PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January 20, 1920 LOCAL ITEMS - t va" C. H. I'll. c. . :;n. lookiiu- aft. Ollf-'. fff EilltTlltl si l or in town T':".: .-day. r i-- here lroiii 1'oitiand hi, .iivi-i-'fl-.-il U.:(i and llVI' St.' 11 k Hit"!' I'AvinoS ,I5!.I'. Ill !I;SSM A i i VC; ;i'in'Mli iii)i; and Ladies TaiiOi nr.'. Mir. 'iir:'an, I'iiiiicn .Stif-'-t. It' . ii. I'. i'.-mb'-rion o; 'I h(! JUiU'-r, will pniK-h al tin- a!'-d ctiui ' h i1. ' x ' .Sunday mo; Mra' tiiii)'.'. j.aiest t'i'iort:; f t oui Ft'i'd A. ( v.ho is in Portland under treatment lor a serious illness- are flint lij is eoiuewliat improved. F. A. McMenamin went to Alder dale., Washington, Monday on busi ness connected with his ranching in terests near that place. Rev. Dr. George B. Van Water ; was here from Vnrtland last Sunday and held services in the Episcopal church morning and evening. Mrs. Wilcox, who has been visit ing her niece, Mis. Hansono Hushes, or the past two months, was a pas pen;rer for Pendleton Saturday morn ing. Howard and 1'earl Pearson, well known young men of the Lena neigh borhood, were business visitors in jieppner Saturday. They report the mud out in their locality is some Ft inky. J. II. Lang, an expert auto me chanic from Portland, has purcliasej Jin interest in t he Heppner Garage Machine Shop from Ira W. Thornton who has been conducting the place for several months. Mr. Reeves, photographer who Kpent several months in Heppner last year, now permanently located at Hood River, is here for a week or so doing the photo work for the coming high school annual, "Hetiisch." Ross lirown, of Lena, who has been hauling some wood to Heppner from Parkers Mill, had trouble of his own on the way in with a load Friday anil Saturday and most of his troubles were just plain, everyday MFD. K. S. Ackertnan, editor and pub lisher of tne lone Independent, blew into Heppner last evening to say bel low to his old friends here. Mr. Ar; erinan is giving lone a mighty good local paper and his appearance iudi ratcs contentment and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Phil llrady, who were recently married In Portland, will re side on one of the Minor stock ranch es at Cecil and have already taken up their residence there. Mrs. llrady Is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and has a wldn' circle of friendH In this county as well as in Portland. Dr. I lea 11 was again called to Mono nt last Tuesday to attend Willis .lenks. a pioneer stockman and retired capitalist of Hint place, who was suffering (r rlu- effects of a slight ceicbial heiuoi bilge. The pa tient was considerably linnioved when Hi lleilll litllci n Heppner Thursday afternoon. John Mill Hi; II, who lecenUy sold a valuable larm mi u,,. l!iM1 d'lian project. Lit last niiii d.iy morning lor New York City where In- w i pend l.i in tin,,,. mimiiiM .itm.; Ms si-item and til her nlativ.-. Mr. Mrllugh veiled Gotham Hiis lime last .v.ii and bin fi iemf. Jim Hitgli., n.alics the that John will imt " "" diiuie (Ins 1 1 inn. Tin- Chiistian I.'ihI.hiiii l.cb i b.I aii, I hiiHiiii.,K merlin;, m ', imt.d ihuiih p.uloiw ,. i "i.iiinn kIi.ii a I'. dm - '..III W tl Kl, j, tl rsh'ui W-4 a', f I, , mi I '.!'i M.I N't i. 'I- I f. ..,, , , ,(,,, ; , w-ii pt. -id, in, Mai ,. ' ' I1'-' Id- lit . I Int. lice r.i ,. U-ISI . I 'h,l i li s N,,i . Hi l .... ,; .!.-;'. i- K.,ii,.-.n, t.,i mi. ' i'"i..hii, I ii ,i . fiiidi el I'll"' i.i . a, I,!. '. (-,.,tn,,ii I I'. .1 -1 1. .' s,'.,lll ,1 II.,, ,, , Mime t !n ' -I 1 1 . ' I , ),,. ln-ilie (' il '., HI H, t nil , i"li"'H ll!'i i ' C ii I ,l,, W.iid.i'i V- M,. i, ,.',,', , l" ed I l. a 'i.,i, ,11., 1 ,,f , l in a, in ii ,iii;,iiit-d mid tr Hid.' to I ! mln. I'' I HI .-'I It till' t i re. .: .t i Ilin . I'u; k ; mi' ' ''l ! ' II ,).. , J I k 1 1 ml K .i, , i ( i . i .!. tiling i i , ,.ii ii,, t mm iht i'iv.I i, del i III lie i nf rt'le' i 'ii- J , dill t.i i 1 'ei ii ii nit- Mi , t . I 1 'I'll M j J i'.ii Kil " I ii 'i i i 'i' ..t .n(1 i ! i ,i IK ! II i.: Hi- id , .lt'in ti,' ni.,.. i ,i,,.1 ,,, ..t .,,.1, I mi Mi K i,i. li- (i In i.i .1 . n il.- . 'l . n'l .1c i inn r..! t It li.'WII n i,iii.i. k i . i. I I ' " II (-'Il ' M.i'. Km. I.I., .1. ...I rt!,, t Ml.) il p. 1 I M..l! till lit. I !' . , .. .1 1 ...l.,,l I .I I . , .' I, 1 I i .i, i, n i ., it It'.n hi. I; ' , ' I lb IK Int. .' ". ! 'n .. .-.) I 'I.I I . X' . ; 1 : 4 -i r ..- il .- i .i l.. I I .1,1, i. r to I. i. 1 ti i I ii , I. k .. Ill n t,. . ,. (I, I !,, I),,. Ml till m K .III 1 1. . ,- ,,f ', Illl'l-HU ID Ihrtt ll ft-l.l in t -.!i ,t ivnlui nnni- a lot uf Ihiun vt lirody, of lionncrs Kerry, 1; -le to i a fe w days isitin;. W. P. Mahoncy. Mr. , in mi 1 y l"ik of Runnel illdi I .ili.'iol.lnc- thsit l.e l.r..-;.,- 0:1 I ! Id r "')' - il am in.r 1 i 1 !,!!)': ior Hi J lis.! I Oil! l "II : r (' P-- iusii.i iionie .1 idem s at. a mi ' I' .Mis. D. K. Ciu, 1 ' 1 1 1 b-1 .- O'' till 'i. lit ;:s -;iii'., is. A ng ai U .1 al winch fno ',."1 ' pi t .- - . il. ,. I n po; t ol the u'-iting will 'ie print", m.M wiei(. -lacy Roberts has leased his resi dence on West Center street to Mr. and Mrs. Iieymer, of near Lexington, ior lour months, and with Mis. Rob erts, left for Los Angeles, California, to remain until May. 0. G. lilayden, garage and auto supply man of Iioardman, writes: "Got hold of a copy of the Herald lhe other day and it. looked good to me. Herewith check for year's subscrip tion. We want to get In closer touch with Heppner and the rest of Morrow county and the Herald seems to be the medium." Patron teacheis meeting will be held at the high school auditoiium next Fiiday evening at, 7:80. Dm. If. K. Bean and 11. J. Vauglian will speak u;i subjects of interest and Mrs. Carver v. ill give a report of (In state educational asso-ialion. Olhe.' Intel i i;t ing numbers w ill be given by school ciiildr ui. A'l are invited. T. K. McDaniels, of Walla Walla, who runs a hand or two of sheep on the side, while representing the Co lumbia Rasin Wool Warehouse, was heie Saturday after having dug his way through from Condon. Mr. Mc Daniels used to be engaged in news paper work at Med ford in the boom days which accounts for his well fed appearance. T. M. Benedict, of Morgan, wii. tecently bought a fruit ranch home mar Lyle, Washington, writes the 1!' raid that he expects to spend nest summer "on the road" which proba bly means that he is going to niak-j dial long talked of trip back to Tex t's and then north over the old 'L.on:: liorn Trail," over which as a cowboy 'n the early days he helped drrvi? I. any thousands of long horn ti rrs to the Nebraska and Wyoming ran ges. MARRIED : - Irivi'M iinoii Mr. Stephen M. Irwin niid Miss Mini t iihiiii were married at the home I of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mis. Walter Cason, at 7:"0 o'clock Salur iday evenln,:. January 17lh, llev. Or. .George II. Van Waters, pastor of Hid I I'pisi opal church, pel fill inlug Ul cere! ly. Only the I nmedlate rela tives of I In happy couple wen- pres ent. Mr. huin Is the eldest soil of Mr. nun Mrs. W. li. Irwin, one of Ilepp-m-r's must prominent families and is a sin i essl ul young business mini, lin ing tngageil In the the business heie on bis ow ii ai count. The In nil I ; one of lleppiu i 'w mo t i Ikii tiling uung ladies and for the ;ia.l coiipli- of yens has been chief clelk III the Hi ppnr post ol I ice. a no? i in ii icnus win unite hi wlsllini! tli-- happy cniiple a latc sun- ul In ppiniMi und pio'peiilj. (..lllllllcll-Slicliluil Paul (liiiiiniell, well kilo n man ot lhl (lit, !ll. Uiss 1 y i j mm; ( 1 1 AI I . i W,-l ' i X. lllll .t SI 'I Inn. i,r Sou i ti I la Lot j. tel.! Mid III I'm tl,l. Flbl.lf 1.-. J.I lil.l'V lklll. iiri-ni iil.; i, . a' inn i , ,n I, it i; limn , i ,,,y .. ii'-'ll. vi li.i Tmlil n .,i.ii i. ii. 1 t N'.i'. Ii. nk. I il - r 'i 'I I'' ;d i nun tiuin p..i I ni; ' .M ' on 1. 1 I li it;,- in,: mi I;, t'..- I ' ! e I ,V .- Pi I t . ,'ialll -I.I tin I. I I lll 'dl ; nil '.I In . l i. li n r'-teiUl tiMiiie. a, a. i k. :.,..,., i,, i ,.,1, ... I I I.i; i'i- rln In .n I, ,, , , . .11 ,!,, "in !,.i ,, . i. !. in i- In i lmi 1. 1 (,.j.p mid li i-! ,i -ii in. ,.( B ill.- il . ,., Ft ' l n l ' ..I ii, . 4 it llri n i ! I I' I'1 !' li ' I . i . n I ; .' I ' 1 1 I 1 ' I .!, 1 4 11 4 'I ...1, nf r 4 11 I n, , f V' J M t . !,: !, i. .ili..(1 I tl) ',,! I, III, 'l i. II ua.ti- In m I.. I n' J. L. Idaho, h, iiis l'ri 1; iirmiy i. T 1 . 1 ' ;.;.l br. "Inn 1 l,e dm ;'ip o ill i'it Bir t.ioa RECENT DEATHS x ( onli y .a (' :, am-d Zi yeai s. .': !!.' RiK iiTi;: n looming hou. ' i ,..y a!i";!;iyn after an illness o ;;.! weeks the cause of death ..i.i ii as LMiat's disease. j"i:e;;si d had no known relatives asd little or nothing is known of ills us. st hUtoty. He was ngageu at. ti apping in the mountains in the south part of the county until ill 'health brought him to town for fieat ipent. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon, a short service being given at the grave by Rev. Dr. Geo. B. Van Waters. Dan Downey, o:' Pendleton, war- a visitor here over the week end with a view to locating here and establish ing a hide business. Mr. Downey en joys a wide acquaintance among the stockmen of this section and he is of the opinion that Heppner is the logi cal point, for taking care of that Iin? of business. He returned to Pendle ton Monday but expected to return here in a short time. TRUCK FOR SALE Three ton Packard truck in A No. 1 condition $1800. For particulars call on or address the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. 62tl XOTK II OK KIXAfj SKTTLII.MK.XT Notice is heteby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of Louis Groshens, deceased, has filed her final account as such executrix, and that the county court of the state of Oregon for Morrow county has ap pointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb ruary, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time of. hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections of said final account must be filed on or be fore said date. HELEN GROSHENS, 3 5""fi Executrix XOTICK, OK FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the Es tate of SKTH A. BARNS, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court of Morrow County, Slate of Oregon, and that said Court has set as the day of the settlement or said account February 21, 1f20, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M., of said day. O. II. WARNER, 3"-41 Administrator. XOTIt i: OK TAKINii iiorsi: :sH:ay Notice Is hereby given t lint on or about January 1, 19 1!), I took up the following described horse and that the same will be sold at public auc tion at my ranch g miles north of lone and two miles west of Wells Springs, in Morrow county, Oregou, al 1:00 I'. M. on SATl'HHAY, JANUARY 21, 1!)20 unless ledi'ciiied on or before that dale by the owner or owners or their ii'pn-sentutiveH. one blink horse apparently about n or wain old; while hind foot; 'tiii- on foiebead; biand quarter rlr . le K ( nun I lei circle nei K) on right shoulder. DAN C. POHF.nTV, lone, tiu gon. ,,nc Oiegon. Ui i eiiibi i "I, 1 y 26 ?, t NUTK ; TO i:i in mits i il t !uit S, W. Nnl.i e Is lieud v i t -'pi ii' ri ban been ilu!y llllt.ll of !,r I.ani W ,'ppoiiili'd Fx- II and Tet.i- meat f Ji . I I'll IV WII.IIWH. ' 1. I' till' I'nlil'tv t'l.lllt -f .m !.. t .tini . On iin p. an, I li,, duly 'IH l'itlnd fnr Ml! t l -,ll Ml .i'i.i b..ini; i-. iiu at.iinM hi. I ml ili- urn nnlifiril In pirm nl 111 .'i,i- in ii. r nl Hie nffui- of iu ttor-in-. Jinn F. Vmi Vaitnr. in Hni'nci. " w.tlilii m in I, hi ,, fu,, u,,. iUl nf tin. fli.t inililiiiiiion nf till tint i. e. H!l i.l(-i-ia duly trlltlisl I'm. . I mid tii-kt iiibliiiii-. dm liih la nf Jalium y, J) ! W SI'FSCKII. !. .nl. i f tli- Will uinl Testa- " of Ji'M-pli IV ,', iini. de i'jbi'.I It 41 I- i imi r in; inr ftp nut, lull,, .1..,- nu t riM- -- 1 I Villi ill nl m I?..,....m ..... :n I Hyuu.,mmun,ian m ml M! mSlifkFfel7 nil- ITS 1 11 1 f iil i 1 ll i ULflLjlJ ing ft-! ;i I jj Short Lengths of Silks li I -1 . . jf l ft it sb u mm u in m ma wum am ra iir mv tut m mm mm mm mm mm mi Come in M inor i C ' i .441L TO CLEAR OFFERING WOMEN AT ALSO Clearance H. .!', ji oomson Ginghams, and carry GOOD GOODS - . ffck a ROOM FOR NEW SPRING STOCK WE ARK OUR FAMOUS PALMER GARMENTS FOR GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SOME GIRL'S COATS AT A BARGAIN Etc them away Co Set! .6 i 7 Eros