K i n I t e i Tuesday, January 6. 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Sturdy Made Clothes For Outdoor J-c boys l-MW..r,.- ll PLAYING HARD IS GOOD FOR A FELLOW'S HEALTH BUT IT CERTAINLY WORKS HAVOC WITH HIS clothes. And that is the last thing the average youngster thinks about when he plays. Not so with ns. We have given much thought and study to the Boy's Clothing question. Thesefrne Suits, hercoats. and Mack inaw's were chosen for their sturdy wearing qualities, all wool fab" rics and snappy styles. They are not only what he wants, hut w hat he needs. We can't afford to carry them over, so we have priced them for quick clearance. Economically inclined mothers will grasp this opportunity for it means saving considerable on your clothing bills Suits from $25.00 to $50.00 Overcoats at $1 6.00 and $35.00 ' Mackinaws from $1 0.00 to $20.00 Don't judge the value by these prices come in and see , ... for, yourself what exceptional values they really are. THOMSON BROS. Our Inventory January 1 1920 t'iciM' the fact wo have some broken lino ! goods, as well as some lines we shall discontin ue. In order to convert them into money or its equivalent, we "hall forget cost and mark them at prices that will move them quickly. GIVE OUR BARGAIN TABLE A LOOK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Phelps Grocery Co. V et . , .t t 1 3f-m i-: 1 - 1 1 Ll W P : ; TENNESSEE LAMB AND WOOL MARKETING CLUBS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION t I rasy - . -..jw i n Keep Temper in Check. Allow tctuprr fm" rtifi imd von linn the triiipfrHtice bnsini'ss mi yi nr ivn luiok. .hist as MMin us you ifr mit tilt inner niiin ti rule wit limit re f;iirl in jiiiici1, that saon .mhi rt'U'nsr n tyrant who will ri'ilino ymi to IicihK bihI slininc. Tonipi r K :in unruly umsti'r wlio i nsinilly witlimit reason sun (leeulrdly srlttsli. To train his own eii'.ls lie will sell out to tile liiliest Mil der. As h rule tluit bidder lias neith er conscience nor the desire to have one. It tlnds that little orpin an un comfortable soinethinp to have around. Hesides as soon as you becin to grat ify temper you will find the hot blood making a rush for your upper story and the result Is tragedy Kxchaii I Polo LefiQ Popular Gtme. Tbotigh not so stated In any work of reference, polo, of which a public grand tournament was held at llur lingham recently, came to Knglaml in directly from Trcbizond. There the incsetit Kahak Meidan, or I'uinpkin siuare, occupies the site of H medieval polo ground. The game found great fa-1 vor with the noble of Treliizoud. audi was played much in the same way as; modern polo. U produced Immense.! excitement among the spectators, ri valing that of the hippodrome, and was popular possibly because it va dangerous as well as fashionable. I'olo caused the death of one emperor of Trcbizond, .lolm I, who w as killed by a fall from bis pony. London Mail. IIKRALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS NEWS ITEM 1 Me,ase insert the following news item in the HEPPNER HERALD: SIGNED: Please Jill in above lines with any news item you know of. sign it and mail to Herald office. Your lame will not be published but is required only as an evidence of good faith. Engagement Announced Mr. "Giippe" and Miss "Flu" are bumly engaged again, but the mia ute you feel a cold coming on, begin to have lever or chills, dull aches or constipation, It may be the Flu or Grippe. Before retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water, take a good big cup of HOI.IJSTKK'K IMKKV MOUNTAIN TKA (warm) and go to bed for the night it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll feel greet the next morning. Without fail try this but do it quick before the "Flu" or Grippe get's a start. luy a package today, liave it in the House and use it at the very lirst warning then you're safe. Patterson & Son. The Oniy National Magazine edited and published for Western People r Sad Pgt in Hutsry. On J ii ! '.''!. in IT'., Lmi 'lmr;:, a Fr-to It fi.rti - ui on ti e ; in iit of HrMeii, i'ic, mill. iiip'iif d l-jt a f..rc of ,-w jik int.. tin fctot '.r'il rr.- I'.'t" l.'i'l '"T I'.' I'.'- ti,. i Mid h r. ( i f I" l i-. 'i I !rl'lll Ti" ri.lu M.ili'b d I v f r .' ' rry Ai l'r' nii'l ! -'I W.'if. . Af r the fu l of t!, f..rtr. tl lorn reti'ii ii' if In b I r i ti irnrri"ii f lim le ri.. er M the Am II- tl. t! r 1 frli. .. '('rr In the ir f"iiit'!ni( ( r" 'ti' e. er f..ri .I.H iir'ri frmii tlirir In n." aid ir .rtrd n FuiH'll n.i tiir. 1 Ii" ra .f rk A it I tb nt.jnl f f t.r'!!"' "F.t'l!''." Mtd Mout Cam Living, M irH tin. ti ii ..Minify nu h ibr f'y i'ot. I ' il lln!t"ll. "H'V h t lnoiie df I ii t!iC V hi . I In It riifc'e ri'tlli'l HII'I f t Hum. ti I. l In ttv to Imr- i,... ',... v. '. ! ..ir mi. 'I ii i li' it it.i ..i.i'hi.' ii.if,ii. I'.v i i rlii. i.t Ii i I " f 1 1 .! il. lit ii n...iie wi nil! rim i .in.iii ln!4 ii'.ii n i'n. m.i n I Mif. I . I.l V M.,r'b if i.i.ttrifil Hi.ti'd fi-.i 1 i l I" Ml f..r :ti il.iv. tirif . ( k'.i.Ii le Wi.illil rilll 'f'l llilll. lie Ml i ii tin .-"t ti nt. lb tiK.uM. t'lrtml tl, i,... i ii .Iu.iiM t.t nr.il rl tti riiii.tii. imd b iMt aiM.iii r.hfruit' ii a tun Hiirad mill, .trf Hut tl, iiKiuaa laixmi ami r-id frmn 1" to l.'! H.rii'l. h '-i Itnlin U.i.f. HERALD WANT ADS GET THE BEST RESULTS i- - - Vt"" J s,. i n vr th Air . IV. Sheep Are Priit Mortgage Lifter When Well Managed. (I'rcpured by thr I'irtri) Klmn Lupurt mM of Attrn ulti.re ) Lnmb and wool marketing clnlm have been In nuci-envfnl opi rHtlcn in Ten lessee for more than ' yearn. They were the outcome uf un-atii-factory inarketitig roiidltiorm in (be liitnb pro iluciig M-ctioiix of TcnricMee. The plan nrlKliiateil at (ioodlctuvllle. where there la a club wild a iii'iiiherhl of CiO pctMHiB living within a railliio of three mile from the tdilppinir atatlona, ami Ita tuioceH 1ms irouiited farmers In other ectlonK to urganire in a aim- liar iiiHiiin r. The organization of tliet.e cluba la comparatively simple. The i llicern oiit of a rclili tit and a awrelary treamrer. who, lth three other mem ber, form on executive committee, the chairman of whb h l the wcretm y treiimirer. The iiiijiual ineetlng for the i lection of ollkci-ra 1 lield early In the C.rlng, tbiil etn h ineml.i r inay report the iiumber of lamb ami the amount of wool that he will bine to nil. Cold to Highett Bidder. The ecrHnry tnaiiri'r uiUertlnee for Muled bid" on the Iambi oiied by the club. The advcrtin'iiient Iridl eaten the number, grade, and ipiallty nf the Intnl. and the date nhipmetit will be liiade. The In mil are then im.IiI at the nhlppliiK miiI In the tilgh et bidder, the eiecutlve ronimlttee r iiervliig the privilege of re)eitili all lilda In iat tin)' e in t'Hi low. On the hipping date the eienillve com Inlttee l on liul.d to grBde the latnba brought in by nub fiirmer. All lamba not up to the advert iscd Mandiinl are retunieil to the fnrmcr, vilio either liolda them over for aoine future shife liient or (tell them at a nacrlflce. Thla baa the liencficliil Influence of training the owners to dcliviT only IIhim- lainba which will come within the gradea ad vertlncd by the cnmmlltee. The day fur I be wool mile I inker Used, that M'ldcrH may be op hand to we the tleeci K, whii h are graded Into No. 1, clear; No. 1!. (.lightly hurry: No. :l. hurry; imd No. 4. hard hurry. FihIi grade la weighed, and n-alcd bid are received hy the i on init'i e, wliii h hImi renervea the prhlligc of rejecting all hid. All . Equally. The farmer who im in a ninnll flock of ewe ba tie :i'ie inlviiiitnge Iri marketing hi Inn. I a the Inrt'e pro dm er. Fxpeiie. are mmle pri.poriion nte II ml all pu Hr ti e belli tit of cum pelltlve bid. The rMilt are1 n-en principally In the better ptin . obtnin ed. It I "tiitid freely that 'be iluh member receive from fl to 'i a hun dredweight lliore fur latnl " of the llli e grade and 2 renin rf-r 'ni.'l mure fur wool than farmer In the eiiinmiiiilty who have lint the hriiclll of in oper niixe wiling. The iiieiiibern are en couraged to follow uniform tin Mu d" In breeding and handling tln ir flo r. with the rentilt that the club bie an lablKbed r "Hiitii'ii In ii.hiiV i f the large nuirkeln f. r the iiiilformi'y and high quality of 'In ,r liiti.b and wool. Save Money ON YOUR Magazine Reading Your own Home Paper ;ui(l SUNSET MAGAZINE Mojj-ellier) fur S,v for fiio e;ir This i Sl.ta) less than the cost ol' the lvo r.ilelv. The Herald, regular price per year is $j.tx Sunset Magainc regu lar price per year $Jo Tit; $-4.K) OUR SPECIAL PRICE $3.00 A RARE MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY Men-e. M I I.ii b!i.ii pljl'i" f I'll MC I to I f . '.'. d ill ic r I 't a i l oir H'.l it fi''k'ieti. We ll.ul that !. 1 1 1 . m I , our f:i!.iren 1 ml the II ep. I.MM III"' r-nHi " I lint Whnily i. i ro. lliHj ei felly I,.,, f ' f t I Mil. I Ii prn!e of mif ntir.-i tn.ild l.e d' ii.illited. but that dim lint III Ihn b-nal !ilt.-t frmii the alne of either It I lotea haikilif that ft nfce u at one nirniig and liiin.nie l.inie la fare il'Tw opii.lnne It bom and more d tmnliH"! to brir.f bntu letter mvejlti In tb klndij entire of tba Rrenld. Pctei-t Pt'n tn llquof. AUni-i inn l-ir,i n l o i-iin id l, fl.i- f ili , for o.na'i.g "inn 'il I 1 ni.' Ilelng iiii:n fri m f nn i rm t- I It l fn I of Ir.'i ! a ' i g 1 an net), qijiilblf. It I 4i IJ ll. . ill m 'li.n and he travelfr to I r ! it lm take drink of thl T- i g ...' ..n nl'lmiit kliow't.g Ita "kn.-ko'i' ' in. '1. re ban a b.g nurj r'ni In mi re hi n he waken up lilt innrt.'r,g with a teadarb and without Nirim.r df what ted taken pier the rtrt,li.g bnfore Batvd U Merald tlaelfl4 ade. About Sunset Magazine Sunset the Pacific Mi. nthly, i lite West's ov.11 iiaiiniial inagaino. It is the unly "gen 11..!'' ni.i;:aitir nf national circulation ami influence publi-hcil in ihc Wet. It i tln ic i'l'r !i-iiik il k pii M iitalivc nf tbc West in i: .i'pniii ami in its t real imnl wnibl ati'l ti.iiiMti.il aiiaiis. I - :t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - piiiiinl ami art i-l ii ally illiisl ratcil, ci anuneil full nf inti-ii -I i(ii'i i r nicnibi r nf tin-fainily, it i 'li-timth a r'AMII.N' inagaim'. ll -limiM 1" mi tin- 1 calling table of cciy W'c-lciii hntl lldlil. tlit- t 'iUhiI J (III jlisr PlCI-l' -t Ml lllf ill.' Iltppntr llctal'l ami Sun-i-t Mag;iinr, I, nth ,,y 1 w par, in a 1 m dam with ytair spr i.il ni u r. NattK' (J'rar wrilf iuir and aildre plainly)