PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January zj, 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Hoppn.'T, Or"?, I'-istoffiee its M-nnd-class Mutter hums ok srusri:ii"no On a Year - ii'.Oo AKnths $).' Three Months $ .50 IIOOVIKS 'Mllllil.i: .n am:: i:i:it,AMZ.Tif" !T IIOOV ,ho; l'ivf-r '.vii! Iil lirur. i.i'lti null";-J-"r:unv, it it :i;i t. wil hin lii.-i; i-jitfii iv . i i-.iv-t- ri In-- ; 'I'. T. r.r I! ns. t. If-' or a W. si. i ...l.-.l mre. ., I t-iil 'red time 'I a point and ro-opeiaU1 i- Mi imitation of what tin I K "ll'i be I III writ. 'ill I I. ; ad ty in i , f.-r ,.,.v I law o: 1 if Vi-nw:i aii'l r;id-1 it a s. ill loai.iT ir.nin ! oai r i;aaixiiioir of California cor '. ions to the liiiiidai ion of on .; i1:at was iincii iit v h'li tin- ('ru ts stalled ror the Holy I.:r.-.u. "roort'-a.i.a! io'i " slioald M. li.-r- Itiaivci's middlii name, for he .is become the fivrn'"- reonoi n izer i:i lae world, and the nations of the at Id I' now it. 1 :-oiiie nieasiire of sncress iittend . 1 our efforts to reoi -Riinizc sonth .atl.'in Europe and make it a xoiiif,' c-irci'in ai;ain, i( was due to the IV c I ; i:.' w e were Anierln 'y .1 In lir polilieal, racial and rom i I animosilit-s lhat hoi;tlo all ;h'i 141. . We could move, act and di - and to Vi .i K i'. Aeieiinin Mission nerompli.ih' d in southeastern Europe, let ire record here tluit Im Iuiiii .lanuaiy and Aus tin, tli-- luter-Allo'l Relief t iui'iei.- ion, oatside ol the amount seal in Ire to Ent'-r,U, actually niv 1 1 "'i.i.KHi ions 01' fronds in this Vr riloiy ,i.nd (h-l :M-; i-il them -where ti: ,-y " .!. t 1; - H Ih'foif the Mis- K'l HI. II I de, o l. d later tho;i'. tinati 111 ide 1110: e US1. 1 ir.iy one I (); lid tons li.u! m. ari nneeMrnts fo The Aioerifani ith. rour month; and ol' 11..' eijrhi; reached tlieir ci'.s worm. Ai t i,oi !ii(i d diet now much the hi;;h price of won! iias to do with the price 0! clotli i 'iK is shown in a reecnt .statement by S. W. McCUire, secretary of the Na tional WoolKrowers association and probably the best authority on wool in the United States. The retail cloth iers are predictm another advance ; in clot lies price on account of the i :! price of wool, red Mr. AkClure .".as answered their slatenrenu with the following: "The truth of the matter is that wool is no hUhcr today in Tioston the wool market of the country, Ihar. it was !I0 days aiu), and the highest price yet pnid lor clean scoured wool in Itoston in around $2.1 1) per nouiu' for tile very finest prade. "Ordinary t hi ee-eihths blood wooi pled li.iin our hands 11 can out ol which soldiers' uniforms were made and which Is the most useful Kfiidu for eloihinir. purposes, is selling today in H0M011 at from $1.30 11, $1,411 per pound, scoured. This wool in a straight line. We had no 1! vener.ilwin tor archdukes, (iic is, titles or position. When counl i with castles of two hundred and looms and an army of servllo.s ' ; lad to eat our corned "willy" I out of the tin, when princes sad prime ministers with real irrati- t 1 1 of ; ulk from (enti-nted cows of the i'u'- lie. Const, rank, wealth, piesme ' I 'li-.-t counted, TilinKR and peo ple aco on an elemental basis. V.'e h (J but one object--to make ; has not advanced in the last DO days 'fi ' tal fiuroiie sell-stipiioitint.' a .'a'li. j "To manufacture a suit ol man': clnthitiR, suitable for the ive'a' sized individual aud made of medium winter weight uooda. reyulrcK abon' 62 oitnceB of wool, which wool can b uojkiii in lioiaoi; 11,1 ? t.;: j. riiif, on the presumption that the kuit ;s made of all wool. Such suits as-this retail at (rom $CU to $75. "If one were to use In thia suit the 1 in . to pi event the chaos of another ....da; because our country wanted aioj dinired nothing political beyond 1 11, obje.t, we Americans were aide : ) .vomplish things without the use ' I- or fc lyonets. We and rood, roi..' I'roai the United States, Home I -01 Ihe fcui'ioiuidint; staltii, anil 10 til il . . en the most stubborn hairr very finest wool grown not more than 57.00 worth could he used. "The price of wool has not been re sponsible ror the advance In the pne -of clothing, and even at present v-.o values, the wool icquived to nia." it fact ure a suit represent less than 10 per cent of the price at which sura suit is retailed. "There may be some reason for ad vancing the price of clothing, but it can not be blamed on the price of wool." TWO DISAHI.Kn SOMMKR.S TAKK TKAIM.VU AT O. A. C. TAKK mkamtres acaixst thi: SI'liKAI) OK Fl U A number of casts of "flu" l;;,ti::': hcen teported within the la-'t ..v. days, city health authorities took ;m media te action this morning to mi -t 'ii- .silu.'.lion and so far as possible .oeverit I urther spread of the trouble. T!ie local Red Cross autj orilos at sc.' co-operated witn the aulr.'ii. lies ar.d arrangements were made by which the Federated church ;,:i.l .la: sonn '.70, now unoccupied weie :- 'tii-eu hospital purpose:- A lei- ?!in from Hod Cross headciuarters :a Seattle pi'ofti.ied use of al! beds m! bt'dditig that may be required and m order for what may be needed ha" been sent in. Another meeting of the health of ficials is in session this afternoon an.; is- understood the policy y.ul be to nai.dle the situation by a stringent (tuarantino of infected cases witl.ou: closing schools and lmsinefs houses. o apprehension is felt of a jftrioti? pidemic tli ib season. IUVK OV Ul i; KXOIKKATKll IIY THK t KNSr.S TAKKU? I Al vxander Brander of Heppp-r. and Kdnioii 1 Rai tet of Ashland, dis abled veterans o! the war with Cer- : many are tahin? training in aninia! industry at Oregon Agricultural College. lirander was wounded on the Marne front, a piece of shrapnel badly' in juring hi" left arm. Barrett devel oped a serious 'heart trouble. Neither was able to return to their former occupation when they landed in this country after their experiences in France. The federal board fcr vocational 1 education too"? the men in hand. It was .-con discovered that both these men had natural talent for judging !i veMorl:. They '.vere givcu a course of training in such work. Ipoit- Item the college indicate that both are making good. They are o-rateful to the ;:overnment which has permitted thvm 10 receive training. liregoiiian. S'AKMI'.IIS1 r.MOX TO MKKT XFXT .SATVHDAY if not, or if yrr: have any doubt, fill ..tit this coupon and mail to W. A. TKUUALL, Sl'PKRVISOn OF CEN Srs, WASCO, OI'EGON. On Jauuary 1, 1920, I was living at uldiess given below, but to the best of my knowledge I have not been .numerated there or anywhere else. 'Officers and members of the Mor row County Farmers tsmoi; :;ac ar langed for a big mass meeting to bo held i ntiu I. O. O. F. lodge room on Satin day of this week, January 31. The rucking will convene at 1:30 P M. although a preliminary meeting may bo held in the forenoon if enough members arrive early in the day to justify. Announcement is - vutniue peal.ers 01 Vote ill the Kiirmrs l'nlor. ,0,..:- ....11 b' p:i-s..i:t among them being F. A. Siices. 01 C01 valtis, state sat vc-tary of the t moil: V. V,'. el' Po.'i on, big a heat grower and leader in 'hni.ui wor't in rmulillsi mimUv ... well i.i n director of t'h'e Tri-State Terminal Co.; C. V. Nelson, of Se attle, fcon !::; I ataaacer il lt-.o T... it.iii' Ct. It is uiKku-ilood that a part of the essioas will be open meetings to which all interested will be welcomed. Name City . TRUCK FOR SALE Three ton Packard truck In A No. 1 condition $1800. For particular call on or address the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. 62tf STAR THEATRE ii t Captain'. T. Dinsmorc Upton KORMEkLY GOVERNMENT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY ON RECREATION ';ipt. I. huHiin.iY rpton, fornu'riy Mipvrintcinlont of municipal recreation in .. .tn ! K;pt.l ., .Midi., ami late army athletic director and officer at two of our ' I t'.i::!"!MUi:ls. Iiriiijs to the Lyceum platform one of the most constructive i'i! 11a! It i t in i s of tlie prcscni day. As an authority cm athlet i-s ami 1. 1 eau..n I:!- ikuih- "Dinm" rpton is laniiliar I lirouhout the Middle West. i ' 'if on;!., al. t the war he v;n appoinhd :i cii!iai: pin s'cal training; direct- i "i' tlu- . ti 1 1! vision and ;fu-r four itiotnlis was made government athlept I ." ti'r p.. i'i j,ii; an. I ;t't divisions !' cteer in the armv recreaton work l III ,1 1 1 I I!t'. .he -1 '". ice I ', Id. I ' t. C'"-'l !'!(' ..!' it, 1 ' 1 I I . '"!'' hi . M ind's i- i .rand iv.ijid. Mich. It was (heir he w ii 'I'I "! Mi l!:e kids in Tn-.vll" '.::ni.l k' i.oio.c ,-.t - "I l, . . , I I ' ' ' 1 I'1"" n 1- ' '.' es fill as .1 leader of h..v s and rtN l-eean-f ! ! .i .!,... ' '' ' II'- ' - !' ' u 11 1' h.."t s .m l ! (.f his fuie in In-lpin- -I :i.!e- ' ' : " I '' '".it ol I ni,i i . 0,1 tff"i a lift at a lime when thi 1 " ' " ' o-i I ' ' - 1 1 ' . a , at ; 1 , i! ' I m. - --p.-i. t.pd, ni of p-t'.'u- instil!. ti..n. edit " " ' I op . -. il-. si.ti. tr... . ;tn and author f an imuih. .- a 1 . 1 1 ' o i Y M t' ,. . 1 .tr . 1 . Hi' . " ' I : : H tile' I 'pi 1 . 1 s 1 ! , I , . ! ' ' " on h in I tti a eh el v t :i ;i I. a-'er of ouiw nu n that I h t SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 ( IIVla,i:i WITH Sl.TTI.Mi Mm; to lU ii.Dixt; Aii Italian was brought over fror.. Irrajon yesterday r.nd Is nov; iu tne county jail charged with setting fire to a.i unoccupied building. The man claims that a noKio Hot the fire at which to warm und that later he warmed himself there. The fire was put out with slight damage. i i;i:i: (jaudfx kkkos The H.'nild has a quantity of gar den seeds lecehtd from the riepart 'ii.'ii! of AMicullure at Washington, D. C. lor f-ee uisl ribut ion. F.ery body welcome to what they can us-. While they last. Call and supply youi'heir. NOTICE TO IIIIIKKXIAXS Theie will be a special meeting of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians hold In I. O. O. F. hall Sundsy. February 1. 19I0. at 2:00 o'clock P. M.. wVu special business of extraordinary im portanco to e.cry niember will b considered. All members of the or der are earnestly urged to -be pros ent. JOHN F. KENNY. H., Orcnon President IJUiuiy 20 liJti. jj.jj Douglas Fairbanks in "HEADIN SOUTH" ' 1 '; 1 ' ' AK Ian! hv : !!i e.ii.ler mi et v is,. ,t) . f oil).,., i .l -on K'tap'-e-d h I Inh Ma'lune; and Marry Thorp An Art. r,, i i :. It's ,s' ' Ihir's alt want to kmnv. That means that it's a ' '' ' l hat it' tlnillmo;! Ami that mean xmi'tc ooin- ,, :,,Vc a w. ;' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Are You Hungry? Sure. Well then try Mc. & A Lunch Goods We have the line that pleases !! McAfee & Aiken S A F E T V & .. s . . .. S-S'. .'. s . -. " i 'c - .. . nK; - .v. .. s E R V I C E Make a Start NOW! mmmmmmmmsmmt. KVKUY OXK riEOK;XIZKS THK AIU KSAUII.ITY Ol SAVIX(J. Oil KVK.X THK iX KSSiTY OK IT, BUT MANY OK IS Oil) NOT SAVE .'.11 til DVIIIXU 191(1. IF YO! Ii 1 H KOKY IS To SAVE AMI YOl'K 1KA('TI('K IS TO SH;.I, STAitT SAVIXG WITH YOl II TlltST 1AY DAY IX 1920. IF YOl" SAVE ()1,V OXE IM)I.- i.Ait a wi:kk. YOl I AX OI'KX A SAVINGS ACt'Cl'XT WITH THE I'li'.sT XATIOXAh UAXK WITH OXE liOI.EAIi i.V OXE MIX I'TE, AM) THI S LAY A (iOOI) I OIXDA- tiox ron the xew yeah. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON LooK at This Bargain 8oo ACRES A NO. i FARM LAND 8 MILES SOUTH OF HEPPNER SEE ME FOR FULL PARTICULARS ABOUT THIS FINE BUY Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS i'M "PLRMWtNT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash. rhonf 467 Ii 1 Lt- in'i'AU' WANT Mh f.KT Till lif.ST HKSUI.T 0) 0)