Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 13, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, January 13, 1920
Look out for a con-'idi-i -able build
ing I,' 0111 in Heppner next .-.pi in:; and
r umni'-r.
J'ASHIOV Alii K DKKS.vM .Mil V(i
:cinofl-linc unit Ladies TiiilorinR.
.Mrs. Cuirau. Church Street. 37-tf I broke
.1.1 .... 1,.,., (...ntf-H woiit to !
... : tt rain' i i . .in u u. -
b" i : iniied on tin- Kfks' building and
big pil'-s 01' material have b'i'n as
t, iiildfd lor t tin new hotel.
Mrv. Uimholiiiin w, who has been
vi0:ni; her s'-n and dauL'iiiei?-l.o-
ihi for several weeks, ti
t-jri!--d to tier Heppner home.
John Olden rami; in from Khea
reek this morn i and n-port-i that
Hit snow is slowly disappearing.
"Some hard winter," nays .Mr. Olden,
"but wo have plenty of feed out. our
Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Ksk' Ison of
at Ks-
(Cuntinucd from Page One!
Iirown saiT, "only that it sounded
funny when .Mr. IJoardman registered
at the congress and the becretary.
in with: 'You, a Boardnian
(presenting Heppner? Why
what's the matter with Heppner?'
Continuing. Mr. Brown stated that
it was no small job to successfully
put an endorsement of the John Day
project through the congress. Other
sections of the state with strong dele
gations were either trying to side
track all other projects but their own
or were trj'ing to surpress all speci
lic recommendations perhaps on the
ground that tlieir own particular
project might get left at the post in
the final heat.
The, campaign for recognition of
the John Day project was opened at
near Lexington, are spending a few la luncheon Thursday noon which was
days in town while Joe is having i attended by F. A. McMenamin, of
2,000 Women Expected to Gath
er in Cleveland the Week of
April 13-20, 1920, for Na-
li-.ia' Convention.
Delegate Will Discuss New Member
ship Basis for Students and Question
of Future Support for Work.
Many Other Things.
lieppnei, C. C Clark, ot Arlington,
Kuiniet Callahan, of lioardman, rep
resenting the John Day project and
Howard Elliott, president of the
I Northern Pacific It. ll., William -Mc-1
'.Murray, of the O. W. It. & N,, J. C.
Ainsworth, president of the First
National bank, of Portland, Harry
Coibetl ,one of the city's best known
some carpenter work done on his
teeth. Joe is enjoying his vacation.
Reports from Portland are to the
effect that Fred A. Case is much im
proved and ready to return borne.
Mrs. Case is on the sick list at pres
ent but as soon its s"ne recovers they
will return to Ilepjpner.
Heppner's latest spell of winter 'capitalists, and C. C. Colt, well 'known
weather is giving way yesterday and banker. At this conference the uiag
ioday to bright sunlight and warm IniMide of the John Day project was
breezes. It Is not exactly a Chinook I 'jll"'wi ,,f'""'(1 lll! I'"1""1"' "'" hv
I Mr. Callahan, .Mr. Clark and Mr. Slc-
j.Menaiuin so forcibly that they ap
pointed a committee from their own
number to take the matter up with
'some of tlieir Portland associates and
! report at another conference with the
ijohn Day delegates the following
but fills the bill even better. All of
(he moisture seems to be going into
the ground Just where it will be need
ed Deit summer.
It is understood that tentative ar
rangements were made Saturday eve- I
ning at a meeting of several officers
of the Elks' lodge to rent the theatre
room to B. G. Slgsbee and the store
room to Cyrua Aiken, who, it is un
derstood, expects to open a first-class
furniture store therein.
Mr. William M. Ayers and Mrs.
Lulu A. Heck were united in marriage
at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Thursday, Jan
uary 8. Judge Alexander L. Cor
nett performed the Interesting cere
mony. No guests were present ex
cept Mr. Sam K. Notson and Mrs.
Dick Howard, who acted as w itnesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Ayers will reside In his
liotne In east Heppner where they are
now ut home to their friends. The
Herald Joins in congratulation una
best wishes.
tone's husky bunch of basket ball
I'huikh mopped up on the Heppner
leaui Friday evening in a pretty close
ly contested game, with a score of
22 to 20. Cay Anderson ami Clilf
Hi him were both out of It that evening
en account of sickness and accident
and us u mutter of fact the llippnc'
team was but little else than the
legular high uliool leant. Just (ho
lame II was lone' game uud the Kgg
City jnen Hie entitled in due credit.
The lineup:
I day. At that lime, it is understood
the Portland committee gave the east-
jfi-D Oregon represent! lives to under
stand that even In the absence of im-
: mediate federal aid that the project
may be financed through the sale of
bonds, and signified their willingness
to get behind the project and put it
over. The Portland men, once they
'were convlnvced of the merit of the
project from the standpoint of cli
niate, altitude, fertility of soil, un
questioned supply of water, proxi
mity to transportation both rail, wa
ter and paved highway, were enthus
iastic about the matter at once rec
ioguizing what the .reclamation of
HOO.OflO or 400,000 acres of fertile
soil and Its settlement by several
thousand of prosperous families
would mean to the commercial life of
Portland. They asked for a few
weeks time in which to take the mut
ter up with other Portland financiers
and bonding houses and arranged to
hold another conference (ally in
When the John Day .resolutions
came up in the congress for considci
ation MrMionmin was alone in the
hall and for a time lie handled the
light against odds. Later he was
Joined by Messrs. Callahan and Clark
and through their combined efforts
I In- following resolution was passed.
Vpen y
Ok in 11 II
Ciuw ford. A.
Craw loid, J
n v
Si'tilc lone "V llepnner
Suns llpl,icid petilsou in 1.1't h.l'f
VI t ItK IN si sso
Hon ('. F Wo.mIm.ii b it !m S . . I in
l.'l S.ltllld.ty to In' pns.nl , Lu
ll.. 11, e: ot tin. .p.c'.il ..-.moii of the
I. 1 .., 11 111 nlinh uii.ii., M..iiil.i
Tile ."Mull W ,n r.llliil t if id. I
1 .vital i'rpoll.iul litciMIt i among
v ti 0 h .lie 1 1 ir p. 1. pica! to 1 . Mm i- c.i p
'.ll I'UltlMlIlM lit. lit t.llllv ilir iif-
f'.iine Hiiiiiiiliniiit, lii cull' id. r lie
1 i-'ti .tint all in Cii'iui.1- loll iin. ip
,'iill In H-Si-r 1 Ii.hii h - ti . - t.i i.iil
1 .1 .1 p. 1i.1l 1 1.-. 11. .11 m t V.ijr.
M.illv .MiitifliiniH (Mi 'ii'ii-t .. nil ,x
i lied In itlttnillice lllllltitll.l. of oth
1 ti llv tmt i'ii ! in -i.il '.. in 1,1 i.iir
,1 111 li. !i - tn lie t I t', . i'W ntlt
i I. ut mi ,i .I" i-f !t -I ! in pin 1 .1 'Ire
Oil 1 i'III in t" i- i-i .1.111 t.i mitt ,1 fin
,1 V 1 1 ItllV
That. WHKIIKAS, the real proper
ty owners intended In the develop
in. lit n( the John Day Irrigation pro
ject lu.e oigauixed an Irrigation dis
ti h t putMiiint to the laws of the State
nl (lieLon, and
WHKItKAS. b II natural gco
gi upiiiciil I111.1I11111 the John Day Irri
gation Piojict Ik iiiosl favoi.iblv situ-
dlid with lelnnii- us In low alHtllii'-, 1
i h.iiacter of soil, i liniHtic lotiditiotis,
ni-uinec" to ntiiikiis uud Itunspoila-
I mil t. opi-n I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 liver In tue I
a, ivvii iniiiii cniiilnirit.il Hunk line- j
"t tii.lv i.y. i'iituiiilil;i Uivei State
II ihvv.iv MMi-iii tbrieliv making this
-.11 no al pi nti 1 t .
V, HI IK F -v It.- t utme develop
. nl .1 Die State ul llHi.iill l,ii.ily .
.1. 'i Mil-. Ilpnll the lili-lits of tl:e V.lli-
,- nil-, in ti pi 11 11 tlx t lial have the
..lei t In li .1 K 1 I ei'il. IHI. I
Wilt ':'" 'he de'lllile know I
The Young: Women's Christian Asso
ciation of the United Stut'eg of America
will meet iu national convention in
Cleveland, O., the week of April 13 to
20, having postponed the convention
from the spring of liny n rlctr to
comply with a government request that
expense nnd travel be reduced to a
in i Mini inn during the war.
The department on conventions and
conferences of the National 1'. W. 0.
A., of which Mrs. Harry Kiiierson Fos
dick is chairman, csllmuics nn attend
ance of LMKlt) women, representing all
departments of V. V. C. A. work
board members, secretaries, students,
club girls, Cirl l'.eserves, girls from In
dustrial Service Centers, women from
the International Institutes for foreign
born women, members from city, town
and country Associations.
Kach Association In the United
States will be entitled to one voting
delegate for every one hundred voting
members In the Association.
Two of the most important questions
which will come up before the conven
tion will be the membership basis and
the question of support. Of old busi
ness to be considered the most Impor
tant question will be the membership
basis for student associations, the
traiiiltiK of charter membership privi
lege to the Chlemo Young Women's
Christian Association and a recommen
dation providing an lncress in mem
bership of the National Hoard of the
Association will also be presented.
Hev. Charles W.'-Cllkey, pastor f
Hyde Park Haptist Church, Chicago,
I will give a series of wonting addresses
during the convention week. Dr. Koli
l ert K. Speer, secretary to the Foreign
Mission . Hoard of the Presbyterian
Church, North, will also gits an ad
dress. Mrs. Speer is chairman of (lie
National Hoard of the Y. W. C, A.
The convention will be In session
morning and evening, the afternoon
being given over to sectional meetings
held In various churches.. Attendance
at these meetings will lie deteruilued
by group membership and also by ac
tivities. ,.
Mrs. W. P. Harford of Omaha, Neb.,
will preside at the opening sesslou,
bavlng been elected as president St the
last convention of the Young Women's
Christian Association,. held iu Is An-
geles In ll.". ' ,
I The c 11111111111 on business to come
before the convention has for Its chalr
1 woman Mrs. John French and Includes
among Its members Mrs. Jehu D.
1 Hockefeller, Jr., Miss Kllza Holler, sia-
ter of Nicholas Murray Holler, presi
dent of Columbia liilverslty; Miss
Martha McCook, Miss Mabel tinny,
general secretary for the National
; Board of the Y. W. C. A., and Mrs. Wll
1 llsiu Adams Hrowu, all of New York
li '
Ulnor & Company
Young men and boys who need Suits and Oversoats,
we have some big. honest values in Clothing at sur
prisingly low prices.
MODELS The very newest fabrics and pat-,
terns that will please you.
Take advantage of this year's prices and select what
you need.
Mimor & Co. '
HAVE Y. W. C. A.
iv.nl.ilile a til III.' piiH-ible
ill. I p..- .billtv of llie Jni. II
Hull U-I'll I Pli'leii hilt
11 .1 II t I . led ii pi ill Hi .ll f li'lil
'I ' ' i 1 1 ! 1 '. I ' 1 1 . I ill, i Hi i. il ,i lid l Ut! It
l i.i- -i i-i.lpi.lllt
i in ki fi'ki: hi: i r i;i soi.vfd.
.1 the (liifci'll I' i l.llli'll t'l.tltli -S
II lt ll'llt'i .lllllll.ll m-Mnll blill'V
' ! 1 1 1 1 1 I I ' 1 V pl... ( Uppillt I
tl 1 M i ' i!.,,i lit nf !l. 1 1 1 1 .1: ,1 I ! r.'lll'
, .1; . I
t In.
I', v I
1 1
1' i'
ui h i ei i in i ( i ot r
-li of
i.i r
. i ii
i tit.
J.'lil DrfV Filial oil
I mill thai thl ion
' . i ..n.lilil, I'lilt ,
.'I i t lull I 'll i-e hli III
'I. i ,l il M..-.-I..I '" "
I l
.I I.
.i U n
I.. ..f
" I I II
, ll'l t'ie
M. ..'.
ml ti.it
. o'
ti' u.i'
vl il o t hi
i tn t. bv C V U I'mt I be un
I ,iilii.llll-l i .(tin of Die W
11 IIN-i,
1. i 'ill -.I t i f ii.il .i. . oiinl
M.. of Ibe (niiiiiv t'nu't
I'oiintv Mile ot (ingon
,iti,l .
S. i V 1 1 i'
I't.-. id,
ti.ni i.i this pin
ii .1 f'l.in t'i.. Si, He
tl.l. , "it,,!, a 1;
' Hulk v
t ,v
.' Ui.n.il
I .I ll, .11 l.'C
d bv i .Y C CIA UK.
.!' b Dv I'iik.iikh I't.i
ltd I'.nl'l !' t t"
.1 IC. c ut of illil sr. Olll t
i'l. I.'i l Die lt"iir it
si' M . of said list
o ii wAitsm.
II. . n. r k.. re limlns he lin e
nf lln-ir o.in livi Ul.ljr rosslirif
I'll the hill. tn ' ti..-KnK" "df b
lnn.l Ituiks and u I' r
Association Maintains 52 Town!
Secretaries Wants to Ex
pand Work at Once. ,
"I . i c the war girls all ever Kiel
hi Id liiiil their first leosuu in list kin !
wide nt.d world wide thinking." eats'
Miss Mubel lleiid, dlrii tnr of Town and ,
I'oiiiitrv Work for (be Nullonul Y. W. j
C. A. ' j
";irl learned so thing of the
inrplrstlon of working with hundreds
mid lii.inlreil. of other girls, un
i. ll1.. I,ly nnd uu-iliitlngly. throuth lied
Crm work Now the Y. W. C A.,
tin .iiuh Its world wide program of
pi-nlii' for uniiieii. la plHtmliig tit e
( iiimI It woik n iluit gtrts all over the
Hwrid. mul I'lirtlculsrl.v In smsller com-nniiiltU-.
will mil hoe tbls eilNTleoce.
"I'iti7ri 'tiip furiims ih' bi-lng organ
Ifed for (,'ir's In small cotnniunlUr.
where girls may ivme togetliiT Inlesrn
more h'.i ut (heir country and their re
.pi.i,lt.l,ty lo II and n eltl.xs if
the world
"Heading Conines have lnrn planned
.st Nattoiisl lli-adiiuarter In New York
so that a girl In suy iummunlty nia
irrv on a roure of studjr. either by
t,.i f or with ottuT girl, m wide
sr etv of suhWts
1 V ' I' nf "-rwolt fhlr-
ii iiihe m-i retsrie .lu-og v.unfy work
I '!.' mean, thai the tmvel about frin
ime inmnitinlty to anulher helillig
,ir In i',sn oul sial, rm'reatlooal,
( .-.I'l. at'real ami rellri"(i artlvlttea fof
tl.riiisctvr and orvsil-tng them In ear
rv on tlie scttvltle Ttieae Beerelse
ri work with the rvoint? agents iw
Ihe Ivpanment i.f A.-rtcultur lo rae
ry'ng on home ecotioinW work Tte
I l. p;an Higraiit arrui t l.mefus.
mIi f. g'r- lo git ( i,. T W C. A
snsuiiier rot.fi-rrt.cn st.-t help 'lsn atl
.,r- af kiil giwd l inn fo? lb
lyn'ly "
Instiuctions from the uttotney
(.eneral of Ihe Pulled States r.s to
the enforcement of the nation-wide
prohibition act in Oregon reached '
Portland toduy. They contain
one parugruph thul will be nood news
to home didilleis and brewer. Toil
pa'iiiiiph suys funf operatives, nr
not ti(iilred to list liquors in private
"We w ill huve planty of wot'k to do
v K hoi 1 1 ttylnu lo ptosecute people
who (ii iek then own liquor ut home,"
declared John Smith, the new prohibi
tion enlorcviiii nl ollicer for Ihe nov
el ninenl.
"O' coure," li- added, "It hat bi en
iinl.iwiul for some time to make
liquoi, jnd if anyone makes a nui
sance of hitusclr or is reported by his
neichboiS or otneis we will have to
The internal reienue department
lias stipei vision of Ihe enforcement ot
t lit. li ;uor Ijvvs. but Ihe new dm:, Inn
of wliuh Smith is ihe head, wits es-
pecia.ly rivaled 10 carry on Ihe war
fare on bo ne alter the ltith of this
mouth when the national dry law In
comes effective. Portland News.
Tin: i,"r F.TFit t
Sinn at loui ii en di'M ii A.
Sinn at i i. ) Hat ;
(,i:in ter e.ii n In roll j i ,
!' i n buck .1 hut,
Civ.-iro.it i u h. Ilnlied.
Milk (wo dime a bowl.
Swtllly ate we s'tnifivd
Proni our li.tnklnc roll.
IlirMul! - Wallowed ste,idily
Half a bom a nip;
liolf lii fo' Ihe Wealth) .
Pit's Hie tailicad tup
S ul.i untie lo double.
Ta on tool ' ihows,
Kiaut int no c ouble
Yhi c t'ie ni..ncv c
lie.i' i'p si l it rn,
S'oi.ki j nn k' l rNe.
C.n fan cti latins.
A.ldi d Ji for ie;
v.i'!ii ie i,i! ate noble,
S. nail tanc tie N'll
W oil do r (ii iiiobtl-
l e ti e M C I. -V.t.
V. A Mi Menau.m of ll'ppnet. w i
a Pottland passenger on the Wedn-
day tno'Oins itaia Sir, McM . is In
lrfeled in the JohB Dsy project
I tee tadrpeldell.
(Continued from Page 1)
in the radius or tits newspaper's ctr-
tlution. '
The Enterprise was established 54
years aso, and has been published
contlnunuslv in Oregon City since
186ti. Only two newspapers in Ore-
enn ii I'M ulilor Mv cnnnfii on u- tti
1, ., . ' .. 'same to nie ut the ofrice of my att-
The Knteipnse covers 15 years, the i ' vl "',
last 12 yeaiu us publisher. We huve
just purchased and remodeled a
building and have the finest newspa
per home in the state, outside of Pot t
land. The Morning Knterprlse Is
healthy, its growth unit progress huve
been murked und I export to contin
ue as Its publisher und do my part in
muking Oregon a better state to live
in for many years to come."
Notice is hereby given that S. IV.
Spencer Tiaa been duly appointed Ex
ecutor of the Lust Will and Ttsta
ment of
deceased, . by the County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, and has duly
qualified for ?uch trust.
All persons huvlng cluima against
said estate are notified to present the
ney, Sum L Van Vactor. In Heppner.
Oregon, within six months from the
dute of the first publication of this
notice, with vouchers duly verified.
Dated and first published this JCth
duy of January, !)2Q.
Executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of. Joseph P. Williams, de
ceased. 87-41
Notice Is heieby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the cwtule of
.mils flroshen. deceased, bus filed
her lln.d ai count us such executrix.
and that the county court of the stute
of Oregon for Morrow county has np-
pointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb-
nary, 1920, at the hour of Id o'clock
n Ihe forenoon of said dav. us the
me of healing and settlement of
said final account. Objections of said
fin.il account must be filed on or be
fore .ald date.
Ike lt.iw.uil If feeding ." 1 1 1 1 1 1 h-if!
of sheep on his i .inch above lov. n be
longing in John Cutisn und Mr
KunaiiiHti. who have "'.i. nnd 1'o'A
ti'spectitely. It is good feeding weath-
t i.i. I Ihe sheep are doing (me.--
lone Independent.
t -
lirltliiu St letter
OItSK (I ,.
Notice Is heieby given thai on (f
about January 1. 1919, took up the.
following described horse und that
the same will be snld at public auc
tion at my ranch R miles nonh of
lone und two miles west of Well
M"ings. in Morrow county, Oregon.
at 2:110 P. M. on
SATVKDAY. J A. VP A It Y 21. 192.'
unless icdeemcd nn or heioie thai
date by. the owner or ovvneis or their
l ept esentath es.
One black hore apparently sb-uii
or yeuis old; while hind foot;
lar on foteheud; btand quarter ,ir
"le E (quarter-circle over K) on rl.-ht
lone. Oi-gon. ni. fn.gon.
Decetllbel 31. I'llJ "
i .
Three ton Tackatd track la A No.
, 1 condition 1 1 100. For partlcuUr
,all on or address (ha Heppner Her
ald, Heppner, Oregon. JJtf
Ch'lstiun Science cervices at hIJ
eveiy Sunday mm nine at 1100
o'rlmk in ibe lodxe room In Ihe I. O.
O F. building.
Testimony meetlBrs are held evety
Wednesday evening st l.t'O o clock
st Ihe home of Vis F.ureoe SIsrum.
All Interested are invft'd lo attend
these services.
Federated Church
Awaday scbo.1 tt :4I a. a. W
ose tkt lemsj f (be lalettaUoaaJ
soay Bckool AaoeUUsa. . M
1 1AVI. MArlN
FlfCArtniij Ammunition