THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January 20, 1920 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper KnUi wt tn- Hi-ppm-r. OirL'nn, Poi'tofficp as s:c-conl-class Matter TEEMS l-' SlIlSUUi'TlOX One Year ....$2.00 Six Months Tl.r.--e Months $ -50 ..$1.00 IONE ITEMS G. M. Ak"r:-, former resident ol Ioup, diPd at lln-'liome of his daugh ter, Mrs. G-o. Earnian, at Freeware r, Tuvsoay. January 13, 1)20. at Hit; ol 6 4 ypars. 9 months aid 21 .".ays. Deceased came here from Iov a ..bout 35 years aso and was a promi nent farmer of the Gooseberry fcec liou for many years. Last fall who :,is wife he removed to Freewater where they were about to move into :i new home just completed when his final summons came. He leaves a wile, Mrs. Laura Akers, of Freewa ter, two sons, Fred, of lone, and Low ell, of Freewater lour daughter:!, Mrs. Newt King and Mrs. A. J. An derson, of oine, and Mrs. Geo. Par man and Mrs. John Frazier, of Fres water. A ifif. Mrs. Frank Holmes, of l'oi-nand, :i so survives The fun eral was held at Freewater with Rev. Hamilton conducting the services. In terment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Milton. Cochran's Orchestra Having secured first-class musicians who are located per manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal ent and satisfaction at home? For full information write or call KOY T. COCHRAN HEITNER OREGON To Our Friends and Customers We expect to move into our new building- on or about February I, 1920, where we will be pleased o give one and all a most cordial welcome. Our new store will be (be most modern and com modious in eastern Oregon and we will take much pride and pleasure in showing you through it when Mm call. YOURS FOR 1920 BEING THE BEST YEAR HEPPNER HAS EVER KNOWN Giliiam & Bisbee Farmers Attention Why not break the force of winter's cold pen el. at ing winds from your house and barns by plant ing a few rows of CAROLINA POPLARS BLACK LOCUSTS LOMBARDY POPLARS BOX ELDERS on the win Iward side of your buildings? These .11 e h.;rdy fasi grov ing Mees and will in a very lVv years proe great protectors from winds dur ing both MimiiuT and winter. The small expense involved wil be many limes repaid in the shelter llu y will give you. I 'hint your trees about eight feel apart in a double row. Figure out how many vou need and let us quote you on your re quirements. "A hustling salesman wanted in this section." Oregon Nursery Company OUKNCO. OKKGON. Five Residence Properties In Heppner For Sale At surprisinsly low price $ and easy terms if taken WAUia the nest ten da$ Dut you must hurry E. M. SHUTT The Ileal Estate Man Up-fctairs in Court House Mrs. Fred Gloor of Kalania. Wash., iin ived Monday even'ne and is the ','ite.-n of her daughter, Mr--. Ilallirls -h-.r.'-'e. Mvh. i.ner Lason spent ;i !a.t v.-e-; in lone vlsiiiir: 1 K. A. Iirinvn, 1 o'ti teach 7th and 8th grades v.-:. i'.i with the mumps and :.. .aiu?r was in charse o; this CECIL ITEMS id tew (rays -lativ.-s. 1 for the veei; . W. 11 e- room. 1 1Ln. ,, ,, .,,) i.u. uieimann, u in os;k ! ous tuvni- er of this vicinity, returned Tnesdnv pending the past weeK E 1 c 1 . 1 !:. i: Wn:- evening after P01 tland. John Miller, who lives near Cecil, arrived Tuesday evening trom Milton where he spent the past five weeks with relatives. J. E. Cronan, a former president of the Bank of lone, is here from Port land. Marshal E. G. Frank has been con fined to 1i1b bed for several days on account of acute Blights disease. Ped Hale of Yakima, Was here a few days last week enjoying a vioit with his mother, Mrs. Mary Hale, and other relatives. Mrs. W. R. Cochran accompanied by her two nieces, Mrs. J. B. Sptrks and Mrs. Jack Milliorn. made a busi ness trip to Heppner Friday. H. E. Worth, Western Union life insurance agent of Pendleton, is spending the we-k in lone on busi ness. S. E. Bryant and family are here from Pendleton and will occupy the C. J. Anderson residence on Second street. Mr. Bryant is .1 comnnter fnr the highway office. Frank Christenson left Sunuav morning for Portland where he will spend a few days. Mrs. Chick came down from Heppner and will assist in the drug store during his absence. Tom Griffith, who has been spend ing a month's furlough with his mo ther, Mrs. P. J. Linn and other rela tives, returned to camp Lewis Fii day. Mr. Griffith is still in the serv ice of Uncle Sam, having enlisted for another year. Arch Rice, w'ho has been spending some months at lone, left Friday morning for his home at Salem. Mr. Rice has disposed of nearly all of his town property with the v-xcoptum of two lots on First street. the the by iOAKD.M.VX NEWS The lioardman local or the Mor row County Farm Bureau held a very successful meeting last .Monday night, the main topics being rabbit rontrol which is being very successfully wag ed in this section; good roads, a special meeting to be called soon; and the discussion of the idea that officials of Che organization, local, county and state should be bona fide agrlculturiHts. Mrs. Earl Cramer, who has been suffering from an attack of pneumon ia, is now improving rapidly. Some tools and equipment are be ing ordered for shop work and an elementary course in cobbling for the boys of the school. Bulletins have been gent to the homes of the district in the interest of the Boy and IGrl club work. It was brought out at the State Teachers-,' association that in chief meas ure the success of the movement lay In the encouragement and backing the child received from his parents, and that the work is one of the best coumes that can be given pupils of rural schooln. The lioardman Farm Bureau will change its regular meeting night to I the week end either Friday or 8at ; unlay, so that more can attend ana I the county agent be present ofteuei. The following resolution was pas sed by the lioardman Local of the Morrow County Farm Bureau at its meeting luxt night. j WHEUKAS. It has been and is j deemed expedient to permit others j than thnne ho business is purely agricultural to become siwoclsled in '.he Faun ll'irvau movement, to tho. proportion of not to eiceed !0 per cent, and WHEREAS. By so doing. Ihere Is a fear opmly npn-md that the Farm Bureau movement Is thus Jeopard ised throunh dancer of bring con trolled by official whose IntermU are not agricultural, THEREFORE, lie Is reaoluved by the Voardnian Farm Bureau that with the rioeptlon of treasurer wheo that oftlce I narat from that of 1 the mvrrtary, ttit all office of local. county or state organisation be filled by turn who are actively engaged in agricultural puKuits, and that con stitution" and hy-Uwa be so framed rr anirndi-d tmt the who bui ni 1 nn suteutttiral shall be ri- r I tided tro., i.'Hclal ptwlltotui In the lrm PutMU m compliance with thi rrtutin. mi l t it n v.Tiirn wolvep. Thi the t.wil krrtrt.iM ot t'-,i organlxtlon !e nt!iirlr. t n.i .fiiunlrate Ihl re lat.eti l.i tttr. rtl.rr local secret arte throughout the nunl and Utge It dop'ton by (,r;r t jet tle orcanlia ttunt, 1 aim lo f a copy of thee rwolutioo lth h official of th county organisation that tary may be fully informed of cur dcrtrt li th natter. Mrs. J. W. MtFaiidvn 01 were lfoking up their Ce en s-alunlay. ::in Logan and Miss Hazel ;hauy- UOil, were the wieli Mrs-. Geo. ! Ki ebs of the Last Camp. i V. Gentry arrived in Cecil Satur- I day with a large band of sheep which Iwill be fed on Eutterbv Flats. 1 Mrs. A. E. Ross and family of the Lookout, visited with Mrs. Ben Barnes of Poplar Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May of Lone Star ranch, were callers at Last Camp Sunday. Cecil was honored on Sunday the presence of the following gentle men from Heppner: E. G. Noble, B. Patterson, Harry Duncan. These gentlemen were welcomed at the de pot by "The Mayor" Jack Hynd. A pleasant day was spent hsooting rab bits on Willow creek. Claude Murray, who is working on Butterby Flats, left for Heppner on Sunday returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ahalt, who are visiting at Fourmile, made a trip to Cecil on Sunday. Peter White and Mis3 Helen Wal lace of the Willows, were calling on their Cecil friends on Sunday. Bob Carsner. of Heppner, and A. Henriksen of Willow creek ranch, Shipped several loads of cattle to Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Franshier, wlio have bought the Barnett ranch, were doing business in Cecil Tuesday. Mrs. Boyd Logan and son, Willie, who have been visiting in Portland for the past three weeks, returned to their home Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Stender has been busy during the week hauling lumber froii Cecil to his ranch. Leonard Barr, of the Shepherd's Rest, left on the local for Portland whote he intends lo visit friends for some time. J. Peterson, who has been working with the highway surveyors, left lor his heme at the Willows on Thurs day. W. A. Thomas, who is living on the I Allyn ranch, was in Cecil Thursday. Peter McMai l'n has been spending 'some time shooting rabbi ts around j Cecil, lie left for lone Thursday. Messrs. Minn, Hynd, Krebs. Mat ,'iociv, Thompson spent Thui sday and Friday unloading grain for their j block. J. Hynd, A. Henrfksen, J. Kenny I and E. Martin were passengers on I the local for Heppner Friday. Surveying, grading and blastin1; I are going ahe?d on the new highway. e heat tt-U part of the road will ue vailed the "Cecil Scenic" highway. We understand there is to be an other big dance In Cecil January 24. Arlington music. Supper at mid night. Everyone welcome, C. A. Minor spent Friday at tho Last Camp, leaving Saturday for hM home in Portland. Mrs. William Low and son, Fred, ot Lower Willow creek, were calling on friends around Cecil Saturday. William Perry, w'ho has been in the Heppner hospital for several weeks suffering from the effects of a blow on the head, has almost completely recovered and lias jrone to Los An geles to reside with his brother who came here last week to accompany hi in to the south. Are You Hungry? Sure. Well then try Mc. & A. Lunch Goods We have the line that pleases McAtee & Aiken s A f E T V & s E R V I C E Give Your Boy a Chance You Will Not Miss The Small Monthly Amount OS THE FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH DRAW A CHECK OK $10.00 FOR THE CREDIT OF YOUR SON'S SAVING ACCOUNT. DO THIS REGULARLY FOR (SAY) TEN YEARS. YOUR BOY WILL THEN HAVE OVER $2,000. HE CAN OWN A FARM WHEN OTHER BOYS ARE WORKING FOR WAGES. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS AMI UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $200,000.00 A "Worth While New Year Present Buy this ideal home, now offered at a real bargain as a New Year present for yourself and your family. SIXTY ACRES, NEAR IRRIGON, With Water Right All Paid Up In Full. Fifteen acres in alfalfa. Good 4-room house and other buildings and improvements. PRICE ONLY $8,000. BETTER ACT QUICKLY Roy V. Whiteis THE REAL ESTATE MAN I have a numher of other good buys in stock and wheat ranches. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers ' Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St WafU WaBa, Wash. Phone 467 , I IKK ALU WANT ADS OUT TIIK ilF.ST KKSUI 4 v. .j .