Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 27, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, January 27, 1920
S of
I.ADJKS (;l 11,1) knti:!!t.im:s
The Ladies Guild held their social
meeting Thursday of last week. The
hostesses were .Mrs. Charles Vaughn,
irs. E. E. Gilium, Mrs. J. Y. Vaughn,
and Mrs. A. L. McMurdo.
Ladies who enjoyed the afternoon
i-re Mrs. F. E. Parker, Mrs. Hanson
n agues, -ins. dh'k ens, Mrs. E. r
Milium, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mrs.
L. L. Patterson, .Airs. A. L. Avers.
Mrs. Butler. Mrs. Crego, Mrs. J. K.
Lr.cas. Mis. Colin, Mrs. Arthur
MoAtee, Mis. Goodman, Mrs. Ward.
Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mrs. Paitison,
Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. liean, Mis.
S;ieHcer, Mrs. Iiisbee, Mrs. Van Vae-l:-r,
Mrs. Chailos Vaitjfiin, MrB. E. K.
Gilliam. Mrs. J.' F. Vauftlm. Miss
linry Farnsworth.
High honors fell to Mis. Clyde
Wells and Mrs. P. A. Andeison.
Dainty roi'reslr.nents were served.
11 M'
It la understood that a deal Is be
ing closed today whereby Alex Green
is buying the Walter Rood ranch on
Heppner Flat. The place contains
1t"0 acres, 700 o: which if? fine farm
MM ."d. The price is sola to be ZZ per
tnic iui imr lanu. ivir. ttOOQ Will Sell
his stock, machinery, etc., at public
auction w"mch will be announcea
later, it. is understood the Roy V.
Whiteis agency is handling the 1'eal.
(Continued from Fage 1)
tics he has gathered regarding th.
tonsils and eyesight of Heppner child
ren in general. '
Mrs. Frank Turner favored the au-
uienee wun a most enjayaDle solo af
ter which the business affairs of tht
organization were taken up.
Bills against the association were
audited and allowed and alter a sp'r
ited discussion of the aeed of a prop
er sidewalk along the property owned
by William Morrow, between the city
and the s-chool grounds It was decided
to take the matter up with Mr. Mor
row at once with a view to having
a proper sidewalk laid.
It was recomended by the- exe
cutive committee that the association
undertake the equipment of the play
ground for grade children and a com
liiittee on ways and means for the
ranying out of this work was ap
pointed as follows: Mrs. Frank Turn
el, Mr. S. E. Notsonfl Mrs. T. J
Humphreys, Mrs. W. B. narratt, with
a committee on equipment composed
of Miss Fries and Mrs. Griffith, rep
resenting the faculty.
A decorating committee to work
with the social committee was ap
pointed as follows: Mrs. Douglas.
Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Ceo. Moore, and Mr.
Publicity committee: Mrs. A. M
Phelps, S. A. PaUlson and Vtwter
Crawford.' ' . .
The usuoclation then adjourned li
inytkon the fourth Friday in Febru
ary. The fourth Friday In each month
being the! date of the regular meeting.
Harry Edmonds, the 12 year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Edmonds,
had the misfortune to break his lag.
The accident occurred last Saturday
while horse-back riding. The horse
slipped on the ice and falling on him
broke botli bones just above the
ankle. He was attended by Dr.
Wai'ker and is getting along nicely. .
C. B. Sperry has purchased the
building on First street where the
telephone exchange is located. Mr.
Slierry will use one of the rooms for
merly occupied by G. F. Steele for
his office. He expects to improve
the looks of the building on the inside
jy repapermg che wails and painting
the wood work.
Sam Ganger came Friday and will
visit with friends and relative to'
some time.
Mr. and M s. S. E. Miller anil their
son. W'Haul, lelt Tuesday tor tnc:r
wine at Cambridge, Idaho, aftt-r a
ou "-weeks isit with relatives.
E'.i 'ei Coch'-an left Saturday n."i n-
mg and will be gone tor some time
as he 'has a position with a bridge
ang near Portland.
J. R. Olden returned home Satur
day from Beaverton where he spent
short time on business.
J. E. Cronan left Tuesday morning
for Spokane after, spending a few days
in our city.
H. M. Cummins, a former cashier
at the Bank of lone, came Thursday
from Hood River and will spend a
few days in our city on business. Mr.
Cummins is working in the interest
of the New York Life insurance com
Herb Olden relumed Monday even
ing alter (spending the past week at
Portland and Spokane on business).
Mrs. A. E. Johnson and childrci
came home a t'"vy days ago from Port
land after a io:i .-weeks visit wiih her
mether, Mrs. J. T. Knappenberg, and
other relatives.
Mrs. C. JAnri;rson, who was call
ed to Fieewi'.tcr a few days ago, on
account of the st-rioos illness of hei
father, G. M. "Aker, returned home
Monii ly evening.
liarle Sperry, who has been at
tending the Behnke-Walker Business
college has retu.ntd home.
Mrs. Clyde Walker and little son,
came home Saturday from Vaucou
vei where tl.ey spent several weeks
with hei mother, Mrs. Bigelow.
Mrs. Roy Cochran and daigh'er
are here from Heppner and are guests
at li e Lome of Iut c tis'n. Mrs.
Holmes Coleman. They returned '..
their home Sunday even'ng.
Mis.. C. W. McNamer left Monuay
in the i cal foi a nrUl buslLLS trip
to Poulard.
Mrs. I.alon McXIurray is nursing
her swollen Jaws caused from the evil
effect; of the mi mna.
Mix. Herpitin Onell nni Mrp. John
Il-jsi'ii an'l her sol nre enjoying a
tew day visit in Portland with Mis.
Bryon's slate", Mrs. Louis Padberg.
I -Hi i i.
ti, vas visif
W. Osborn,
Logan and
. spent Sun-
of Rhea,
M. Hynd of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McMullen, who
have been spending several months at
Arlington and Quinook, returned to
Heppner Tuesday evening and will
spend the remainder of the winter
I insure
We have just received a
carload of PORD CARS
which arc now ready for
immediate delivery.
Fordson Tractor
sfc H ) '!'( i 't
Walter Pope of Sunny.side, made a
hurried trip to Arlington Thursday.
Ralph Winters of Fourmile, was a
business man in Arlington "Wednes
day. Jack Hynd, "mayor of Cecil", made
a business trip to the county town on
A. E. Ross of the Lookout, was a
yissenger on the local for Heppner
John Howard and Alva Bennett of
Heppner. are bury' men around Cec:!
at present.
Four cars of sheep were shipped
from Heppner to Cecil on Monday for
W. Matlock.
J. B. Gorton of Morga
ins with his old friend, J
at Cecil Fritiay.'
Mr. and Mrs. Everett
family of Fairview ranch
day with J. W. Osborn.
Miss Bernice Franklin
was visiting with Miss U.
Butterby Flats Sunday.
J. Glasford made a short call in
Cecil on Sunday among his friends
before leaving for Portland.
Zenneth Logan, who has been
spending his vacation in Portland, re
turned to Fairview Sunday.
Melville U. Logan of Portland, ar
rived in Cecil Friday and will visit
.villi his brother, Leon, al Fourmile.
A. Mason, who has been manag
ing the Os-kar Huber contractors crew
at Cecil left for Poitland Wednesday
Mrs. Ben Humes and daughter,
Miss Etta, of Poplar Grove, called on
Mrs. Weltha Combest at Cecil Tues
day. A. Henriksen of Willow creek
ranch, late dogfinder, now a moving
spirit of Cecil, was a passenger on
the local for Heppner Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ahalt of
Southern California, who have been
visiting friends around Cecil for
some time, left on Thursday for Echo.
Miss Doris Logan of Fairview, and
Miss U. M. Hynd of Butterby Flats,
were the guests of Miss Georgie Sum
mers of the Last Camp on Wednes
day. JaCK Phelps, who has quite recov
eicd from his accident is once morn
al work with the state engineers n t
Cecil and has taken up bis abode at
the Highway House.
Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Wilson and
family from Rhea, spent Wednesday
In Cecil. We bear R. S., Intends leav
ing soon for a ranch at Boardman
which he has bought lately.
W. G. Hynd. who has been visiting
In Portland for the past few weeks,
arrived in Cecil Saturday where he
spent a few days before leaving for
his home in Rose Lawn, Heppner.
Mrs. Phil Brady, who has been vis
iting In Portland for soma time, ar
rived In Cecil on Friday and will take
up lir abode on the now ranch near
Cecil which Mr. Brady has recently
pii'?1u '.
Mis Hperlock of Heppner, was a
visitor with Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Ross
at the Lookout during the last week.
J. T. Walker, state highway engin
eer, of lone, accompanied by his wife
and son were callers on Mr. and Mrs,
O. N. Marks at Cecil Sunday.
John ,,i.ih of die Last Camp, was
a very exrt'e.l noy on Tuesday moru
Init. Wlnl ' drlv'ng a wagon he sud
ilenly i,ekrd rcmml to see If the burl-
?! '! wi re r'.. ching up to the front
ones. John aiid.ienly lelt a lurch und
In! behold!! the buck wh'ils had dis
?'d . purir' i ship with the front
I ' i !s but John Mill held on to wha
v. -s i't and bill we In aid b I.:.
fill e! at i ii i,c nillioilt h n t'iil'h.
W nil'IH'l.ltld Unit (Veil irltlil
I.- toll t'l t'l" lilll.t V Mil stoi k. I
.pe:i wi'll lor the l:ay nnst-r on
!!' w c.e. U and the f.n- f l i n t'
fj-i . 1 it ot lb bay Can It be
pu.M ii b li e I: r niiinli'-r r, f M. It
tiiuiuiil bin- to inii-r. At lh pn-s-'nt
time from the ruonly line to the
Lust ('imp lit C.r th-re Bte ITi OflO
tui'p snd Mie tlioun::nit entile. A.
I.. M'inl's n-nii'dv for xlertiilnting
labbiiH s .m lo have worked wi ll in
Cm-iI ilh,trlil and ved iiBny i li n
of ha)' fur X'- tilotk It In a isie tMM
lo i a rsfilnt now.
National Thrill Week
! "AVi;s METi:i;-i.iT-nt-(iiar
:is ob.-erved
Washington. Gen. John J. Persh
ing. convinced of the merits of the
' I
ex,,r. ; tile American Expeditionary Forces
in i ranee, has written the following
statement on behalf of the metric
movement to' secure for the Vnited
lowing topics during opening
eises and also during cla.s work as
opportunity o! tors:
Monday Saving Bank Dav.
Tuesday Li.e and Fir;- Insurance. I states the advantages of the general
Wednesday - Industry Day. UAe the meter, liter, and gram:
Thursday The Budget System of! "The experitiioe of the Amej-Uvr.
Home Ftnunce. ! Expeditionary Forces in France sluiw-
tifie bji-is. Not the leant advantage
of the fact that the metric system is
based on scientific principles is the
facility which that system gives ti
calculations of all kinas, from tha
simplest to the most complex.
"I believe that it would be veiy de
sirable to extend the use. of the met
ric system in tne United States to
the greatest possible extent."
; All Bills Promptlv ocl at
to' change from
the Irrigon
lically complete. Any
en everlookt'il shoiiln
onee with Alice S.gti. :mmmpd U" in th fmt fhat this '
i t. 1 f: 2 , Boardnr.'H
The censr
Precinct is p
one who has
cnmr.ei ator
Oregon. t
M. B. Signs has been appointed
tirst cleik oi the election board toi
the 'Board man precinct.
it. Wasmer has been visiting in
Over forty citizens of the commun
ity signed a petition prepared by fee
principal of schools, and directed to
the authorities of 0. A. C. for an ex
tension school.
The enumeration of the popula
tion of the Boardman precinct is-we:i
under way and will be completed in
due time. Every one is co-operating
well which is greatly appreciated by
the enumerator.
j Mr. Scott, who has been operating; j
i a barber shop in Boardman, has soil I
i'his building to Mrs. Gibbons, who will
'. establish a dressmaking and millin- j
' cry store. According to rumor there i
are several other business changes
contemplated for one reason and an
other. Mr. and Mrs. Scott leave for
their former home in Michigan where
he is engaged in railroad work.
A meeting of the Commercial Club
la called for Tuesday night to take uV
the question of "Good Rjads". Just
where the 10 mill special tax fund
wili be used is the question. The
Farm Bureau will meet in a special
meeting Friday night to formulate
some action. There is some senti
ment in favor of puting the money on
entirely new roads, but i.t would
seem inadvisable when the present
roads are practically impassable at
times in "certain localities. Other
sentiment is in favor of putting the
post roads and those used by the
school Irurks in the best shape possi
ble for by 80 doing the greatest good
for the greatest number will be secured.
The next meeting of the Parent
Teachers will be on Friday afternoon,
February 6th, at the school house. A
report will be had from the O. S. T.
. and two topics: "The Home Study
eriod," and "Making Our School
Grounds Beautiful," will be discus
Chairs for the auditorium of the
new school building, together with
some furniture for the office arrived
this week. We hope that another
month will give us the nse of the
Mrs. Wm. Himklns left Wednesday
for California In the interest of her
health, which we hope she will speed
IlyTind. .
A. Bv Cummins Is about to move
Into his cottage near the garage,
while D.'.E. Harper will occupy the
Denton cottage vacated by Mr. Cum
Americans were able readily
our existing system
of weights and measures to the met
ric system. I ttiuik the principal ad-Mintage,-,-
of the metric svslem are
only system which has a purely scieu-
L. A. Hunt reports having assisted
the tanners of Wells Spring neigh
borhood to organize a Farm Bureau
Wednesday evening. The initial
meeting was a live one and Mr. Hunt
expects good work will result from
Hie er-umizat ion. The questions of
rodent control, labor and good roads
will' occupy most of the time of that
i local for the coming vear.
Cochran's Orchestra
Having secured first-class musicians who are located per
manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music
suitable for all occasions.
Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal
ent and satisfaction at home?
For full information write or call
i ; i 1
(From Another Correspondent )
Another l'Kl)SON arrived yesterday morning.
Cmne in and look tlii- indijcnMolc FARM
.TRACTOR over and let u demonstrate to you
v.mc of tt;c things it will do.
Chas. H. Latourell
f'on'i'in. Orison Th Cnndi.n
! Inr litM I plant was gut-4 by flu-
sboul 1 o'rliKk Saturd.iy mornlntr
TI." tt .irMni'M- wan nt-tinutiljr dam-jr-
l nml du d 'n will b In rtarhnrar
',r f I. r. ',1 v ti-n dy Mot of t;i
pnpuUr a ni a Caledonian dub
linre. t.th raw to a tiddi n no'
Inn the litlda ml out
lU-'I'l ( '".p. who mna It.e plant
it t lrt i - tni'nH ah'iiit t!, fir
ti! hand In tnin( tt.ioyrh tb
lan t'i t nut of the buildin thr
-l r f,f ft fit wa ant d'tofmln'1
O. H. Talbot left Tue.'day for On
tario, Oii-gon, after a week's visit
with ri-latnes.
Ojial Wagner, who ban ---ti 1 1 y
bei n ilihinisM-il from rin- seiviie, is
nloung a visit Willi bis lo'ii-i' p:M-i-iils.
Mr. lind Mis. T. F. II' ndi 'b'ks.
S A. Oldaker of II- I m b Inn, u;n a
i -it'ir In inwn Tiii -day.
Lid' n I'alne has bi-i-ii ;n:l' -i.n::
n ith mi uttui'k of Ion.- I '
.1 L. Ji likins. dirOi' l I '-'d nver
i r. In tiaiihactinK busin' -i In H' PC
per this wi-i k.
The Kirn' if dunes riven hvl
n k in the V.. ( Paine bml'l nr. .
iiiinh enjoyed by young unit old
M.my mote re being eiipeil look"!
forward lo by the foiiiniiin.'v.
Mrs W. M. Hakklnt I' M We'lm-
day for a visit with friends in I ' -
Carl VnKi-n Is confined to l !e hum
this eelt with a flir.it aua-k et
pneumonia. '
Th sr'iiiol dlalrkt has r'nelvid
ahlpiiunl of nw seats, hi'h lil b
lnt:.llil In the new addition a "in
;m f iniipleli'd.
Mm t'r' d Phelps of H-rmtMon. r,
Ited a few days this week u! h"f
'lajift.ter. Mia. Carl Voren
Jap Walker, of llardn ai, h' l
been a n fferer from a foirn of lr
t;t ,ar.ilvai for retrial ;"', lelt
.ituiduy l-ir Hoi tienler, M .tn,"iia
1,rre ,e will tellef s, Mnjio
iiroa , famoua aanutorlum.
To Our Friends
and Customers
We expect to move into our new building on or
about February i, 1920, where we will be pleased'
to give one and all a most cordial welcome.
Our new store will be the most modern and com
modious in eastern Oregon and we will take much
pride and pleasure in showing you through it when
you call.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Farmers Attention
Why not break the force of winter's cold pen
etrating winds from your house and barns by plant
ing a few rows of
on the windward side of your buildings? These
are hi-irdy fa vt growing recs and will in a very
few years prove great protectors from winds dur
ing both summer and winter. The small expense
involved wil be many times repaid in the shelter
they will give you. Plant your trees about eight
feet 'apart' in a double row. Figure out how many
you need and let us uote you on your re
quirements. "A hustling salesman wanted in this section."
Oregon Nursery Company
' (NI'.NCd, okkcox.
Buy Wheat Land
and Prosper
I now have a line list of rhoite Wheat
and Stork Ranches to s lei t from, but
they are going fat. Now is the time to
buy and get ready for summer fallowing
Easy Terms and Fair Treatment
The Real f state Man
Up ktairs in Court House