PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Febmarvq hr,n i'ii;i:u' com.mittf.f. ivspfc t imakk no vi;im,.ii:i;k;o-hi:ip- I M It F.OAI) fXCoMF TAV XOW THE HEPPNER HERALD G. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper l.'i.: H'-rPI'-. Po-t.Itirt HH SCunil-flass Mrtter IFR.NS H M Il( rii-i ION O.'i - Y"ftr j. ) Six M.-.ntiis Tlirc V.ulV:. $ .50 -J 1.00 Ji; i-i.wi: roc ronr-i :. i i I KN tr .n 1'. ;i n ia L-t-s . ;!,.ij,-l- :i (- ni tv. n . 1 un? vll"n ihfj W.-st I ; .- pi;.;' :t.,iii !' ha Vine ai; pla ne I.l; j;i-l.!l-l ; A ni ! nil r.c V .- Iji-tn il'ine tin- liiii'- lor rt'lon mi i; uU-k ii'-tifin. tire mukiiiK piiilicuhu- icfi-i- i tlii.-i linn' o :lic pi'oti'Cti'iii of ;;iiinal lori'.-its. The stent si-'iv- '1:1 i:'l S in t 'Mr St;tt(;H oj lli.tho. tine, M'.n', WasliinKioii and .n and C!il"rnia li-& in tin' sov- (-." I'ori!';, (-ichty per -;nl of I i" ntliona! toif'-ls (civilly million ;:.H'-j lji-iiii within the boundary i II".- m ihc.i" state.-. I i.'- " should he protected ii I! ,nosl ei Ver'ti'. e way. The ter iiio; lo be roven-d enibrac(-s over fie of the Mandins nierchaii tile I iiiie. in the I'niti'd States. In Jlon iiiil Ida.h" if.ii, last year, tine- .,nd .-ni'-half billion feet of govern-I :; fiit lin.ber was ilestroyed by fire. I -"- (i inipiirv v.e learn that the re I'j.'t n; Colonel i(. If. Arnold, direct : in an- service training and opera l on.s eioup, dated November 5th, lorwarded to the war depart ; n nt at Wiinliingtoii, recommending as IoIIowh: 1. i:a tablishment of three forest patrol banes: Mather Field, Califor i.ia. ( '.imp Lewis, Washington. Mis. .-oula. Montana. Sub oases to be established to cover i h ,i i t-,i:! el fectively. '1. l''H!nisliinn 2'i palrols, each pa- lasislim: of pilots. Obseneis, r.oiio "I fici s, pigeon i and plioloKiapUic men, lu nilll neicfaiy force of forestry ATION ARMY Wil l, APPOINT local committee Mr t -nl I. 'I i I. I,. I'.'imty planes and (On piiieons i.ifd in Hie aiea covered I rum i hi I t ee main bases. Tins report of Colonel Arnold was ' if-, illy reviewed bv a special . .mil --lee and ii it ;fn i ne ni sly adopted. V. . Me a til hot iz.'d to stale there is ''i e.ison In believe the Air Si'iv i i i.. .ehind I he Forest Patrol in this ,."'!-. .iliinu. us indicatiil In u letter : urn I'nlimel W eslovei daled Iiecem l"'i I HI 'I S 'i I'lary Houston of Hit' depart ' fin of am iciillnre. ill a letter to .-nai r MiNmy, ilated the Ulli ilay i f ! ir.i riiilii a, stall"'- "I 'in Vf y iir li tter of Ileceinber :4'f ' i an-.. ii it i in ' a leller fnm r. . S. h.ipaiiin ieuanlii( un aipro l 'iili n lot ground oik in eonnei: ; o.i . ;h niiplane palrol. The plan ii :, I'pniiiMil mid inioi inatiiMi on le t Mi-i t has already In ell presen'- I l Li" a ;i Iculliiral ciminiil tec by ' ' 1 I'''"', i 'I 1'ieti i y i;. . : i I i been it inioi' 1 leraithnt! the I "" ' I I Id. I I l.e V I le: II F.ltl-H I'M' '! Hie i -trill and I have in ' I Ji l i.het i r lie :l lllld II pn.H- bl' l.'.'.U I'll- ll.-Ht file N'Msl.TI til 'iii. ii ... Hie viit': inriieil i n bv tin . t ii e i!.; I'i : l!c M-a.-oii just I j-.t I noli h i i'i !" pi of h (avinabl,' : t .Mini lb" si-cie'a:v nf w.ii, np- I"! s i.f. t." I K. ! n pnl ii I n a tn.i' ' in i.i I iiik $ tin. nun i: I i. t I. i ,i .i ' lie t:a !! HI Ibi' l ill i i :n it t." Iio ill inn "' '! MP II t . II !l till' I ni I'i V i ill l I , ii . ii ; t I ll, IV i '.I. I 'it , Jul li' i ; i- .l I. , i I i " . II i ; I l! 'i ..- lUiral M.-ctioiis r.nd the smaller com-iininitie-- where the Salvation 'A i my now !ia no orjranizalion are to have iht br nefit of the Army's expel ience ami extensive lacilities for dealint; witli soeil pioblems, according to the l:J2'i "Home Service Program" of the Army, details of which were an nounced today at the Portland offices , of Licit. Col. Thomas Scott provincial officer. The program is now beir,:; ' bunche d in Oregon' and six otl.ei western states and its extension to all j of the states west of the Mississippi liver is contemplated. ' In order to meet more effectively ' the social service needs of Cue eiiliy- j ing re Hons, Colonel Scott said, the ; Army officers have decided on the I naming of local Salvation Army ad- ! visoiy boards in each county. These j will be composed of representative ! citizens and will constitute the '. Army's outposts. They will study ! their local conditions and report and ' the Army will give all possible co- I operation tliiotih expert advisors or the sending of experienced and train ed officei s into fields where Condi-! tions warrant. Conditions relating to poverty, un employment, juvenile delinquency, missing pei sons and illigitiinacy are to be given special attention. De partments and institutions especially adapted tc meet these problems in clude the emergency departments, rescue homes, industrial homes for men. homes for dependent and de lin Utient children, young women's boarding homes, and the "missing friends'' bureau. Colonel Scott emphasized that the program would avoid duplicating the work ol any other relief or social seivice institution and will be aimed 'inly at. more efficient work by the .Vi'iiv's exi::tiiii: organization and in-'ditntions. 1' Ian- s. I ! '1 i IHI. MFAI.TII sni .viiov A .iii-id; lable number of imiuena iises are r.'i-ort.-d in tin- town mid muni! dining tiie pasi we;.',; hut on Hi. .;;!.: Inn. McMurdo and ('Licit l ie h ie;n.i t.'ii to he Herald thai t lie 'n-ihi.iy ; ..el I lobe mi the .vane. iJr. lli'iii. i-ity ho.ililt nitii-er, is out m town tuil.iy .tnd no repon lima him .a available. The Inilji'tia is said to he in a mil'h mliler fiitiii laan ;'. year ami ami i nly mie or two cases havt even 'e .' i c n : ; i 1 1 1 ' l ei 1 as se'ioiis. Thero i" iiiany i, lies of plain "colds" iti iiit' In tip pr va iiiK eld. loi'gy wi ! hei Two i-asi-H nf unmllpox nave heen ri pin led and -juawntin Ml. They "uv V F I aw son ami Mm. Ib n MeMiit l.r i Hi of whim reside in the ocrlh pan 1 1 ! lnwo. - c;:i: upon i;;.-. : , -j.j. ; .Moi.-O'.v Court;- Fv .., Bu.f i:ul Fan,, T!;:; ' .t ; Oregon, . in ...;f.j.t;:i!;'nt. -i t li t;-ie c i1 ; whereby the ofiicinl ri:.! ; the county. y,: O.-car M..:- .. McCaleb, county road m .: chairman of the County ! reau standing road com:. ; Adam Knoblock-and hims--:. n. ,..! :. trip to tiie noith end of t',e eouuty iuspeding vaiioas routes that ate ce ing considered with the idea of con noting the irrigated section m i.he noith end with the grain section md the county seat in the southern part of the county They made the trip over the John Day project in Ford car and inspected the western route socalled by tht lioardatan people which it was found penetrated through tne center of Cue proposed reseivoir of the John Da project leportad by Mi. James Carty to be nine miles long and five miles wide. This route also inter sectec. the Wells Spring canyon and the Jordan Butte, seeming to make advisable to detour a little farther east. They also tried to find a route one mile west ol James Caity's ranch bui in this encountered a lot of sharp canyons and lieivy grades which seemed to eliminate this. The most practical route apparently was I'oijihi lying down Juniper canyon by James Carty's place and thence after fol lowing a northern route for five or six miles it is possible to run a road in aluio.-t any direction. Tne Farm Bureau discussed and expect to call a meeting of men interested in thjs road from Boaidman, Iirigon, Lex ington, Wells Springs anj Alpine to meet at some central point in the near future and discuss the chance: of all getting together to boost lor roads that will serve everyone con cerned. The party returned over thf route from Irrigon south and found the frost going out of the ground ,nd the loads generally in a rather dif ficult condition for feasible naviga tion. Kven around Lexington, where the roads should be good, they loun.1 a very undesiiable condition o; mui' and deep ruta to exiHt and Mr. .Mc Caleb says that he dosen't wonder the people are anxious to get them lixed. L. A. HUNT, County Agent. t.. l"t'l has on A. :i:lK: : a ; is : '.I ni a a : rive.-i Tax foi P.e- ti-e col li t P''"l ii..- lav. p; '..vides be in tiie o.' f ice si-ierm.1 revenue :i or 'o'-'orr .March 15th. 1V21". I'ji'i!;'.' lo comply with tiii-- law )je.- to heavy penalties. J il u.x j.ayi'i.T are urcul to make ! their returus at once, thereby I luvoidi.iit the rush at the last hour. Fo-- tiie purpose of a.-sisting tax payers ol Morrow county in making up their income tax return for l'jl 't. Deputy Collectors Chamberlain and Wilkinson from 1 he internal revenue office will lie at the following named places on the dates given below: Heppner on February 26 to March 1st. 1B20 inclusive. Ion" on March 2nd to March 4th. For any information you may de sire in preparing your statement, please qjill upon the deputy collector as per announcement herein made. Respectfully, MILTON A. MILLKR, Collector of Internal Revenue. NOTICK TO C'KKfHTOKS Notice is hereby given that S. W. Spencer 'has been duly appointed Ex ecutor of the Last Will and Testa- ; ment of JOSEPH P. WILLIAMS, deceased, by the County Court of Moriovv County, Oregon, and has duly qualified for such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my attor ney, Sam E. Van Vactor, In Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, with vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 13th day of January, 1920. S. W. SPENCER, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Joseph P. Williams, de ceased. 37-41 The Horald advertisements are for you to read, so you should lead them and 'Know wheie to do your shopping lo the best .i.dvaiilage to you. ;iOI WII.I, AS AV ADVKItTIMSt, ASS FT ii. M sl; SAVS TFHT SFF.I W een f inueip, college profeHHOi , mil busline men dem it their work in I iii.d"! (ho home to ineiol i inen M.itei piicn It Is a good fdgn In vmmIi iii llifcnii Ihul every h i of j.e.d coin platil'd should b.. IhoroUKlilv ft I d lot i;ei iniiialii n, nays (',. ; IU1 ' 1 1 . head ol un in ernes at (. A ' " I'd nilied Hi U 111. i is a new ' ' -11 a. but it ii.ilu i.'i Hi. I - 1 1 1. ili v i nil! '.. . i . ' l iiii.oi.- ' I Hi em ni.-' ei... tin e 1 oil .1 I mi in I .1 - I . ... Ii, d in ill'. i il (Arthur Hooth In New York City there is a cloth inn advertiser who taken a Miiall space in the paper each day. lie il lustrates hU ads with funny little pic turta, Jescriptivt of hin headlines. For instance, lie II have a chap open- Mng an umbrella with the caption "Time to Open up," etc. Veiy often you'll hear auvct tisers and advot tising ni.n nay "Gee. those ads are good. Why don't we ;et up MinietninK like them?" In many i-aao.i they Iry, but fall to Ret the saint resulu. liecause of uiio thing Good Will. They have ovei looked the cardinal pilncipie behind these ads. H year of Rood will built up thrgugh the consistent une of this name type ol adveitis 'men;. IF vein ft or mcady HilvenlHing, barked by yearn of quality gol ds Hint i-iii,ue deal iik And that h v. h so many would Ix idveiiiMM fall by Hie nuyride. Tiiey .unt lo :iccmiiilinh In two yearn Iho Haiue Ihliu oilier linns have been ! i l.iin le to n. cine in tucuty. They '1 I llio- Jllhl li'C.msc tiny uuy b: 111. I lite ftli.1.' t... ,,f ,t,M. : lllelil ; ii..'iiisiri: .. I -l id' ,1'id cuii. K- I up by ,i ; , I'A !!M lilts l.MOV AND Till STATK CO. IMIiFT (Continued from Tape 1) branch of the bu-tiness. Folio", ing ihe business nieeting ft" Fanners' Union was,re-oi ganized wiili almost Iijm iiieiiibers and It Is expecud that legular meetings will he held in the riiture. The organi sation was effected as the Heppner locil, It being undeistood that if the mem beiij of other parts of the coun ty so desire they can organize their own local :n e.n h neighborhood. OHicers of the Heppner local chos.u Satuiday were: It. W. Tinn er, presld-nt: K. U. Huston, vice president; Ma, i T. Hughes, secre'nrj. r.efore ailjoni nment n lesolutton slintigly endoi.-ing the Trl-Statc Co., won passed without di vision. It Is understood that a larje number of wheat growers expressed the intention of Inking stock in the Tri-Slale Co. an ttoon an a new block of nrk Is placed on the market. In ti'i "-in I, iniisl it ..lid , - ii Ii i :" -:u -I mid a i I 1 ' t I" 1 1 -.1 i , i; 1 1 L rr-s. Are You Hi i Hungry? i I. A F L T v & s E R V I C E Solve Ihe H. G of L "IF THE I'KOI'I.K WOULD IXCKKASK THFIlt SAVING IJV lltt, THE COST OK 1.1VIXU- WOUM) - FAI.I, ao','f IN A HKIFF TIMIO." THIS IS THE K EC F.N" T STATEMENT MADE HV A 1 TO I ! N E V ( i E N F 1 ! A L PAI.M.EK. YOU HELP SOLVE THE HIGH COST OF lIVlNti? A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE WILL HELP YOU SAVE. DOING YOl It SHAKE XOW WILL MATERIALLY ADVANCE YOUR OWX PORTION IX MONEY MAT TERS. IT'S A LOGICAL THING TO HAVE A GROW ING SAVINGS ACCOUNT ALL THE TIME PARTICU LARLY NOW. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON i?7i LooK at TKis Bargain 8oo ACRES A NO. i FARM LAND 8 MILES SOUTH OF HEPPNER SEE ME FOR FULL PARTICULARS ABOUT THIS FINE BUY Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS I l V I i I i.l -., 1 1 i 'U!l , ' II - I . ,'t .1 IV 1' ' 'Mil In ICH I MIV' t . 1 1 I . i I" . .1 . I I ; I . . , ii : .1 ' II III-. 1-1. I'll. pi , , " .! ii i i ..I I , I t '.. ' ' i i v i ; i I V. r ,..- Tl-rv' ! Lit. II I .. .. . i: ... r, , ., 1 ' i . ' 5 ' . i. l' i- I I ..i.- ; !,. .. ,. - ..!' I -- , ,,!.! .. . ''. -iii ; l,-.i ,1 ; ' j .. M. e I t iiei ,, . .. v t 1 ' - ! l -' I tl, I !. t !.,'.,. " I , , , , , ,1 ,, j.l - II.- p. ., ' ;,. . ,. j .. .1 t i I , ' . V O'l f, ,. ; ... , I I ' I'i,' 111 . H . II l 11 I , I I . f . . j .'if II i r . .. ,! ,, . , ,! ' ' i'" ... fflc I; liili - V 'i I ' 'I ' ' I; ' i I r. . i ' '., !. ., I ' " 'It " '', i. il;e ' t ..l, i. j , ti Id Thrt Citrrt. I 't ' I - I - . ..,. i. I, ., ' ' I - ' 'in t .... . ,. I I I' a.! n I. t j ''-''' I' '! . !..!. i . , . ; ' " 1 ! i.i '.its i. .1..-. ) v ( ,. ' ' hi i .-. . i ' ' . i - a ' 'i.i . i i,ii.',. .. .. -, i!.. i. 1. 1. 1 . ; .... .;,-, '' " T'n i i ,.'.! rif l1,', . .. ". umiv I.. r If II I v d i' . , ' en ft p,..!.. itl.l. .. n.. ; .,, . n Sure. We!! then li y .& A Lunch Goods We have the line that p!cascs McAtee & Aiken '.i ti. i1; hi "PLRMANCNT AS THE K YRAMiDS" CoP.rrpfP Pin'p fnmnnm . .b.. VWIIIMUIIT iiiinulatturefs Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe I Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products j 1003 North I0h St 1 rhonc 467 Wu'lj Walla, WavK ! - I ' ' i m I . ii i.i . r.i 4 I ' I'.i .t.l. . r' I ' I hi ! ni I ) t !" i ". ." ..n i i. i i I - ' i ... n, ., 1. I " n. . : .1.'. " zts r-! II i "K A t .1 WANT ADS iKT Till- HKM' KKSn.T.v