Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 27, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Tuesday. Tanuary 27, 1920
', 1 11 1 1 11 1
i i l t M, nnmer.lv washed is used I TOM ! U
Mi I Ikin will prove to i ifi
ffimmfi I tl.- advantage o. J ;
:lWllhf in J-' White Star Brand fflj
iiil Heppner Farmers' ffjj
" 1 .
- II
When your Plumbing goes
L ..1 -1.
L3ri v r- -
mmmrw... mm ma
, a 1
We make a specialty of quick repair work, keep
ing always ready the materials and men for im
mediate service.
If vmi Have new work that you wish us to figure
mi we will he very glad to submit prices.
( ur work is guaranteed to give you perfect satis
faction and if you are not pleased in every partic
ular we will spare neither time nor money to
make it right. .......
Peoples Hardware
We Keep a Record
For You
m mi 1 . t tn iiuivi, iuk
vii h r no 1 1 11 1 1 1 t: 1 1. - .
i' i i;mii:iiiiii no iiimio m no ,hk
n 1 t n m 1 1 w 1 1 ii vi 1; IH IIIU b i 1:11.
1 r. 11 iii w nil 11 'i m 11 1 1 i i 1 it mi.
1 -. .
ii 1:1 1 til. it 01 1 1 1 i;t v 1 h hi 1.1 1 1
u 1 r
11 . 1. M. SO II I l.l III ll l In Hill H I!
.1 v , . I I -IM
Farmers & Stodgrovers
National Bank
Conflicting Thoughts
- (ffe WHAT m k
By Rose Trumbull, Scottsdale, Ariz.
You talk of jour breed of cattle,
And plan for a higher strain.
You doubt the food of the pasture.
You heap up the measure of grain;
You draw on the wits of .the nation,
To better the burn and the pen;
But what are you doing, my brothers,
To better the breed of men?
You boast of your Moagans and
Of the worth of a calf or a colt,
And scoff at the scrub and the mon
grel, As worthy a fool or a dolt;
You mention the points of your road
ster, With many a "wherefore" and
But, ah, are you conning, my broth
ers, The worth of the children of men?
j And what of your boy? Have you
! His needs for a growing year?
I Does your mark as his sire, in his
j features.
i .Mean less than your brand ou a
Thoroughbred that is your watch
word, ,
For stable and pasture and pen.
But what is your word for the home
stead? Answer, you breeders of men!
A. W. Gammell, successful yount
farmer ,was in tijwn Friday.
Those of the Water Monitor Are Es
teemed a Delicacy in Many .Paris
of Malay Peninsula.
The water monitor is one of tlia
shintlliys of the natives of India. (Vy
Ion anil the Malay peninsula iinil is
land anil the eggs of this species ot
lizard are more highly prized than
liens' eggs.'
Ynu might shudder when you sud
denly confronted a water monitor in
the Jungle. Not so the native, hunt
ing Its eggs and rejoicing to get near
such treasures.
The monitor is equipped with u long
forked tongue, extending from a
sheath like a snake's. It is one of the
largest of existing lizards, reaching a
length of seven feet, although its near
est relutlve, the gigantic Australian
monitor, grows from twelve to thirty
feet long. The monitor lays twenty or
more white, soft-shelled eggs In hol
low trees, and lu Burma these bring a
much higher price than hen's eggs.
"The moultor Is well fitted for Its
life," wiya a writer lu the Scientific
American. "It Is a swift runner, able
to overtuke the speediest mammals,
frogs, turtles and snakes on which It
feeds. It often startles hunters by
crashing through the jungle, uiuklug
lis much noise us large game. It climbs
trees for squirrels, birds and their
eggs. At other times It may be found
digging ulong strenm banks for the
eggs of the crocodile,' of which it Is
most fond. F.lther In running or swim
ining It can leave Its enemies far be
hind. If surprised when up a tree it
drops Into the water, swimming with
powerful strokes of Its flattened thll,
which uets us oars anil rudder. When
being captured It lights with teeth,
i eluus mid t:ill.
"The nulive term the monitor 'Kn-hnra-Uoyn.'
Although it Is harmless
and non-poisonous. It Is used to pro
duce deadly poisons. The Slngnlese
are experts In brewing a deadly poi
son termed 'Kuliariitel.'
"They eitruet poisons from venom
ous snakes, adding arsenic and other
drugs, boiling the romlilniitiou In hu
man skulls. And here the monitor
conns In us a part of their supersti
tion. They lie three monitors on three
sides facing I he lire. Then they tor
ment the monitors with whip iitid
make them l.l to iiii-o the lire to
blaze up. The unlive believe that
the liNx-of the iimnltoii mlds In the
poisonous quality of the deadly hrew,"
the London papers seem to think it Is.
for lodging and board received do cre
ate a debt, but the plea for recom
pense for the broken contract is naive
in the true Teutonic way. New York
Central Marke
Making Airplane More Handy,
From Piiytoti, O., from whence cuine
the new, at tlrt Includible, that the
problem of inw hanii id flight hint been
solved, now eomes the lietti. ullllost
lis IiiiiiI In helleu tit" Iheiv tm been
Invented nnd uiTefiillv tented (here
11 propeller for airplane thai but some
thing of the dlverity of actum imi
eeil by the motor organs of bird.
The vniie of the new propeller, It Is
reported, nre not Inunotntilc on the
central hnfl. bill can be lien.- or lens
I'lllllU'eil ti In uncle Willi ll t ulliift
to meet the iitlator't will or need.
If till" llli been done M In it llltrn
iln.lni; Heiikiu-" Hint !! "Hi cone
pleMtt of lliei I ill 1 I - 111. Ho- nierutlo
of n rpliino. epe. Inll .it H e euor-
iitini! v linpul iiini 1 in 'i in 1 t Murt
In; inn I nllgblliii:, 'H be 1 ' 1' iM-d --
iiritv mIoto II lint In.- - improve-
no hi Aire:. 1I1 wninb-ifiit ' ni! are
done Mltll tbee fll.oluli 'Hit the
lair.iu Unit tin lo and ' m a lei
r k'i it'll ire or 11 lfl. ' '- 'i duel
..liethlll III Vtlli. ll H e -kilttlll
MMillor hitherto ll'" I." II liopf
Ili.'t It 'l I'tielter i I Mi e e tnlie
,.11 ,1 pel mil H e r..i 1 f the
. 1.1 10 bie' in. 1 ' in if ami
lit titiiik' l not "M "i- 1 ' - lertnin
It w ..ill. I be a lep t . ! e !! Ill
hil hip.
Wells Fargo Nevada Bank, in
Review of Conditions, Shows
Remedy Lies in Nation
Sail Francisco People should
shop for lower prices, reduce their
consumption, practice thrift, utilize
for their savings Liberty Bonds. War
Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings
Certificates, says the Wells Fargo Ne
vada National Bank, in ita monthly
review, analyzing the night cost of
living. High prices are due to the
following causes. i.hn bank review
points out:
"Personal extravagance on the
part of those who have beeji re
ceiving unaccustomed profits or un
usual wages.
"Profiteering, the seizing by bus
iness men of the opportunity offered
by a heavy demand to manipulate the
supply so as to yield undue profits. I
' High rales of wages, which in-,
crease the coat, of commodities at
every stage !
"General inltation of credits and
circulation, Including bank deposits
"What we may look and hope for
as the main effect of this Govern
mental action is an awakening of
the nation to more of a natural
reaction against paying high. prices
"People should take pains to avoid
paying them by shopping for lower,
prices, by i educing I heir consump
tion, practicing thrift, utilizing Tor
their savings Liberty Bonds, War
Savings Stamps and otliei opportun
ities for gill-edge investment now
open to them.
"This atlltitde will i tinstitult a
strong iiilliieine in loweiing price.-!.
down to the point at leasl necessi
tated by ha. lie conditions, and, tlioe
latter loudiiioiih being fiiiiil.iiueiit.il.
must be left lo work themselves out "
The A 111. 1 i. .in National Hank in itF
monthly' lettci makes the following
statement icgaidtiiK the coal 01
living :
There are wveral remedies that
may he applied, aud. grauiiatty win
bo applied, to reduce the cost of
living, but the most essential Is to
get down lo bnsiue-s, work full time,
waste nothing and do wtiliout a lot
of iiunecess.iry thing which lotisumi
In tlieti nuking much valuable ma
terial and tt it in an energy."
We beg to announce to the people of Heppner and
vicinity that we have purchased the lease, business,
fixture's and good will of the Peoples Meat Market
and have moved into the quarters recently occupied
bv that firm in the Gillrnan building on West illov
street, where we will conduct a first-class market m
such a manner a will appeal to the most fastidious.
On our racks and in our storage will be found the
very best the market affords in
Try some of our home made pure pork Sausages with
your Buckwheats these cold mornings.
.Our purpose is to give the people of Heppner strictly
v' first-class service, courteous treatment and fair prices
Give us an opportunity to serve and please you.
Central Market
Engagement Announced
Mr "Grippe" and Mis3 "Flu" are busily engaged again, but the mi
ute you feel a cold coming J.n, begin to have fever or chills, dull aches or
constipation, it may be the Flu or Grippe.
Before retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup
of HOI.MSTKK'S lWH'KY MOUNTAIN TI'.A (warm) and go to bed for
the night it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll fee! great the next morning.
Without fail try this but do it quick before the "Flu'.' or Grippe get's
a start, buy a package today, have it in the House and use it at the very
first warning then you're safe. Patterson & Sou.
in t
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The Staudaiil I ict lotuirt ib tines a
"('apllnlisf' as one who has a "pe
eiihlnrv surplus "
The dictionary Is wroitc
A riiplioln-t i one bo lia a "pe
i Hillary suipliit" hlch Is mvc-ted
Are too a t-.i i 1 1 it i i ?
Yii t ate It m'I are luititu W.it
SaMitgK Stutnp" or Troanirt saving
t'eitl'.l.' ite ll.ii repie.itit pecnti
i.irt iitiii " or, lu ultnple Knglii-h
ntlt'r iiti.l I ! v tn.iko tniii nt.itu '
work In britu-itii; in tot I i"'i cent)
itr,et't OH ,iei'l'l"l .U:il!elh 1
A i e in ,t i .ipii it' lt ' j
Si i re-art of i 'um nu n c tteileldi
k.iIiI to the i lefl.ind dv'tt mi in; Men
P'err ate lit iton.toul uhn i i'n r ti j
our l.il.ertt l oit. I nimpi . I thil'
m.mt a t.ntnr.i t ni inned. a I kiio
etur l!oi rutin ul etii. are. bv t
force (rout tup to bottom i aplu!iti I
In vitryiiiit .li-tii'. but not the left,
reitllj ''
hin I kiiV .iInmiI the I kIi it l)l
, in- I',. .1 ii in 1 1 1 in I.. hi ton.
its polt is bringing the
highest prices over known
"Shabcrl" Wants Oregon Furs
And Wlil roy Tliesc F.'remcly IIIqIi Frlc
-i f -r.
IImt lrt. (i4 J !i, t' M j ','i (i .
w K-.-'fi ' 11 f ; r J M j ' ,y '( ; ;
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4 Oil
to r,
iJ'ia i.:.'!lio.fjt; 5 n
TMie s.o? rcou 3.M
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7 '0 to J.l-i
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, " br-t rift " fir
Siil3FRrf will
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.1 in rttiii
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(,...r (.refer, m t.-i ij. lo t) ,,t t( kit
mtt reut'trf.
lb il"'l l 0 1 H i ftl fnwij M
(.;ei :.ne. e! ! I n'.ctt mn Witk
111 U (!llrll.ll !, i t . il l ll.t filial
t.iii; ltt plant In Can KrM itt
Ixiuiifci $ti.'"H "rth of Wr Sivlnej
Htun t lt Bionth. Th met) hiv
(ltt up die and frj and hold dra
i and rafflnt ef IK itaffipt.
'f n.r f. jjft
A Milnmrrtf l.i
rcsull In "more money "quicker.
J-J7 W.Auitln.Avc..DcptMjChlcaqo. USA.