Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday. January 61920
Miss Helen rtiiiran I.-I'l Sunday
morning to re -nine l.i-r -'.".dies at O.
A. C. niter Hicndint; l fie holiday e
Miss Until Van Vui'tor lei'i .-'im i;.y
Iril.'iniH" '.:! !i"l return to I!"C.l I'')!
bo i'ovtlii.n!, utter ;i ph-m-anl holi-
: ;. ii.-on at iioii
.V.x kodpers am! liiil Cr;i w ford,
vtil-li-niK ai tj. A. C, returned to 1 li I
info inn ion .-iuixluy alter a couple of
jilcava lit wok.. Ml Heppner.
.' I i iiacln I Hollowuv , who war.
Ji- r;ii-M ot .Miss F.iihtlin Tin t t-r. dur
ing tin' holiday?, rotiii I) 1 to her
Poi Hand hone Sunday.
t.OT Sunday, January 1, between
Arlington and Hoppiicr, anlo rim and
tin' : : 1 n J 1 . I'leaso return to or no-
til V. It. lirown. Heppner, Oregon.
Mia I.ovelle Lucas velui ni'il lo Ik r
t-tinlii'S at Si. .Mary's academy, I'ort
land Sunday siller spending Hi'' 1ml i
days will her parents, .Mr. and Mrs
j'1'd l.ucas.
And'nson Hayes, who with liis pa-
b-li i
Iiiisi u
recently IIIOY
i that town
pending S''ve
(;:! i' ii :
d lo I
here on
ral d
V ni'in-j si i
)i:di lay
hit b ins
I.'osi ( ity.
Miss Vei
: i enl-. I
morn i a .:
Mahoney, who rpeul
Christmas with her home lolks heie.
left Wednesday morning In resume
l er studies at t he 1' iilver. it v ol Wash
ington at Seal I le.
Mrs. Ktta Tlolla rh ide, of Astoria,
arrived from the city by the sea on
Thursday to visit wilh her parent..
Mr. and Mrs. George It. Meade, oi
near Lexington, and other friends.
P. A. Anderson returned from Port
land Sunday evening alter spending
Hie week in the Hose City. Mrs-. An
derson will visit with relatives lor
some time before returning.
Miss Elverla Wlnnnrd, who Is tak
ing a nurse's course at a Portland
hospita, after spending a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Winnard, returned to Portland Sun
day. Arthur Campbell, a sophomore at
H. of ()., returned to his studies In
that school last Sunday morning al
ter spending his vacation with his
parents. Judge am) Mrs. W. V.
Miss Mary Not .am .v' hit hi !'.:.
Ldwutd Notson, v'o have b '"ll
pending the hol'di ys with their pj
ii ills, Mr. and V'S. S. K. Nelson.
icturmd lo Mich st:licHnt Wll'atn- I
itto I'niver.iily, Scioni, last Satuulav. I
Alex "Scolty" Hrander, well known i
Mcppiier boj , ho earned wounds'
and laurels on the west front while
with the A. i:. P., now a student al
I). A. reiinncd to that iustitul Ion I
Sunday aler spending Hie holiday:! I
lute. I
The woman u ho is a drudre and
winks Hum iiiiiiiung until night gcti
I'kk nut of life than her neighbor
l.o is an efficiency engineer a,i.
Uses hei Ili ad, believe Mms A. dan
JollU oil ll iiteSHOI' JI )"US' held I'd
iniii'Miaiiiin at Hie n Hi g(i Hi lei.lj
It in i .lutein,. ni i,n,.s lt. ,,mi-v. .V
lilt' tl-lll- I tll ll.iliU.'U I).
' it ..III tl IHIS (llll.llll 11". I', f. l"
ily h.ippiuiss.
II T i I 1 1 and f.iieih unit m d
let in m
i'oi v all
o . i
S'.il ui ,i.i v . m mug 1 1 in. i
while they all 'llcbd ii,
Week slloll ionise at Ho
Mi . Tni nei
t he h i I in rs
; ml b,
t.iiiiiei and
vml. I 1,11.'
tun Inn: T!,i
i old !Tli, I w
I w I i i
i ' i ' i 1 ; .
is gieallv plca'i'd with
a nil I i-l i in tieti k in ,i
..ill-lull (hat Mil)
vtei I man In tl rmiiity
tli i'll ell . ,. d t , f
only talill Mr T 1.
Hi t' . i. . v . i: :
.in, h I I,.- i .,, .
Men t ... i 'i ; ', ,
..I I'
.. . t
....I I.
-I ii-
..I I ,i .
e in I'l Mm
,i IMnln m
r '! I.i
; I,
San) Roardman, after a fashion,
seems to f ind fault with the "South
enders" fur palling the northern part
of the county the "Banana Belt."
Sam Notson says that the trouble
with Sam Board man is that he (Sam
lioardnian) has not fully compre
hended the philosophy used in nam-
i n k Hie "Banana Belt
The Cotton
Belt is so called because cotton is the
principal crop. The Corn Belt is so
called for a similar reason. Tint when
ii came to considering what might be
laised in (lie northern end when the
water had been turned upon the land,
it was decided that it would raise
anything and everything and of the
finest quality, except bananas; hence,
it was named for the only thing il
would not produce. And the only
thing wrong about it is, that it ;s very
probable that some enterprising
lioa rd ma nite will demonstrate thai
bananas may he raised down there
along with all Hie other good thing.;.
S( IfoOI.
i:i:si mi i) v(ii;k
sion aflei
iv ii II a noli
Two oi'
ii-1ui ri -ii f
day, Miss
Kllgene by
schools an' a
Hie Christiii
nal all emla nee
the leacliers
oin their vac;
ifeehe beilig
Hie serious il
HI ses
olidays lad not yet
lion yester
delaiiKil al
liK'S:' of her
mother, and .Miss liafoe, who S'pent
her vaealioii wilh friends in Molilalia
had mil returned, presumably on ac
couni of having missed train connec
tions. Al a meeting of the student body
Monday afternoon it was decided to
unite with the State High School De
bating League and take a try at ora
torical honors. Morrow, linatilla,
Gilliam and Wheeler counties will
comprise the Vmalilla district and the
winning team from this district will
go to Kugene to compete for state
honors during junior week at the
Pniversily of Oregon early next sum
Charles Anderson a nati.e of
Sweden, 4 1) years old was, taken in
custody at Caslie Uock Thursday and
brought to Heppner on an insanity
charge. He was given a Ilea -in:;
Friday morning and committed to
Hie insane hospital at Pendleton.
II is believed that lie reci ntly escap
ed from Hie hospital al Medical Lake
Washington, where he Hit", been an
n mate for ; e el al ea rs.
Anderson seemed to possess a
mania for writing letters to presi
dents, Kings and oilier potentates
having in his pockets when taken in
to custody a ii il in tier of such missives
Hue, addressed to the kaiser, lierl I ,
Herniany, said: "The deiuoci;! (.al
ly want'- to make w.n oil the German.;
w le nevet on at e ready."
(-0,-ncd) PleMdellt Wilson A Co.
Similar letter were addressed trt
the emperor of Japan. President W il
son, the king" of China, and one
to Hie Almighty.
Vml uailir. iille of tlie leading
'.tttlemi'n ui Craut I'ounlv. v:m 1 1
lleppin r Nitiir during Hie week and
repmti-d hating had a pietty stilt
n inter mi f.u In his section. Heav
'ceding hiii he. n ie. lulled and should
Hie i . in. 1 1 a. I er i.t the winter be m'.
d ill be -vain
ei day dining
..Hot .mil III
diet late at in
Ml. R.l.lel
the iltlean
lie iH'I'ilsutn,
..i l'lng tr
I ode
i. It. r ihiougl'. a Minding Mi
i.... I lt.n-e tnmbb'd
i ;. hilUide hi, I w !i. i
l 1! Hi:' .. . t 11.
I I'.l.l 1 ev r, e '
A 1
I I.. I... .....
. i- I.e.
I:. 1. 1
"Ml I 111 lx I t I I ; 1 1
I Ills i;l i nl mi
.1 ml
..tile n
,.f H-. ....
'.ll !..'..
I 111 he
c.iti'.!niNl al I'd! ; i
Mr. Walter Meade, well known
'young farmer of near Lexington, and
jMiss Luella McCoy, of Hermist-.n
I whe were married at Pendleton cr.
Thursday, December 18th, urriwd gt
Lexington Thursday evening aiul sr..
the guests oi his: parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Meade. They expect to
settle on a farm in the LexinfrlOB
country in the spring and engage in
Social affairs, especially among
the younger set, have been especial
ly lively the past week there having
been several functions reported.
Monday evening of last week, Mi;:!
Kulaiia Butler entertained some 20
guests at "500", the patty being giv
en in honor of her house guest, Miss
Rachel Holloway. of Portland. The
looms were tastefully decorated for
the occasion in ml and green giving
a decidedly yule tide ton?. Delicious
refreshments wete served following
the games. Prizes were awarded to
Miss liutii Van Yactor and Loien
Tuesday evening Miss Katheryn
Pattison entertained at her home, in
honor of her friend, Miss Ruth Vaj
Vactor. of Reed college, who is spend
ing the holidays at her home here.
Twenty-five guests were present t.j
take part in the spirited game of five
hundred which was the form of en
tertainment. Christmas colors pre
ominated in the room decorations,
Following the games refreshments
were served. Miss Odele Groshen
and Kdward Chidsey were awarded
the prizes.
One of the most pleasant affairs of
Hie holiday season was the dancing
party given last Thursday evening to
a party of about :j of her friends of
the high school and younger set by
Miss Marie Curren. Splendid music
furnished an irresistable incentive i .
the young people to "trip the light
fantastic toe" lo their heart's con
tent. Lunch was served during the
dancing niter which most delicious
l efrestiiuents- were served.
Wednesday afternoon at I. O. O. i
hall, members of the Kpiscopal guild
were most pleasantly entertained at
bridge, the hostesses for the occasion
being Mesdames Ii. Irwin, Oscar
Horg, C. C. Chick and F. A. Case.
Dainty refreshments were served fol
lowing the play and those present IV-'
poil an unusually pleasant afternoon.
Prizes were awarded Mrs. J J. N .
and Mrs. W. P. Malmney.
1 Mrs. L'nimet Cochran entertained
with an Inform nl "Ye Old Time"
dinner for her house guests Mr. and
Mis. s. M. JJutnett, Arlington. Oie-
jgon, Sunday. January 4
Anion !
.tluise present were F.niiiu-t Cochtuii.
'.Tom TJiennan. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ayeis. !
I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Spencer
Wlil.l. KNOW N SoCkMA .IS
Lester Wade of Condon, boi.ght ,1
hull' Interest in the .bindeii lunch in
Wheeler county yesteiday and to,
night he mil many Miss Luillio
Blown o' J'ossil al i he Hotel P.
laml. The Zlnndon laiich is a $2o0.
(Hin ptep -u ..ii and i one uf the larg
. t . .,:n In in V.'! eel. fountv. Mr.
Wi-ib- 1 . ,iiiu chap. Iievnii
buinu ca i tie , hen he was li", e,iijj
' 1 "I -t.oiil.l have been al school,
II" II I'd ,1 i lie. lib..., li tt licit he , ,i ft j
a pill eh. l-e. a l.i.'l whicli ii pit '
l! I' ! mi 11 be ii.-. ", W .1 p. Tl
HI n
il stole at Condon. b'H.
mi v-
.III. 'i I .-h M f. y. 1.. r ..
e II. 'l lltleg'i.iu til !'! s' ,
. sO
f I'f
:'. J
' 1,1 Id !.!. .-til in the ',, ill
l,f. ..' ' ..Hli'l the i - 1
.IS . tl HI IH I'llll.l III I 1
Mi W a.',' The Zb.n.i
i '.ant. .1 b, ii. U li,.lf a ,..
ui. b
n ii,
. ii i
,ii h i. iht llil in, oil '
M Wilde and I
n t 'an. ti Hi. ... i.
llllM;t I KM
na I HON
111 I n.
til .n.l
,l .
1 I
I ...
1 . I
I . 11 '! tel. '
f 'n'll H'tthltt 4
tink l iiriln !! mil
.e b.'l'"lrH rif up f.
i it) St ii Uj.
' it tb.
Young men and boys who need Suits and Oversoats,
we have some big, honest values in Clothing at sur
prisingly low prices.
MODELSThe very newest fabrics and pat
terns that will please you.
Take advantage of this year's prices and select what
you need.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix if the estate of
Louis Groslieiii, deceased, has filed
her final account as such executrix
and that the county court of the suite
of Oregon lor Morrow county hiss ap
pointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb
ruary, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock
ill the forenoon of said day, as the
time of healing and settlement of
said final account. Objections of said
final account must be filed on or b"
til"e ",1U U1"
'3 5-39
Notice is heteby given that on or
about January 1, lain, I took up the
following desci ibed horse und that
the same w ill be sold at public' auc
tion at my ranch S miles north of
lone mid two miles we.-t of VelI
Spiings, in Morrow county. Oregon,
at 2:ot) 1'. M. on
unless ledeemed on or belo'e that
date by tin' owner or owneis or thcli
One bl.ii k hoiie a(.i.iu :it'y
n in 6 vei,- i. Id, while hind
t.u mi im eb -.nl ; hi in. I in .! !
l oot ;
r i ir-
. le K (.U.It l -c,i'l. i i: ell I lull!
-in, .. I. I.T.
dan c rmtrnTY.
lolle. (lieg. li, b in- On iv. n
H mber ". 1 , 1 1 1 'i 1
Villi! : oil HW KIHH HI It-.
MM iim;
NiiHie t In ii liy iilveii that llnf
will be II meeting of the ntn. khol.lei
of the f-.ft N.iibm.il ll.iti It of IM'p
m i, Oii giin, on the i i-'.ih1 Tii l
in J.inuoi v .li.'1'. t l.ntn.iiy 1 'Hi,
t ." b. tvei n lb
M ,u . 4 P. M "f
' .It ;.. c of . le- t tu;
ioni ol I'l
..ii.' date I' r C e
dir. t tot. an, e.l
b b'i n
. " . it'll IIH'i ' TH'
!' MVIlnM Y.
I",. '
. b.
i i. -I
slm kllol I'l Kh Ml I IIM.
A lliwlitli! i'f the k'.idd' ' '
IV In l'i" ndent She f nit I'l nit i
i.ill.-.l for Sai'i'diiv. jTti iaM P
I'l' lit I no o'rl.K'li V M it't.ini.
lot much Impoi atnre ill be I i i
inn.) ithr matin of inf.tr( to hr
i en puny will b cettidrrl
'. frsZ
$7.50 to $1 1 .50
Every pair solid leather
Well put together
There are good looks and good honest wear
in every pair.
i i:m iiim tt m irn
Al Ha
S i ph. ii'
nl .-let."
I'.O "I
aioind M
I Atil Of tl."
i i oi ro'iniy t l.e
lit. tit
of Mm
il.-1 up Mi. 1 K
.if the Lip-nii i Hi
ll I 11 Hi- pin 'tie the I'tbel .1 ll
. tmlili,
nil H'
... l
tw ! . 'll
!:! ,l.ll. OH the tune ill
k.y ted V.1...1I l'ii.-M I..'
!. ;.i . I. i n I. I t
., v "! T'.' '. i l;.-l "
, ' .-,. I , ,'. 1 . a. I
J. (I A 15 1
v . . i i i. . . . " ' t
pi in. '. ..t 'ii Ty i.i lil ;
t'li- t.ltl.oV ,1-l.ip'i'd to I'l.' CI : " .
e! Til-k' wb.a' ' l.i'e lb m.d
ifle l't I'lh'lll'V i f p.".hl H f!'.
of MjtIi. nftft Ihlt ttnf ' B't!ri
u t. .' nr-ne !rjt. thu iht
,r,t. tM. 8M,r
rni.e! mg !. th.'x-
not yrt ftn'v4
tuisM he itti cnni'i.! mg !. ih.r
lltmrn hn hav
Ihrlr Tll'kry h'
ilnrlnt th. nrtt fr,
pre! ii io mmi. i!
Titl e k run sai.k
Thie- ton Tarkatd truck in A No.
1 rendition IHOO. For particulars
call rn or add n tlif H.ppnor H.r-
aid, Heppner, Orson. $tf
r.f.id C " llnabl.
inr ciD nii.
-"ro Jem" i
f li I ifCAitni t Ammunilion 'ijr
HI CI .'A'tv. . i'i
JQ1 t'li DM wl! J
i ijiiuuiin LL'5iii k
? f
K iW.1; 'k wm
W im L ah 1 i i 1
j pjy Tj