PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February 17, 1920. HUNGER KNOWS Poster Tells Dramatic Story helps Grocery Co. IN CAUCASUS Coionel Haskell Reports to Near East Relief on Desperate Needs of Helpless. 4 K'h 'f-wejrV "1 iff "0lit,sS( ? 15 t to 'S4 sh. t Al "V ? I 5 cr,, V if fa s Ik ;;t v,jJ Ms 5f 1 r "Peace nr.iy come elsewhere In Hie worlij, Imt hunger knows no arniisoii'e In the Near East," says Colonol Wil liam S. FIus!;oll, Allied high eommls sion in the Trans-Caucasus, In an ap peal to Near Kast Relief, 1 MaMison avenue, New York city, for food and supplies fur the relief of the starving millions. Colonel Haskell Is in charge of al! operations and disbursements of Near Kast Relief in the Caucasus. "There Is no fuel or shelter for the greater purl of them during the teiri- mi i Tills picture, palmed especially for the Near Kasi llellpf hy M. Ione l'.rnclier, vividly portrays what words fail to express the horrlhle Buffering of the women and children of Armenia anil ud.laceni countries. I'eace haf hlesscd Kurope and America for more than a year hut In Western Asia con dli.hins more frightful than any war tlmo experiences of the martyred popu lathum of Kelt'ltim and fc'rutice still exist. Thousands of women and children escuped massacre hy the Turkish soldiers only to face the terrible aconles of death hy starvation. At the present time It Is estlmaied that 1.2.")0.0IX) adults ami fully 2.VUXI0 orphaned children are completely destitute and In Imminent dainjer of death hy starvation and exposure. The Near Kast Kellef, 1 Madison Avenue, Now York, ls at present the only oiKanl.nilon giving aid to theso aufTerlnn people and lack of funds still prevents the reaching of more than a small part of the stricken people. .HI'.K'AI.I) WANT ADS OI-.T THK 15KST KKSUJ.TS. fey 1 Pi III BUYING YOUR GROCERY NEEDS HERE BRINGS MORE THAN A MONETARY SAVING. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must measure up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. evaporate COLONEL HASKELL. ble winter In the mountains," lie says, "and the existing food supply Is entire ly Inadequate for the greut number of refugees without resources of any kind. "By a recent agreement between the premiers of the republics of Armenia, A.erhaiiljan and Georgia to cease hos tilities and settle all differences by arbitration one obstacle to relief work tn the Caucasus has been removed and makes accessible a great number of destitute people who otherwise would il This week we are featuring as fine a line of Dried and Kvaporated 1'ruits as has ever been offered in Heppner. At this time these Fruits are seasonable, at all times they are nutritious and appetiz ing and in these days of high costs they arc economical. Cur line of Kvaporated Fruits include the following: PEACHES APPLES PRUNES PEARS RAISINS FIGS APRICOTS Look In Our Show Windows helps Grocery Co. SB til III 11 SB I .7 1 I I.' XI I . m w ma It t' I 1 1 l .oome values SI V f i S&nrtX I1 rr note the stylish ! k W$ l.A PfftV CUT, THE PERFECT ij ' ' mi I ?4 P'l FIT OF THESE GAR U i . J.4 '! $ MENTS. EXAMINE -j Jj 1 V M TI1E WEAVE AND ' i..v.A. , I , i ' NOTE THE STYLISH CUT, THE PERFECT FIT OF THESE GAR MENTS. EXAMINE THE WEAVE AND TEXTURE. NOTE T H E PLEASING PATTERNS. WE HAVE 'I HEM IN STYLE. QUALITY. AND PRICK 70 SUIT EVEKY TASTE AND POCKKTliOOK. UMtUJDHkl perish this winter. "Two hundred thousand destitute Armenians and Tartars can now he reached la the districts of Karahah, I Shusha and Nakhichevan, In the south- ! east section of the Truns-Cuucasus, and we nre planning to extend our work there. The economic situation Is so desperate and food supplies so scanty that the !"ori;lans have ordered 100,- I 0V persons, mainly Hussian refugees without employment, to leave the city 1 of TIHIs. About 4r,IW0 workers In the t oil flelil of Baku have heen ordered by the Azerbaldlahese to leave the city because there is no work for them and food Is scarce. Around every station alone the rail -way ar gathered groups of hundreds of Ikiiii 'less people lying huddled to oa tli ground, the majority of them too weak even to try to help theuisclvct. Krom time to time the slrotiK'ir ones climb on freight cars and move elsewhere, always seeking hatter condlhous. which do not exist. Two hmidr-d and sixty-three thousand hoiiiehM- refugees from Turkish Arme tii i Him are constantly milling about Ihroiuhont Itusslan Armenia, mak ing tin? reiii'f work conducted hy the Atie'i e ii a probl'-tn requiring liilinite i .... ...... .i.... ni.o:,.- .it-il linn'. "in;. i " This !s ep- l.i!l.v true In view of , tl;e e'lril of Jl.'t'l" di'i"!ll'e 111- j , I' I 'll i,i' of !!! ,iii Artii.'tihi ho pi's i J sc-- ! mm b'lt no fMd, a ucll n i p, . i;, I.'i-. ii". l'cri:ins ! S. , i ,4 and c.-'!! who luie lio-n I cl ri v .I'll i' :mr' of Tninsi aui'iis ii Gentlemen READ THIS AD CARE FULLY Do you realize that to select a Suit that will please you is a rather serious matter which should be given your best attention? I n will call a speo i ialist in the disease that is troubling you.; Why not be ') equally wise in selecting your f clothes? heppner Tailor and Cleaning Shop Ft Tailors are specialists in their V line, with 30 years' experience behind them. Do you see the ; point? t Now is the time to select your M new Snriu Suit. Our neu samples will please you both in l';ality and price. KIL:;i PAN IS. all sios $3.iS0 WOOLEN 1 APKICS in Pl.iin. Snipes and Checks $4 .00 to S3. 50 COkDUKOYS in T.m and P.iown $7.00 THESE GOODS ARE ALL OF THE FAMOUS NEUSTADTEK HUOS. I5KAND. MADE-1N-OREGON FROM OREGON WOOL. "ORE GON PRODUCTS FOR OREGON PEOPLE." Sam Hugh Co, 1 Mm 1: "I nil I forty t', 01 .i:ir tn.i,'. m. s i'iii.-f v..'ii d''-::'o I IM "11 1,1 line ,,r ! ' nf cm' i in- nr. 'a re. ar- I -', .; .-ti. .impel III tli- I'l.'ii ! .: ! of tlieii f. inner " it , l".'i.iii tn 'I n 1" i inn I I it:tti(iie of t! i i r, t " h P'i drf l.i ll llhtHioii f ti.ilir:!i' nn'ii'. 'I li.-se hundred of thiii it.iU of anf ferni4 u l'i'ls. niotlly hoiiiel and la. k Hi eer t iity of life, havlnt nothing mure t In.-, are conceterate t In n country n )et Inad'Huaielv mi pivd or S'"med They commute a fertile field for the ee.U of e vUtn or anv f.ii m of anarchy, tl.e presil of whl 'h once looc I would he to predict. "It l ticra'.ly adinltte1 la the I'sn emm f'nt the Anierlcans nf ttie ... r K.i'' l! 'l "f slnndy hae acd Hi. Iles of at lest Mi"i hslil.-. and i hil. G. Franzen Proprietor r D IV ho Gets Soaked T dref sii-l of .'.(' s lult h'( ui sr. I leuMfite This work still U cuti ii. In.'" In sn effort p-Kiire f in.U . ra. r n th rk and save the live or ihr hundrMU of tli.inn t who mli 01 die of ' snd et MMin Nef Kl Hellef of til.l IteveUul II. t"le Is tre.i(rer. Is nsklu4 as aupssj U tiie Amrt sa p (.Ml 5T JUtf V i Hir mew v. B ! :;r-,'r3 Q 'I