it I I 1 V 1 i Tuesday, January 13. 1920 THE HEPPNER HRRAT.n HEPPNF.R nPT?r.nw ' fflUt, &CV.K,K -si- --;.c,3!ffi:3:2:;3)ggj-- ..... - . Our Inventory anua ry 1 1920 disclose the fact we have some broken line of goods, as well as some lines we shall discontin ue. In order to convert them into money or its equivalent, we shall forget cost and mark them at prices that will move them quickly. - GIVE OUR BARGAIN TABLE A LOOK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Phelps Grocery ivl gj. J . 1 Mmtmzmm 41 fifSlt-iv mm Read The Herald The Only , National Magazine edited arid published for Western People iW M 'V V 1 1 Save Money ON YOUR . Magazine Reading Your own Home Paper and SUNSET MAGAZINE (together) for for one year This is Si.(K) less than I he cost of the t ivo ratcly. The Herald, regular price per year is Jfj.oo Sr.n.-ct Mripazine regu lar prifc pr year ,S2.(k pa- Total Your special price $3.00 A RARE MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY About Sunset Magazine Sunset the Pacific Monthly. i the West'-, own national magazine. Il i- the ml "g'-r-eral"' n::igaine of national circulation and influence puhli-hcd in the Yc-l. Il there fore distinctly rcprcM-nlatnc of the Vet in it viewpoint and in it- treatment h world and national affair-, l'.eaut ifully printed and arti-tieally illu-trated. crammed full of intere-t for everv ineinber of the laniily. it t distinctly a I'AMII.V magaHne. It ;hoi!d be on the reading table of eery Western hott-ehold. hirts! Shirts! We have a large and varied as sortment of strictly up-to-date shirts, many of which, in quality and fabric being especially adapt ed for this cold weather. We can meet all your needs in anything from heavy flannels to percales and dress shirts and at very moderate prices considering the present condition of the clothing and furnishings' markets. Call and give our line of shirts the once-over and let us slock .you up for the present year. omson 1 sat 3V, Th B AW, ro.s. - i9o tin- coupon 1 cticl'isc S l'ha-e -i:d me the llcppner Herald and N:tw! Maga.iii". both for . n year, in accordance with ynr -prcial offer. Name (Please write name and addre: plainly) Savjgea fit Tooth Bruthct. 1 11" l,l,lllllfll.ttl,T ,,f ,,r l. ''I ,Mlf' H'llllil I hill ., -,., 11 ililTi-ri'iit km. I i,f lif,. fr,,n, 1 Mi'l Un 1. fuif niiinii' tiikf. in f J lli-lr f h niihi.iit in tut, l I,, ip.' N fill 1 Inn 11. 1!,,. v mi,!, tit In 1 ir .liin . .aiv lln mi. I liiut'lu-.l " kn.. v ( ill Ifii.l llTff Afiiini, tr:i,.." , "iil'l. 'Unit l.i'i-h lliflr If HI, tu'iiriv. Urn li .it..ii 1 mi I,.. 11 iu ik i,f 11 rtnin hhl'iill. tlr... '11,,., ,.w , ,,f Iiiiu 11 k'n'i'l linn, h nf 1,1 1. 11,.., Ilt,, 'M-Ii II ll.ll llT linlir l lfll III. Il l,, 1. ( i lf.mitif 1 -.fir ,-. i, ii,..ri.iiKl,!,v. t .f tlf .' In ,.. m ,.i. ,Uiu-h it fr 'I'" 'oii't .,.!.!. if II,,., ,, , n'lu r I 'ntti... t f ,.ii , i ,, t 1, 0 Itnpiii tin. 1 ti.jhtf ti. ii,..,,,." (,... t., .ii., MV ,!,, n lilt l,f ',ff,r' .f I,, i,,,. ,,.(; .. riinn. I riiul In !nn.,f I'.u-li. lu ll llliit !f nil Ili. I nr-iiniii,., ,,f ( "iMintrv .I .,!!!.! ,,,r ,,ui In 11 . 11. rl''l.l. iiiiniinitiH nil ti,.. ...nn,,i, (,f nil il iiiiium. r., h k 1 cut r.- U 11I lllllll Cfi IH.T lllf llllill "' tp Cnfrrful. Nun Kir 1.11,1. i.i 1 1 it n, nn g, ,1 r " l- I"'i I l I 11 l.iH.Tliiif in.ri r hiiiiinii r in Lliiir. ill. tint, j,j. ' , I.f 1 11 11 :,i,y .lurk ,m. .f,,. ,,,J M'lfl.H 1 1,11 C. ,-...,1 In , ,,!,., i III.' l-!nll, i,f KniiiiI. II,.. 1, M )!,,. .,t ti flll..lll flfl. f,,.l,l ,1 1, n,l l.t,,f ti II. ,.in.l.. ll ,.( v;.i,r,,! I,,,,,,,, ,,,v Hi,.. Hint II,,. inn, r! ,,f i-.ij , .,,, lii'iiKh... iifii,a... -,m ,,,, ,,,!, ""' "ii "i if 11. Inn dm 1 11 '' In' I"- 11 fi.r tlx 'I I,h oi.riv . ,..-,. (r ,) ,,,, u (Mr) ' -'Iniii'i ! i.i ;n t,, ii , 1 ' In 1 1 .1 1 ,1, i, ;i mh 11.' 1, 11" l.ffii 1 h,, 1,, . ,, r ,11 1 n !m", ,i,, i,,.. "I'l,i,rl.., it. ( 1. ' -1,1,1 ,,,ii,i: Mr. fc III-, ".-I . I l,l f ,. (1 J,,.,,, lin. n I, ,. 1., .,.. ,,,,, , "I l,i, ..I... 1 . , it,'' "I " 'I H'l In. k III tl,,. M'. i.f III. 11,1,,,,. .,i ,,,, M1 1, , , niir (.i.ri i.i.' t 1, it, 1 , N ti,,. ,n!f i-i.. in t. k ,,jrt f ,,, nmiriirli.f " ! A rlt.-r In 11,,. vu,.y at M..m I l-k Hi.- .." I'.n ; m tnifij. !,.( ,.,,.r riirn ti.fir ,-riii,.ii.7 l n, f iln-n, l l'". rt'... in,. I l.n. t!,n Mi rra-r-n for n i..,r. nn1 l,.r t tie )r r: "t:su. I i,j tint pri,t0f0 (n hav ray ctJMro bur'ln1 with my ri4 ar. mow, B"raoM rrault of th f rrt in.a u;; batM I aro- tl.iy .r- .,!'.,v.., ,,. .i,..s,.. Tin rv I, ii l.t i-ii .,.ii,-.. ,,f iinii,,,,, M,,, II l,H I... n f..ll.,vif. ,y jr,.t (Mr-l,. i.f .ri.r.a. 'l. f ,, .,,,,.,! r- tl.i- r 'ii'lc In ,-,,i,,,iJlf ci, 1,1 t,,i,4. I 1 !.,k H,f -li. in tl.i- l,r Mil l l-n, - It In r-- ' t i-i,l y,,nr f.,i. .- I"fl nr In .mil i.n.'ir II,; i , i .i,,.,,. in b. hi i ,, Hiline &tont li.ny. Ii" .,!! i.i,,.i.. ,,., .,,wn yiMi .-i,.., 1 , ,(,, 1 ( (, "I v l it)., 1 1,1 ,. . ,. - 't fur .'!". ..-fl,,-...., -ji,, """ " " ' ! '" '' li-i.Ullir ..f .., ,l., ..,.,.. rin ' tl,. in 1..,.,,, 1 rr. f, r n 1,1. i.-li 1 In- iv, I In Wathington. (; "I i-h," i,i. I il,.. ,... i,f ir , I 1'Nllin. i,t, ". r ...ini, f ,y ,!,fi, f it I, '., I"'"l ! i.y in 11 11, hi,, I ki,. ), , u,.ulv. ! I"".- i'l. ..,.1,1. ,,. , 1f rH. After all It . ,,..,.ff u- , , ' )' i' t.i. ...t t-i 111. ai.'l up ,f 11, . 1, tui'i i" i tl.f .i fr ,M, ttiiiig. In ,n I,,;, .,rl. - ii,i, ,'" l,nicr .i ... In g,i,.r .-t It"'''' "'" '' II. j .'..lif. Mirr i.l. ,,f .1,,,,, H,r. ar r..ui,ij in i,iiii,i,.r near I,, mhff lh nrkr. ihr ,.ia afUr tbr ha4 aura t WarK'a Wtiittt teal 1h nt ,',, ijiatltntlon, !5l J1 f !"JtJ J'"?i jnJllo jwa, ' I,) ; "l i, "11 ,1, n,..r rl.ii. ; Mil. 'I. f..r II,. in In .. " I 1 r f.rul.all. "n, a '.1, f.,r m,i 1 g I.. I.i l-nnl-u if 1'i.iirii-r Jour An ttlf R,wr I '.'i f t.. 1 i, .unit, trniil, In t'tii' r .. ir I ., a... In i. iiml' 11 1. a hii6 0 ,a. BJ, ..riu-1. at dahrMii. t,lau,f . iifta. 1 I' tl, ..ih.r ... ,ren In In- arm Jr.. r