Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 10, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    . -
Tuesday, February 10, 1020.
J. A. Wac-:s .'i :
loi i-l: ion on a ' vi II
Mi.- K.-.-i. !,
rortl.11. : 1;; 1 ': :. !
main in I i l
l-i. n- .1. !.:'!.
r 1 ;n' pi
r f I. "to.
ill i'
1 11
1 i I : . incur
ay 1
. i';:m in i n.-s nil f a mily, k lio
:' li.' ' lie! r line ra nrh v, est of
;-. mm i'il U) .Mu'ino, Ok cm.
FOIi SAI.I. - ( I, eke r,;;-aci e in-liraled
tract ;U Iuifon. i;asy term.s. Call or
mldiisr '. li. iirown, Meppner. -11-12
"Mrs. Mary liarlholomew, of tliis
ity, made final proof on lier iiuine
ntf.ii' in the Pin- City neighborhood
yestei day
Sherilf (.oergc McDnlfee is hr
latest victim of smallpox to be re
ported in lli-ppm-i. All thiff rases
are icporteii getnng aionu vv . J 1 .
Miss Velma Brown, who has been
utaying at Lexington for si-vi'iai
montr.R has returned to lleppner ; !lt
ie-enterod Oie high school.
Mr. and .Mrs. K. 1'. I'ear.son, who
we re recently n,ai riej at Heppner,
have moved to Echo ami Mill nnke
their home 'here.- Keho News.
Kveryborty is enjoying ll;e fine
weather since die log clcaicd away
several days ago and in lieations are
'."It !l ijt'i i' J of I'im. weather may be
( xpei'ted.
Mrs. J. J. Can'-, v.lio h;.y iieen isil.
injj Willi her (lamfiitcr and sen-in-ia w.
)r. and Mrs. M. M. Johnson, returni ;
to lier home at I'niontowu, Wa-'iiiiig--ton,
last o Iresday
A. W Canine 11, who runs a fine
wheat lanch in tin- Lexington country
ami as a side line handle; a flocl; of
!dandar.-bied ?. . ;,., ,-hickc n-
was in town Satnriayon htniii' . .
A scolding Hlt'.e Jay hoping around
in the trees u'ung Chase street Satur
day was the lirst harbinger of spun;;
to be SPi.n in lleppner. Robins am!
blue hi ids should appear soon.
lleppner physicians ri-pori that he
inliiienza is looH-iin.. h" giip in I he
neighboi hood ami but few nev.- cases
are devc loping. 1 he pi' .ent lino,
luigi'l we.'.thir is viy lavniable lor
the oiadication ol ihe d'unclcr.
Who will say now that I in I e
not hii,..' in "C,i eimdho: ft: '. I i i:
bo-ship ii,l no '!, :i ( 1 1) m'c his
rliad'uv in I J ppn -r ur I In- fc:; ;inr!
today It H'jlly loots as tlloiuh spri'ig
has "came "
Dr. .1. I'l'iry fonder, who ris bei n
on the sick list for a wee!- or more,
is convalescent 'ui.l o.pc in mew.
tul.iy from his ipa-tnenis cm ();. se
Htleel to the ho: ;.i i hull lit m . e(, t f
ly e.ied by him. Mis. Cornier ha
moved ;i iioni (heir wheat r ,nc li am!
Ik wil Ii Mill.
'I'll census eiiiniH talois have eom
pl'.iid their Kink In this county ami
lis ihev are not allowid In nive .ml
veii approximate rii;ure on poinila
tinn. i c . !l e pn' hc s eonsdnlneil in
fiwail the iinwindnm of hin'i icienl red
' ipe in W'.i sli.niion f., win . .
low I in- lute: i,l in: illloi mat i.iii In
I. ak cut.
i. p.
v. bo ,
la::i v
Cliarlie Jayne is on tiie s'ree..
-ain a!i"r seviial days' in .. . 1 v i t !i
who is a i ...
ii, I.-I1M : . ' .fc. in
!. : 'lay.
. !::lc" .'.oie : a as
.oic on sim.ll : anci..
d : e -. I ii;. ol i if-e. J 1 l !
' Kelly, Wi ll Iir.OV.ll sill-, )lil,tr.
s seiiously ill lor so.eral d,.ys
.!:, is on the streets a;:ain.
Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring.
-Mrs. Curran, Church Street. :;7-tf
Dr. Mean r ports the aihent of a
j Vss pound daughter a.t the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hi own on up
per HiAu-1 ceek last Wednesday
Mr. Devine, Lexington rainier, was
here Thursday boosting lor the new
fair. Indications are that the newly
launched project will be a four time
winner in all parts of the county.
WOiiK WANTKI) Steady job on
farm by man and wife, both good
workers. Close to Heppner school
account fl-year-old girl. Airs. Lizzie
Nelson, at Albert Knc ry's, Heppner,
Oregon. .jo-4 1 pd
A. Jlenriksen. well known stock
man of Cecil, was in town several
days last week putting in his best
licks for the new Morrow county fair.
Mr. lli'iiilriksen has had considera
ble experience with fairs in other
Paris of Ihe stale and is an enthusiast.
on ine subject.
roll SA'.r: l-'iftecn head of good
legiMeieil .lacks. Will lake mule
'oils I rum those Jacks at i'lOU e ach
in part or full payment for these
Jacks. Ii. V. SWACCART. Lexing
ton, Oregon. .11 if,
The lleppner band has rented the
old leslaurant building on Last Wil
low slice t as a practice room and are
making good progress. Prof. Austin,
w ho is instructing the boys, says they
will soon be able to give creditable,
concerts to the public.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hall, of Tacoma,
Washington, are here for a few clays
visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
I' K. I'arker. Mr. Hall is interested
in construction work and is makiiiL
some inquiries here regarding the
:raity valor system, work on which
is expec ted to commence shortly.
Mayor Vaughn, 'who was scriou: l.
i" wilh an attack of "flu" for mure
loan a week was sul I iciently recovc.'.
ed last Thursday that he "flew tie
coop" and came over to town. The
mayor says it's no fun being Kick and
hodooiill hopes that that particular
M. 1). who says you can't have I'.i"
I In I w ice is correct.
S. W. Spencer returned from l'orl
laucl Tuesday evening and was ron
linecl to his home for several days
with an attack of old fashioned
grippe. Tom liretinan, who has
been roaming around Portland for a
couple of weeks, accompanied Mr.
-!pi licer In mi c- and through the c-unr-li'.iy
Ml Claude Andrews, win, bad
chai i--e of their 1 1. mi (boy i njoy.-d the
Pi iv iii n::es of a private car in tin
I unci ion,
li -U '.' Si
WA . J ft
In spite of the continually rising costs of
everything in merchandise we are enabled
to offer this week an exceptionally at
tractive line of
Fine Voile Blouses
Come early while the assortment is good
and buy several. You will not have another oppor
tunity like this. These Blouses are
much cheaper then yois can make
Another table full of remnants and other bargains.
I hi: mm i i; m i Mu i imn i. i-hoiuci. y
IN llh COW I CI li; M , 'MM MID
"The Light of Victory"
UM ..I I HI s;o.. s i m,k IN 1 I s ,1 III M N
f lll)AY, FEBRUARY 13
.Mr. Kly, meicliant ami postmaster
of Morgan, was a visitor here last
Thursday having come up to put tils
shoulder to the wheel in the new
county fair project. Mr. Kly keeps a
lew good race horses and is natural
ly mt st'd ill helping promote n
ical lair in 'his own county with a
real nice trad; and other up-to-date
Chas. l.ainbiilh is here from Ciiia
Itilla county looking lor investments
'in .Morrow county wheat lands in the
'interest of a number of I'eiidleton
wheat growe's who are being attract
ed to Hie- more or less undeveloped
iiesoinces of Morrow county as a
ipiofilabe Held for Investment. The
l.ambii Hi opi ralecl tiie W. 11. Find
ley lanch HO miles north of l.oxing
Itcm last season and being a practical
I wheal fanner he In looking lor an
oMii:ug In Ibis county for the Inline.
( Melville, who l.ilses wheat in
' "the sand cumin y," iU-sonie mile
i not ill of I.eMiigioii, an an intciest
cil Hiid.:l I III Ihe fair meeting here
Thinsiluy. .Mr. Melville Rem his mall
by imal route from Kcho which, be
in .1 loyal Monow roiinlliiil. duel
itui plc.isr him much nnd he Is a
sIicUl booster for a Ill-Ill lOllle out
ot li. tiplli'l to :ele his Sci Hull ol .
eoiiiitv li'- Mil curb a mail m"Icp
would ellil.illi e Ihe alue n, evel) .1. re
ci l.-n.l mil I! ce aliieit $ I1.
i i:i:i; i.Mtii:x ,ski:ds
TRUCK FOR SALE : Little Ray I.ucas. 3-ypar-oIl son of 1
i Mr. and Mrs. l'"ied f.ucas. receiveit '
Three ton Packard truck In A No. serious injuries to his left hanci a lev. j Tbe Herald hav a uu-intilv of -1
condition $1800. For oartlculan ' davs a
., ., " iu"" eecis recciveu ironi the IJeiiart-
call on or address the Heppner Her- ; ,,,u,i,t ,n ., cogs of a sickle g, inder. M,Pnt of Agriculture at Washington,
.vv., w. r-v miu i i.iKfi wiiK ioki ana oiiufis were i n i1 f,,.,, .;;. i:k. i-
I.-. vi, nil im MliitlltHllHII,, t y-
i.adly i .1. Dr. Bean dressed the ! body welcome to what they can im
I'-.iie 'nJ'ny. w-'.ille they last. Call and supply
Mie t j I'd,- :.!! tiie imal and -outi'y neiv? youisell'.
:s. yii s'ici'ild -c ad t!ie Herald, onlv I
WA.N'I'Cil A'wmI eh io n
bred White l.e-lunn puliets.
be pure-brrd, of good strain.
Viola Carter.
::!i-4 2pu
: on : c,i- a full ji'iir.
.INvil the Hei ild, only $2.oi) u yea
lu- 1 I 1
J .':- -V'-Tl-cutajf
if :
. ,-
tin wii r.n i.i i
I ijiiiHierijolt
C I , N ... ,,,
i Hunt. t. .ii t
u i -mall p
i. .1 I'n-
!lll l:u-ll
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I -11!
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I. ..I
I ..(.
'i v .. ill,
' '" I " 1,1
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O n . i, ,. . v,,
I I H. I', ,,,,,
Sat. Teh. 14
Bill lltitt in !j
-.. I !p u.i K
' ' l! 1'.. ,1 'i.
. ' .1
' it.lt
! . "I
0 I
-I ' ' ' .!.! : t .' ( cl
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I KlO. I I I. i, !.,.' I... ,. ,C, , ,,
, Im l ea ti. uml ij,.. t,,,,ji . jt
,!iuie ihe II, pea. r tion. h to
Eor Dress
or Work
and the Hats shown meet these re
quirements admirably.
They are a better than usual grade of stock, comes in
several styles and colors and most any man can
find a style that suits him.
jijj The prices are graded according to finish and style.
$4.00 to $1 0.00
If you'd like a Cap you will have no trouble in finding
one to suit at
$1.00 to $2.50
Thomson Bros.
'7 1
i ( i