Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 17, 1920, Image 1

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    1 lE
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M 1:1 m M A
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STI OIA TS ( HOW!) C'AMI'l'S 1 Oil
Ko Time lieing Waited (Jiving
row Colir.ty First-Class
High way
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis. "Quit your shovin' " is not
so 1'unny as it sounds when used by
students as protection from the more
impatient ones crowding some of the
long, standing lines. The trouble is
due to the fact that every three stu
dents, at O. A. C. are occupying room
and sharing educational advantages
designed for two.
Thi plans were prepared to offer
Under the auspices of the Patron
Teacher association, there will be
given at the Star Theatre, in this city
Fliday evening, February 20th, and
Saturday afternoon matinee, the
popular and entertaining film,
''Thomas Jefferson Morgan, P. J. G.,"
which is sent out bv the Curtis Pub
lishing con-.pr.uy a:, a vocational and
! educational feature. Iu addition to
I the pictures there will be a patriotic
l;S I I'HKLI) KY t'Ol liT , 1
xlwly vi:t)s kkti icv i itox
Did you ever see an irresislable
force come in contact with an im
u'ovabla body? If you never did you
better take a trip down to Cecil some
fine day and watc'h the big, S-cylin-
ler "cat" cutting down the hill just j
below the Cei! bridge at the "Last j
Camp" ranch on the Oregon-Wash- j
inglon highway. The only reason j
y.nt will fail to see the aforesaid im
tostrated down there is that there!
;.iinary proposition in physics dem-j
, "no sich aninitle" us an immovable
"r ' iv lien t'.iat big "cat" goes into
a. it just simply waddles along!
at a speed of four Or five miles an i
liaur and pares down that hill as you ;
nouldpare an apple at the rate of i
about four cubic yards of hill at each j
pate, and it, the "cat" does business
with the hill "both a cumin' and a
The ' cat ' is one that was built for
Uncle Sam to help lick the kaiser but
when Bill got cold feel and quit the
big war engine was turned over to
the State of Oregon to help build
highways. Oscar Huber, who has the
Oregon-Washington contract in Mor
rvw county leased the "cat" from the
state and turned it loose on Cecil hill
just to show what might have hap
pened to the Huns if this particular
"cat" had ever got to Francs and into
The writer got ;: glance at high
way construction work last Friday
enough the courtesy of Judge Camp
1 ell. who. with Commissioner Pad-
. . ... ... , , ! popular voting fart
h'-rg and v . O. Minor, county road
v'ewi-r, droe down to Cecil to look
over the highway work.
Crew of rock nun arc bi:.-y at va
!'"U point-- when powder wot It is
terjuiied and It didn't look as though
nrjybody was loaling on the job. Mr.
lost, who has charge of the construc
tion for Oscar Hobi-r. Hie contractor,
is a quiet appearing gentleman but
! seems to have the faculty oi keep
in;. thini-'K moving: pretty well devel
rj'.'d. Tlie wot 1; has been hanii'ered
to a ci.nsldorahle extent on acruunt
tl the ext t u-sovere winter weather
but An ,-pite of all handicaps good
p -ogress is bein:; made.
K. I.. Vinton, civil engineer in
'hai i:e of consti uction for the state
highway commission, is also a must
a 'table genlli-iiian nod neither he nor
tl i- results being accomplished. Indi
cates that he puts in any lime sleep
ire on the Job. In fact, Mr. Vinton,
, pleads guilty of putting In from 14 to
10 noun flay which lie says Is nmde
,' rieHiy by the everlasting amount
. uf hustling done every shift by the
' rm and tennis and ratapillars and
ders and etc.. In Mr. Post's depart-
.me delay has been caused In the
work on the lower end by enrioar'n-f-nts
by the highway on the rlghl-of-
ny of the Mi'ppnei Mranch uilliost
i tut lis soon as these irmtters are nd
j'iKteil the Olk Will he speedily loin
pitted finm the county line to (Veil
imd two or tht'-e weekf will see the
I i.di'iii ItnNlied to Moigan.
Mlrif.-'hlM it ilppillll Ml til
instruction anu training to some jouu iprog,-an, given by the 6th, 7th and
students a timber then consider- j sth r,:1(1eE of the Heppner public
ably in excess- of enrollment. Hi" ' school.
'the rising need for education has j Admission will be 2") and SO cents
ai'nwn uo.i.i to the O. -A. C. lampus -l1r
to d' iue the means p;oviui.d fer the
the Friday evening pcifonnaiice
and 10 and 20 cenis for the Saturday
af ternoon matinee.
Four lU-gisti red Short Horn Bulls,
: Calved January, 1319. Choicest of
breeding and big, husky fellows. In
spection inivted at my ranch on
Tl'irt mile creek, near Fossil.
4 2-45 Win. Itettie. Fossil, Oregon.
It just naturally take- :
gressiveness for any of tr
tlieir share.
Only 14 towns in Oregon have
larger populations than the O. A. tl.
campus, according to the last census.
Students and faculty have to use
basements as classrooms' and labora
tories. Pretty dark sometimes, but
good and strong and nobody can
break out.
In the English department eight
instructors were found crowded into
two small offices. To get their desk"
in itral leave any room to move about
in the partition door had to be taken
off its hinges. They said thev didn't
need the door, f.nywp.y.
In these little offices the eighl The war department has Inaugur
tcachers had to prepare their lessons, ated a prize essay contest to be writ
plan the work, "grade papers, keep ten February 20, 1920. The title of
records and confer with their stud- the essay to be "What are the Bene
ents. fits of an Enlistment In the United
Whenever one stinted through the States Army?"
dffiees the only way he could get out
was to stay in the line.
"Quit your shovin., "
A decree was received here a few ,
days ago from Judge C. W. Phelps. ;
in which the proceedings had in the
organization of the John Day Irriga-
lion district were affirmed by the'
court and held regular. M. D. Clark, ;
Heppuer, C. C. Clark, Arlington,
and Fd Rietman, of lone, are direct- I
ors of the district and F. A. Mc.Mena-
m In acted as their attorney in the or
ganization proceedings. F. K. Brown
also took an active part in the organ
ization and all of these gemteiuent
naturally feel well phased with the
court's lindings.
it is expected that such a decision
woudl hue the effect of clearing tip
the situation regarding warrants is
sued by the district in payment of
kills incurred in perfecting the oican
ixation but it is learned from other
scuices that the decree being entered
by default the matter of the legality
of the warrants is, s; ill in (itiesiion
the pt-int being raised that the war
rants are not legal unfit provision has
been made according to law for their
Henry Pet el son, will
er of tin' Ooose-
I oerry section, was in town yt-ieiuay
snd was kept pretty bu-y recoixir-g
"cra atulath ns of lii.s. rrleni's over
111" . ecent u:::' riape to Mil s Adina An
derson at Mcl'lierson, Kanse. Mr.
Petetsrn rlipoid awav to Kansas
on t ly last montn and tli'' ,ic:: i riage
took place January 2i. Mr. and Mrs.
'I oven if-riinei! mi .Vorrow cot;nty
lal week and an now at home to
county, (sectarian or non-sectarian),
letardless of race, creed or sex, has
a chance to win one of th
sisting of gold, silver, and bronze
nn dais, a silver cup as a prize for the
school which the winner attends and
known and a trip to Washington, 1). C, t.econ,
panied hy patents or guardian. Al!
expenses to be paid by the United
Slate.-, government.
linn contest is being entered inl"
v.-i:'.i great em'.,u.-ia m in many of il.'
Oregon and Washington uliool dis
tricts. Local piies have been ol te' -
At the Morrow County Teachers'
Institute held in October, the school
principals of this county perfected an
organization known as The Morrow
County Athletic and Declamatory as
sociation, the aims of which are to
Each student in every school in the awaken interest in clean sport, and
to stimulate activity In public speak
ing in the schools. This association
prizes con- js patterned after similar organiza
tions that are working so successful
ly in many of the progressive counties
of Oregon.
Al a meeting of the executive com
mittee in Heppner last Saturday,
plans were laid which will go a long
way toward making the annual Track
Meet und Im iainatory Contest a big
success. This truck meet and speak
ing contest. Hie most important
school event of the year, will be held
Kiwi xrws
Mr .and Mrs. Herb Olden were busi
ness callers in lone Monday.
J. T. knappeuberg of Portland,
spent a few days in. our city last week.
Jess Dobyns returned Saturday al
ter spending the past week at Milton
with his brother, Noel, and friends-.
Mr. and Mrs-. Guy Cason and their
little daughter. Guyla, have returned
from Yakima after enjoying a visit.
W. F. Palmateer spent a lew hours
in our city Friday. Mr. Palmateer just
returned from spending the wimer in
it he valley.
i I. oil., padberg. who spent the past
wi-eU in lone ut tending to some busi
: ins--' matters, returned to his home in
I'oitU'iid Monday.
Mrs. .McKinley Crumb and daugh
ter who live near Mikalo, cauic Sun
! day to lie at the bedside of her friend
; Mrs,. Frank Griffin,.
! J. D. Land li It a few days ago lor
Twill Falls, Idaho, having bet n called
tlii"e on account of the illness of his
mot her. Mrs. It. C. Land.
1 Ci'ailes McXabb. a former lone
' resident came T'iiurs-day evening Ironi
; Lyle. Wash., to lie at the bedside of
i his sister, Mrs. Frank drilfin, w ho is
quite sick.
! Miss Alverta Wilcox who has been
staying at the Richard Peterstin home
! lot some months, left Saturday niorn-
; ing for Wasco where she will visit
with her cousin. Mis. Katie l.oomis.
Fied Griffin went to Portland Fri
day and returned Saturday accoiu-
! panied by his wife who has been in
Portland for some months for her
health Mid her friends are glad to
, 1-ai n sne is Improving.
I Mis. Maggie Calkins and her two
s ins, Kay and Floyd, of Genoa, Colo.,
ariived last week and will make their
s uiie in Ion". Mis. Calkins and lam-
, ily formerly i osidi d in lone before
; in i ing to Colorado about t h t ee years
I'eiiaced Mocks, On l-'.asy iraile,
Will Offer Attractive
Home Sites
ed in these districts by bankers and In Lexington on the first Sat unlay in
n G
at t
Peterson rani h
t r;i of i ii WKS
l,V wish to express our thanks
nd apprcci: 'ion to our kind Heigh
t's and friends for the assistance
nd sympathy extended during the
illness and death of cur beloved w ife,
daughter and finer.
V. L. Copenhaver and Family.
Wo'.l has tiieii received here an
nouncing the death in Spokane re
cently of P, E. Bell, former well
known farmer of the Dlarkhoise din
i.' ..1
I that
titf j-t
'.' . rink "nr !' Sp-
a. C"
'.li- t!
in -i "
I 1
, in
l I v
i.i p.
',1 I'l
!' .1 'I.
le . ."!
.It , '
ejl t
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1 1
t...i';. .i" r.ttun to
, .. t. and inn '.i pl
In t'H lir.e rlt'ii-r from
ir norit or ti) dnect nd pditui'.u
ntdei. Call snd lei u show )ou th
r kflv Veutitul thif 'he ciimiag
'n hj In slot tut mum
:.3 Mtnuo.nr.KRrs
other local citizens. These prizes will
be iiwanli-d before the priz are sent
to the war department. 1 trust we
will receive a number of cseys f'oie
.Veiruv. county.
Following are the army plans;
"If (Mi wa.it to know il oil tire
goin'. to be a sm-ci .-s or u failure i"
Lie you call easily I i ml out. The test
ir simple and inlnllibie. Are you
out .
to save money? If not, drop "rid six girls. Cunti
You will fail as sine hk on
You in s y not think so. but you
The seed of success Is not !
Save and suoenl. I In y W. S
The ubine quotation or bit n phil
osophy was sent to this (ill lee liy Lie
Mute supet Inlendent of public In
stiucllon, with the suggestion Hist
some art teacher requlie her pupils
For convenience, the schools' of the
rou.ry liae been divided lulo four
ii pti'sting d:isiohs. as tollons: hi
i-don one, Heppner and 1 la i it mi .- n ;
niimbel two, Lexington and pin.
Cii; number lliiei'. lone; nu.nliei
four. Boardman and Iingon, In tin
track meet, each division Is entitled
to eighteen contestants, Iwihe burs
t. Hits hale been
divided Into classes as lollows: Class
A, those belween sixteen ami twenty
one yeais; class H, those helwei-n
eleven and slxieeu jhis; hiiiI class
C, those under eleven years. Knelt of
these ( lasses will coin pi le In shout
thirty events. The division winning
the laigest number of points will ie-
ci-lve a large cup, and a hinuiliul pen
Miller, an early settlor of this
county, pa.- ed away at his home Hear
Cambridge, Idaho, Feb. !l. His two
daughteis, Mesdaines .1. II. and W. ,1.
Klake of lone, were there at the linir
of his death. The obituary will he
given later.
Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Kaiser and
two children of Maupin, mine Thins-
Men. I-.
thy W
Ha i-.y
Kaii il
in. Mi
si pa
h.n "ig
I the
; limlh
. K'll'i
iiii. ml
-id av.
been I'l
iMi'd hen
I el M I lli'll home
oil III M I S. I Illl O-
at I he i:0!ll'- III
llii ell y l-'i iday.
;e ol li lollllllis.
Feb. FIlIl. at ilii-
The h.iby had b II loi a lew d
with it fold but Friday mm ning began
tit choke iii liill-illg him to have i
spa-iin and only lived it slim t tiine
The li'lll.llllH i'l i' laid to leH III tin
Lexington ceini'tet y
J. W. Morrow, pioneer resident of
lloppr, i r, and still an ixtensive prop
erly ow ner here, came out. from Port
land last week i.o perfect arrange
ments for platting his east side acre
age into residence lots, bringing with
him a competent civil engineer who
made the pi elitn ina y surveys and es
tablished the fact that the project, as
Mr. Moriow has visioned it for sever
al yens, is entirety practicable.
Mr. Morrow was here last June
looking oxer the situation with a view
i i hiiv.ng the work, undertaken, us
was, exclusively announced at that
lime by the Heppner Herald, but as
a considerable pmtion of his property
lies rather high lor a satisfactory
"er ice from the old water system, he
allowed the matter to rest until tho
present time.
t'pon his arrival last week Mr.
Mot row interviewed the oi t y officials
regarding their plans for the neur
gravity system and upon receiving
assurance that the service pressure
will be supplied from the high reser
voirs, he at. once decided to go abend
ith his project.
Mr. Morrow was for many years
identified with the business activities
of Heppner and although he has been
resident of Portland for a number
of years where he is connected in an
important way with the tax depart
ment ol' the O. W. 1!. & N. It. IL, he
till letains his old allection for
Heppner and he pins bis laith to the
Id town both as n substatilial busi-
. center and a little city with
night promise lor tut lire growth and
reat ness.
Mr. Morrw's iLinin icgarding his
proposed addition have always, been
n provide lite town wilii it really
beautiful residence section. As plan
ned in lus mind's cy, which his en
gineer ha a assuit-il htm can readily
deninnsliiiied the addition will In"
pi ii, tolled hv n winding driveway to
b the rli"! of the bill I J (illl vv'iiel'.'
ei haps the ii'gular I octangular I'Uiu
I lols will he lollovvi ll. Sheets will
e .sailed lieiote any of the proper
ly Is placed nn the Inaiket and, in a
general vav, the entile piojccl will
be laid out und handled In iii'ioidance
with strictly modern method-.
Mr. Moiiiivv returned to Portland
Sunday hut will probably nliiin to
llcppnor In the near Inline to com
plete bis uriiiiigeineiitH (hi develop
Ing this splendid piopeity.
trlct. Mr. Hell retired from business to i ni. toss and Illuminate thai lecelpt
tor niecess. He sK, "Il will help
the liitse of thrill education veiy
III. Geotge II. Van Wsleis, spent
last week heie holding services In
the highest Individual no I nl th Kpiscopal ehuirh last Sunday
several years ago and settled In Spo
kane ,
.j. .j. .j. .j. . .j. .j. .j.
The altendanct for the last week
lias been much b"lter as innvt nf t'o-
mlint in i.i.t o: ijii, ,i ! . ne
Tie Mi'-'s r Ini'i' IL!'. Annie
live ! and Ve.., I':.,- - ,. t ,,. d
.1 1; hi i la - ' 1 L 1.' : ill 1 v .it a -'
Vl'l.'lll l'i-' tlic.l'l."! I'l d.H I Mill-
r.-' "I" I . (1 II ti f no'i -i a . ic, ol . I
mill h could the paiagrapli he ttaiacd
imd hang In eveiy in line! mom."
Il seems to Mltliliiiii le all we Iihm-
been ttping to learii In the wsy nfl
Hunt j
lb. David N. Pobi'ig suit mil let I
let to the ' 'mi. I I'l.at di in renin d to '
i . Ii 1 1 .on lei iin.illpox.
S lice ll.t-n i,'H t lo't h.le le-t
." II llg .tl tt'k'IIK ii V ,i , i 1 II. I ' il.tl w -I! '
' lit I
d Ill
lIMIlllv .'I 'l , 1 ll
'lit! H "tlppil
I. p.l
n ;
4 ' t
I i
, M
fi 1
I In ...
(lie- tiotl'
lion -.
ptt-ly .1
il f O il M
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.11 ! 1.
in ! v 1
ni' in
; 1 .
ll'- I
i el.
I. nl
V. I
on ;
I" .
! Jim 'iUr, ! l wiBilft bit
tvp rs liiwer Willow t!k. !
fet a f.w d '!' M " t '
1 1
ll. ti i'ii .
The 1'
!. l.r
ller'Hit ll
Flu.! Pet
Am 1. 1 1 ni n
Hall:, Ii.n ,
r.l aiM th I'.- t'
The I l.thm iitnun litfuiy
.ll n eli l 1 the l.illu i II K led
the eciiPd semMt-r: I'lewidellt,
Hetbeit llynd; secretary, rimeB"
I in; t-isufti. Mjijt (l'k, t
nt al arms. Adil itiB.
ti v ft t,' I I
i lid.
I i.i on:
winner will receive a gold medal:
Hie winner id u Inst In Mi) event a
olltir inedul: the wlnmi nl ,i sei olid
nr a Until a tuilited I Ibtion.
Iiirinif .Miinli und Apttl Hie pn.s
both nn !ici a ml tier Uicittion i
be nn . X h I lil I ion n I lu
ll I he i iHlltl
I tl I he del l liialill v
ciiii -i nit iliv iMi.n i i
'.'-.I i . i on.- 1 1 out
ni- i, i, lie : I Ion I tie
Hi1 cl e 'I it'll I he I. , , '
'I . - VI III be t ,,, I ,.
0 ' illl r l ie.i.il.
. ' . it..!.. l!, ,,, i
1 ..! 1 , le I, llir '
, ' ' p '.'!..!'
lie. . I III..' I .
'. - II he l.iow.i-
bnth nioiiiing and evening.
! ! ! ! !
: : :
,ii urn- torn n'
roiHeM i in i
lit V, 1 1 1 i i - .
I!," '.i -' n i
up i... ,.
I ., led o
Weill I
,. lie .lilli If
pi'.. I .. N.
S. lit nt 11.
I I an (ol d.
I e, . I d lici I- 1.1 litd.'
the il. .111 III ll lie I, It lie
.il I 't a vv
.oil lo ,,
Illl. I it
'I Ill-
till III
c . t-:t-- emirs mi kts
A meeting of the Hiiwlln's llfll.f
Cm ps No. 211. was held "I the homo
of lieith.i 1). (tihnatl Wednesday,
Felniiaiy IHh. 'lb tee i n nil lil.il el
sen- admitted by In il In! Ion. A sbott
tint iiileietting pifigiaiu whs piest-nt-n
liy I'litilolif In-li tii lm M.ttlle T.
Sme, nl. In lioiim nl I. no nlu's tinlh-
lav. Hint vhlib .. niilal Imill was
p. I t .. il, ml v In ni b w ,i M'tv d a lid
. ith n
II..-, n
.il It,-
il- -.
I.I .
1 1
II ! I 't !
iti. IT'
fn, I !
mt hv.st
Coo iivim by fr, r ih
r.oaih lil'iu IhM o'fiee r
it..r sr.. ' ti 1
ii. hi i'
nelv 'n plot
id left, ii,.. ,r
. ti. b. I e e ti,
mc'L.til I !il
Ani.'t.fi niiit.t n. piriii.il Biol
lesii lel alii M IiOoIr i e lji,.. In
Wlile upon lilt)l I Oter (inn
I.LNA UNKI.I. .slll'KTK.
(.n HfhiHil Mup naif nd. at.
I ni.- 1 1 it: i
- ' ft. p.! . -i -d'.
on ! . ..!,
' 6 11 I p 'It lie
to ... . in "
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Kol til the torsi in"! fi'ia'y n
OU rtlflulfj t-4 th IferslfJ. nnli
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teciiie in Ho. i,,ni. i -r., ,11
I.ei III p t,, ,, (,,. , , ,,
n .will in Lena
i,iifi. f bslini.n of ihr ..iti .it
Itrppaer, or in ih n.. .i
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Jl.l 'oi. O.ion v.,.i,,r
m. II
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Mi no! Mi r Ii . ' ' ii.i f i'
ul '! known hi.. p.... sunt !
if,. t..i'in i ,iv t ..-pititl f.n F't.iiiMiy
,'ll n! pll M' ll! wtieti f.tt... sn
" kit in'Pif r
hif 1'iuirtg l,.i.in. ')
foul iril fhildiet h le Iter
j's'het ! ro'ilHei B4 fnl btfjlh.
r tti to fiint tier loss
tall Ii 'I . . ' i I I
'I 1 1 I L i nh in 1 1 , ii . i. in i.
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