THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, February gt 1920. f V i - I,.- ....... ... . I ' M. .M-.WS ITKMS PAGE EIGHT Til. f t , ? iiA.'.A.'.A il ,1 a. i he Inm lan rav lis IRELAND . OViM J '.V, :!V;C-:-Li.C THAN i)ANY AA : CATIONS X KYAY ;i r.j:;'::! !.! --.V'-' : .k l Aa- a aae,Aiaai a' j)) ;!,(, 90 SWITKk LAX A h;. . a imeaiatiun of ) IRELAND HAS A POPULATION OF . .4,350,210 IRELAND TSmCCAA THAN MANY OTHER SMALL NAT TONS i.t'.l I'M !iris mi 1 i 1 1 . , 7 o 'iu:ire iii'U-? HOLLAND h;i.-. an .--ii-a 1 ,i.5S s'junre' niilc3 I ; l',X MAI-.' K !;!-, .au area ...... 1 5,0 4 J square niiK-s SW I TZ !'. I I .A I La. .'.! a; 1 : i.97' square miles IRELAND I .as -.ii area of 32,531 square. miles GOVERNMENTAL COST (1913) .$35,000,000 Soihia Grata: ?;r,ouo.K;c -vot -,vay $36,200,000 Sv,'i( ;-ei kaul .. $35,000,000 Den) iiark $47,500,00 IRELAND $65,000,000 While 1.0 oral of fiscal yec.r, March 31, 1919 England spent $65,000,000 in Ireland, hut collected from IRELAND $170,000,000 All Ilia Small I'uwoi'.-. man! inned iiae miiiiifaiucd 'heir own ( annuel a N, t ! 1 i i i" ( . an annies. and. three ..I' havr fleets as well. IT IS CHEAPER TO TIE FREE THAN IN SLAVERY. Liberty has csl only SO par capita, par annum, in Greece and Serbia, S7.50 in I Miliaria, S9 in Switzer land, Si-$ in Sweden, Si 1 in I'mM u.'al, S15 in Norway -while in IRELAND I'aaiAli uii!it arisni costs about $40 per capita per aninini. Ireland is larec i inniii, populous eiaiili. and rich enoiuj.h In run lier own nal iomd business in a business way. The ninik-v Ireland paid Kilobaud last year cnulu have rtui I lie ,";venimeiilal business l" Indiana. Xr ssas, Sv. it ei laad and Denmark eouiliincd aiyin:r for all I hai: a laiini -I nil i 1 1 liai ses, rlieir police, ships and .;iiu.-,. Ireland means In spend bar own money, for her ow n . aoela. in lier nwn laud; (As a . Inpinsr her ill awl lu aeil i" aiid hit luni imi: -, c; ial, her i'iionnous pele de- i p-e,is, her inar('ani, possibilities in the linen and leather ami mam oilier m In -tries, a well as in deed .:.!iu- In 1 vvat 1'i.ower and u - in-'' her uurh al- ' 1.11 hoi's. 4 M-,1 nr 11 eenoiu, Nie a-i,-. m lav . lieai im; Mean Ameiiea. nuvs ih.-t ihe lmur nr ihe 1 1 i h Uc pahhe ha - -t t uek. I '.lea, 'and h. - - Ant f lie la Mil I I 1 1 1 direct llliel e,e.p ' with the . it . ! . 1 1 U'e'el, :lh I lie i estiil III. it I'.m.'li-h tmdd !ellieil --e. lire . ! 1 1 i i ai ' i' 1 1 ei .;!; 1 i !;.;: 'a a i:d r i a i i . in 1 1 . i land e p.! ,iid 1 1 1 1 1 ! In .1 10 1 Ma.iii n! her ciam' i II i. s. !!! .,' ... ! II I'd a.ilia!, I I e'.a.l.d ( . ill ' . . Hi-! r , ." ,. i ! il. I I i -eii Ml I e ' i. -I , I . a i..-e a .i r. . m. ' a , - .; i: .'lei ' ii. ' a , hi : . 1 ' 'f v ' i ' i ' a a ' ill ea : a a , ' a 1 , L ea'a.-M . a a i ,',:, i n . hiaeilU .,!, i a ' , . : : p i 1 ' i a I 1 1 . -,). i i ... a I '.mil a!- aie. ... ' a i 1 . 1 ' I. " v-h 1 i ll 1 1 . i . a a a i . 1 1 1 pi i . pel I i i .",..! j . '. . . ! In ad tin vi . a id A i a tan e I A laid lai .ill- Il .0 ' ! a ' a id ha j,,. I 1 I I a n v il 1' a - i h i m a t A , d d : ' A:! (. i i M ii a, i e I . aids, in M m i n and ' -I i , v i ".a v i 1 1 i d A. 'i s u h . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . n in t'l.t -i'.i vi -; ll'c !! ..! i aid i Lppin.' . Ivl A N Y 0 THICK S M A LL N ATI O N S IN i q r 7 S l; U I'. I A d id a. hu-dnes oi S 17,;. ... ( '1 ! I'', I A ' did a hii si nes .-, nl 111,5. ! 1.; 1: ! I'd I .( i A I' 1 did a hii-im of 75.-):,. : I ' '' T I I ' I . did .1 hl'silit (if I I 5.1 H H I.' k I l.'i d'M.WIA did a l.i:-uie--, oi ,n X M W aid a ha-iue of - n ,; . ).-. )' ' I ) I ' X I U did a he .in- I ' 5 .' '. ' S I'd K da! a 1-U - -ill- ai' ;-,: 'i '.1 . I lnle IRIOLAND !id a husiness of SK.' 0 hill 1 i 1 ' 1 e 1 1 a 1 11 ' ' ' ' nil! w as done v, iih I '.I i'.;ia nd . I lie e 1 u' m es pi is c the nal in a 1 vs lii l 1 1 ela m I. 'I la1 nidi - piii ah'e tact alms c pre si 'Had c! earls' pno e 1 1 1 a I 1 1 ela nd can - I a in I .1 ! aie a nd pa s her nv n vs as a -a Xalmn. ludia-d !v anv --i mi, lard, Ireland i-eipn;i- .1 v e 1 nal o! a f) jja Jumps Oaity, pioneer stockman oi )! 1 til.- .Iiiii'iK-r Canyon eountvv. ssas ia ' ' . Jh "wn .vt.sierday on bu.-iiichK. jjlj ill. and Mrs. Bon .Ic.liilkn la. jjjj l.iiii-iu ! the la-irenins 11 Ki.Ji no j'j, prop.'-j ty in -)i i', ap;,ni . i--.sniAiji.i-: bitcss.M X Itt-niu'tv-liiiE anil Ladies Tailoriair. jil! Mir. Cut-ran, Chui-ch Street. S7-1-' I ai his home for a few days v. i : 1 i siisbt cold but hones to bo out twain totl.-iy. l''(iK SAI.K Fira; rfi&irtopce lot in l'ocmI lora.lion in Ileppner, 62x1. -i'. I-Vj" j and tcinis Et-e C. L. Keith-t'-a'. . "':li.iim & Bi:-b e nre pretty lu-y ii.a.-,t- l.,y:., UiaiVi; you, moving Xiu:i: bi'' rtuck of hat dv. hi c, etc., into tJit-ir in v.- lualding. '..TKi) About 2 dozan puro brad VvOiite Li.'Klioin pullets. .Vu:,i be pure-bred, of good strain. ?jt!?. Violii Carter. 8!)-42rn'i laidi.' Sheridan w.i in from hiM Stiml rioaa-.v laiich S!a ti relay a.nd Hi. v ;-i-.: t ..Iijit-.j'.v oru'ily Btoi-kiima, svmu.i ba : U;d 'o real f prin? a ia i' oi-aa Jolic Kills ','iiny ami John Kelly, 'Mine in yi-,':aa-ii; y- from Hand ountty wbere tiny have been lor ;i a ,v day.; loo!fni: ait. a- til ar s'lcp in taierts. i)i-. He-;'.., was (;d!ed to tin- lluj'ti Slauiieiil rarieli on lower Hulter creel: .'-o-ii. lay ..-vs-iiia.' to rreHciibe for Mis. uuif:--Ul win) is :-iil .ei inr; from a, ' i iio-i. ' . ttael, of iineuiiionia. V'i!:i. s t I ; It sa.ady job on fa rm by man and'e, bolli (;ood v,iirl;aip. Close lo Heppner school ra.-iiaiit 'J-year old piil. Mrs. J.izzie "lso!!, at Allieri Kniery's, Heppner, Oni;..ii. 40-4 pd A, L. rfdaieht has nnnouiucd a Wiiihiniton's liii tbday dunce- to be L'ivi u al the hiiU at Morgan on the evcnaiK of February 21. Good music ia piouot.od, (.'oti.l inanriKeinent a.s f iii. d and a pood lime is guaranteed i i": an v. no ataeii'i. ! 'I'ii'' "xeculive commitlee of 1 lie ll.-i'iaier Civic club vvlslir-s, in behalf a i in ela!!, to i piths their nppi eci.i lion foi the eMadlent svoi k done by by tl e physician of Hci).ncr il, lock i UK ,'.M r t!ie v,i !l'are of the chii-li-eii o '!! selio.iil ar. li.i cuniniunicv i!ar. ina ' no pn s -nl i'mi epidcaiii'.' l!y Orodr of Connv. it' ae. (- -a - -W.i 1 1. .who is one of li-i-p a. i '.- fif in.O rid toners, came ovi-i- fraoi 1'cniHelon Sunucy i;.r v. I Slsil i a" IP. : S l'.ll. SI". Mild it IS. : a.:a -aa : sold Iheir h.a,e la-:., last i il and v.. ut lo ri-ndb'i' n 1.. live and I,- ;a-..: !'..y M-n i !) j I ; y i :) p I h I 1 1 1 -., I VeS .fine iioi In their in w lionie. M,av 'i . 1-, I lappnei sail ioa'l.s f.ciiil lot -lie Cool a;... .liii l il. who li. rn r". ioiialy ill or seiii. li.,,,-, i. I.- I'uilVin.! !( -I.,I ... ..P. el 1. 1- l.i t:,!,,,,!. l.i -) lor i p. lalian i. .i li i.-plt -1 ioi lie ic. li.-l' of l.'.lii -., - t i-ou'.-l.. ' W Sp r.'o i oia a Hi. il Mr. Ki ilz .ill-! i xju t,-d lo ii-ni. e,n v. i'n lam tar ."I. !,- 1 ii r.-s Mi. i-'rliz has a -ro-a of -lii'ii,;.; Ii.-h1 who sv iU l ope lor bis k it y re r, - II. J. Cars in i'. w ho Is 1V1 ditiK a iTiiipl.. of hands of his critic on Inn er Willow crick, was in town vstor d.iy. Mi, CuiMiei M'i'iiis lo be thp bi. I. man over in his coi.tHy of W lii-.-ler for the republican nomina tion l..r lb.' I i.islaluie i. ml his in.iii'ii I'lur say lin y iiii iisl sin li a loni'-hiaid.-d iiasilli-.-. man as !l,,li to rep-n-.-..'iit lb. an ia S.ilein. till Ii Si ni al lii ii! P (I) Hi I A 14 GOOD GOODS We have jusfc received and are now showing a great many beautiful 1st in !f?5 ill i!i ill! m M i V As w is f'r& t4 Reversible, Square aod flowing end Styles. Prices from 7 Also we want to fir m Hi It il W'flK'-W.'.jfr'-IW col! tioh r aires our ? t i m r t " V-H .A i a .a. -. v P!:rva L!l 1' All Colors 9 'l - IK IN I H S3 VA 1 UlW 1 p ! i! M fvVvsxl'l. ' . vi i;i;i i.i s ' v : : .ill labbel-( nlliiik ;a a , ii labb.-r an. I vr -j-1 t,t T, .- ' i . ii'. 1 1 lit I 'i, 1 i., .e of . i,. i ait., t I -a s a. ml. iv t - 1 ', ' 'i ' ,,. on c . a ale 1 ei' !v S-.i." - u l.i and ' 1 '.i li jii'm i-i . .-1. i ,; . "i "... ' Oi ...l. ui H. -'! j! v"s, -' ii I' Extra Value in CSothes . "iiiali- i,n , j i. 1 1 . .1 .let ,- i ,ii !i ,,.., v, 1 1 . i , .., M... . h. i. ....mi, , ! . ,- ! ', , .; - - .i ia- i. r i-.-'i , . , a i ' i- M a- hi i i a, : i " .1 'n M. -, , , i ., , a ' I ll I I Si , M l l ( Mi l u 1 n ' i:i i i law. i ! ! !-' he- . ..IH't.l M, iv. Li -.1 "" "" '" i . i.. I j- I'm '...inn i a.'i". i .a f... 1 -i M I "i .1.. i,i,. ii . x j I I" ' ' '" -I r i .i.l.i a, ir.iin, , i,,,, ... , i. .-n a j . ,( t i -1 1 . n e tin., a,, il... ..' i ti,'. A Mail hi, v 'l f. a.MvMi:n'amin. i'lt, in mail i"i Mmii'SV an. I (' A.iiti I'leaut ie. ( I'.llll i i li h-iik nl V -. nt i pi. I. in ic ei in 1 i. i-; i . vi nil j. i in p. . o oi' 1. 1 p. .ei t t. ii...V ... a.lti.f ii.. i.-au. a. I i,. i ,a ; S to . . a am to. . J'l-..i... ,a , . .1, , , !,! I" ih a- "f :.. V I, ' I An l in li. .in j. .,(,. n , i 1 ..- un .uiani ah. I t,.- ,, x,,i j.(ll J..l!l.. 1,. (. li p,. rf... .1. I rfli.'r l n.... er hnr In.t, 11, 1 t if. 1 Styles and fabrics to please the boys and priced to delight the mothers. Serviceable garments, made to resist the wear of rough and tumble playtime and still hold their shape. Bring your boy in today and get him a new outfit. Thomson Bros, Ai I I; l: : ii ''I ii 1, p.-.p.-t; e i, a 1 1. 1 u 1,