imb'tidfy. ftllh iiii'1 'l rtiibrolilrry H IiMj fMturN In th hew tm iiiih!! Bt trtf. arwr.lln and trtcntln. U-b Hraid alio I ralird 0(mq f lit Mi ihr lhor!lon of (hit proldry, hkh mmttlji g mrrl4 mi la WJ dMiffl ihtt rkt p tck If tlravtltviy. Dl.li.if, Shott Jio,i4 pifniri:-rf'rt.Ti.s-- a 4 :..jtai::i iyta im 3 73 It 3". pt9 6 Ti S Mta iiO 6Jte 33 5.6 jo 5 ita 4ii OH 2.00 1 mown MlwHr KT liberal pi,j. i . . " " wru- Rent N , J N 4 ."d W.W 'r !u Ship yof Fur noih i. 2,v2f 'lhim "" SUIP BTORJlVREISNlftILL MAE YOU HAPPY 5UIP TOD.VY AND bttP 'EM COMING FAST A.B.SHUBERT; AMERICAN RAW FURS