S. . NOTSO.v HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920. NUMBER 40 VOLUME 6 1 H 3 KB 1 R SECURED FOR upprer ESI CLi HOOSTlMi OKLGON PHODICIS H'XS OK ALMOST &HMMM) MOXTH SCIiSC-IHUKn IP.isiiies :.k:. lb'.il'essioiiil inn! Slot Siilisci'!l)e Kniids to V'o imile Public titled That the He.ppner. Commercial Club is about to enter upon a period of renewed activity prepared to take its right' nl place an.ong the progres sive, .civic urbanizations of Oregon lias been pivity well evidenced dur ing the pant few days when a auiol but effective membership campaign was put on by a committee of the club, which resulted in practically every, business firm and professional pp; -.iu the city signing a member ,? thevd and pledging the payment c.X pcillf sum every month for the Hiippoit nf tl:e club. A number of Htockimm throughout the county also signed cards and expressed a willing ness to get behind the club in its eft'oris to promote the general mat erial progress of the entire county. Subscriptions to the club fund rang- nd nil the wav from one dollar to twenty-tive dollars, the latter amount being subsciibed by the city govern ment. The subscriptions aie for monthly payments. It is the intention of the officers of the club to arrange for regular meetings of the membership either semi-weekly or monthly, and it is ex pected that a busy year lies ahead of the club members outlining and carrying out many uuiun ij'" hawn-.: for their object the welfare of Moriuw county. The .Ton a Day project is porhrr con of the bigt'fst tMutB the ..!. ",vill Iipvi" to gi apple iti'., end it seems) t'j be the geneinl opinion of those who have ri'i'llrted ihemse'v s Tfi-.li liic club dint t'ue aiipres-.ru! p"o- of ih;.l 01, e r: - e win m 1 r. all the ii-anuam- i'.'lv cot-t in 'Scait Something" is the latest new publication to tome to our exchange table, it is not a Bolshevist publica ;i'.n as the name, on first flush, might suwbI. It is the en-ran ol the Asso ciation of Oiegon Manufacturers and its mission on earth is to start and keep going a movement in Oregon to encourage the use of Oregon made products in Oregon. In snort it i a sort 0i trao.e at nome muvtiiiii.-11 1 along ti e same lines as that recently being promote.! by the Heiald in the intei' st of (lie merchants and co sumeis ofltorrow county.. T'ae association has recently issued a oiiectory of Oicgon manuiaclurc which is of inifcUMt to every dealer a:fi coiisuir.er who wants to promote the use of Oregon made goods. LEADS ROOSEVELT SUBSCRIPTION I 1 ... y k mm .-" "t. v. S ;-S .v.WSS .-::':-;:;: ;;;-.; . .. TO!,!) Till-: Till" 'Til HA! MAX "OTKS i'Otl HUifl SCHOOIj vxsos flSillil ,;-;AJSfvf:J.'.ii';" I mi At ' ( recent special school el tioi) at Hard unr, t'iie Question of e tablishit'g a it' DO Si full hii.Ii school co i of several adjacent district;-, i vote was cast esultius in a vie lilltll k.: - ,u'v - wmBm tu.y fur Cliche wl-.o favored ibc "ui.eh ; scho;'. Tin-- vet- stmwl 47 yes; 03 no. Progressive citizens oi Hnrumun predict that this will mailt a nvx, era "iSi" MIS Hob Osrsr.cr. wlm raises "vast Iteuls of cattle and sheep in the neigliborliood of Spray, helps pay the expenses of the government by con tributing a swell income tax and con tributes in various ways to t'ae good of the community at large, was in lone the fust of the week, tt is id lie lias a hankering for the h-gis-lalure and w ill oilei himself as a can didate at the coming election. Th! should not be held against him, how ever, for "lie's a jolly good lellow winch no one can deny." Bui we have digressed. The story v, c started out to tell is this: H- was I recently a ehaiaotei witness in a boot-legging case being tried in Port land. After being examined at length by the pi ot-eculion he was asked what the geneial conduct of the accused had been since tue pro hibition law nati gone into elieci. 'Prohibition," answered J'.ob, 'has net prohibited; about ail it has 0m: is (o raise .the price of whiskey."-- lone Independent FARMERS UNION li TRl-STATE GO. HEEI MOIMUAV COIXTV KAKMKIIV V.MOX LOCALS HK-OIWJAXIZKH lii-Sl.ite Oft'ii ials Kxplai" Woi Kings of Their Company. Would In crease Capital Stock The town oi Iloswel! (in., of Martini 'tilloch. mother of Theo- Lhe growth and pregrcss oi the town". They have borrowed Tacoier.'s old slogan and are advising the pub lic to "Watch Hardman Grow." be lionu ihn-e ltoosevi It, now leads in the contest for subseriouons to establish a per manent i;ooseelt: memorial. Poswell lias a population of l.alHI and $(!( was the amount allotted by the committee as its shave. The subscription now ..vm..i RX I Kit I r onp-iemh of li'.e ouota for the entbe state of (jeorgia. TliiB iliotograiiti sliov.s P.ulioch hall, the home of Roosevelt's mother. oi; ( OXDITi'S SANTA HI I'M MOS PITAL TO SOOX OI'KN I5Ki 1 -IK A LTV JRAL -"-:, RURAL COMMUNITY LIFE i SHOULD BE GUaiVATED 1 promo in -Ah line I. i t 17 iiiotti.il wort i many eiv 'if. th. f i'lb eT9 ii.ei.ev. time ntid ''i ort. 'i lie lead tt i,i'eiest an I t -ae.r.is at ils c.eiimapd to btlibiiivr i;f rood ruat'3 countv ;' i o s . 1 on- emmty other. Me. IP.- o-.l'"'r m; Ut-ff. of in P to tii- "ui;.y e.s a v.ie ! wUl eo'-f an ii r a't nti.on. us tiaie passes !! tlie pr s:nt phi;" the club Is tti rc tiHiulaie a l"nd m the t reasm y t take c.ue uf such It ultimate cr- pst jij ae.v be iiicerri'd from time !' tuve1 in the piomolicn of ne . itioa il if-M . ',lr l.,.,l'e- in Which til'' town !.- ticel ily inti retsed, an t wb'.ii. ,. iIimi h:-fi..HMre.l and atiet-d to in.m-e is tlie loinc! hand new biin ovgaiii.-d ami instiucted by Piol. tun Aiislm. Pit f. A iis- ill ! nal'l to be one of theiu'l rompet- nt band liipiriHteis ill the nertl'wt si and One of tlie largest deals' in town property which has taken place in lone tor some time was eonsumatcd last "Wednesday when B. II. LinidcU e ieral purchased from Carlson Bros. She Independent Garage for a considera tion of iflS.Oiio, exclusive of stocks on hand. This is one oi the out tar.es in Kasicu Oregon, the bu id ir.K, e;tciisl tor ga'age purpos .', 'ng a sub-tintiai tnowstory hiic!:. equipped with macniii'ry and too!., for 1 a--. 1'iP" I'll classes of work. lone ldependeut. !!! I HOW 10 BUILD UP OR TEAR 0011 THIS con 5! nn; i.vDivMn ii- makks Tin-: cm- it lias been very unfortunate, in deed that Heppner and Morrow coun ty have been without a hospital dur ing the past i'ew days, but owing to the fact that. I was told, when leasing tin- building, that all plumbing iiirl builtin fixtures would remain i'l the building, many of them were n mov ed by tae former tenants, rendering it impossible to reopen the building until these could be lepbi.ced. The institution will open lis doors in a dav or two with every thing imw and service best obtainable. ! (Adv.) . Dll. J. PKltilY CONDKU. v, A city can be ci'.ij'i a. or iliage r ciai rag" I'll ( ,-i f t, iuiyina '.p. '' r II ii tt" co grwUer than the aveva ;c greatness ol ns !'""'ca that aotv.ro Is high then iH-s city, or Hssiires up to a high stand When it Is titio. "in iti.iti'ti ia,, t..'---. '; i! n . y. ur heme town the H '. Id h.-.d t::f tx.l !-i i i- th" indi'.idiicl tii it mahi'S ii c' ' .'. . i'b-. am) thr gutter Ihe mt'-l.-M U -i.'h iivi.v'.l- i;i;i-v tiv c:t's developmeiit ir.d pn LIllKilAL i'i:v.vi;! Lost on Main street, ileppner, Sat nrday alt'rnoon, January 3 1, a mounti'd Kiklootli chaiin. Finder will be liberally rewarded by ii'lliin ing same to tlie Herald office. 40-4 1 lie.ul the Herald, only $2.00 a year I" ( (I XTI'Y iiti.iC lllii I.A'.ti :! It.V-i- M ' SOCIAL I ACToll i ''iimi'.'oii'.v I, .to Ci'iifei en- AHopt- ;. :ntlnii Loi.k'i n lo M in' I (irn.i ni.i' ',ii' :!l ( i ntei's .' a Ai mi ! full kp .1."., . f.'oieii iiaitv lii'e hit"" I is do siiji,.'i,ie r'jii-l l.-.t !. i-i-i-'.n-- isi re -oi til ions ad );.,.. bv ih roin'vuir- !)' Iile roni ! n-wiipli inn at. firm '-' We, k, O. A. i S-iclah "lii; . liejliii, education and moral Mid lli'lous wellari' P'v nniii'd as On " interests. 'Tl'.e rural home with its tiurily A 'id l.oi.ie t.-w lie' P'-upb 'nd'vidmi' pec oi hi ynll .id liOM'' (.bt'i nli-d l.illll jif ic o.dag w: .-.mil-, i ! -a- us ,-; y tie- id n v:..i c M-.d of In -i of p. Ml;, m HERALD FiflltR i HOOVER BOilEHEHT ".Vll.P .n;: l.-ll'l it. il a l : u a reii ;,i it n i . y t 1 1-.- ..ml lav p i' li can tin' conui'iPl'ty !V ( W il o nui'iiy .'. '!' , lie- )) o. . Id piospi ,oi ill civPi P.u. II I' cil il'hS hi e I-' , i n i. id ihe up. oi that p ii.v lii i I he sail- perortr ill . i II uiiiii'Hy Nearly UlO iarmers, many of whom were former members of the Farri t is' t'nion, met. in I. 0. O. V. hall on rSalurday al't(7i'iioon when stale offic ers of the Union re-organized tlie Morrow county local and started tlie oi'ga'i?.atiou ol'i" on a working basis. Tl'.e Union was aclive in this county for several years but when the war came on the members were all too busy raising w heat to feed tlie allies and their armies that they had no ifme lor 1m1sso meetings and the or ganization ceased to function. A. K. Shumway, president oi tlie organization, and .1. U. Brown, l'ornt- piesider.t, and for many years acf- iva in ta' iiiers oi gaiiiziu inii " i weie present and when President Shumway called upon former mem bers and those who desired to become nienibirs to stand up, practically ev ery fanner present rose to his feel. Hon Manchester, president of tlio Tri-Sfate Terminal Co., li). W. Nelson, Seattle manager of Ihe same concern, N. H. Lestvell, manager of the Port land branch of the company were also present. A considerable portion of tlie afternoon was occupied uy um. gentlemen in reviewing tlie past his tory, the piesent achievements and th future prospect of the company with which they are connected. The Ti'i-State Terminal Warehouse company was organized at Seattle about. eight years ago as a general warehouse concern with particular i'l tention Iming given lo handling tho wheal crop of Washington, On-goil and Idaho. The coiuu.iny I'tarted ill a Very small way, accoiding lo state ments made Saturday by Mi'- Nehon, being lii"oi poiaied with a cap.tal .vork of s.-o.iMiw. :wy -'" ' I his amount, was iiiibscribcil and but lilii.. cash' was paid In the slockiudd ms pulling if limit liid'vidual notiH in li' U ol cash. i'i ii,,. this small In ginning I he com- has grown iinlil H now iin- it S.t l;uA5;i.-IA Hi t i:H I III I I I, It t X. V. UOI.I i psnv win 1 iii. .-I llliO ! .1.II- .--I l;.e... ilili. a' Ckinli'.iM V.nlii 1 ll I -..i(ill-. i si iipiirt good side oh-, i'ii-1 c;i iiild nio'li 'll hmie i and tin- W' In imihe HP- i iiloj.ibie ,ia 1 ph r i oiipi'i-.m., do not has i- tin- nu i- I' to mil tV dull Is ptit.tiiiK S-1 uO a month Into I urn the tin?1'; social Insliiution ol elm.,- Mi. i a few iv.olit'.ix Plot riustin flat'', tin hand will be on ; .df-'iipi'iii ting b'fiN and will b" ubli to fiiini li Inn-Han music tor an) occasion 1'iillowlliB are the name "I iii.-ia ,MP who haie fig'ied up v. i'h t.i al,l.ll.i:l III "th -it' until !liV cnllllililt- tloils; cy of Il.t.pn.i. i"iit v lii.n.il I!.ini. sJ'i, V itui'-i s tn,w. r- liiinif. Ilo; Ciilinni H'"li i ", Thii'imon Pi ne. $.'.; C. - Minor i - Minor ' .).. '.; I'hill 1'i'ln, ' I'i ojiii .. ll..rit'Aaio C"., I"; T'.i'i- Leu i,nmt..'i ;... jr.; n-pr"' rl , :a ,i..vi,lor Co.. '; ii'pl"i''i . , .'. ; i ha-, il. leit'on. il, ;i..ii MrMiii'-iiinn. li ' -.. t!,,v V Wl.ttci;.. l. d :,.ii, .. C. N ltd". M' A . 'i.n-Co'.iii Auto Co , ?2m.i; A M J Ti.'l;i., $2 :."': l'Htl.ion J'l-n. $2..r.'; Mix. W. I". .-'.'ilvn'-r Sun, the country." fay the r'port. Vi j'ever mnken the farm home a i. on.- conii'-natl fecial center moit- ! n on'.''niei:''s, indoor an, "tit dour iihintini.", miific, le.idint.' ..ti'ips - .'ritpi iiitif to the Weill' Of COllllllllllllV 1 11'," Sc'iool, chiiiih. oiiK'irfi i lub'i and i'i r.ni'i.il ril l c-il orci i:;tiiii.'i J"- . ; (! .I i till lilt IK i u'liii. . oiuir i p.', ale In - ,;' .'ii. . e if !h' irlllllV i i. i ii' h.i d ii .'1 i-api-i v I "Sea, ntV le -piP 1 a i"l a vl. ho'iM h - '! ,-o i .0 l '. I;. (hi; Mm tow ( milil)' z: .. v. i;.-nt'.v. 12, o ( n an ' ur ln tt, MrAt.'c k Aiken, i:; A. . I'm- md, 2; II. M. Hut. f, C'lilfl Maik.t, 12; Win. Mail"!. 12; M t. Csi.r. 12; J. II. Max- II. 12; M. W )l.i.ii.i.'f. 12; T. J, Htiii.ph"-, fi.:o;- Tlioin'on Ln. II 10; (cr Otto l r,; V, S. li' i'ty. $1 'ft; Ikrty C. A'l.haush. il "0; P..t;.ton 4 -liik. II; V. A. Anbi n. II; ltrry IIi'l, II; ftm f V;n Vaetor. 11.0. franr-n, II; H r. 3t"t. II; On' llano ."'. i; W. Ktiturb, II; L. li; C. i:. WcK.dn.nl. II; . E. Noim. II; ',!f llnyer, II; C. W. r."". I'I J, J Nj. II; Wph-o M. Itwlti. II; E. i. trliy. II; L. A HjbI It; W O. Minor. 12 8. nol "i nipirP"'. Tin- i'p.iI " o"l ' V id.' It ! i oti'll pb ! i. p.il Punt In iiibj-r' i . " r i,. pM'i i it)' Pn II i py rliil't. 1 m- IikmI to --p.. i , id'e. I ami t In ifi i.i - p- i, i in urn hps tiny im .-.. .Ipii i ci; .i. tt,, y ' 'old n " lor lit-. I ml dii.iliii , ?. i.,-,,1 , -s nib! in ll t.i'K' s l.n r; y pa..' lor goeil l , c-.-is elln-i tliln a. lhal hi l' Hi imihe Is ' - i-iilii).ib!e ,ia 1 p. c. r p""Ple w in r:- mo p'oiipi'toii.. do not base tin- nn-i.'-y to pay for th"M 'l.ii a-. Tb.. uii'ichan i , ilo black; i.iiih, t!'i' :pPh ib-i'lor, th.- ("'.miiii'i y man. C,u' linker. Im- p'in'ir, tlie can id' I. Hi' labor, r run--it .He th'' i ouiiiiui'lty as a whole am! on the indi idinl iinvpoi ily .f eai h one turn t depend il'e ihh pet it y of die cotiiiiiiiiiity. A Ken'I.e, i,ui look the Herald IU..H to t.k the ulh"i' day for iidvisini; tl " people to hoy theli goods at home he":iu- he mid that h" sett da way for a I'd of UinK that h" ron.-iiin h at; I that In' nn- s money by doing f". If eve'sb'idy In ll' PP In r Vl illbl l.ilblW III" xrl'lie plall wv relild Hot, enpecl In have ii eiy pio-pi roue tor. n or ciiiiiily, Huh a plan, tol!ni d I" H ' louirwl c.ini'lus.loii. Mtinld me.ii tleit, iouiir er l.Pii, .-e-iv h'l ities ho'r-e in H- ppac! win. Id li'ive to i Ii, e up end iUP liuciti. s ,. Tii. n what would happen! Wmildii'l ell tie- p" Ide ll'iW e!ii.i,k'ii l) lill-ill' i- l-ct-, , in biding the Ollur p'upb- no win k (' i' lli' tn have lo 1. pi Hep; ;-. and in lo IMlti.l llil.ild, ileppl.i i . I,n I-on. 1 ', mil pp. 'a li ore I hi snap at Hoc i dinati p.odu Im pn ..I ion 1 1' ' h.'S In ' wide. TP" sol ilion ol i old V i I le.ellt i i ll ,1 11 em" I'. so in Inn t riddance of the diolatillg politieaii is now ill III'' people's Ii.iImIh. Let's ti-"' it. If v.e could only read the mime a unlet Tue New Yoik World hs now (tun: Ihe oiedii oi uu' K biMOU , jit,.- p ha I' llmip t v. In li ill i..i'l your paper W a-', ulieii til the I'i'o ciilenl. Poll , Ihe iliilt M'lire just in thai i -t II i tov, n hi' r-iee,.- of J ... I IiIki-j .ihil t f.ii Hi'd Pie a i ' P..' i hi.iil .'lid i 1 ol' 'I In ll v, lop ami piel'it. ' Ihe t.lWtl? .ah. Id I" It. Wouldn't I 'i' hoi.- low n i i .11 I.... ,11 !..- I'M lo " i i ll 'i ,!l. III lo lh d r. If" laim ultilial ie. i'a. f VI. c to I I! .il l.fe - eimilil be p.i.t ot nl "I ei.i-y fiiini IlilCie, bin is ti 1 1 eipi t'.'P inn. i III lie IHld.ltl li IliOll .11 f' I1'. . Mild I il il . If toW II ' illl'l I I' ) time It Clllll'l lo l IP-Ill Hi.'1 lownn nml ilt.e imd nniiiiiy i liiiveand ihe only ; 1'iluif ti do hut h" ' .' ti lo 1 ' !p n n i A H I 1 Ii it U e i'ood ll i Ii .l i and p- W 1 '. ! thini.i, fe 'I To pline lo jiill lll.lt i1 i , ei'ie idei I he foil iw in,'. o s, t h-' do i'ovi '"I' of Ameiiiii I ill ili. i. W.e l.iliyloii. II" i,i o ii- 'outiiiy, "wiiii an ingtn nd lii' . , ior "f our r .nuP i I add re I ie- w in Id, will le ,,., V.I,.).' Hoo.ii-. p. .,-1 an . .uiii.ei, I'll t.-ll ii t. , 11, .1 - i "bb 1 ii " b. - a ' i is.it I I iw had n-i I.i " .111 Ifiii. ' I PI I O f 111 i'i' 1 I, im- caliil ll of aboul ilitiillv all of which lias been iic ,1,1. P.tl 1 1 inn pioliP' ", Ihe iiiii ii, i ll" I'limpiinv. Mr. Ni I on stilted, l,w.i- bet ii opeiaP d on all l.ltr.i-,-. i at Ice basis vvlpcli p a hap", may ;i lo near out lb' speakeis ;-;al"-nt thai, in the past managemeiil of ailiiiis Ihe coinpany has be.-ii , very iuslance. I lie slot it , I Ihe eoinpaliy i,, ll -ill eXolilMveiy by lai meis and every oll'irial oT Ihe mm pi.ev is iiileiesletl in farmilU' on bin aw n accoiinl. .-peaking of what the company him aei omplishcd for Iho wheat fi . of Hi" three slates, Mr. Nelson Kll 'tl tl al 'i In n the golem lit 1'iok over the wheat crop timing the war .'ml in m lis il i il'iil III Hie I l lH t W , III' I I I 'ill Hill T I i'l. w h- it i'i ' i. I ail I. '. 1 l'"l 1 I'i" ,i ; .' I l t l . I.' . I I.! .. .! v . tlv .no pi he (hat solely tliioip. ll ol Hie i paltv Hi" pi l" , 'ie 1 " relit I il hUidlel III ;n cent), a hie le i for Iheiihy iMiim I" vei y V. .-r ill Hi'' l'.ieil'll- tlol th . . i a ,n' !ln ti IP-e or I a o l"1 ,. I t " t -,W Tl p. ..p, hind iii,i . .. . .itp'y n nte'. alet 'lould be i'ii:y "liliH.d In tin rain- P:u I r, i i .1,111 y bi (lei 'in ,," jj,, 'I !: I. 'Ii '..I' :.i .l-.nil; i .1 ,n . ... in iiio-t roiiiiinitiltlri tHh i fitl. jjj 'ait ill,. I i !'. l.n :e i,i,u . 1 1 1 (mi ; as-iin and J ii.dli' rl ,b .lo.. n il i'i i i.p: ' e),. mld en to put Im- Jt pftume'it I n IlitiJ ii t ' i I i,..t- (him orm 'utl .' ii..?-'; .n l a.t.v In thl moik Ifji-y ',oiil ; . .,,,.! i, .'M'th a e im. I ,- n.t . I of 1 1 ffir l.t.il h of il Ull (. rttiion 11. II II it)' Ihe lie po.inlde .!, Inn ill H".pti''f tid I'i Mo1 t(e( tow n fetid i .'.: ' . Ill lh" ii- hotlld ione the '. . iuiiinlii. t Mini it I- p..' i n1 to Pii H lot aril la I ke i,m I.PHI1, or rt oi I'l I lie. If Wi Will nil ll W eoiip'y n,e will ".lull ti.i ... b) to lv in. 'I If d'.iii i-i t id i I am " I'll Hoot ..d ,i..ik. ' H.I n ii'liii,', a i i-r v liiidi C ,., I'.i- l,e to C Mr. N il l"ft lor rottiund lh of th k r h ill i. it a th tt'ml. fo t.i or thr k' ' I.OJilly to Hdt" hotel' lo 11 f.rie f if M lltl'l till" ..lii. b it' litie tel fle p.i.p'e ri it. tl in i'i, tii. mid ..!ii'i teii M.miiM lie tin liiollo ot H"l ir'mntii Binl !i.itikii, nod li e H tie ni I'e t.P '"" if. a ' I li e K'Mld'l Ho f lllilillle 1 ! lh. I . ui i i ' hi , in s. intuit' I ' to i ' , ; S':, I tig liie H.. del il, -hi I . limp ! I von Up I'l.d tin tie I C . il .,, ui I I, i iii. A k' d i i" ,', I I'll out H'.ovr o '.ui- pi Ho .. T old lillll ib ep ttihikill!'. IK Ml he i ol J i bu oil b; pe kil.i; out '.,: ,' I nor- , H t OMUtM C f III . I ppilig f t" I If I I'l lit I ' " , ,1' I, le ill f.. pMIPl I ll it 'Ihe ji(llpoe Oi ll . . I'lip- . an hit beelj .lal.d In f. i'i . l to i..M.ole a to M. f Illl'l) l.'ft-ti tielwe. n the 111'!' ' - "t : hid rllnloun'tn. I ') t.t l.r .'P li.l "illdllion ln l.) Pie tpl i ii. of Him r lull will b" in. ii. lied tuit'.ln llu ) i- p .'.' to tbi" inutu.ll B.I1..1P j). und t ' 1 tal pto p. tlly of nM Th (iopi ity o( )'iut 011 la I'M" lon l fUbl up 'pi nd ym rn dnr it duf by lojaity to ).mt . me in it. tut ion n. 1 ...It.) I TIIIMI I lN II Ml I It . IHItl l l H- id I 4 SSS2SfSS$&SZZi ',', I' Mabon. y. Ire.initet of III L h l.oti.l 1 ! lit ,f ale loan dip.)' ltd tim d the Hemi'l Unit lh f'in'l In M'OtO fount)' dm ulieiirljr b n oei iili -ri iV -il. A complete "-poll Of III drivi- wilt b til for publlrHiOB nnl "'k. 11 1 1 pg 1 11..I a 1: I'll." . a th.it t ," Tt i Hill li II 111 I lie ' (i.i I'lilb 1 I ive i,.r IP '. lull i," ti,.- Ti i 1 .'" -i-i n t : tl ha b iP .oi It ,., to led. I II I!, a! ml. V P.) t 1 ' .ill 1 'm 1 I- I 1 p , 11 ,w lied I . 11 lb i al t, I. , 1' 1 .il,.!.. p.. I li to 11 n ot C ii 1,1 .llld th , 1 1" t- ".:!, of 1 I .,:.i " I imi i' po 1 ii , '. ' . 1 ' 11,1 10 1 il" ' I II M t ii) W lift ll" II 1!- II i, I ' ' .! - 1101 'll I 1 1 'II V- I ll ,. 1 a t .'d Mi . 1 , inof tl 1 ,. .. . iiiii,.i. ! .. . 1.. ; h i w .1 11. ' d el P iy I f 1 1 I I. I....'t. Ilia " ' - '' ' ' ' 1' II, Oil l roll I. ll III ,( I I III pi 'it. P'' It Ill 11 0;' b" ,P. Uii t t o. h l,i a in h. s in 1 lint a i,.tt of Hi" ''. p iti V i ' f. 1 be run. puny iii,iiii?.d to liiiiidlo raiti and any uttemrt i t 1 ll riie( hund.aillK Ipinljr "ii.t. tl y ml iui'ly incldi'tital to thu KmiO (CBtiaui4 on I'm foui) I