Tuesday, February 17. 1920. PAGE EIGHT rniriL' to Ioac foi l.-rch li I ()( II. M S I S THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON in i' "I, .t. c., i. .li.:;- ii'.v ..v.- u. I ' .1 i3le.on . !'-i c. ;.' ; 'iooii. V. A. ;.!( .l.-aixnin .. nt to -:iv:;.ni" last i.itiht I'ul I.u.-ii;" -k. (; V.. ,iilii'il!..iii. P'l.s.fiar.l Oil rt 1 it il.i - cr, wilt tu I'lii'taitl'l TIiui siiti un liu.'iii'-rs Dr. and Mrs. I!. V. liutlcr spent, the weei; end with friends on Roil; !!;, near J 'rank Monahati, who has been seriously ill for some time, is reported much improved. l'ASIHOV Alii K DltKSSM AKI V I KeiiiuilelinM und Ladies Tailoring. Mir. Ctirrun. Church Street. 37-tf .Mi. and .Mrs. San 11. Van Yarfor (-pent Lincoln Day visit inn the1! larin ! on upper Willow creek. VA Itup'K. prominent lariner of ihe1 Hliea ei eelc i" Lion, a business visitor in I ! 1 ppn.er Satm day. HAV'ri.ll K'sprrtabh: woman as' housekeeper and cook on Sinai! ranch. Call or add iv: s Ibis office. III!' .1. V. Oshoi nc, a well snow i citi-.i-n ol t i ! i Ceeil erninlry, was a bit-i-jj'-f-s visitor in lleppiier vesinday. .l. .1. I'lapp, one ol' Ihe efficient (dips id' leaeln is of Cue lone puldic I'choiils. was a visitor in lli-ppniv Sat urday. Frank IhU'lo'S, who has been in Wyomii.:: lor iiiniv than a year, has rel 111 ncd hi 1 1 eppner I oi' a short isi I with friends. N. K. I.av.son, who has been in (I u a i a a I i I) for some time on account of small pox. is out auain and says t.e is ulitd of it. I'ercy Claud Cox and family havi' lefi for Western Drcfioii ami wii! en j:.'if;,o in the dairy business in the Silelz river section. Dr. Ileal) reports- (ho arrival of (wins, a boy tt nil u t;irl, Ht the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Frank I.ieuallen, on liliea creek last Thursday. VATIH About i dozen pine bred White l.ethoni puUets. Must be pure-bred, ol f;oud strain. Mis. Viola Carler. Illl-I'po Mrs. nillls t'lc, who with her hus band and children icsid.d on Rhea creek, Is reported to have died fiiis mornini; as a lesult of Influenza. Other members of Un- family are re ported seriously ill. W. II. Cioiik expected to e;.,. il i I'lornliu; lor lioise, Idaho, where be 1 1 -- lie.; dl-e . ne.U fall . p, i .;i : , ocipal of the I.e. ii sr. oi j.uiilie s.-iiiHil... was here Satoiday aiteiKlln:; a iiieei.int; of the school principals of tin- county. Jul: Wells v.a: off duty a few days last, week on account of troinp out to his bee hives one warm after noon to '-er il tl'.e busy liltle bees w i e working 'I hey were. l-'Oi; SA I dv- Fifteen head of good i eL'i.- lei ed Jacks. Will take mule oils I roin these Jacks at, $100 each in part or lull payment for these Jack.-. I!. F. SWAGGAKT, Lexing ton, Oregon. 4 1 If. "Happy" Hayes returned from Portland Saturday evening where he has been attending the high school of commerce since September. He will remain here for a lew months before re.- urn ini; iiis st udies. KOI;. S.M.F - Or will trade for house and lot or a vacant lot in Heppner or lor an a ill omobile, ICO acus of good ,i..-,ii land willi J 20 iii'juinins.' that an be liomelcadeil. Sett F. K. Hi. p. ,i. itoneiis l.nihhn?, for p;.i t u- !iiux. 41-12 .1. W. Morrow, who inosl old time Heppnerhi s slil! call "Hilly," was out from Portland for a few days last uee'i; lookiu;; in'ler business affairs and Li'-etiie' hi-; nume'ous friends. Mr. Morrow uitial h.i ii native of Hepp iier, at least he is a. son of "I'ncle .lack" Moriow, for wviom the county as named and v. ho was for many j r:i ir. one of Ihe county's leading citizen.-.-. c r.. si'i;:;!iY m io.sk wii.i, 1:1 i i: sm:i;i! i'' C. Ii .Spot ry, pioneer of Ihe lone section, and one of the leading busi-ne.-s nu n of thai city, has announced his candidacy lor Hie office of sheriff of Morrow county and will seek nomi nation on the democratic ticket. Mr. Spcrry is eugnKcil in the urain busi ness at lone and the farmers down t'.iat way are boosting for him strong which would indicate that he has t rea led t hein pi el ty good. In a letier !o the Herald received last evening in which Mr. Sporry an iiour.ios his candidacy he says: "If 1 am iioinin it.'d and elected 1 Will c 1 1 i i n ! v t n I oi ( e Ihe laws to the vei v toes to atiend a convention of the ,. si ot m y abilil ." which is about a 11 Western Retail 1. umber Healer's as- ;un uu.ii cm do. Further announce- Mieialion as one o, Ihe t i.i-esotila- meiil ef llr. Spcny's candidacy will lives of the Tuiu-a l.inn l.iimbi r Co. appear later. f iWk ' iN SP1TV OF THE CONTINUALLY RISING COSTS OF Yv': Vifcr FT EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE WE ARE ENABLED VSa ' T 0FFER THIS WEEK AN EXCEPTIONALLY AT- Xp . TRACTIVE LINE OF fim Rne Voile . 00 I i in' Come early while the assortment is good and buy several. You will not have another opportunity like this. These Blouses are much cheaper than you can make Another table full of remnants and other bargains. Do Not Miss These Bargains Mi mor Company Kead the Heiaid, only $2.01) a year. I i , 1 Judge F. H. Uohinson, Frank Kn Jack Hynd came ui) from Cecil on Slar Theatre ;.i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th CONSTANCE TALMAGE IN Up the Road With Sallie FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20th l'.ni.iil Ti-:u'lu'r I'mrain. -o-.V riciuri. Soiis. Drill, KiTitniimix SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21st r.iniH Tiailni' Malim-v -V.V I'- M ice anil soc SATURDAY EVEN.. FEB. 21st CHARLEY CHAPLIN In otic of his late bin pictures "SUNNYSIDE" ISTKI.I.1K TALBOT in "Tfie Price of Innocence" -i 1 v i a v. i r A 1 'Y .-.'i DOl.OTHY IMIII.l.U'Sin The Right to Happiness" ' :'. I ' I ' ' I ' . . I ' I V . ' . I 'I ..11,1'. MONDAY, FKBKUAKY :y Lvceum..'4OLDFASHIONED GIRLS" r m I : II V 49 I '.Il NATlOOb I.ee t'oiierihaver, of Seatile, was here a tew days last week attending the funeral of bin sister, Mrs. Mutt T. iKeliuan, Charlie ,erry, K. K. J! iller ; Wednesday to helji iniilte lii brother, und a lew more representatives of Pave, an Kilt. As he had about lull loin's society swell", wire in Hipp "i In i inei-bers of the antlered t ribe Hughes. .i r. ( dpenha ver retui ned t o ner last V dneday evi'iiini; utleii'l- r.sist wi'li the c"reir,onies the lob i Seattle Sundav. He Ik enesicntl In i-n J i -M Kll;'n I' d -. . amy be -aid to i.f.e been well done. vesluui ant business In that city. 1 i ! " mi ii 'ii! !'!! I 1 1 ,V I', i . ''. I i! ,1 Illltl.tU' ' i i . ,. ! w :,.,. , ... 1 , ,it..l I ' .: 1 ,tt I ui. .. t . 1 .:, 1' 1 1 !u n t . 0 . 11, 1 ...-, t . i ' 1 .!,; ti i!.i . 1 K 1 .. 1 c 1 - '..i 1 i.I im 'M 1 ! I'M -nt i - ti 1 im 1 w 'ui It t li i tt . '.! i.'.n v.ti - l. V I ! ' II " I 1 11' v - ill," COMING. FEBRUARY -Ml.. "BACK TO COD'S COUNTRY" DO YOUR TIRES NEED ATTENTION? HAVE YOUR TIRES AND, TUBES RECEIVED INJURIES THAT SHOULD BE ATTENDED TO? Maybe ibat left ironl tiro lias a break in t lie fabric and you are looking for il In blow mil a perfectly good tube any day. or maybe that right rear lire ha a hud ml in the rubber which is allowing 1 lie mud and water to ml the fabric or cord. WHY NOT HAVE THOSE INJURIES ATTENDED TO WHILE YOUR CAR IS IDLE? TIRES (C6rds or Fabrics) TUBES VULCANIZED YOUR WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. CALL MAIN 8;:. ALL WORK LEAVING THIS SHOP IS FULLY GUARANTEED Stephen M. Irwin BATES STIFLES Authorized Service 'station VULCANIZING OILMAN BUILDING HEPPNER. OREGON ei I i