Tuesday, February 17, iqjso. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE 0 LEGAL NOTICES OTI K KOI! PI Ill.ICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. 5. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, January 15th, 1920. Notice is heteby given that ARTHUR E. AYERS, o1. Echo, Oregon, who. on January 4, 1 ''15, made homestesd entry No. ll 4 18. for Ntj, Section 2 4, Town ship i North, Range 27 East, Willam ette Meridian, 'nas filed notice of in tention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before J. A. Water.;, Clerk oi Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the Stilt day of March, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Rauch, of Echo, Oregon; ink Ayers, of Echo. Oregon: L. D. above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN' SKIFF, Receiver. -NO-TICK KOK rt'BI.IC.VTION Isolated Tract ot Coal Land !4, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by Circular 589 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. D. 22 5) has been furnished. At the time the application was filed the land had been subject to homestead entry for at least five years after the surrounding lands were entered, filed upon, or sold by the government. Tne sale will not be "kept open, but will be declared closed when those rublic Land Salt Department of : prer.'.nt tt the hour named have ceas- Fr; Xeill ,of Echo, Oregon; Roy Coxen. of Elcho, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Fublic Land Sale Department ol the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the (ieneral Land office, under provisions of t'eclion 2453, R. S., pursuant to ti e application of JESSE D. FRENCH, Gurdane, Oregon, Serial No. 018800. we will offer at public sale, to the V.ghest bidder, but at not less than, $2.75 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 2 5th day of February, 1920, next, at this office, the foiolwing tract of land: SWVi SEVi Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by Circular 569 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. D. 225) has been furnished. At the time the 'application was filed the land had been subject to homestead eatry for at least five years after the surrounding lands were entered, filed upon, or sold by the government. The sale will not be kept open, but will hs declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the hig!ae9t bid will be required to Im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persona claiming adversely the above described, land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated lor sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. the Interior, U. S. Land office, at La Crande, Oregon, December 6, j 3 lf. . Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of JESSE D. FRENCH. Gurdane, Oregon. Serial No. 018901. ve will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.25 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 2 5th day of Feb ruary, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: SEVi' NWVi, NE SWVi Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by circular 569 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. D. 22 5) has been furnished. At the time the application was filed the land had been subject to homestead entry for at least five years alter the '.--ii rounding lands wer- er'o.'td. filo-l upon, or sold by the government. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person mpkinir the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver t.te amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or lefore the time designated for C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. ?d bit'dir.g. The person maXias tne highest bid will be required to i'n n'tl.t"ly pay to the Receive: the amount tkeieof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. P. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and act3 amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised at $538.00, the timber estimated 424 M board feet at 75c per M. and the land $220.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the 4th day of May, 1920. before U. S. Commissioner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facts which would detest the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOII I'l ISLICATION Isolated Tract Not Con! Land NOTICE FOR I'l BI.ICATION Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the Department of the Interior U. S, Land office at La Grande, Oregon, January 3 1st, 1920. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES S. DVKSTIIA, whose post office address is Heppner, Oregon, did, on the 7th' day of Janu ary, 191S, file in this office swfYrn oenerai :,ana omce, unaer provisions statement and application, No. "f See-, .on 2455, R. S., pursuant t 018826, to purchase the NVYVi SY VI the application of I Section 13. Township 4 South, Range JESSE D. FRENCH. '27 Rim. Wiilaimnte Meridian, and j the til;:!);-" thereon, under the pro visions oi the act of Jn.ne 3, 187X, ml ans amendatory, known as the Gurdane. Oregon. Serial Nos. 01 W7, 018902. 01S500, we will offer at public sale, to the1 NOTICK l OU I'l'Itl.H'ATLON IVdated Trurt Not Coal Lund rublic Land Sale Department of the Interior, V. S. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice U hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the Gen-eral Land office, under provis ions of Section 1455, R. S., pursuant to the application of JESSE D. FRENCH, Gurdane, Oregon, rial No. 018903, 018905, we will offer at public tale, to the highest NOTICK Notice Is hereby given that a spec ial election will be held within the precincts of Irrtgon and Boardmaa within the West Exteusiou Irrigation District on Tuesday, the Twenty fourth day of February, 1920, be tween th hours of eight o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in tha afternoon of said day for the purpose of determining whether or not that certain contract between the United States of America and the West Ex tension Irrigation District approved by the Hoard of Directors and filed in the office of the Hoard at Hermis '.oa, Oregon, on the sixth day of Jan uary, 1920, shall he authorized and entered into by the Board of Direct ors and which said contract sets fottb the maximum amount of money pay able to the United Staffs for construc tion purposes, or In the assumption of liability for district lands for such purpo.'.e.s exclusive of penalties an 1 Interest in the Amount of $1,109. 000.0') and al-o piovideg for the sub stitution of the taxing power of h? district in lieu of the existing 11", is by Individual contracts and other pro vision .which said contract In full nmy be Keen by any landowner or other ntinon Interested at the office of th" diatiirt in the U. S. Reclamj tioii S rvic building at Hcrmiston, Oregon, In the office of J. G. Camp, at I.'iiL'on, Oregon, and in the office aijjnest Didder, but ai not less- than ' "Timber and sione Line," at such $3.00 per acre, at 30 o'clock A. M., value as might be fixed by appraise on the 25th day of February, 1 920, menl, and that, pursuant to such ap next, at this office, the following tract nlicniion tie l-.iml m.l timhor ihom. of load: on have h on r.nni ri-.eil tit 1SO HO. NEVi SWVi Section 10, XW',1 the timber estimated 80 M hoard feet NEVi, NEVi NWH Section 15, EH' 'at $1.00 per M, and the land $50.00; NVv',t, S Vi NS., Section, 35, that said applicant will offer final Township 3 South, Range 29 East, proof in support of his application Willamette Meridian. land sworn statement, on ihe 5th day The evidence, required by Circular of May, 1920, before U. S. Commis- 569 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. (doner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, D. 225) has been furnished. At the Oregon. time the application was liled the f Any person is at liberty to protest laad had been seubject to homestead this purchase before entry, or Initl- entiy for at least five years after the ate a contest at any time before pat- surroundln? landa wore entered, filed ent issues, by fllinp a corroborated upon, or sold by the government. affidavit in this office, alleging facts The sal? will not be kept open, but which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, ' Register. will be declared closed when those present at the hoar named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to Im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register, NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICK OK PETITION TO CIIANtiK BOUNDARIES k'diier. hut at not ttt than t? ?(i ner a i t. w .u. r..l"t Enuuette Callahan at Boardm.in. re, at 10 o clock A. M., on the 25th I . . . . . .. , . , ... l onion. At said election l.'ie Daliot day of February, 1920, next, at this flee, the following tract or land: NWJ4 rtW4 Section 14. Township 3 South, Range 19 East, Willamette Meridian, and NF.V, NWV Section' lv Township 3 South. Range 30 1 i: ist. Willamette Meridian. rhe evidence required hy Cltcul.irl r.'i'i ln-ncd October 31. 1917, (461..' ; :::.) in b.-n furnished. At tiu-i shall tontain the words "Contract willi the United Stats Yes," and 'Contract with the United State No." The school house at P.oardmin and th Reclamation Oitlce at Irti- Kon wituin ald district are hereby NOTICK KOK PUH.ICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Ijind 1hiic nat'd dH the tiollinir tilares fn ihe pur, oM- of sH election ar.,l r' lM ('u' 51- Gong'' Rand and R. L. VI:.do:n and Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed by Western Land & Irrigation Company. Adell It. Rose, C. .1, Piln dle, J. M. Prindle, 1). Spinning. D. H. l'rindle, Huuh Taylor, Anna E. Tay lor, Ina Gilbert. C. F. Ames, Anna L. Ames, Amanda Agnew, J. I. Agnew, Margaret A. Cleaver. J. D. Watson, Mutle C. Watson, W. G. Drowley, , Henry Winsor, II. F. Strohm, Elmer E. Cleaver, Hattle H. Cleaver, II. S. Garfield. J. W. Mesaner, J. H. Strohm, Arleta White and Clifton Public Land Sale Deportment of Leaver was, on the 6th duy of Kebru- the Interior, V. S. Land office, at La "T. 1920. filed with the Hoard of Grande, Oregon, December 8, 191S. Director of the John Day Irrigation Notice Is hereby given that, as dl- Wstrlrt, praying that the boundaries reeled by the Commissioner of the ' th" John Day Irrigation District General Land office, under provlblons may be so changed as to exclude from of Section 2155, R. S., pursuant to John DHy Irrigation District the the application of lands of the West land Irrigation Dis- JESSE D. FRENCH, itrirt included within the boundaries Gurdane, Oregon. hereinafter set fmth, and That notice Serial No. 018898, we will offer at nf filing of the haid petition and public sale, to the highest bidder, but "f the time and place of hearing at not les than 12.00 per acre, at 10 Ih'Teon b given by publication, as o'clock A. M on the !5th day of required by law, and that upon such February, 1920, nxt, at this office, hearing an order be made i rludlng the following tract of land: 'rom the John Day Irrigation Ids NEV, NW',,l St-ction 14, Townfhip 'r'rl H 'f the lands of the W.slland 3 South. Range 29 East, Willamette Irrigation Iiistncttd Included within Meridian. following boundaries The evidence required by Circular Township; thence West one half mile; thence South one-half mile; thence West one and one -half miles; thence South one fouith of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile thence South one-fourth of a mile; thence West one-fourth of a mile; thence South one-half mile to the Southwest corner of Section 4, Township 3 North. Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian; thence East one-half mile; thence South one-halt mile, thence East one and one half miles; thence North one half mile; thence East one-half mile; thence North one-fourth of a mile; thence East three fourths of a mile; thence North one-fourth of a mile; thence East one-half mile; tin nee North one-fourth of a mile; thence East one-fourth of a mile to tin East, line of Townships 3 and 4 North, Range 27 East. Willam ette Meridian; thence North to the Southwest corner of Section 19, Township 4 North .Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian; thence running in an easterly di rection along the South line of said Se.'tion 19 a distance of one-half mile, more or less, to the East bank of the Umatilla river; thence running in a north erly and easteily direction on t lie West It.iuk of the said Uma tilla river ,a distance of five miles, more or less ,to the South line of Section 23, Township .' North. Ranue 2S East. Willam ette Meridian, thence running in Westerly dnection on the South line of said Section 28, to the Southwest corner of Seition 2S. thence running along the West line of said Sort inn 28 in a Northerly direction to thej North west corner of said section iden tical with the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 5 North, Ranee 28 East, Willamette Meridian, the place of beginning. All of the lands within the said boundaries except the East half of the East half of rioction 20,, and that part of Section 16 lying West of the Uma tilla river In Township 4 Noith, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, are lands within said Wcstland Irri gation District. NOTICE IS HERERY FURTHER GIVEN' that said petition will eoim on for hearing before the Hoard of Directors of the John Day Irrigation District at the n"xt rcgubr meeting of the said board in room 6 Robert Riillding. K. ppu 'r, Oregon, in Tues day, Hie 2nd clay of March. 1920. til 10 o'clo' k A. M. of said d iv. or as soon thei eaftcr ,is the suuir c m be heard, in which time and place, all persons inter, hud in or who may be affected by such change of boundar ies of the said district may appear and show cause, in writing, II any thy nave, why Ihe change In the bound, nii-i ot said district as propos ed in paid petition should not be made. Datid tliis 6i!i tiny nf February, ,1920. v. n. RROWN, Secretary l!o:ird ot Directors Johh Day Irrigation District. STRATAGEM DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN and btTUJVW.V llrjijiner, Ore poll, Vrmanrntly Ijucatcd Odd Fellowa riuildiox Office Phone 7H2 I'.exldence KM Me..- i iiiiibl' he te"n unpointed I'. I, ,11. f"ii. the nntilir.'T'en W:i' tiled It I ml hvl beep subj-t to l.oI.,e,.e-,d"lu"- ",n f"r'r'i"i P-reeir.'t ,: ':v :..r al .,rM (M,np . !'.f thei'""'1 W- ,V" "", " ''' " , ri.'ind'ng UnA we-,. ..r,,..,ed. fil-l I K' ,:- l!'"n' r-"t- ":':""r;' 1 n or ..!! I.v ,-,-,,! Kir- f .-'"Ctlon for Po,,.!,,,:.:, p. T!.e sl.le III rr'' V it i..,". 1,1 t M 1 e de.lr d 1 1 whin those . r.t at the p n ! h.i i .,1.1 n'. The pe -bin mi.ttin.' tun . . . t hi I will li" ri iuilred .i fn- l.,itly pay t ) the Kwiver V v ..oiint th re"f. Aljr pnrnn 1 1 liming adversely the F. H. ROBINSON ATTOItMiT AT LAW AiKYoi:rDcAlcr Gnxnd Prize IkizOi firearms I Ammunition r'.tt' t vi t tii :ii Mid di'iti i. Ti l? n '.ce published and nst 1 P'i!''..uit 1 1 ;n '.tder of th- Hoard ot l'i.'t'irn of th W'-st Extrnsi'in lnic.it. on In in i nu ! ard 't.te.,1 on Ihe six'h d,y of J.tnit. ry. 1920. J. G. CAMP. 3"'! Secretary. NOTH f. I'OH PI'lll.li ATION Ixil.itnl l inel Not Coal Ijin.l m A Publie Iand Sale l)ep,ttn-ent of I the Intm lor. l I.nd office, at I. a Ofad. Oregon, t'neiTib-r . 1919. j Notice Is hirnby f,-n that. di ' v tnd b Ihe f'otr,mliner nf th 1 G-nnrl Ijind of lice, under ptol!on" 'of H.(lon 5411. It 8. pnr-mnt In I..) has been furnbhed. At the the application was flbid t!i , l..nd had n-n mbjnct to homestead ! entry for i.t. least five yci.rt after tl, "in rounding lands wet., entered, filed ' up"ri. or sold hy li e r .vernn.ent. Th" Mile Will not be kept open, bill I Vl.'il be d" la e. ibme.) when thn i pleent i.' the hour nnn.ed have ceH- d bidding The pnrum iriaklng t (bi!'n t bid ,ll be rerjijirnd to lm- Inedialely pay to t!i" Receiver the ! ll'IIOUnt tbefeol. I Any perxipn claiming adversely lh , above den-ribH lund are advlned to file their tUtmn, or objections, on 01 before Ihe tune designated for aat". C. S. DUNN. RegtMur NOLAN PKIFF. Raretvxr mu V. Knit I'l 111 l( MIO the application of JJ t) FUKN'-H. Gurdan. Orrgon. Snrij N 0M0l. we w.ll offer at public sale, to the highest b'dd"f, t paMment of ih InlTlor V. . l.jind of'lc, at La Grand". Oregon lantiaty 5 1 (, J. Notice ta l,thr gnn ihn KATIIKKINK HIGOINH !.' poet offtr addr la !,, fi ,..,D. did. 00 th S 4 1 h day of fx-. t not lean ihaa tl I1) pr a"e. at 10 j'-bef, 1)11, fit in ih. ottire om , o'rlrwk A, M . on ih IS'h d of 1 4tnn nd t ( Hr tton No. j pebriiar. 10 t. at thl of'lre. 0111. to purrhae the NE SF.1. the following trar of land S NK . H-rtloa I. and VA 1, aWVi NWI4 PF.H Hertloo '.I S. Nlloo 4. T.tMp 4 South, llnginning al the Noiihe.i-i corner of Kcrtion 2'i, To it -1 1 1 p I North. R 1 11 ire 28 l.u.,t, V nl..m ette Meridian, and Hum hg llieticn . one rout I h i.l a mile; ll.elire Soill'i ( l e .11 . I. lie ball inilec; 1 hence w -i on. lourth ol a n,,. ; C.i p. . -.. ill, one fnurth oi a t ,,. lire We ,t mi., f , a 111 , r in 1 South (iri' lumt'i 1. it.-; is. c.e W"'Ht 111 tl Nlillhwe't '.'!! I, Seellon 5. To ii ! p I ' em. Hang.. 2H I,, 1 1. W,ii ii" Mnlldian; tbin-n -ii'li one 1...1' Uill; Ihepie Wfl ein h.ill , il" . Ihnnre K011H1 inn I. nil 11' ! . thence Went r.ne tall 11 le I.. (h Northeaal rmni-f 't 1 . rt IS. Tonhip 4 Nonh. I .. n , ii Kant. Willamette Mm id an II.-in-HoiiOi imn fourth ot u 11, it , hence Wn on t'liirM. 1,1 a nille; thi ne Ko'i'h one (.. i t'i i.l a mile; it,. re V.'i-t 'n. foMil. of mile to tl,- riTitii '1' ntnl S'-ntllili 12, !),. n-n Hi inn half mile; iiif-n.v nn- lU mll; (hi t.ce y.,,i !, nr.- n ! . thenn. Ka.i oi.rl.a!' thrnce Holilh ltie u I. , II, ae Wt Clin hl: Mile. II . li e South One mile. I'm l. . te.l one-l.juMh i,f j, t, ! 1. -in Suulh on fourl. i f n 111 Ihinr W'Hl r,0" fiKjii:, tc.b , tbmv fWuln on' (own i. p, in lh roter of H.'.'.n 1, ,a a.'l VAUCHAN & BUTLER flKNTIST Pcriiian.ntlj located In Oddfellow'! Ilunldlng Heppner, Oregon E. NOTSON AriOllM:V-.T..AU' Olllie In ( .mrt lli.ll'e Heppner Otegon A, D. McMURDO I'lhMI IAN A. SI Id.l.ON Tnlephnnn 122 fifflc Iiteiirs Drug .-'tore Heppper Orvgon WOODSON & SWICKK AITiillMVvATI.AW lli-ppner Oregon SAM K. VAN V ACTOR AT TOItKV.Ar-I.AW. It- ppnrr Owgun F. A. McMENAMIN 1 aw mi Kotinii. Itldg ll-ppnrr. Or Office phone Main 4t Itendniii I'hone Malti (4 '. HOY V. WHITEIS lHl ItAM K ft! II, r-VMir, l)lH. Happner Oieg'il 1 DR. CLYDE R. WALKER) PMV.iriA AMI Hl lU.ljOy j fkoae (Onaet'ia If. Otagwa 8 By MILDRED WHITE. .lack Trnwhridg.' looke.l over the hedge and frowned. It was old Mr, lirodie's fault he knew this aloofness upon the part of his new and charming neighbor. She hud been gracious when he had gone over sunn after her ar rival, to return a kiiten which hail strayed into his garden. And so exactly did this young neighbor visualize thfl "lady of his dreams," that Jack had fallen in love nr. first sight. If he had been at nil skeptical concerning thin fact, time had proven him to be right The girl's piquant face constantly hnunled him. His first morning glance was cast toward the casement window, and his hist waking thought at. night, was of her winsome self. The return of the kitten was followed by a gen erous homiuet from his garden. "A bachelor's garden," he told her, Informingly. The girl was pleased. P e r Ii a p s, she suggested, Mr. Trowbridge would be kind enough to instruct her in planliug of n like gar den; she wanted to live among a riot of flowers. "There was only herself and Martini n sort of companion housekeeper," she lidded, and Jack went home full of blissful anticipation. It would be a joy to teach thin lovely one the mysteries of gardening, a delightful excuse also t' linger at her side and learn more of the char acter which nttriicleil him. All the happiness of "dreams come true" was promised. Heniiiiful girls he had known, and worthy, but not one, who was not swiftly forgotten. The new neighbor Willi her wistful eyes alone refused to be erased from memory- while each and every thought of her brought a hopeful thrill. 'Ihe two had become friendly com panions, laughing mid chatting aeros the hedge which divided the old houstt from Jack's new bungalow, when Mrs. Itrodie called upon the girl and drop ped her condemning remark. "Of course," xhe said, "Jack Trow bridge can't help but have a big head, when every girl who cornea to thla town makes a direct 'net' for him." The new neighbor flushed Indig nantly, at the Implication. She, at leaat, determined to be beyond that U8p4 elon. Hence the laler coldness, which caused Jack's dlacomlilure. No studied advance, no courteous at tention upon his part altered the aloofness of the girl's manner. Ilia calls at her house were promptly dla coiiraged politely It Is true, but dla couraged, unmistakably. Tha happy friendliness whs gone. The beautiful dreams of a lifetime threatened to b but dreams, after nil. , luck savagely t rumpled the flowers In his garden as he strode to and fni. As a ti 1 ti I excuse for n visit, lie art fully captured tha kiiten as It ciinie through I lie hedge, and carried it bark to Its owner. The owner I bunked him briefly, with out even the hope of a smile. Hhe wan not looking over-Joyful herself, Jack reflected. Her eyes seemed plteously startled as he forced her gaite. "That fool Itrodie woman!" be mat tered, as he retraced hla steps. The next day when Jack returned from business In hi car, lie allghtad with difficulty at the railway. From thence, his little neighbor, watching through her porch vlnea, saw him (otler unstesdlty with tha help nf a crutch up hla own garde path. Ills leg bung limp and one shon less foot was heavily swathed In band ages. Jack's cold hearted neighbor looked for the evening light In tha bungalow window, hut none wai forth '.lining. Jack's liousekeeperao Mra. P. rod I n told her -hud gone home for a short vacation. Jack having madx ariaiigeiiienis to slay In Ihe ctty dur ing her absence. It was evident that he bad met with an aecldeiii, and lind bni 11 obliged to come I. ink iine tedly to Ms empty liome, Honrs punned. "Why," telle. in. the lr.iublI head peering tt.iotigli opposite curtains, "ill. I lint .link ll-e Id- telephone to call f.ir 11 Ll.iii.-i'' A-Miie.liy he I, lid en tered Hie lei'l-e. Illn I II "II e.tly lln lllllnt l.n tin'.' III I ill lie. .V.t 11 glimpse nf light !.... 'I H'i'l lb" blinds were up N.-jl d. th. . in- i II nl'e.l In t Hie rn.eli' .IV ' mild II be . . iil.le thst ! he I. lid I. l-lited (huh pu'li''" 1 'he ,.n lb. 1 rh!y Minimis li"U'h- ; Imr I alii I Mill I I. l Illel -nut lier RlTiM tl.n garden In II. ate telllv. ' "Mr. 'I r.ibilJi'.' Is Iving nil a ' riil. h." Hie nmniili l.i.auht ba. k In- furiosi Inn. 'lie m In- Is milTcrlng. hill dial ttnra l In.ihiiiil I can do" "What n iieiin " Mia girl crtn-l lm patiently, "fur him to lie alnna I will have t.i go nver n i. lf Jack npnlled l.ls U uling ayes aim turned 1.11 l.ls nug r..mn and Stnnd rttanln. I'l Ilia d'mrvrsy. The girl's burning five ..( ieua1, at aigtit of Ma lmUiri bandar) Hint.. "V011 ar burl." all" 11 iirm ira 1. 'Oh Ja.a. Is tbrre anything that I ran doT' The deJ.Hi-d I'll"! "at up Junnaly. 'Jnt alwitit evarvitilnf." .e aaid and hbl out his anna "The uff-rtng la really liara." he addi-'l pUs Ungly, ana1 toif tied his beat ' Af'er ifioman'a nf bappr hlldr mM. the girl tfd tir head frma Pil ahUlbl'-r. "Time p""' f" ' -" began, hm Ja. k Int. rni.ln. har wlh a tla. ih' ilia f.sit a 'l rtglit." he aa-p'aitK-d ialml "Just used a IIHIa eiraii(e, H it's ail." llgiii in