-a" t1 T1 Mil in 11.1 1 1 s III! PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday. February 17, 102; 1 - C f f f V 1 i i ! Chateau de Chavagr.ae. I ! PROF. FRITZ HABER FRANK DUFFY f WHITE STAR f :' t:1"n v.-no Know. Only 'he ch'j'ccit v I, eat cari-:uii graded, and fi.ori.'.gl'.li' wiiiicd is used in v.,-. a;:;-.; our flour. ov.r 'lak'in will prove to y'ii; i he advantage of i--ing White Star Brand flour for hoth 1 j r e a ' I and j lieppner Farmers' Elevator Co. ft, 1 17 i '-V -. 1 II Ml 1 When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us f 'lHip.E iluylij;!;: on imriims rf Si-ptnijl.i-r t;. 10 S. (lure :. f .i.i;-Uij! :.:i)i'U!it of Imstiv uii'l -tt in tl.i' little it'wn of Aul.'u'ie. ;i Mil.iirlj of C ;-r:utj : - h'r r ra ml. thr llui of '). i-'::rti:ifii! of I'uy-iV-I'oiiii-. i:i on- nf tl.f must biMoilr rt--cf t'r;.t;'t the Rtu-iut prilii' t' of Aitverptjf. :: the C'lirKtinn -riitf Monitor. VlHt tin- u'-cioiot. iv :.;!. irfii.n-.-d ail ihis iriy nioriiit. irii;i-i.t; Sun-iy 1,0 call tu hatt or i.'t s;;i;tl 'n to over the top. hi-i';i!i-f iI.h n t j n I horror of the wor.'I nr iit-cr extn.iJeil itito tliis !ev,y i-on;i-r of soiiili-i.t utral i ranee: anJ "ho Aineririii, ri sino-ut quartered here-fcl-m va lorreiy ih-s';iic tlirolih he iii-t naf of its iiri"!miiii;:ry tiaiiii.? prior to lt triui!iltaiit mo-Uif-r.t of cotion ii.:m the lieiln-i of tin- .h'ie, vs 1 1 ! -1 1 o' l-urreil duiiiifc' 'he In it 'tor le trr.r:oni:eJ into a wiM. tiieak rejtioii ktiowu as the Siberia of j Krain e. I: was a great (jay for the ; yuut.g Aajerirai.s : a most Wtl.tfut i:ivt ;;oii froiu the daily routit.H In : A.h;e!e. ii.ari-l.iii!: drills miO dri"? in the inii'i iiif'.rtahle gas luasks. hand re- Trcf. Fritz hsber. director of the (Vilhe'm institute of Berlin, who has 'etfutd the Note! pr.ze for his work n chemical research. He it an au .hority on chemistry and chemical en jireering and his works are standard itrouEhout the world. Origin of "The Fourth Estate." 1'oithe. Hr tisii statesman. :':ivc f(, the it-s 'iiv;!ii;n "tin- fourth P I ' &&!bA&Smtt C ft tr.vrn Krwtpup. LnloH One of the leaders of organized la bor in this country is Frank Duffy, third vice president of the American , Federation of Labor. h-ar.-i:is. square. The C e'.te s';:l emir: '..'. 1 ,.ra' I and e-. aiid Mni.erts reviews, in tiie and ;o'. ji de Chavasniao I i.;ion the :r.-st of a oiniiiatidii.i: a tr.r-i.'. .a fay lofty 1: at ie-.i of the bf.if.tifi.il Aiivt-ri.e co in try: uoie" and n.iies of vftdant fit-UU niO Wods strt-tiiinl far H'ay to .distant liorizou Canked ftitli loiip lai.os of majt-stic hiils r.tid mountain- The ground"! of the chateau are -t'.vh and attractive. a:.d the little vi'h'e of t Tiavat'tiar- adioins the e-tate on one side, while '.lie other U. Mil wrsM a. - J i r f ? W tiutkc a -pci ia'.iy ni' imicl, repair work, kcrp ing : h ;i - n-a! i'ir nia: . ' la! . tun nun ,'ui' ;m nit i.i. tic r li e. II A (' . i 1,,- . ,'f I I, t :". r v,' v.o' - . , 1.1 ' ' ! 'til!. ' .'a.', -is i.. ;: :r, i I V ' ' ;' ' i . - i 1 .;'. ' a-.'d r; .'.,!. ',;,:,;. iu-t days of the ar. , three -.ides are ori.-n to the distant 1 I It the die hundred and sixth 'vie.v. 'Ihe old i-uile it-elf. flanked . anniversary of 'he bir.h of the jtreitt ) on t" sidi-s with lame round tower. ; l.i,:ae(te. and the I ei'iiin utnl hand of ; piv-etits u sti.kltily medieval up. , i n:. Arthur S. Conklin's Three Htsii- .e-.-.rat.oe: loni ph f tr"r!:eli win i dn.-d and Third heavy Held artillery iNws are I Milt across the ti.per Mir i re.'itiient had been invited t share tioii of the fro;.t i,f the luiihiir.L. and j with a f-w American army orticers iarce porthole are smi-h ,,n each s;ile ! the honor of n-pi esetu inc the Amor- ; of the stmill nu.ln doorway, j ienti espeihtioniuT op-es ye, tl.e i ',H aMle was built in the four- bnited States ,,f Auiei-ica t the teeittti century, burned ill 1TH1 and re- l.i. tl.pla. e nail the early home of the l.uilt, as nearly like the original a ', jtr.-.it hen. who aided so tuut-li in the possible, before Lafayette's birth, on ' . o k of winniic its independence us September 1. 17.VT. The family ret , a ration. Tl.e hiM band-man hud re- ' ,,.s date bio k to the year ii. when ! tiificd from the e;.riy breakfast served -u eerlHiu man by the name of Motier : .11 the vilh -je .iniire of Auhiete, and acquired an etate called Villa r'nya, ! iih hi. li-iniioent had joined thu u,i thereafter he became known n ennui ready !", tul.I nsr into the hutte Moiier de la r'aette." accordinc to ain, motor trm i drawn up before Martini Konto I'p.w In her bioeraphv the hand', billet. i of l.nfayeite. A. the lir-t ia of Ihe dawn ap- The ureat In-ro i a dirwt dooeril- pear.-d. ami the p'-oce.ioii of Auh'ere's , ,,( 'n. ,oier and tl.e tiob'e pea-altt. lomil eu.'.il from ihe crooked . Alix l'."!:u 'ie b:iui etiere. who were alleMn of ihe town to the .iirrouiid- married in 1741'. und ucordiiit to the liv' fVy. and v'lieinn!.. the 'rmk . obi parl-h lefi-ter ill 'ha ni.tiai tnoi d out of the illate mi l ..xer the l.afayeite's f , muue as Mot, . niil .'iiiinl I'ii i' id. neur Mai e Joseph . Paul Vve. !oi h- ". hi, if nle '!:i"iiadi t!ie iribert Inn Vr ile I.; fae:. Here. t . !.. - a t i c ( i! e . itv of rii-Miiont- in tlii srim M I'li.tV. tie Ma!j . IV ."1 - I . ' I i;i. lil-t aWat-eiiHDf de l.iitnl. lie .pent li e ttr.t 11 M i r- 'i. i .. ",. . a I the lj.i!id-Ule,l of hi. i.'c; at' I ill later er -h" I a ' " e. at ' i 'til, t'a'l w ay ro retu I'd to It's tut I hi la - e ;i';.-r I i' - a i..n w 1 ei .. 'ia'U r.-i',d car trinmpbimt career in Auicrna and . 'i ''it- i i at' :"a'tt .in.' h aiiai'eil li'.ed here for -t ti'ne with In. fi.iMi' I'.e At'i " Ihe .'lit cu. up the train He il .tllU'ed wi!':ot. k'lid. of r.-f..l'e' Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is (luiny .m i," she bin her Meat, at this .hop which i. t'i inducted in enfurmity with modern methods o auit ar y marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. Peoples Hardware Company We Keep a Record For You ' " I MM ' t I ', .1 . 1 1 II I i l . ! K ' I l i III I l I I 'I I I I . I M,.(,. 1 ' N I I. . lilt 1 .0' 1 K s 1 ' I I Hi IS I ; I . ' I i I t ' V .11111 1 1 1 I ' i i I I ! . I I 1 . 1 1 1 m in 11 1 i n 11 1 1 i 1 1 11 ii. I -.11 I'M 1: 1 . ' . 1 H 1 1 N I' . I . . .: (I I I I I I 1 I.K II I l.i I I I l-i . .i 11 I ,, ; i . I.I i. I 1 .1 1 Farmers & Slockoven National Bank !;!.'.'Ni:r. oki:go. :. 1 u 1 ' ! 1. til t 1 1': it.MtiT ."ml .t nii mi ln n.;i 'i 1; v ;i v It-. ur-: t I r 1 1 ti I hf J'lii.i. ' T-t Setting Supreme I i t r 1 , ti 1-e (rf" f . rtit. 1 Mini 'Mr: lit lt f'ntii 'J t tur I H,ti!tn ! riitihtit 'iitf. himI tht I '.ii rii(.tf " 'tb't-i : ir kiU" tit rn i re. 1 jf int-r-l 'Itfir ;;t''tlliE I It If- ;TtHll' i.f V''lf Vnhkt'i Mil- I ;-. Id vt t li ll-r IMiill. 1( ;!(. t ;'! liftf ilifr Willi , fi.1,1 itf ni r f wl.;.h 'Mr tlir yii iil.f liiir-h f.tfr. "(if 1 1 1 1 '- -i-.i 1 'I !t ! Mil ilJlu-i,,. tliit : t. I r ff fl. .IV if !. .if . I l el 1 : 4.1 il tie 100111 ';t li ,,. v ... , t ,,.(, ,' ,., .. .) I e d ! 1 f I s. I " he . 'ear I V e el . I ' I 1. . 1 I i " .... '. I i n I . i Led 11;... 11 !... : .ii . .e.-. S( , t , ...- .' ' nil" -.ii.l ill ti e i ..laL'e. ml 1 al.il I II of tl. , for t'i. people of hi. i.a' e t ...li ia. t,,r Iheir be' I. i llle; t. 'i.eir ell'tlitet 'II, eft mid eii itn i i.'ioii. 'I be p. a.ai tri Here tt'el.llv lit'l.he.l 'o llhn. Tie iHier .f la'; of. m . r spent Ht los M.fe e.iate. I.h loantr 411 tulle east of I'h 1 1.. The Inner n of the forei n o till" minu ei ii n dn .11 P.it . Inn.) ' "l""' '" l""k i i' oier ti e . e an.' In eiji.or.i a 1 ne. 1 i.e liii'dii ef Weie lot'dlicte.i ii:..i.n ihe cl ntel.il nl I.Hfulette ..ttli r-M.lil ere I in 1 ef few te l. me 'it l-e een. lit. bin n 11 pe. iUnr laH.ku k iiiil. le of f.iiniii.re lie. ,hl.'. Ha h I'MtlltUll Mlli y of 'he ll.Mi '. rll Im.IS I. lilt del. . ii!.i.ijI Ihe .) 'lillil. p;-Mlfre.( ;e ll'lue. I 'S te,' the leoe.l.'-'e pi r ti 1 I ir. li .. pur i'l.4. I. . I. I.'.l 'se v..ifc 11 ade 1. 1 tl.e iloli.ti of -I - t...i li... I I lion lo I In f f r . o.. 1 I . f I r. ' 1 "oo'e a'-iie-l ..a .he e ..'' "' . a ion i '-. ' -aH . ; ' e .1 , . 1 I ek. cit III ae .kl ' , t e le ' ' of f o... r , It 1 . rrm ... - m . C t-0 A. B. lae. The Hiflhest Prices Ever Known Thai's What You'll Gel from ;nmrirr WE WANT 1M NOW -AND WILL PAY THE PRICE 10 CIT 1M F COYOTE 1 Ml . I.' to. u I .. ' -1 , tie li it .is 'ef .- e-e e .. I oa .' t lie I ! I .1.1. . j.i r. ! ! I'l t . o 'to I. t: " ' !. - V ! 1 e ! ' ...,'. I. ..t 11 r .1 1 II .! I I - .. e .' 1 e I.. -.1 I !'.. I" 11 ' . I ..de'. Ar'l ,1 . I ,tl. 4 ! .-i . p .et.titt.' 11 . . i I "Ik.. I the .!..', I. ,l. I I'Vpr. ... . !, I .. ..- t, . l-e 1 I !,: 1,,, .) '. 1 0. t 'etf ('...-It 1,' : h n'l t'l.M !..a,l I . 1 . . c I p. , ;.: j,,. .' ,,g 1 r. 1 . f 1,1... , . ,. ,, ..., , . .. , P, tt..-. e I (if 'i ' ' e 'lii t ' I . I, . . ...... . ,.rl. I I ., I, I,,,) i.., '. ' l.. :e a.rl I . ,. ,:e. '.e t. ,f ' ' " o n I'" I f 1 ir' i ' ( . ' .1 1 m d ! I- 1 ! . it, , , !' ' ' " r ' 'el y a U'f ' , n i ' !""' 11 'i.n.oty :i iOtc:-ciriioti;"vj :? te jf i v is u :i) It.'.i1 1; U 0 litcis 9t:i;tat 7.M IMtsji lofts f f-o ; ic r-c ta S a .- a .,,11 r.... I .-'- r - I .. f.' it ta 04 Ci. t t l t . .t . - ... 1 I' 1 l.i c . ..1 Ural Cutatei -II I r.i n it m 11 in f I inr 1 m i t'e( ii.. .t . re . . -r . u-.i f li e H.rr .f k.e.n t4 '. .' p er1 , 1 n i.i "fit ran nan t.-i ar'kf I ' li eia 1. . .1 t . f .4 ) I .'I I II 00 I W Uf ii "if g faa MINK S KUNK tr" .tt; ?..v V: ,iJ !: 'J 11 " 18 J;j I iz to f -3 1 1 00 ts 7 Do'TTMtTljC no Itti;.oo s -tj5 4;s'8 Is J3" Tt . 77 7 . a-aii a., .m isry" tnj tet u "jKktf" tco. l-uljtt mort "SIIIBFRT- RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU II1PPV SUIP TOD Y AND VEEP 'EM I tONUNG IAST tut Aii vexjm runs emter to , A.B.SH UB ERTwJ miMisTHOvsa.i MHCfha ohm itausmcr V AMERICAN RAW .FURS ?5:JZ.WAu"n.Aw.ilp1.(Chlcago. USj, 9 1 1. 'i ' tt '! . m f iii' eva.en."