i""m WW PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February 17, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD VAl:I; TO IXCOMK TAX PAY- iJ'h S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner. Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter TiiltMS OK sritSCKIPTlOV One Year ...J2.00 Six Months Three Months $ .59 .J1.00 SWAT THK SOIIKKKI'S Farm J'.uicu'i Squiirel Poison, J 6c Ijcr.i. i'iji' t ij non-Members, a '.' i.'ut. Munow I'oun'y 1 :n liureau Is it ;:: h-r I In- round inirri'ls t the : M .-vrnln. rr.:i:iiHM. tin-el inf.' it 11.' 'iit' 1! it" j I n I h" cuin.,i iun ! I i'iii:lsry -1 mill m 11 i . il . I . :,(!'.-; ' . ; :i 1 I 1; ti l i ;tlli! n s- 1 -c.-is- i: y, 1 : i i : ,n .- .-.n t , ,i i i h.-i m! I i 1 n ' iii as, 'I tie- pr:-i ; if-v- ! t ; . 'j. ii n r. !nv ; on hi I'll i ki red. I '!,;!'' i law it is K'-ll- 'ail;, under.. ..: liiat every nun ran . ' i.' ' ia' ruin;. i ! !'"t I ) tii::.in hi.' o v. :'i - 1 11 i t ' Is 111' p;'y I' ll' tin- job i! done ';',!"'!' "';-!-, I' ',.-, hoped l!iH! iiii: ill put ii.'vi- to ! resorted to and in ur cvpc'i !:"!! liuisni; tlie past lew ion.! s wim Morrow eoun'y fa mi err ' r. I!, nk ;ii.'! them i; no need lo' , ppio en I inn. I'nfHjn yur niuirrcls ;.ny way you loir; u your own jildK lenl; u ii yt liiri to net dead squirrels. : or i .i" run v"tiii ore of i he l a i merf . nd In insii!" a pei- r.n Unit may hi oimht rheapty and will be el feet ive, ' -i'i I a i in hiirea u lias pi epa; ed a . :iT'. a.'nouiil ol poison oats on a for mla prepare'! In Hie Bioioii-al -Hives', who have had nveral i"ir:, tui.'y and oxporion''". Til" money ir I' .- piii'rli'i;,!' and prepa ral inn ol In., poi-on i' provided by tiie "icni eir.liip fundi ol the Monow County 'aim Bureau, and all number:; vie be cuiiled in receive (Ion poison at (' ci nl.s per ijuart, and non-tueni-' "-iH will he charged additional 'I "ii(s per i usi it . tnnkiiu; 20 cents ai r ,i i n I for nun -in embers. Anyone Vim is net a member is entitled to .leinliership on signing the applica ;iou blank anil paying the initial Membership tVe. This poison oats is preferable to the poison wheat be i'iiue each kermil of oats containB noiu;h strychnine on the hull to an- iihili;ite Mr. Squirrels, It will not ' iardnu and will not deteorate from 'ear to year, that Is one advantage al this particular formula. In some . oiinlies lucre are farmers who do not poison, the squirrels on their own land. They raise squirrels that KO over and feed on their neighbors. We real i .e that there are none of the old renins in .Morrow county who have bc n '-'nilty ol' anything li!;e this, but watrh any of t!i new comers to see that none o! them -i-t the habit or in in this- b.:bit in iri:n the out' ide. 'e n'! c.r" t'i have tiiis inaorula. "i' to ' ii '' pla'e in Mnriuw cum"..-. v'ui i'. :il in- aMe to t"' yo'ir s-tiii : Kt tfi- "Utity uxetit'i I y'liir lorai ex"( :n'.v i n :i leei' i-n. We wuiiM ap very n.r.efe if vou to I ins the amount you an i-egniiv; We will endtavoi i a -.u oil supply but we can't In keep an amount on ham! n "ei eve: j body's demand ai on as v. e haven't sufficient frml lo (!u the job. We have to keep the money nioviii:,'. liut. if you will give us a f-w days notice we will furnish any quantity u;i to 1.1 tons at this pi ice. p'esoll ,ii ( ; I .re or , deti! m, an lir.'-iat.. il jih isi likely ill i li Ii IN Al.li oltMA Caii'iirn an uji at tile o r ( 'oniiert icut clock. ; hu.t lis Ciiieaiio suspen'ters to De troit o.eral!:.; washes his face with Cincinnati ,-oa;. in a I'ensylvania bas in: wipe- on a ii noile Island towel; sits uii lo a (,;ai.d Rapids table; eats Kau.-,as City '.seat and .Minneapolis flour w ii h Idaho potatoes cooked with Indiana lard on a Si. Louis stove burniiiK Wyoming coal; puts a New- York bridle on a Colorailo bronco fed with Iowa corn; plows five acres of land (covered with Ohio mortgages) with a Chattanooga plow. When bed time comes he reads a chanter from Ihe iiible printed in Ronton; says a praer written in .lerusr leni ; crawls under a blanket made In New Jersey, only to be kept awake by his liens -file only home product of his own state. San Francisco Chronicle. For all the local and county news you should r"ad the Herald, only $2.00 for a full year. Collector Millon A. Miller gives out the following information: A word of warning to income tax payers is contained in a statement liven out today by Internal Revenue Collector Milton A. Miller, who points out that returns must show all items of taxable income for 1919. Gu?ss.vork, estimates, and other hit-or-miss tactics are barred when a person is naking out his income tax return. Accuracy and completeness must oe insisted upon. And remem ber, tiie return is a sworn statement; as su. h, it .nust be thorough and ac curate. Salaried persons and wage-earners must noi coiii ne their returns to fisr n'es show-ins a ear's pay at so min-h i day or so much a week. The actual unotiar drswn should he asrerta i:. "nil -" orteil. Overtime bcru.-.es, ; s', lares in the pi oi its of a business. .-sue of quai-it;.-; and board l'uuiish-i d by employer, and a number of nh.er it. ;:.; o:' similar nature whi-.h . re c mipi nsaiions for services, etc taxable as part of the year's ea;riin;:s, u. d must be included. i'tcome Not Always Cash It must be borne in mind that com lensation may be paid in other foinir 'bin in cash. A bonus paid in Lib- rty Bonds is taxable at the n.'.v'f.et vaiue ol ihe bonds. A note received ii pay mom lor services is taxable in com; at It; lace value, and the In- cir. t upon it is also taxable. Vro.imims paid by an employer fur il'e or o'li'T insurance in favor of employee-, is additional comoensation o the employees. The 'i..:i'!ue tax doc-i not apply to m.'iunts received under accident and u altii insura:!! e, or under woi Union':: ccnip. u.sati'.'.n laws; and damages re covered by suit or settlement lor in juries or sickness is also exempt. Tips recived by waiters, porters and others are taxable income for such donations are in recognition ol services and are not gifts. A pension paid by an employer 01 by the I,. S. government is taxable income. A widow who received pay ments in recognition of the services of her late husband, may construe such payments as gifts. Aside from what a person may earn by his services, there are many other noniwg of income. He must include In his annual reckoning the gains he umde in business and other ventures; also the income that his money anu property earned. ft' i .'ii 'i,i I! i '' f iff.-' ... lai mi 'H i; mmm :'i I V;; Yirl. . 1 ;" ; !. . ,. .. i i ' I : i r .h ::; 1 ' JH rll Dave Brown will sell at his ranch One Mile South of the Earnest Mover Ranch in Black Morse Canyon Thursday, Feb. 26 15EGINNING AT n O'CLOCK, THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PROPERTY 4 17 Head of Horses 13 Marcs 7 Sets Lead Bars 1 Geldings ,5 Cows !!-; iiio C'lii l.cns (1 . 1 Plows 14 inch ' A' e.liev- -J ilU'!'. 7 3-ll0rSeHardV00dE veners 5 hog Chains Clevises and Other Small Tools Harness for 16 Head of Horses :o Collars. 1 Saddle 1 Watering Trou-h Hog Vat. l,.-t1.!.-ei- KcttV I huivilold Giviils, KU'. nxi: ro;:r cas: v.'i ni a :c;u:kvi-: vd c-- The Corner Stone IN WASHINGTON'S LIFE WE FIND EXEMPLIFIED THE CARDINAL PRIM CIPLES WHICH MEAN SUCCESS. A conscientious devotion to these principles Sincerity and Honesty backed by a determin ation of Thrift will bring to every man his due measure of the world's joys. Vou arc welcome to call at this Hank any time and talk with the Officers regarding your plans for the future. Our entire resources are offer ed in proportion as merited. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON VOW'1 NICW BlIXKTIVS ItKADY SOON Control of garden slugs and In- ectcide spray information on effect of spreaders and how to use them, will be offered in bulletin form to til reopi- of Oregon by the (). A. C. ex perimental htation soofl after .March 1. The-"" bulletins were prepared by the J. pailinent of entomology. The preliminary investigations on which they are based begun four years ago since which time a huge volume of data i.us been ii-vorded from the pois oning of niytiaiis of insect. The In formation they contain, presented by A. I.. Lovi-lt und his asKislants, is ex pert d to decrease the ro,t and In crease rue degree of insect past control !;'! the II' rM, only $2.00 a ye. i.i imai nhi ci-spED at noon TERMS OP SALE i i W'l) I'N DP.K, CASH. ALL SUMS. OVKK 6.0.-0. APPKOVKD NOiT.s uur. ocTonr.K tt. m.-o. i;i:aking pkr cknt intkk'lst SALE UNDER DIKI'CTION OK Brown & McMenamin in. V. U. PkOWN. C!n:. 1 A. McMKNAMIN. Auctioneer tr. Are You Hungry? Sure. Well then try ific. a A in , !!!. Luiich Goods We have ! the line that ' pleases I., i McAfee & Aiken LooK at This Bargain 800 ACRES A NO. 1 FARM LAND 8 MILES SOUTH OF HEPPNER SEE ME FOR FULL PARTICULARS ABOUT THIS FINE BUY Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS c-ilM .1 "PLKMWLNT AS Ihl PRAMIDS" Concrete Pine Company . jl Ma::ufrf( turns icwer ami Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St H aii4 Walla, Wash. Phone 467 )