! PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. February go. 1020. STILL ST. BERNARDS i f C i- 3 " ' ' ? ' LEWIS If . M ( ( J - i ! t .1 Bl i V 1 ft"- 4 f ' v. "i 4 4 if! 7:i 4 HI Mw.e bv .nen who Knov, 1 f 11 M rJ 2K, S fa IS 't mWffl ' "r,T,,,y ;ra-h,"" ' us"' 11 if vpi -: -UAid ilffll in making our ) our. IWM t X4 I 1 " t t V WFFMf?' 1 vou t!;c Li advantage ot 1 1 , WVUt J v Wi'V 1 ! IISI "sinS White Star Brand ! tjlM? :P Xfr b,h brea'lan'1 Iffl -l4 . u!MiSwl . rMvfMttl ! Mountain Children, in Raincoats of Leaves. '.mm Hcppncr farmers' Hi . :lk Elevator Co. JgW; A S fWwlT I fiilj'l ! isliiml in l he world. This terri- Tunnels, However, Have Greatly De- ; creased His Importance in j the Alps. AltlHiiifli the imnu'ls -.viiich now run-nei-t Suiizi'rh.nd with Italy have gretitly ili'i-nacil the ii.";iort;'ncc of the St. Bc rnaii! i:ni! other :. ejuj. i:illy iluriiiK the ci;.-ht iiionllis of snow, it is still deemed Mlvisahle to employ St. Ilennml rloys. It is no lonuer etts tonuiry, however, to sei.d nut the (ln;;s alone with hauliers of food ion! think; a iiiun always aoeoinpauies lliem. These dogs are not really of the fa mous old St. Bernard hived. That originated .in the fourteenth century, through a cross hetween a shepherd dog from AVales and Scandinavian dog whose parent were a (Ireat Dano and n r.vreneiin mastiff. The last pure descendant of this tribe was hurled tinder an avalanche in lSlfi. Kortti ntitely, there were found suhscquently at JIartigny and on the Siinplon pass a few dogs which, by crossing with, mates from Wales, yielded the modern St. Bernard dot, which is physically even stronger than his medieval namesake, and shares most of tils traits. itV -1 When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us 15 i i' ill ff. Lt:-1----1- i7 J i.i USTRAUA being continent, then, rr.pua (liritish New (iiiinea) is the largest island in the world. This terri tory is made up of the mainland of Papua itself and many small island groups. Papua lies to the north of Australia, and includes the much-talked-of territory formerly called Ge;' iiiiiii New Guinea. It is a land of won derful scenery, of strange peoples, of the grainiest commercial possibilities. !r Is (lie richest asset of the common wealth of Australia, writes Thomas .1. M'-Vi'hoti in the Illustrated London A'ews. Through the center of the island runs a great mountain chain, termed the central mountains, many of the summits running from C.OOO to 10,000 feet In height. These mountains are covered nil the year round to the ut most peaks with the most vivid ver dure. 1'nder the bright blue skies ofl the troiiles and the flushing sun, they are at all times grandly imposing, Mantling out. as they do, like masses of burnished gold. Away In the sum mits, seldom traversed by the white man, are most uncommon scenic beau ties. The effects of sunlight and mists to be seen in looking over the great valleys are wonderful in the extreme. Such mist effect nre not to be found In any other part of the world. Some rtav tourists will llock to l'upua.ml to miilerlatid of lis moutitallo The t- i:li;iki' a .-n.ria1i y l i'iiek repair work, kecp- i ; 1 1 1 !:;, 1 . , n up; a i wa ; c;i iii-''i il .' -,t p.-i I i ' a '. r in w it : : :; : ,i , ; i! ; . i , t. ' '. ".It . . r '.m.'i-I I ' " a ' i i : .; I ' ; t-.'. i ai' i ! 1 I . ! 1 a ' i I i ! ; ; ' t ' ' i i:'; r -w w ol -paiA' n.-li i ;a ' , t . ' 1. a; ; i tt'i'.. :.-! im f vr ''A: a'i' Peoples Hardware Company We Keep a Record For You i i n i in imwni i i'i ii u is u iii'H i i im I u r imh nii:t 1 1; t . I l i I I i i Hit ' Il i ' I III l . i I, I III! I l IN ill I I Willi i II Mttil XI CM. i. n i.i v. im M 'i M V n i i i i i it v i . I I' . -nil 1. 1 i i : i i 1 1 i i..i i ui i.i:i i M i . ii"- iami hiii ii i i i -. ii i.i ii i it t: l; v ,. t , . i i -i m :;;.i'.;iiS X Slocr.grov.crs mists are remarkable, coming mid go ing, folding and spreading, rising and falling, changing from a snow-white to gray, ami Minietimes In too na-inng ot sunbeams to brighter colors. At times wlih ina'it' suddenness 'he mls van ish, leaving the mouiila'n tops above and 4illo.s below Mani'ing mit sharp mid clear, ami revealing the great red caps in the hill-i'dos, IV ui t'.e ami.zlnj hA.i'1ips that a".' ev.-r go'ng on, coi.il nnied by noise like f,:e hoettiiag of ureal tirillery. MounUin Villr.ges and Valleys. .etig 'lie mi mi- of si.iall natli' for all the v.urM ;n:it bird. These on the einls of i erv brinks of treat he! only h bl.hlen tfinks, mc Ii Is the eniitloti of the natives to tuard n.:ai:it the mnl den npeeai am t of any tribal enemy. The alte.s are superb us men from the mountain vpnr ami looking over the deiive, dark lungles. through wlileh nre st real e l fia-hii"; baniN of ller, (he ioiiie of Ih Iiilily rieri so 1 nu-neroiis In I'apuii. Iti";linilng In tine ( im -im : :t in lorn nt - sotiie ater,'all, er 1 haps :hee itle. sn ;ft lb lug river , i ii-Ii to the sen through Jungle Melt lire 1 1, A I U plallteil ltll IAI 11111117.1111: ! iirlet of cull. nu n lal limber, nml Ifroei hitli some day toon thousand of v;i iiii'ts ill be ttemling to the rutin I ti l.-, of the i-iiiiiire Imineiise inuintltie ..f tin, Per and the p''lp for paper. The nioiiiiia n s .les are it!l nf iiios nml fern. Giant trees of Im-lent-,, girth sho.it up. the Pr.in. In s tbl, k'y frst..,.ni. llli br'.M Itouer'ng . reepel'S. he gteat t! links crippeil b t....-.-:-l a l late Iiaron Iiothschild, who sent out tc I'apua a scientist to collect rare in sects nml birds. Another marvelous insect, of the cricket class, is what is popularly called the "Six o'clock" bee tle. This little creature exists abun daiitly, and is really wonderful in its habits. It gets its name from the fact that every night at precisely six o'cioci. it gives forth a resonant, far-reaching; chirp, exactly like a loud electric hell. At six o'clock one will begin, and in ai few minutes the mountains will re sound with the deafening noise of these punctual timekeepers. But long after the insects have ceased to chirp, tilt' amazing echoes of the hills will throw back the sounds, lasling for several minutes. Travellers In doubt as to the correct time set their watches tu this Insect's evening cliiip. A companionable little tnlte nlsoi known only to the mountains of Papua Is the "Bell-frog," which produces tin j notes of a bell, sweet, soft, and clear. j and all day long can he heard the mil l sieal and friendly tinkle. A tiny gray I frog from under a stone Is responsible, itial gives out Its cheerful sound as a warning that Its home Is not to be dis turbed bv a careless foot. J In the mountains of I'apiut rontn a pigmy-sized people, the pure Papuan. They are a race quite distinct from the coastal peoples, anil with customs Unit are very primitive anil strange. Though small, they lire pel-feet in stature, and the young people are (pilte good bulk ing. They are now fast coiniii'; with in the pale of civilization, owing to t'" splendid work of the traveling magis trates of the Papuan ailminl.-iiatioi. :l very line body of civil eervant few years l aek, before those u trail's got in touch '. Ah tin" pi hey vtct-o constantly al war. ' n editing anoiht"'. sometime, ile.tr or w Ipiisv. otil '' hole Uh:g r. What Next! Ke-enforced concrete piles are made to drive themselves iu by the aid of jets of water. Spearman Lewis of the Chicago Tribune's foreign staff, was the man who obtained the secret copy of the peace treaty which was brought to this country and delivered to the senate. Choice Cuts of the lest Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doinjr so if -he buys Ikt Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanita; ii entral Market McNAME?. & S0RENS0N, Props. ft llo'ind I'lmiit ami all If' tii'n si.les are Immlr. I t(,' 1 Vi l"-;.es lil'i.V, II Sj.ots TJ lll e the III si- of some ; I vil'agt are pen lied M . spin's, and e en on '1, W pre. Ipi. es, mill are ri j orien, kill! the tvullli': vi rv mi'.i:i : 1 lie nietl n Men ltd 'V - iU f "'!. I aia !: bil low -r li- lled ttlih re. ,:tr Ii: efiu is n.-' hells, wl'h : stuek throi'jl nose, and . men pa nt 'h-ir 1 n! 'es VePoW liigllll Ills, anil t ami in row. inuei big-.-r tin el es. The v. oi.icti, nl" .'A s . Ject to the men. are sil-ut i nml li Hot i! .'in.!'.' the'n -i 'vi In time of u I' low hood or faii.il: lug they bin. k. n their fin es nlready Very blin k, with i liar. Ing them n in. -l grotcs.pie np I,. ;i the: ' i s, Aid s! s mil. uiiiti mi In oal. err an t. v ?t'-' I L k,1. ,l'., i ,' ' Ship yo.uriCQyofdg i ni-nster s t e'lis. : l bt. :t."h It: the Pi .. ii. 1 tms, al . Pa'. nil; I r 1! . it ef f , f..r 'I s t'lte -' I r .1 Ai t' i! ..I i.i. I'litnini'l .one' t v lb. Ibete I prrt-i t. flint a K'. l. .1 ' Inc ,f -I -i r.-' tl i!.. - of . II . P a ' n -t nl ) .if t the I .'.I of .1 Pllglll 1 c"li and ir-.-'i In to nn . 1' nl of it- i t ' .Ail t' all s. lir'er "v of the 1 1. titly '".- , 't S I' II I'I."-. ! 'he til ..TlIV Is III- I f-'f s1. ' fe llll i ' . HI l"l Wliile the unlive of the coast binds nl Pllpllll lleln. Hid tobllecil II II -e! I : the hill pte delight In i ointuoii course Kit II. Itli. I. giM'li II liaiiillnl. 'luj will treasure 't Ui to liuike II lent u lung a possible. Hutt Built Up on Poles. The nnthe village hne the hn' built up .hi pi'ie. nml. wlit'e the fnm.'y li i the iipper story, pigs wallow in j awful tilth b. l.iw . tin. I. Ill i tinseip;ei. e f , possible t.l s, H Village llllblj liniiy. These pie ate erv fi ml of I dog llll'l pig II I"'!. I'i.' IA t . t j nml to tl - island, 'oil .h".s : re l td and tl. Is In Ih- tn.tiM's . .nne to gi t tl.eiii- Mane vi ar as.-., w ! Pep'tn Olien . a'.-d N-w liuie f) w :i ..A ... ! ctis oiu.lh i I I s.oii.. p'n. i. r.i.i ' !s!i tnolef". ii dog I 'on. ot i i" I lieni t-tim-'l mi I -use at't; '.'if.' ti e tatA.f.: i.tnl il - ttte'e.-. .' n j g o' j.ot t I.I. ! to II ... I....I1-J o Ittlh. r, .1 i h-.ip w;. t.l t ' irg- sup plies of, ..t.lll (. I. i- I I oeo i, lit (,T l.tll ef wb . !l the native I .1 I pi.i.H t.. .-r to S K A v sA M 'rtV'V The IUffliest Prices Eve? Known Thai's V!.at You'll Get Jro:n "SHUBEilT" WE UA.NT kM NUW-AVU U)L. PAY 1HC i'hUl, T. LT tl ESSE COYGTE fhti.l I If M riH, U . ; F..t..t 1 ' Ii U'IjI; -.'llJuio i.-Mu.'Ato m I. r tlW :iv of the 1,'ue !l tlioi..' II- got .ft t.l I t", d.v ".'' I ... i,.l. .. e-t". r e i ! t.i ' I :. . I. '. I'l.t 'O A' !; ,1 Itlel III olt . .' it. I t na I .-!, ! f i'i n l ' do.-. Ill ,t roe; I be liM.I I II p (tel. ir. I ti r-ur g tnol- li.i.l ever ir ii d In r-nt. L as . Jj .1 X! .i iiX' Fl! ii 10 fj J iO IJ JiO U.W tO C 00 J C rOtjiaKN, :ii:..'0 jewn j.r.tj scato l'k - to llf-la ?'iQ I ftflh 7M fffli) ttl tf,rr, 4 ( S KNK lL '..t. ::vji ::.',?n ;o va gijilt-u v$ 1 7.00 13 jmI v.is.t .''its.." j:ou r-' :..5!j c.n .3 5.4 ffoiD 31 Na-r : 0!o i.U f,;;-t.o ;'-)H5.?) 4TSj 41S f ',019 213, 1,1 it-.fte t-f. v iiiih rn.M i t Of i, n Fur, oif U,i on ti e ciU a 'V"- - !' tu'-l tor ,. up. l-.f.t. . . 1. .'..'.ct 4 inter, s : .:: t r-4. Vtt . af. S.-.r v ;r Tun r- cn e v .t fru Y.u.'. tu -tr.Jtt 1 1 i an : ct it -(; to. "sni.xruT- KLTrnN'i nut v;Ai:r voir nrrv sii'is i..;)'.vad Mir . co',:r,G i,sr V A. .B . S jrl UB AMERICAN RAW PURS iy il VI Austin Avc.,Dcrtis.iCbkago. V S. A,