PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, FebraUry 3, 1 920. WINTERS So'onion Predicted It. Ill ihe l.eol; of Titbit, chapter ar verso 10. there is this statement "and Ihe young man's dog went along with thein." In one of the published ac cmyits of the Tuesday (-lection in N'l-w York city there is tills state ment "the women went to the voting hooths and. in many instances, their (logs went iiloin; vviih them." As King Solomon reii.firked, there isn't any tiling new under the sun. Baltiiuoie American. a , i ill fllll 1 a xBSai ; j'fe Doubt j! WHAT TO COOK ..FOR DINNER j I 2 St. Moritz wow tlmt ponco nns conic, swlt &3 zcrliind Is Ijiisily prcpuriii (o iissiiini' tier old plncii lis (lip 1 11 vf trim piii.VKniiiini m im- run mirlil. 'J'hc lil Hi- llclvothiii i-t 1 1 1 1 I i t :f pmvcrliliil lii'iiuly, mid Cni' iniiro lii'iiiilll'iil still In ln eyes of ninny for ns nn iiujji.'I of merc.v lias she iiv.ti Iiit rciil worlli In Hit- world's :rnj,';"ly Is fairly liriiinnlnj; over with ull riii'l Ions sought dy lnvcrs of llio nii'ilk'Viil mill ipiiilnt. nnd nirioiis, mill will now inori) 1 1 1 :i 11 evpr lii'i.'oino u !iu veil of lillssfiil rest mill licnlllifiil en loynidil, Willi's Miirlo Wlilmr'r In the Ni'W Vork Hi'iiild. Kill ing Hie lust live winters, In spite i'f Hie wnr, tlm nnnicroiis winter sport rcsoi ls tneked invny III ull those lovely pots over tt.lKKI feet nhove sen level, iiimi:it;eil to liuve n "senson" on n lim ited s: ii!e. mid now Unit eondilioiis ure Hire inure lieeoinlli noriinil It is vx peeled Hint the wilder 1!H!I-1'.)''(I will M'e 11 irre;il ninny visitors lloel; to llnil no'., l;id Alpine hind, which, nltliiniuli in the iiittl.ii id tlnil tierce turmoil, h:is relnailieil i 1 1 1 : 1 . t . Swltv.ei bud In her winter nrh! To the ocwiniiicr It ineims 11 vision of .iii;idise to the hnliitne n cninini; horn.' In 11 P, 'hived haunt, dncc a mas ter study in nrli.lie coin!' ci'inhina lion, the coiinlry ajipears now us n .dm ions symphony In white, .lack 1'iie.t has imprinted n sih ncini; kiss upon (lie hahhlini lips of every liny hrooli mid inoiinlaln strenni mid j;lis lenliiK shi'cls of Ice cover also the Itlnpid Idiii' eyes of ponds mid Alpine lakes Ice and snow e er w ttere mnl hImhc n thirioim expanse of deep hlne d. 'liie nir ls,.f si ems to have ualn cd s out new mil aculons iptallties nnd Imvs which jt-.terlay h' weiity mid Lied haw a ih't'iiul and oner (tell- t Mil e . ,l,ai lull. ty. l and tif W'Olfr Spuitu. I' Hi ilh I ; ' 1 1 . Ml 'lc "ci i.-ltil I It.-s I. "'.1 citll'e. I'.ils hi I fit I 1 cel. aid I'd a ' 1 Ms . re 1 1 c !.'!' . I :: tl ! ;, in Hie ' .1 . 1 1 1 II. e . I, 'ei - I h sV In : h t .. .e ' I .' ; 1 .'Hi . 1 . i 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' " e "1 e p - . :t:c ,'iil.' nil .cr ( i . ' 'a Is l,- 1, a. i- of the i. . ' ! t.t ..) . in! . titer 0 ... ' t't ! :.. i. ,-liiit, r w .t .s In 1 : 1 I 1 o a ilc h '. ' . .-! .!,." i, 1,. lite '.,. I .. i t . !i 1 I. - ' II i'' I ' ';'. . ' I 'C ., ;(tc! III.' i- t! ' . !'i f r l"i!i sr . 1 II t " 1. . I "It 1, ,. Me "'.''! 1 tiec l- .1 - ' . I... !... .'M' 1 ! ' ' '!. 'tii.t 'he I: I'l l'o II..-. 1 ,- 1 ' " . I I 1 1 ! 1 , ,1;,,. P. , N ! :,- .., . ; ;m. II,. ,' I 'I.I ... ' - 'I ',' I, , ., I . ,, I v I "t It I .ileu t h. I t.t . . . - '..' I., it n. it. i !' . leim i . ill ! '..' I e li, 1 1 e t ,i It . kl'V I lit i ', .!' fn li"i ,, ': '' ' " ' -' ' "III. I t of t tt.lelel .'enl nit. I I..' Mil ln ,.v "I 'f UlUitllK s'lll'. ,.,. ,, fcttihl iliitiii'iitt-tii I .i ilt, . ',( well It. for lh .l.l ...krt . 'Ihe Itapi .. .., n j ' t for p. it I r. it. i ''itn'1 1 have itcti'V hi ( .lit.. lie.) I.t- tUnicti i Kir I 'tw uliltf rt.'i .tloietl t'lltol I"!' Olt 'I ll.' v.'lti. it i l,e ..i ' til'tt.l t,f Vtit-,1 l... I..t.ti:.iii. ,ii, vi IP I ft t, e. I.V tip t.t .! t'i' too n tew. . It tl. r I. r Ii n I'm iiit, niiH-.iit thinft wit! ,. f..i ! .. nti rr..i II t'niu up I , ,- ' . ,.f n ,. , ,, v h i t I ,t i t ,t ,r f.- '.. , I Mr. n ii to i . in, . ihe l. l "i .1 Hit Int. i the f.irr , t ,, . .,1 r,.'i , l,MH , , ,;, , ,. In Hilt ll 'l.rt rtt at.l I -.H'K " ! 5 w4 I n. . ' S. .& f ( " 1 In Winter. One of the most attractive, nnrl certiiinly a very social sport, Is foob nIcIkIiIiir. Lon?, low padiler tohoggnps, seating us many as six persons are used, mnl under this heavy burden the lmhslelKli shoots down its course with nirinzlnt! speed. As the lender sways, ulmnst automatically the close ly crowded team bend themselves, thus guiding the sleigh to the right or left ; they apply a brake by letting themselves drop on the snow or drive to greater swiftness by bending for ward like jockeys. Strong Iron spikes, which are driven by a lever Into the Ice, enable the leader to stop the vehicle nlniost Instantly, but a sudden nppllcallon of these brakes whirls up the Ice and snow In clouds, shaking mid Jolting the riders. Ski ing has taken root to an extra ordinary extent In Swilzerlnnil. Kven the pimrest youth does not want to do wilhont skis, though they might only 1 consist nf a couple of crudely adjusted Inirrel staves. Thanks to the ski the hoys and girls living on remotely sit lulled farms are now able to attend school every day; their parents are no longer Isolated for the best part of tin' Ions wln'er mouths, and thanks al-at in these "wooden wings" the null! mid newspapers can lie dellveri'd reg ularly. Sport Is furthermore made easier by the different luoiiiilnin railways, which 'n winter run toboggan trains. Thus one can travel a couple of slaliitiis up war. I ami arrive at the starling point of a inoiinlalii road wllliout exertion mnl waste of time. Then one can de scend to the valley on toboggan, ski or skates, or. vlce-x crsa. go ihtwii lirst ami return lv train to w inter ipiarters. l.nciM, C". ice" It Ions, leili drives. Ice cirnlM'l.. s,l cmuii'sIhii.s i.tnl an tipinl vari.'H of fascinating Indoor en tei la' transplant the happy winitr Int. i a totally different world v! 'i'1'iir.i and tare seem In I i Imi.-sIi .1 and where every human i - -et 's in ie ill,, that the best I'l'ei 'II K liomd right iieM in H. I I .-e- r.xpti one?. I . - v :'. .-ev off ill let s.tlllK in' h hi a.' t "i. im. at ale tiitiro Ie 111. ii- ! s ' TV ! r in e hlltcer Tit j "H . i v.. iii u I. riile an I bri.!.- ' . " tin a a I'Mt.t ciiiii.ii v to" n t . In.!' i . . i.. 1,'ij f !i'ii..ii.. for l o. ii in : , i i. Ahi.lit I 1 : -il Hie l.i-.I. ;, t i !.''..' i ' . .I en an ci'i .i i i'l curl I t"l.l les tt , . il :ii he w e meet Iter a ' I .' ,.'ti it a ei, i 'in rest .turant. lie as .1 i.!t.i. nii'il iilot. .si .tntt ' .A It t ,. I'i! lie lit-.- 1 Ini.t the res I 10 1 t'.'l I. !.l .1 - ,,vv bl .;e V ITT , ' t': i'" ' ' I' '!. ' a -Uf t .1.1 t 1' I I -h I t-. hcl In. I t.t o nf f .. tl ll.: I I -. I b r r.isi N' I M , ll 4 Mill Ilk'.. .V s ' l'i 1 V, I s ..1,1.1 .1 .Tt ve si i 1-1,1 1.. ICI f II l.tllM.'ll lll'lcl l i'l'i l.-H aiel lo ' . I II If it-- lllllf e K.b tltllt. "f IL ll t't . II ! ll I.I , I... I. Ilkr '. . ' . - l si it It iiltef I.t -t. .1. ti., 'i,i i I.. 'I t'S t of the N - J , er Will ll' Ik the ,..,1.1,1 lielil,. devil." 'II,, I'MH III.. I H I) Hi 'US leil lii iii I. ti i i ' it. ii'iit ..-ii "il ".'1 t'.ij w , irer ...i ;: ".lnr. Tee Bill i",:''.' I'd ltnt,..ittir. v 'in .T im. ,.i f ,. i I i.t tturig- over ,,r? ni. Mo ' h' ... It r.-i hi ,1. I 'f fti.i- link t V, 't,-,,,, , ii titd it.. .i.e. be f . h tt' ) riel ! ! ditltt i .1 ' I .' I . ti .,. S'f s II ' it , 'I WHF.N TTMP.XPTT.r.TF.n mMPANY '! 'ZxAiX P ARRIVES, AT MEAL TIME j j I H fPMPW. f0r HUBBY AND THE CHILD- prlr 7 XfJ " ' moam fcT Sill III ilUVli " rwf Ti IB II It CORN Walk in Faith. Have failh. llien, oh you who Buffer lor liie noble cause: apostles of u truth which Ihe world of Iculny rotn prclieials not ; warriors In the wieretl Imht whom It yet stU'inutlzos with the name of rebels, ..Tomorrow, perhaps, Ibis world, now Incredulous or tndlfrer- etit. will bow down before you in holy entliii.eiasni. Tomoi row vl lory w ill bless the banner of your crusade. Wull: In faith ami fear not. Mazzlnl. Philadelphia Parks. riiiladelplila has a park system of I.Kil acres. VPP-iCOTS JUST WHAT YOU NEED THIS WEATHER Men's Rubbers IN ALL R UNDER AND CLOTH TOP STYLES. Men's Four-Buckle Arties Ladies' IN ALL STYLES AND SIZES MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S JERSEY LEG GINS. COME IN AND LET US OUTFIT YOU WITH STORMY WEATHER FOOT- - WEAR Sam Hughes Co. is a Comfort TO HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF OUR LINE OF CANNED GOODS ON YOUR PANTRY SHELVES. IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME, TEM PER AND NERVOUS ENERGY AND FURNISH THE BASIS FOR A SUBSTANTIAL AND APPETIZING MEAL. A a.JkiJB ASK US ABOUT PRICES AND A SUITABLE ASSORTMENT. Phelps GROCERY CO. Acorns as Human Food. i The Indians of the Paeifle coast re . Klon. from northern Cnlirornla to Mox I leo, I'at acorns In considerable nunn. I Iltles, Dried and pomiilcil they are made Into a xort of mush, and also In ! luead. Acorn meal Is usually bleach oil to free II from tannin nnd what ever other hitler piWiples It contain In certain parts of Italy acorn meal with the adilllio:i of two-thirds ground 1,'raln, Is made into bread. The City vs. the Country. Tl.,- city Is a place where people Int'st dwell the country a place where peo Ie may live. V., Iiane. 1 Rubbers Pa Many of The Men i In Morrow County who have ( the reputation of wearing good clothes had their suits made in the Heppner Tailoring AND Cleaning Shop I also represent two of the best cruer States in the United G. FRANZEN Proprietor NEWS I'Unsc insert the fullowine news item in the lII-.ri'NKU III-UAI.D: SIC.NKI): I'lca-if till in al.rnc lines with any news'itent you know ..f. siu it an. I tnai! to Herahl office. Your tainc will iit.t Ik- I'lil'SMii-i! hut in required only a an i.ii!i tue of jjt-'l faith. But Kaiser Wiihelm II. Forgot It. Charles III. of Germany adopted the phrase, "year uf our Lord." DR. HAROLD C. BEAN l'UVSICIAX and Sl'KGEON Hepimer, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Building Office Phone 702 Residence 523 VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST -Permanently located in Oddfellow's Bunldlng Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOIiNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court HonSe Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Heppner , Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts BIdg. Heppner, Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Ore. ROY V. WHITEIS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, Heppner Oregon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone Connections lone, Oregon ITEM Mil lift 'S-y 'i'k " rli',KHI (,MJ WW mi. i