J AGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Februnrv r :V Ut7tm2 f I! ; Ct-". t-W mmm if-, i : mm. - 4" -ite i Hcppner Elevator Co. m;. - I Jw "J ( When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us W !".- 1-c- a -in-daily of (uick repair work, keep ing :ilwa ica.ly lite materials and nu-n lor ini niediaU' service. 1 1 "ii li.tw new y.i, ;!.;.! (. u ,h 1H ,,, iuro "" u r v : .iad i vuhmii priee-. nr work i, guaranteed to -i e y,,u i.erect satis '"'""ii .'Hid if on are not pleased in eery partie nlar we ill ai e nritln-r tiiiu- nor iimney to make it riht. Peoples Hardware Company i I "Hi We Keep a Record For You "xl " Mil 'l. M ,. , , HHIM. HMV Nl mii i m i him i vi i.t nmm,. I lo li! , o;;, I) on HI Iiomk l.h llll IN I u i I Willi ii ; lin'IM'h ; , . "lit. lo Will. II oi MM II U I llilMll Mr. i su; . si II V I.I o;. ., II ;o N ,, I. in l I I Mils .,K Will HI in ,, ,,, MU )(. ItWi.lN., I sIM Fanners & Stodgrowers National Bank Hi:iINKK. ORF.GON. inA-A, a n d "ur flour. v.iil j.rove to j r;dvantajrj ot Star Brand ad anti Farmers' mm ' i' SIX'. iiifi MM w- jap LftfWA ' " I mm mi I SWA 3 J C: ?. . SSZZ'S1amm I ' I hi V V X'r':& JL U 5Pt lO.1 f.JZu-"; ! r ' ..f Kf- w was invil l II w i hWSft.'fca Ilih FEEDS ORPHAN Cleveland H. Dodge Shows What Near East Relief Can Go in Efficient Purchasing. Buying in wholesale loss a.vj m !c-i Uie mr.sl fuvoiftlile iricrkt-t coi.'liiiui:s Near Kast Roilei of 1 .M:,'! , !ivt;,uc New YorU city, v.iih represt-mativeg v evt-ry suite of the I'uii.n, tins lii-cn nl.li to bafile the high cost of I : so fat as relief supplies for the sufittriNg mil lions of the Near Kast are cmn-erneM. Cleveland U. Dodge, tn-asuier, in i s'stife'tient shov.s that the committee If tihie to provide food for the sufft rin people of the Near East at prices mucl lower than the average cliarKe here. A donation of $5 per month will pro rlrie food for one orphan, J 10 pel month provides not only food, but als clothes and (belter for one orphan and for tl5 per mouth attendance a' school Is assured to each orphan lu ad dition to food, clothing and shelter. In the appeal for funds to save tin starvlnc remnants of the Armenian: and otl.fr western Asia peoples, Neai Kust Itelk-f Is iuvltinj; lie Atiierk.it puhlic to "adopt" an orphan at tin rules itiYi-ii here. Over U'j'i.'fKj home lt-s children are lu need of help in tin Ni ar Ii; st. Women's ort'aiiizatlons to. laes, ch':n-his and so-'inl cluhs an n-sn.ndiii to the appeal ly adoptin) quoins of orphiins for support over I delinite period. i?1 10,000 ORPHANS Connecticut to Provide Foster Mothers for Little Victims of Turks. Ten thousand little rlctlins ot Turkish hrutallty are to he foster mothered hy the l,lK hearted women of Connect Irut as the result of ap peals ,y .er Kat ICeilef, the funnel Committee for Armenian ami frlan Hidlef of 1 Madison avenue, New York city. The women at a ineetlnif voted to "ndupt" that inimher as their share of the a.'M,isl hoinele. ami starving hoys and grn orphuned lb the massa cre and deporiaiioin. Three hundred r piKentatlves of im-ii's oriranlaiiiuii intended tht ii.eitli.K i.t Hartford, at uldcli Gov erimr Man u II. Hohomh presided and pleaded the .nuse of the Mrl. ken peo ples Ai oth.-r s eaker was Henry Mor-k-eiitliHU, former r. S. Aiiihi.s.udor lu Tiirki . A-Mitam ei. it at II, e i vampt,. t.f (hoe nol le Leaned Ci lilieel,, lit MimieD Will I f f. il..ed .r .iiml.ir oik-.ii,ii,tlons lu nil the other tMleH km. ., , n received lit the lo-.id'pial I. I . f :!e , ir K:s' It. I f, 1 il.oh-. n miiiuv, Ni m Vurk vity. A.rman't Rfc) d Whnl U ....o. I,, lel old for iil'.l.l . Chile. i.e II Willi, I'l. I- ol motor X. V.. In !. no i .fn h-h. . a Tli.'iii.i M r. Hi ttie .si. oil In. o lone It. a U-f, li!ifi. ,. aU.l I...VH.1! I.tt.lll at IM. t.vo . . A ! .. -t ll. I a I, ..t"r I. p'nne. -. .hi. HiL n i of r.iviun ' I I o- '.I . f :r.e I I hi'dor f. . t. ti e ,1, l.. kl-.hd to he Wi!! h ot ' i . I . I I I. , ., a. i,. d 1 hi. '. in. hit If li, .. roll 'I mile " . a ! . t lll . I.I) ! am '.l he o t i. ll. i t0 k-lo'e h... I . . li , '".' d tl.iil 1 Id I. me I ii . til f f I I V lo, , u ' i t. lo- re.-.id I v ,,. I ' to - r cM-'i-l f.-.na i'.r. i. I ' .I. I. a d..i.. Iloll ft. I t t l: D.xevtr New 0.mn4 f.ld. A nr Afrli.ni d i .) r. ,(l i.ren dixt.vt rwl I ) (.tfloi ..f the 11. tt lh i.log.,,1 niMrt lii the l'ost. The sti.nrn ai found la .hal lo quarts frstrl If. ,oir n..rthrs f A. era. raitltal if the cwiot.y. Ahvul ' em but ttreadi len fuuu4 WOMEN ADOPT tiih.iLttili Soldier Husband and Battlefield Baby Touring Country With Her for Near East Relief. A mother, father and daui;',!tr, the latter horn in a tattered Ked (.'r"s lent in the !(:" f'a'.ieasus while ii'ttiS roared all around and Turki.-ti shells. Ivriorin? the mercy emlileni, Lursi near it, are touring America in lehaif of tlicir native Arnienia. They are Gen "ral Mezrop Nevton Azyapetian, his f i l iff 1 y x- 8 M , IW f f LADY ANNE AZGAPETI AN, wife, Lady Anne, and lreneh Kstlier Araxle Azttapetliin, whose liahy ees opened upon scenes of horror and Inter through them saw much of the suffer Injrs of the people of Annenin. The family are making their tour un der auspices of Ihe Near Hast HelVf. the hin oruanliitiou which has saved bundreds of thousands of the people In that part of the world from death hy huncer and cold and Is soon to open a nation wide cinnpnljin tor funds to Complete the work of saving the sur vivors, wore than a half million of whom must perish unless aid it.nies to them soon. Auiei lu Is their only hope Oeiieral AzKapetlnn served I'allnnMv In the Russian armies In the i'niinins against the Turks. His wife, who ac companied hliu lo the front, did nohle ork for the wounded and shk, and It was while In this service that her hnhy was Lorti In a hospital lent during a hnttle. An army Idnnket swung from two poles In one corner nf the lent wt the hahy's erlh during li e rest of that terrlhte winter ampaiiti. Who the collapse of the Itusiian armies after the Itulshevlm revolution the Acape tlans returned to Armenia for a hrlcf spell and did their hesi to nllevlntf Ihe snrTerlnu they found -m every hand Hut with a Turkish price on his head the father finally made Ids way with Ms family thn.iik'h Iliin.in to Kln'nnd and then t.i th's country. What ihe tell of Coiiiinini,. Uio u,i;U In Armenia la hmt I. and evidem e. In He Caneu.iis, Annetdn. !rla J'urkcy Tii.l rers'a are more tl.im '.'Vi. " orphans, help!. little vlrnms of war. n n.aere nnd d. rtai;on, nnd f. r tl v i:r. at m:it..i"'y !!, only h.ir t tw.-eii them nnd al...lii . ,ur:it,or Is A howl of I...I he m tollp r efV .1-1 w Th'a oiii l u. lied hy t! e X.ar 1 li.tlef now n.Hkine an apiod the Ann rl.-'ti p.-. ide for sutti, ll If ,elit fund tii liii ren.,. IH, 1,.,. , i ,.. t!n.e suffering little ones will ol.iihlnts and give tlu-m nn cl Btlof that w III help Mu ni to l.eo. rtlnir It l estimated !IU' self np that nun than l.Nsiixi n We.irni Am. d ihe of nmatlon Onle.a Ainerlom all la roiitlnue.i. Philatelic NoU. I he ltl.tl.,ti.,., , 1 1 ,. , ,,rr, ,., 'nr stun p In ch na r pre-n'a ni, h m( i'.,. 'I,-,, ,,f , , ,., Vl.!k. rfo. the at I 'ie r'i.t!!i or I r. H" to a .!. r In I ! r 1 1 isie I kiti, n ., , i-'lla It 1. Hip iHi.ii )..,... ,, in. ! la aa e i n; t,.n , f r .'i ll.r world 1 n s'anipa The ID frtil V lui,p .(k Mr rwigium en J.si) lt. ptiii. ia folTV plrtrly mtd out In ne dm. Ther ere only it' foMr prlnie.1 and iy De itstiips were allowed to la old 19 one ete., New aiaini are aiearle f, the flt or Flame tearlai the wards Tvt lliiibs' Ibttead f Hiu" hi ;. General Eadogllo is in command of Italian forces in the Fiume region op posed to the troops under D'Annunzio, i who seized the city. C.W.McNAMER B. F. SORENSOJ I Central Market n McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. 'e beg to announce to the people of Heppner and vicinity that we have purchased the lease, business, fixtures and good will of the Peoples Meat Market and have moved into the quarters recently occupied by that firm in the Gillman building on West Willow street, where we will conduct a first-class market in such a manner as will appeal to the most fastidious. On our racks and in our storage will be found the very best the market affords in BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POUL- ' TRY AND FISH IN SEASON, 'J ry some of our home made pure pork Sausages with your J'.uckwheats these cold mornings. Our purpose is to give the people of Heppner strictly lirst-class service, courteous treatment and fair price's Give us an opportunity to serve and please you. Central C1D19A.C.S., Inc. a pest j), et t-' 7' i Li v- r - lis pelt is bringing the highest prices ever known "Shubert" Wants Oregon Furs Ar.s,., ALL, VCU CAN SHIP Ur"lP7(.T"C,C n:,lren,ely lll0li lrlec. CET A SHIPMENT OFITCAY 2. 'I, COYOTE Jla 'lX'l: ltn ii'MIJ M g .v q 4 y 1 N.',fW )i lit u ; ii v 3-,v L, M J-utHfa ?r.M s-, 2rfl ,k, ,M 1 ' T n -. r.iuY o, ' '" '.. u.n, h 41.,1 . , .x- 5:;:., .,t,:,:;. rcsuii m more money "quicker A.BSHUBE& AMERICAN RAW FURS 5-2T WAuitin Ave. rptiMjChlcoqoT1 USA s t If JiS ' 1 JTlJZlMls. Rev. J. McGuire. secretary pai-ty of anti-Sinn Fein ministers who came mom tngiand to oppose the Sinn Fein doctrine preached b D Valera. e Market 13 N 1 "JlL l. a d -iiur