0 PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, January 20, 1920 D The End of a Perfect Day STOP CARRYING THE HOD I y? 771 q II ' 'f . l adc hy men who know, twl' t'lorou'n'y washed is used f jH 'PM'M) B 'n mak'nK our flour. J fffi iwf'IP f 'our ling will prove to M )j iWMfTmtfi i yn '1C 'J'S advantage of 1 mpis : Jw'WS f "siSWhite Star Brand M ittOTfefifi. 4 fluur for 1joth bread and f AtTM ! MfgfS Hcppncr Farmers' Mil Seeding Time Is Here You'll need a new Grain Drill. We have the BEST. Call and tee them Superior Grain Drills "The Name Tello a True Story" Also iee our line of PLOWS Oliver and John Deere Nothing Their Equal in the Plow line Peoples Hardware Company TIUC P.KGINNING OF THINGS THE I'irM di' the yr;ir -lmuhl find miy ImmIv imlntcd uiili tho spirit t l things in a hini-r and licit it ; to pruyri-N and to pm-pir. NOW tlio liist sup toward any comuu-r-niiMi i.il or titutui.il ;u''i'inpli.liiiK'iU is the o.ciiin of a I'-ANK .UVOl'NT. YOU will find tin- Tai'iinr Sloikrow-it- at ioiial I'.ank a joo.l pkn o to do it. 4 Per Cent on Time and Savings Deposits Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank IIKIM'NKK, OKl'GON. iiw-' cJ LYMAN H. HOUGH Lyman Harold Hough, the new pres ident of Northwestern University at Evanston, III. UNCLE SAM SAYS HERE'S LIBERTY BOND'S BROTHER Treasury Savinrcs Certificates are a new Issue of United States Government securities. They are of $100 and $1000 denominations. Thoy rut for five year and beur 4 per cent Interest, compounded every three months. They are little brothers of the Liberty Hond and bl brothers of the War Savings Stamp. A $100 Saving Certificate costs $S4 this month. It will be worth $100 January 1, 1924. It Is cash able any time with accrued Inter est at any posloffice on ten days' notice. It Is a Jovernmeut obli gation. A $1000 Savings Certiorate costs $40 this month. It will be redeemed by rude Sam January 1. 92i, for $1000. It is casha ble with accrued interest at any lime at any postoff ce ou ten days' uoiice. Treasury Savings Certificates are registered In your name, thus msiirliiK against loss. They are the best Investment in the world. Huy them at the nostoffice. WOMEN RANK THRIFT NEXT TO AMERICANISM General Federation of Wo men's Clubs Rules Thrift One of Chief Activities Do You Get the Sunset Kjn Kr im I . ,mer l -imitation. Thrift. Community Service, are the three (iiituntidini: ai tIMties of the or K.mle. i lul. otuin of tho 1'nited Stales for litis. This a ilet Idod upon hy I he General Federation of Women's club at their inU.lneiinl.il Council The Thrift r.impalun is under the dlrr.lum of WW ticorU A. ll.iron. f Wore i. r. Ma nationally for the General federation. Mr, Kit war J I'exter Knlcht. former president of the California Federation of Wo men's Clubr. i California Slate Thrift chairman, and In !. officially Iden tine.l wilt, tt. ork ln T,,.fn Federal Keervi lntricl under llob ett V.. SmlMi, director of Hie War 1 4i.ui Origination S, vnSUK,,j l pre.rnt m nrkttic out a practical thrift ' 'suKKeki utnunr " fur iim of omen cliiln throughout the Twelfth re.l.ial li,-., rr Ii.iri.t "The inn,. fr Iti.piratlonal talk and writing- en Thrift ,.,," Mr. Km!,! "Tim .i tM, 0w U to pra.tl.e It ,,.,,, ,,, seat loe.aire will help !!, women of the Wet to (Mj, :, K "We arc fr Ixlutid our War Sa-Uik- Stan p qlu.t m H i. di.frlit. It l up to thr women to .... thai we lend the Government the mopey II liaa k.-d n tt,, aerise family the minim hold the purse strings and thr ran ..t, the ti,,r ,,,,,1,1 t,, piitfina War 4it,, stamps la their family budgets evert week." 1 W H WATER OF PECULIAR VIRTUE Trouble With Philadelphia Visitor Wai That He Dian't Understand Just How to Use It. Hurry Jf. Taylor, president of th( Xiitionul Coal association, said ii Washington: "It takes nn optimist to look at th situation hopefully an optimist like Ilittenho-jse Walnut of Philadelphia. "Uitteiihouse Walnut, in the days he fore Philadelphia got a filter plant laughed heartily one evening at a friend who camplained that the Phila delphia water was too muddy to batht !t. "'Why, iny boy.' said Rlttenhnnse 'our Philadelphia water Is the best in ine world for bathing purposes. Why, It beats Marienbud.' " 'But It's so muddy.' " 'That's the point,' said Rittenhonse. 'It's medicinal mud, full of phosphates aim calories and tbiji-rs. Tonight you try a Philadelphia water bath, a good, long bath, and you'll fee,J like a new man. Let me caution you, though, to use uo towel !' "'No towel?' sneered the other. 'No towel, eh?' , "'No, sir; no towel,' said Kitten house. 'Just stand before the radiator and let the water dry on you. Then brush it off.' " IRREPARABLE LOSS TO WORLD Treasures of Louvain Library, De stroyed by the Huns, Can by No Possibility Be Replaced. The completeness with which the famous library of Louvuln was de stroyed comes out In the report of the American committee which has been visiting the ruin with a view to uulklliig a new library of Louvain, which is to be the "free gift of the United States." Some of the walls, pil lars and buttresses remain standing, and even retain their carviiiL's and sculptures, but the Idea of rebuilding tne library has been abandoned. Of the content of the Louvain library nothing at all Is left : the few volumes that were found still retaining their shape crumbled when touched. Aside from the thousands- of volumes that can ke replaced the rulu contains the nslies of ut least a thousuud inatiu scripts that were priceless, because It would be Impossible to replace them. There were, one may admit, more widely Important things in the world, for .example, than tUu twp autograph manuscripts of LMonvslHs Carthuslen- kIh, but Louvain was proud to possess those specimens of his handwriting, and all the wealth of the I'nited Stntes cannot give them back. Chris tino Science Monitor. Last of Calapoolas Dies. Down around Cottage Grove, Ore., the old-timers are only discussing what they remember of the Calapoola Indian tribe. The lnt specimen of the trlhe. Sam Fern, went to the happy hunting grounds ii few days ago and the peo ple at Cottage Grove are wondering what will become of the land which the CahiHiula tribe was using. Some of It Is exceptionally fertile land. The tribe got lt name frvm the range of mountains In (bat vicinity, or vl Teru, and the Culiipoola were nlways a peaceful band. This tribe went thrntiifh the great fire which swept the coast range about a century ngo, when the only uny the Indiana could save themselves wns to remain In the rivers for several days. The lire was so In Me that the water beiatne wurm. Culiipoola Indians declared that the wild animals also fled to the river and wolves anil deer paddled around to gether lu perfect harmony. Portland Oregnnlan. Artist vs. Photographer. F.arly la the nlisrlne campaign. one of our boats was given a cont of cnmounHge, and when the Vessel sulled from Its pier In the North river. New York, the owner sent a photographer two or three piers down the river to photograph the ship as she went by. lie took the picture, write A. I(uell Itond. In bis "Inventions of the Great War," but when the brgntlve was de veloped, mm li to lit astonishment, he found that the bout was not all en the plate, ln the Ruder of M mm era. be bad mistaken brarjr band if black paint for the stern of the ship, quit overlooking the real stem, which was painted a grayish white. The artist bad fooled the photographer and at a Oittaoc of not more thso !U0 cr 9JQ 7 arts. Might Break Something. "Haw, haw, haw !" "What's the joke, Hiram?" "There wuz a feller throsgh here a spell back tryln' to sell Lige Beegum one o' them farm tractors." Well?" "If half the stories I hear are true Llge's got a gallon of corn licker bur led about every twenty feet on his farm, with just a little dirt on top, so he can get at it without much trouble when tli" spirit moves him. As long as Lige Is in his right mind you couldn't get him to run as henvy a thing as a tractor over Ids land. It's too durned fertile." Birmingham Age- Herald. Model Husband. ".Tonesy's military trainiim has oer. tainly fitted him for married life." "How's that?" "When his wife hauls him over the coals he stands at attention." The Home Sector. Fashion's Power. "Some of the most fashionable p pie are going to wear old clothes."' - "That's terrible news," wailed man with shiny sleeves. "Why terrible?" "If old clothes become fashionable they'll cost so much that nobody can afford to buy a second-hand suit." said Father's Punishment. "Out after hours again, ch?' the father. "Only ten minutes," replied the son. "Well, go at once to your room, sir, lock yourself ln, and bring me the key. This thoughtlessness must be checked." London Tlt-Bits. Water Iris Good Fertilizer. High value as a fertilizer is found In the water Iris. The' material Is par tially dried before stacking, and after becoming well rotted it proves to have about the same composition us farm yard manure, except that it Is richer In potash. Engagement Announced Mr. "Grippe" and Miss "Flu" are busily engaged again, but the mi ute you feel a cold coming on. begin to have fever or chills, dull aches or constipation, it may be the Flu or Grippe. Lierore retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup of HOMJKTKK'H IMX'KY MOUNTAIN TKA (warm) and go to bed for the night it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll fee! great the next morning. Without fail try this but do it quick before the "Flu" or Grippe get's a Btart. buy a package today, have It in the House and Use It at the very first warning then you're safe. Patterson & Son. -fit imiim-?rzSp 1 C10:9A.B.3..!n& "OUl its peSi is bringing the highest prices ever known "Slmbcri" Wants Oregon Furs ALL. YOU CAN SHIP And Will Pay These Extremely Hlgii Prices GET A SHIPMENT OFfTODAY COYOTE Hntf rsmi Cw4 OVs Sf httiint 30.C0 to 2S.0C 22 CO to 18 00 22.00 to 18 00 Ifi.Wto 14.00 15.00 toO l!.MioRM iO.'iOto 8ifl 8 00 to S.ftfi rine, DdH Usual Color Pale MINK. 10.0010 s ew fiiVUg 400 2iU02D.uO 1S.0O to 14.00 1100 to lo w IS.00 to 1100 1100 to 10.00 00 to 70 14.00 to 12.00 soflta m 7Mto COO 10.00 to 8.00 7 CO to 6.00 5 '0U 430 SKUNK 10.00 to S.0Q 7.00 to 3i0 5 SO to J 00 DlsCK Short Narrow 3roa 1 "' I""' ! Mr. - 1S.00 to 12.30 1900 to JOG 7Jta O SOOIs 4 0.1 11.00 to $ I SO to ILi JS to S25 3-SOto 300 O to .00 7tac.;s 2.:Sta ? ?:-0!o 7.00 (OtO 5.S0 410 to 3i0 7 00 to 154 7.00 to ISO (.00 to 3.00 3ito lis UOto .7$ fsiPIS?1 10 "SHI-BERT ulll rcsull la "more money, 'quIcke., A.B.SH UB ERT'w. wtwsrmsem myoma ccAUMjxausmcr v AMERICAN RAW FURS 15-27 WA.uttAyciitiMsChlcaqoUS