S. E. NOTSOX HFPPMFR VOLUME 6 HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920. NUMBER 3; a Q 0 1 JOHN DAY DELEGATES RKTVRX PLEASED WITH RESULTS Portland Financiers, After Getting First Hand Information Agree To (iff Behind Project 4 CIVIC (M B TO MEET TOMORROW 'F. R. Bvown and F. A. McMena rnin returned from Portland Sund'iv evening after attending fne three days session or the Oregon Irrigation Congress which closvd Saturday even ing, as representatives from the John Day Irrigation District. Mr. Blown, when interviewed by a representative of the Herald Monday morning, reported that the congress was a highly interesting session from start to finish the attendance being gpod from nearly every pertion of the state. As a straw showing just how fne irrigation wind is blowing Mr. Brown referred to the report made by Messrs. Hinkle and Gaard, who recently attended the interstate irri gation conference at Salt Lake. The report set forth that it was no longer a matter of surprise to them that Ore gon has so long lagged behind other states of the northwest in the way of getting federal support for irrigation projects for the reason that it was evi dent at the Salt Lake conference tint Idaho, Utah, Washington and other western, states were represented by otronp delegations composed of tiir biggest and stronv":! men and lltat nothing was overlooked in pronvot ing their several irrigation projects, while Oregon was represented by two delegates who did not even have the consciousness of having the financial, commercial, and agricultural Inter efts of their stute behind them. Mr. B'-own even went farther and made the "ame application to the situation in Heppner, the capital and metropo lis of Morrow county being represent ed only by Mr. S. H. Boardman, who was borrowed for the occasion from the Boardman Commercial club. "Not but that Mr- Boardman ably and ef ficiently represented Heppner, Mr. Cotlued on Page Eight) E Mrs. Ada M. Ayers, presi dent cf the Civic Improve ment club authorizes the an nouncement that there will be a meeting of the club held at the Council Chambers at 2:00 o'clock, Wednes day afternoon, January 14.. Business of importance will come up for attention, chief of which will be the .matter of needed support from the club to the Heppner Public Library. The park improvement committee will also make a report and plan for addition al work along that line will be made. Every member of the club and every woman In Heppner who should be a member if J expected to be present on 4 this occasion. CONTINUES 10 BOIL JOHXSOTV MAX TAKES CRACK AT HOOVER UOO.HTr.li Citneens of Banana Ileit Mctmpoiis Evidently Not All of One Mind ON l ENTIIONS ARK I'PHELR AM) RFRl'CTION'S ANNOIXCER hwnl flute From Point South nf Snake River Prejudice Portland WASHINGTON. Portland came nut .victorious yesterday In the main issues of the Portland rate case an decided by the Interstate commerce commission. Summoned up briefly I,iei'e mere five depurate findings" In ,'.ne decision: Flmt The Inland Kmplie shipp er' league rase was dismissed. Second The rale on classes and commodities from point in the In land empire to I'm Hand were found not unreasonable. Thlid- Hates on ilase and com nodule from point In the inland emplie north of the Snake liver to I'm Hand wete 'ound not unjustly pit d ujudb al. Foui th Itate on cl.in'in ftoin points In the Inland in l i south of the Pnuke river to poitl.iml and Van couver wete found unJilKtly pie. Judical In so tar s they cvwili'il rate to Astoria. Seattle, and Taroina. rcfllirecl by Hie following dlffetcnl- y iU. Cle I, 2. 5. 4. 5 and A. II. 1" D. E.on which the nu responding f-ticiinn In icnt t" I't rents, -ni. 7 tnt. rents , S rent. S rnt 5 renin, 3 r.-nt. 2 rent, and 2 rem. This nnilini! uuar that whstevci trt-cln rat.- may h- made fiom point south of 'he Snake 1 1 v r tn s'.-altl.-, the ite to Pnttland would 11 rrn l ", the n-.ind 1 1 tate II n-nt and n "H di n to cla E. Fifth IUt t' I'm i Und ti mm nodltien from point In the Inland S.n.pite south of the Snak rlvt weie found unjustly prejiidkal Inso far thy Hired ) per refit of the late on litht com mod Hie 'o Alor la. Httl nl Tirm It follow therefor, that hat r rommod itif rtt ' from thli trrl- torj lo battle, tb rt to Portland ill b tea pr t'Ot let 08 fb Mine oitB04lli Received too late for last week ) Kditor Heppner Herald, He-ppner,'- Oregon. Dear' Sir: ' 1 notice In last weeks issue of the Herald two letters from the pen tne versatile Sam H. Hoardman, ra ther of the Town of Boarditiun, n unduly divergent topics, one being cull to save the banana, crop here and the other a call to save the country. ,. Both are , p -aiseworthy .appeals Both are alj nunsiwd jobs even for thu redoubtable Mr.. Boaidman. If the hours of leisure affnriier to Mr. P.oard'nan by reason n'i th'' re ivnl old spell bare allowed him succewlully i.Um the sjlv.ition of these two paramount issues we f hull I'eol we lid rot freeze In aln. Wc :ir.' j: .ad th.it S. it. wns warm, ev n if the poor oan.rna trees did shlvir in the i.lii't. T'.ie native Ingenuity of Mr. Rtutrri msn will io iloubt be able 'o find w.iy to connervt and protect one o Uuaidn an's main staples, thouth lie is evict nlly nLj uu'd ts si.oun by h: iction In taking up the mattrr with County Farm Aent Hunt imd then with Hie horticultural authorities it iit viideavoi to si cure a banana plant i'l' li is piiHUintced to be absolutely ftot priMif. It the fertile brain of S. H. falls t( find a remed.i, it is not wise to xpe it Irani nt;ii rrfn. Thlv Ifing n olippeiy suh'Mt we will puts to th n-M In orf'er. wlilcl. is this iioox-i boom Jut-t t.ilKed out atonnd tl warm t-ve 'otv-ni"nt!oned. I i loie Sam Bo'irdin.'iii dr.ifcued tins i ii vt 1 1 . i n t. chii ild'ite out ind vmili ioii!lv annoiill' il hi 111 to be 'lis ilmi. for piesi'eiat, we had heurd nntiMn lo lead us " believe Mr. Hoover' hid wa In the unsr, and liioiuh hid Kie.it li-p'it and even iii'ut, linn 'iiiii r nt Food Ailiiilivir ' or. clill e knew bill little "f h i llltid" Ol IliX'Wilk. Of fill' i e We i' r v ilhnj to l'n k with l.ior iin a n . Ainu. Mr. Ilu.i i tl in h n wou d In' in It n i.ls :i pin i.l. hut we hsre know s. II. !i niHi1 time and 'know h" hI.ij wnnt.i'K to 'nil Miiinliilr: tit U a Mill till 'itiiitilr iiidk 'i It ha been said of bin. teat h I i '.'U'l i. iid iiih'i ti tliOM' who h.i iiuijtili, an I ! they don't happen t hw any trouble he will e it they get pome. lie w.m lit e in B"Kldllian fl!M atll shitik" I I ii ift,i'or and runts to ''II l.t !' I ft W JlM to do. . H" w lil pinb.ibly be at that J.rVnn !uy Inni' t tne J!'iin'in !i I I'ottl.ml Jnusiy . hotn'bbiii lth Mi Idinei. who ! riperi.-d .ak there ,md will Invite him ii inn in" n Hii.n.n n 'niocratic rnnveu ,"n to li e ii .tinjmln of Xnith It t nun mark of Hlt m ton to be tmen a th ortitint H'ior n-o Alwi Mr. Tlonritn B nd Mr Hoover both fi!lni tad no doubt father rltonlih. Thi! :hete It toncerted effort is, ef (Csus4 oa Pms roar) DUTCH QUEEN OPENS STATES GENERAL .J. LIBRARY FIND RKXF.F1T i AT STAR ilie iiueen of Holland iipcnlng the states general at The IlagUe. HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING YOUR TOWN L TJfftlUtyou "millntaltt towerd your borne town its .'tjttfittiess mf. njd Its Institutions is reflected in the suc cess Or failure, of the same . ' : .. The succesS'Bnd happiness or of every citizen in any communvty -lie in the intesest he takes In that community' and the good work he can do to assist In Its upbuilding. EVERYTHING YOU DO TO HELP IN THE ADVANCEMENT OF YOUR OWN COMMUNITY YOU DO JUST THAT MUCH TOWARD yOUR, OWN PERSONAL SUCCESS. No man can live and prosper unto himself alone, for you are .Independent! and, realizing this, as good citizens, you should unite and pull together for the common good, and, doing this, you will prosper as a comro- unity and as individuals. " 'SO TOWS CAS St'AXD STI1.I- ?,m st fJtrkk io i FORWARI R ItF.CMXK, AXfl IT IS IT TO VOF TO KAY VHH'H IT WILL RE. Some towns hustle and grow that Is, tiie people huMlo and the town grows." They get the habit of boosting until every citizen becomes a booster. and pretty soon its reputation spreads und it becomes known far and wide us n good town, while others lapse Into a state of Innocuous desuetude tn tusy rock-along manner that soon classes that place us a dead tine. If you are knocking and complaining, stop It. Nothing hurts a town more. If you cannot say anything good, don't say anything, and, above all, don't knock. It yon are not a booster become one. Now, one of the greatest Injuries you can do your "nome tow n or commuity- to the business men who are dependent on our patronage Is to order your goods from mall order houses or patronize merchants In other towns. Every dime i-ent from jour community lo mull older houses is removed entirely from local circulation. Money sent away from town lo pay for merchandise never cuit'fs back to the man who Kpenris It or to anyone else in his town. It Is gone forever. On the other hand, when money I spent with a local merchant a part of it, at least that pail which Is represented by his gross profits Ik kept at home and Is not taken out of local circulation. The merchant puts this u nlit bi'.i'k Into circulation by paying salaries to his employees, rent or tuxes on hi building and In numerous other ways. The money may eventually come hack to the veiy person who spent It with the merchant In the first place. When nuine Is n nt iiwuy I Mini town to the mall oidet houses In the titles it helps lo keep up those cities. Il Is ued by I be mull order inun to help pay the tales w hich keep up the schools in the rltii v II does not help to keep up the schools 01 lit ner public InM II utmnK of the town fiom which the money rmiits. THONMAMtH OF IMll.l.AKw A V I A Ll. ARE ItUNt; MAT TO M Ml. Ol'.ni lt IHU l. I ROM 1 1lls i oMMl Mil, TIM H hi I'RIt IIOMF. Mllll II IMS OF I Ml III IIK.H I I I I. PiTRtIV Any yet, no mutter how imihIi the home nieithiinl I llell'tent fin the nullnnul'e fif l,l, hfim tiefitili' lie fu a, i r. t to give and to aid In every wiek undei taken fin the iiiiitiil.il betlet III flit of the town. Iind lie llni- hi'ing often ciieril'l into giving by the deniiinits ol his t utiimi i , feailng tooifenil Hu m because of the fepr of ti of III' ir 1 1 iiim K". IM.IKE l It IIOMI Ml lil M M. M Ml. oltHI Ii Hot FH PAY N TAX l Ol! I I! IN II I 1. 1 ; I II As; T M ItlMNF.fvS IN Vol R (flVIMt Ml V Nr 1 1 HI It iKtllOV tiNTHiiti ri: or vot ii 111 i;t hi Miimn v. n m n HOtOH, ( UtllH S Oil M THIN). I I 1 . AMI AI'.mvI M l,. TMF.V LIVE Ml I.MPI t MIM TO ANV ONE IN Mil II I M.V OR HOME TOWN. You want )'iiu hn'. V -.t up. unit iImii.Ik . h "m n !. V.i II pltfet kept In li pllll. )'M' .,tl pilipi ltv prillnd und ,mi titlrll by a Kiei'l file fighling i ' n pn Ii I , t Ir. n i.llni ',n-. noii want ynir tow n to iir,;,. i. II mn sn'l the .)- to be hppy an'l tnnlented YET IE W'l' AI:E .SENHIM; fit'lt MONEY TO OTHEH IS-TIl I " MS-' VOF ARE Iil.EI.vtlM; THE VERY OIIJEf'T FOIt Will ' II Vol- .Tl!lVE Now. thi town buildinK i tni'iu n.aiirt a r 'xl b g piopopitlon and If you are no' i"i ng it .( tni n. i,..n falily. you tie not tieal ng 'n faiil) Y'ei sir unli- tnininf the vetjr foundation of iiwi well tie In lie A benefit performance for the Heppner Public Library will be given at the star this evening in which Vivian Martin will be seen at her best in "Mirandy Smiles." that would be given a S. K. O.' crowd. :There will be a splendid , .musical program intersperc- cX Witn .Hie film scenes ant! r.ijt i-ng will be omitted to tn.Re,-.the entertainment one At"',the very best ever given in Heppner.' The Heppner library is 'understood to be in urgent need of financial, assistance and this opportunity should tint be lost of helping a worthy cause. Admission will be 25c and 50c. ' . FOR STATE SECRETARY REI USES TO OUT .loritVAI.ISVt FOR POLITICS' Newspaper Rusiness of Greater Dig. nity and Service Tiuin Hold ing Office- t CONTRACTS LET FOR GRAVITY ITER LINE MANY BIDS M RMITTED SHOWING CLOSE COMPETITION Three Kinds or Pipe Chosen. Con striK'tion t'ontrat-t Lnndttl lly Pendleton Finn Oregon City, Ore., Jaii. 10. E. E. Brodie. publisher o'l' the Morning En terprise, announced Saturday that he would not be a candidate for the re publican nomination il'or secretary of state at the primary,.', election next May. . "' ' ."My.nuiliy I'rieiiiVs iirmrng the nevvs 'papev Editors of tiie' state," said Mr. Brodie today, "were the first to pro pose my name in connection with the office of secretary of state, and 1 have already received, without my solicita tion, the endorsement and promised support of- more than 30 papers I throughout the state. ' j "This, of course, Is extremely grati fying and flattering, and I am deeply appreciative of the kind things that have been said about me. This is the .first time that I have ever been even a prospective candidate lor public or nl'lce, though I have been honored by election and appointment to non-salaried positions In the state, and have been for four years chairman of the republican county central committee for Clackamas county, which gave a plurality of 1015 to the republican nominee for president four years ago, and a clear majority for Mr. Hughes of 227 over all other candidates for' president. "After long reflection, I cannot separate myself from a profession, I with which I have been connected since boyhood. The publishing of n Evvry loyal resident of Heppr.er will rejoice to know that the questicn of an ample supply of puie mountain water to be brought to the ity b.. gravity bus I'iuut'.y bten stttlrd and settled rich! Altet scve.nl pro-on-ed melons or n"ev. In ,y opinion, is of grea , th cty council ltluC fror, Monday r n,t 1Bnd BWvlce thHn boWoS a evening until some time Friday the ,publlc olfe'' : Thu newspaper ;itipu'iunj uw leiupieu oy visions of easier tasks and shorter hours, but it i he Is true to the calling of his own choosing, he will stick and resist lh temptation to forsake a legitimate! , business wherein he should be a lend er In Influencing public, opinion with' (Continued on Puge Eight) matter wus setiled and contiacis were awarded i Rids were formally opened. Wed nerdry evetiing when the council met ii tiie haruiutt rorni rn the Odd Fel- !t wh building the laige room heina iilleil uiiiiost to capacHy by intei- . .i! v.f ' ! und citizens. 1 Win n Hie bids- were opened Enj'i t neer Hiihih took the several proposals : and letired for an hour while tiir.; the aggregate amounts of bid togeeter for the conhideration the council The lowest bid on wncil pipe came from i lir pipe ioiiiimu i' Portluiid hut it wan made plain tlu.l ( iii: )"i- an. I councilmen weie not fuvo'iihly disioKfd to that material As a matter of lalrness, bevve' i r, (lie fit pipe i,it n were both, givtn a hear ing on Hie merits of their prodm but falling lo eoiivlnc- the council the Ir checks were returned and they weie given an tpn I unity of gel I In,' away the following morning. The Id d wood pipe men were Hi. i, given their Inning and il ppfariii the lllfllt of Hie two pi nihil In weie practically Identical the hid of I lie I'atilic Tank Pipe t'o , being nn,i r,iin Iiim.i ii mi iit'iipied. The hiHim i - I, ii Miiiiniiii , w ihi't "I Hie I i,M I iiheil (, I linn Co . nil I' '11 l.illge Kheetlioil pipe bin lis i , iiiii'lini Miis admittedly a new fu i.ii.. il mn mill "inielhiiig til mi ,n pi" , ... Ill I! ' I ilill'i It did ll"t feel ik IVII . ill In It t-let pt ', the till, I, ' lei 1 i, , , - II line. F'll"' .'t are the bull ii finnlly lift epl. 'I .tti'l VIl lH it lip. Paiilic 'Link Pipe t'o. of .-.in l'l.ltl' IMil. :j liillep l!eil.l,i Hllllll pit". tM.2r.il Ei. in .. pip.- fi, . W.ill.i Walla, 10 mil... V null ii,iii tel.- pip.-, iL'li 4 .". ' ' t E'llvel t A 1 Iiiiiii. Ci , ', lall'l. I l.ille N illi II Ifflll pipe, 2. IJI. C.eni tl.1 llllll lllll Hull. lil( lillll'. uy IIH pipe, I...' k filling, etc, Cel. I I i i.o . ! ti'll. tun, 2E.',:7 r.O II is llli'li i I'M.d that the i, liven .if pipe l i ...Mini m hi, ., (I ,, ..iitia'ii.i i i . a.! to c.'i, ,, hi e a.n, l.t.t ilili I, .in; Will I,, fill ,i mi,n ,. tl. ..,tl.r pein.il. l i iip.rl.,1 I I , I 1 ... . .1 , 1 ,. , . ., , K I,,. (,,!,, pi, "I .Hid I't il.nl ilillvtinr rf 11 i li. II it.i.i r t Jilt I.l 'i;h Mike Mal-Lail. 4 pi'.ll'.l p pt .mi in. I.l i it.. I .,f t', 1 1 ... I ft i H n ".nntn, ian... up FildaV 'lung fi.i a .U iit Mt MatPtiall Ip one f 'lie tup land vlid stl. . p i,t).l of t r n'llill tilt .11,1. k t'.Mir of til nlti '.mn on ft. ll'iardi! an (") I, h pay Itu (ttDtl'.n to pieaideallal candidal', than fc 'jo lo she 4 lfalf. AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL I'OMMANDER WILL NOT t ot NTENANt E I V L A Will, A( TS Oiganlpllnn SIpli.N For Amel it mi. lull. Warning Suiinde.l Against Meinbei-P Taking I as In Own Hiiiid- The Aniei Iran Legion Is not fight ing unlawlul arts by Inking the la into Its own Illi lulu. The pom I ion of the National Oiganizullon of veleiann Hi eipiesHcd In a stiileinenl Jusl 1.4 mi.iI by Eiaiiklin irollti, Niiilon.il Eoiiniiiindi-i . "We miikt iilwiiis tbatly lieiir in itilli'l that liny tie pt.ell Inn on I he p., it. if llnlll Idllal in' nil. en t.f the I'vi.'ll ol of Ini al posin tu la' e l,i lulu Hi ir jtiwn Ii a n .1 h. t'i hi ill, He hv fnue in iileiiiniihtiatlnn til fnm liil int. hi vih.it j Is 1'lllll.llV t'l tun lulei pielal 11,11 ,f j"IH' hllll'llill pel lent Allit-l II IIIIISIII, H-l I I in t ilK I" Il I me lllllli d ll-il.illl I- r'.llil., II lei III lie II ,m HI l.i n u lit n...eilv i i.n-i ii hi. .1 mil 1,1,1 i , u ii, t "lily eiitnei ive of the piiiitiplea and I'll .til l.f Hie llietlall I,. I inn, but will wi.ikill all'l lend tn ile.llliv nut Inf liieni - fm rnml iii this tn unity" he it'll. Ml- "Iii mn t flinis tn n -ini iii ii, i 1'i.itiileri.iiii e i.f law an. I i.i.hi, II,.. Ami limn Lt iilnii n.ii I. Its. If. -. I i n I. 1,11 pie I, f law fill Hint .ml. . y ,., ,, fie A i.i.l ii .ill l.elliill has I, mi l.i'.i' t'i. it We In i . f. ,. nn In't r il.. " Il I.. I l. fliir. II I III p. '...1,1 tl. n ii nn il ipp.l I f WilMaie t ditniial tinii. w iitiuiit but . I tliat ll'l i.v ..,,,mw or tititaii ait of iii.i Wi ak' ll I, ill ihfl.ii lire In I III ill alu II. lie t'i I'M. i...-t :i .,li " 0 p I' II, I l... ly .. til II '.") Ta t In i..!)' In an Hli rt III III li.. Intrtptrllng Ihe ,lf , t M'I pulp".- nf the A I Ii pn I,, f inn our ns'l'inl rninii.pnilei, F'ankllu ll'tl ei, pnlnl.-.t out a Hil.tfiil'l put p'ie by the grel bndy tif n ri !. men not tiinlld in th Irginn Flrat: ld. mut ial hrlpfutae