THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MORROW COUNTY Tuesday, February 17, 1Q20. t ix ir. xkws Mrs. A. C. Lowe of the Highway House, spent Sunday in Arlington. H. E. Duncan of Busv Bee ranch. I was a business man in Cecil on Tues i dav. Miss Helen Wallace of the Willow was a visitor in Cecil Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller of! Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson and Highview, made a triu to Arlinetnn family ol Kwinc Wt nn TnnsHar fnr ! their new ranch which thev have V V V V V V V V liOAKDM.W :VS J. .!. J. J. !. Post were Thursdav Claude E. Murray left on Sunday for lone where he Intends to work for some time. Mrs. Phil Brady and Mrs. Fred Houseman were calling on Cecil friends Sunday. Willie Georze Wilson of TSuttei by Fi ts, is sijendins a few days with hi? parents in Heppner. I.. L. mton. J. Phelps, Geo ami 0. Farntwnrth of Cecil. calieis in Arlington Friday. Messrs. J. Ware and J. Whim of Baker, were business callers around Cecil Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Nash arrived from Pen dleron on Thursday and is visiting with her son, John, at twins. Mrs. J. Fenwick of lone, has been spending the past week with 'her brother, Clarence Winter, at Shady Dei!. Koy Stender accompanied by Miss Juanita Crabtree, of Dotheboys Hill, were looking up their friend" here on Sunday. David Hynd of Rose Lawn, Sand Hollow, spent the week end visiting his brother. "The Mayor" of Cecil, at liiuierby Flats. Fo",r cars load of sheep belonging to V. Mattiock were shipped in from Heppner on Friday. W. E. will re side at the Dove Cot. recently bought at Boardman. Miss M. H. Lowe of the Highway House, left on Sunday for Portland where she will resume her studies at Washington high school. Judge Campbell, W. L. McCaleb, county roadniaster, Oscar Minor and .'-evcral other gentlemen from Henn- ner were looking ovei the Cecil scenic highway on Friday. M'-. and Mrs. Winfon Jefferson and son. who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes of Poplar Grove, left on Saturday morning for Avt, Missouri. Mr. Jefferson has pur chased a ranch at Ava and iviU :;.! there for the future. A. Henriksen of Willow creel; ranch lias been a busy man at the county seat during the week boosting for a bigger and better county fair. Cecil ; will strive to be second to none with such a prominent and energetic rnem- .)( r to represent her interests at the fair board meeting. The sympathies of Cecil community are extended to Ralph Winter on the death of liis wife. Mis. Winter had only been ill a few days when pneu monia set in. Her death came as a great shock to her many friends. A husband and two small children are left to mourn her loss. The interment Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove, ; took place in lone cemetery on Friday left ou the local for lone on Friday i when a luree circle of Irionth paid where she will assist Mrs. Ellis Minor i their last tribute to a dear departed durinz the busy season. 'friend. Dance! Dance! Fair Pavilion Dance! Saturday Evening, Feb. 21 MUSIC BY FLETCHER'S JAZZ ORCHESTRA OF PENDLETON Tickets $1.50 Spectators 25c 3 The seventh and eighth grade pu pils are working out a plan for the cendary school garden and later will carry out the plan. The constructors expect to have the building completed by Saturday night and we hope to get the school together all in one place in another week at least. Enrollment cards have .iust gone forward to O. A. C. for the Industrial Club work. Th"re will be a standard club m Poultry It, sewing 1, hewing II. Pig I. besides individual work in simip, corn' onions. Pig II. Work on tile athieiic grounds is progressing slowly. The boys turned oat several hours to assist in the woik. A running track and base ball diamonl will he first constructed. The beys of i'ne hich school are also working on the construction of a ce ment roller to pack the ground and mil in fae pebbles tuat are some what prevalent. The Boardman schools are develop ing a base ball team composed of pu pils of the seventh and eighth grades and the high school boys-. They will be ready lor some games with near by schools who have teams of equal c .liber, alter awhile. A regular ath i"tic period for all pupils has now been established using the last period in the day. Training is beginning for "he field meet to be held at Lexington in June. The declamation work will als' be given attention, some work o1' that kind having already been be gan. Cramer & Co.'s general merchan dise store was the scene of consider able excitement about 1 o'clock this morning when an alarm of fire was sounded and flames were discovered under the rear of the building in the vicinity of the oil tank. Mrs. Cramer was awakened by the smoke and flames pouring up into their sleeping apartment Which is in the rear of the store. There being no fire protec tion of any kind in the community the alarm was sounded by firing of several shots from a revolver and yelling "fire," "fire," in the good old fashioned way. A crowd quickly gathered and a bucket brigade was formed, and after some Rtrenunus work th danger of a severe cpnflag- ration was averted. The loss was nominal and covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown, but from Hi location it might be either spontaneous combustiono or of in- origin. ship Two (2) North, Range Twenty- ; said certificates of delinquency, res- (From another correspondent) Mr. Allen was here last week look ing for a location. Mrs. Harter is a business visitor in Boardman this week. A. L. Larson made another busi ness i rip tn In igon last Saturday. Mr. Villars is visiting at the home of hi- d;niaater. Mrs. Glen Itrown. A .lance was given Saturday eight aftci the show by the Yager boys. Mrs. J. J.Gorham left Monday tr visit relatives in New '1 mouth. Idaho. Mi-. Chas. lliatt and children ai here ''tis wee'K visiting her sister. Mrs. Royal Ranks. Mr. and .Mrs. Sylvester Atto'lHirv went le Pendleton Sunday. Mr. At terbury is going to have his loot op erated on. The Yager show company, repre senting the Clifton Drug company. gave a show here Saturday night. II contained many amusing things. At the end of which a 27-piece set of silverware was awarded to Mrs. Ella P.layden for being the most popular lady in town. Al'i'l.K ATIOS IOK .11 UG.MENT I OKI I OMNG TAX I.IKXm nOur New Location I wish to announce to the Morrow County public in general and to all Ford owners in particular that I have leased the Oregon Garage on Main Street and am now better prepared than ever to give you FORD SERVICE Let a Fordson Tractor Do Your Farming Work Buy a FORD CAR Now To make Mire i.f fitting :t Ford car. luy one nmv. I n"i wait until pring. Iiiit hiiv now while 'i''ln rrie are I ,u n t t inutuh i, an uncertainty. The tutmher of Ford cars allotted t" this territory - limited and - pec i inI. i ti to get our allot l im nt we - I h a e ri ;d I ';''' nr!iT for car-. Ju t -o main car allotted to u. ni-t t.i.iiiv v. il! t i ar ; ill on l.c one of t ii in Tin... H. f t :! i order their .; !,. will '.. :.' tiny ' :,i;'U 1. -n t . r.r n an - i d i I'-da;, . I t t 'nk on f.-iH'v 1 r. il ti ; ! V'rl i ' ! : i !';-;.!. i - ' t ;. i '' t ' u.-.t m t-j. ' . -; : ' i ' -n ' .. ( .... , ;..; I,;.: . - ... ' - diM II J i .ii r ' ,' i : r, t I ! tote - .. -. ti,.- I '. d In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Morrow County, Oregon, a Public Corporation, Plaintiff. VS. Y. C. liecktell. M. B. Kvans, K. J. Keller. Archer Rice, Y. II. Macom ber, The Parvin Company, a cor poration. George K. (iuiggle, H. C. llobertsou, G. I. Robinson, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wirkline, and Asa L. Young, and any other per son or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to hare any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. Summons of Notice To W. C. Becktell, M. B. Kvans. V. Macomber. The Parvin Company, a corporation, George. K. Quggle, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shrpardson, Oliff Sliepardsoo, E. A. Wirkline and Asa V. ,Voung, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to 'have, aay Interest or estate in or to the real ! property hereinafter described, De-1 tendants: ! IN THE NAME OK THE STATE ' OK OKEGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, a Public Corpora-! tion, is the purchaser, owner ami I holder of certificates of delinquency Numbered fii;, 62a. 64. 65S. 6f.O. 661. 662. 7r, and 676. Numbers 612 I and 62ri theii'of belnc Issued on tin-' 19th day of May. ftr,, and Numbers 641. 6Z?,. ft, 6fil. 662. 673 and 676 ' thereof being Issued on the 20th day of May, 1115, by the Slieriff and Col- j lector of TVIltinticnt Taxes for Mor-1 row County. Oregon, and filed by i said Khetif! and Collector of Delin quent T:i"s in the ofilce ol the' County Cb i k of Mot row County, file gon, on I lie date of lUiincc theieof, respectively, lot taxes d'ie an.l de linquent, toiftlier with penally, in terest and costs thereon, upon real properly" lit Morrow Count). Or g Voll if- lillth'f linliliid that tin tll.riimt lot wllili i ortttli m 'ssuei! 4 i . t i.ppn-,1.. ir l t .lh v, tug the Aif i ft inn if (he Oa. ( m .,nii it jnd I ; i in.. ! I. r m I nut, tn- t.fuo tielll l!t' ri.i.ti I.t I'ftl d- e tin.! d HnqUi'iM, lot ;i. lax. , .ir llir v...r 1 2 I , lofco c. r i. o, ,,, i, jlld 'ml I , : "It, '::"' three (23) East of Willamette Me dian, $2."0. Certificate No. 6a3 The Parvin Com pany, a corporation, and the Parvin Company, a corporation, and George E. Quiggle, South half of the North east quarter (S NE'.4), and South half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (S Mi SE'i XYVVi) ol Section Sixteen (16), Township Three (3) North, Kange Twentv-six (26) East of Willamette Meridian, $4.40. Certificate No. 660. Iva (.!. Sell- wood anil Iva G. Sellwood. lots- 1 and 2. block 4 of, ilte town of Castle Kock, Oregon. $0.8 5. Certificate No. 661, Otis Shepard son and Otis Shepardson, North half of Northeast quarter (NU NKVj). Southeast quarter of Northeast quar ter (SEVt NEi4 ). and Northeast quarter of Southeast quatter (NE1,! SK'i). Section Nine (0), Township Six (6) South, Kange Twenty-eight (2S) East of Willamette Meridian. $12. Ou. Certificate No. 662, Oliff Shepard son and Oliff Shepardson, .North half ol Northwest quarter (N"i.. NWV, ), Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter (SWV, NWVi ). and North west quarter of Southwest quarter (XWK SWV,). Section Ten (10), Township Six (6) South, Kange twenly-eiglit (2S) East of Willam etie Meridian, $12.!I0. Certificate No. 673, E. A. Wick line and E. A. Wickline, West half of West half of Southwest quarter of j Southeast quarter (WVj W 2 SWVi SEVi), and West half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter (W'4 SW Vi NW'4 SE'i), of Section Seventeen (17), Towns'hip Three (3) North, Kange twenty-four (24) East of Willamette .Meridian, $1.0S. Certificate No. 676, Asa L. Young and Asa 1. Young, all of Section Six teen (16), Township Six (6) South, Kange Twenty-svven (27) East of Willamette Meridian; all of Sec tion Sixteen ( 16). Township Six (6) South, Kange Twenty-eight (28) East of Willamette Meridian; and all of Section Sixteen (16), Township six (6) South, Kange Twenty-nine (2!)) East of Willamette Meridian, $146.95.' The said amounts bear interest as follows: The taxi's aforesaid bear In terest from the date of the filing of pectively, at the rate of 1 5 per cent, per annum until paid, the dates of filing of said certificates of delin quency being the dates hereinbefore. set forth. And 3 ou and each of you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publi cation of this summons, exclusive of the day of first publication thereof, to-wit: February 17, 1 f 2 0 , and de fend this suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown., above against, said tracts or parcels of land, respectively, above described, of which you are the owner, or itr which you have, or claim to have. any intonst. or estate, together with, interest anil costs accrued in this suit, thereon. Service of a copy of your answer or ether process may be niado upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified be low as his address, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of you, foreclosing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the description of said tract or parcel of land above set forth, to gether with interest and costs there on, against said tracts or parcels of land and said tracts or parcels- of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are hereby further notified that the plaintiff will apply to tho Circuit Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreclosing said tax liens against saitl property,, hereinbefore described. This summons is published once each week for sixty consecutive days in the Heppner Herald, a newspaper ol" general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date, of first publication thereof being Febru ary 17, 1320, said publication being; made in pursuance of an order there for made by the Honorablo Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, said order having been ntude and entered on tho 6th. day of February, 1920. MOKROW COUNTY. STATE OK OREGON. By Samuel B. Notson. District At torney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for riaintlff; whom, address Is Heppner, Oregon. 42-61 i n or l it' it ! To Our Friends and Customers We export to move into our new Imildinp on or about Feliruary I. 10,20, where wc will he pleased to give one arid all a most cordial welcome. Our new store will c the most modern and com modious in eaMorn Oregon and we will take much pride and pleasure in .showing you through it when you call. YOURS FOR 1920 BEING THE BEST YEAR HEPPNER HAS EVER KNOWN Gilliam & Bisbee .1 p. ..I Hill.' Mel m 1 1 .... , 1 .... ' ,.. 1', 1 1.. 1 ,11 . 1.. WE HAVE ONE FORI) SEDAN FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Chas. H. Latourell AUTHORIZED DEALER IlEPPNER M'"1111 Street OREGON (I'i.rt:H:l; Orrg-n Unragc) OUR FORI) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES STOCK IS COMPLETE Insist on Genuine Ford Parts !n r-'i t !,.. . t 1 11 " it.) I I 1 in IT" . c 1, ,. 1 . t, . , ti W ' 1 . . i ,.,., . 1 , . t t -i n . . ' . f ; . . " : . ) V.'tr I 1 . . ( , I p.f .t ,t;.i . it. M. 1 1. I , 1 if 1. v. .v. M i t ... tvt M I! . r.. !.., I,.!. I . Of t h I M f ' - . I r I . . , 1 I 'I , I . n (,. . . I I V M m-l V. II Me . . ; ..- .. 'iO. 1 .(,.. 1 , v. 1, , 1 0'ri T r. . -.r :?! T'n Buy Wheat Land and Prosper I I . . : . i 11 I ' 1 1 . 1 . . ,. .1 at;. : ' o ; !.';.:!.- t.. . ' . 1 . . ' . t! ;.!' f.t '. .'.'..A i.t!.. ',' 1. '., l.i:y and t t m' y '..r 'iimi-i.t f.c'. !!;: liasy Terms and Pair Treatment E. M . SHUTT The Rfdl I stole M.111 Up stjits in Court House Li.