Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 06, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tuesday, January 6,.lq2o
An Independent Newspaper
f. '
i in: i:i '-'in tiuv o.
i i (,i;j-:;
,'or: J : -s-
i t :. t .-
, i r :
- '!-,t;i! r-,i:e . l.vHi. 'nt
. t :.o n Mor; e-, r ,'i i
i'. v.'- o',:iook 't;s iopo:;'.:i
'' 'Mi' f ! I , L.' 1 1:'- r h' ; ii..- ', ! ::01 I I
: :oi i t-i ot'ni! ,or; v- -i;r
', i r. i ( i i-t. it.
Oi '!'!' .'-'tior,.- '' t'..e .i!t- i;n
i ' ton,' ! tan'-o o' ir irott ion ;,nd
ay tn- depend '! upon liiat U.ey v
-- i '.ri-'-'-riti-d at the i-nnm w:i i
d li-at.o!,,- iirid nothing '.''ill
' " I'-tt undone ti. it uii! ;ni;tri'-e ti.e
-.teie-t ot their pi- i t :i i; !ai projei-ts.
Urn ii-w people know anj'thiiu
; 'out the John Hay piojert. Few i (
.o.e its inn :nit ndi in aire,-.--!-, i'.
: ih an i. if: over aii other piojert in
' if not I li wi-.-t. in low altitude and
-alubi ions climate. Now is the titm
: it Morrow i on m y people to u t to
'h- i lour and tii sr4- tin- iin pm la nri o!
icir inoj.'tt, (I,!,! only jlo Morrow
(iiiil y and ca:iiiii Oii-non. out to
1 ntii e Mate. I In- whole noi i h-
- est to I In- i ion a t lame.
We in-ill not think for a iniriul.
!:i,it tin- tni-n troin ffhcr t-ef-tion.-- of
' ic .slati? wiio meet in I'm Hand tn.iy
eek will put'in their time boor tiu . hav.- h oj , experience or bat-hie
John Day pioy-cl. They w ill ht.owleiU- o poiiulat and p'ivat-ma.tii-is
of tlo-ii own to ui-jre. If j busin. s ,.,1,4 r;,us tioverniiM ni. and
i H bife.-t and be.st trrii;atiin pio-i-i-t
in Oii-iin i.s to have a look i n
Morrow county and Gilliam count
people will have to he on the Kloun-i
rid look a Iter it t hi-mselves.
I : v i y comtiiercoil organization in
'his county, it there an- in reality
i.lyv sin h, slimilil send a sHunt: di-le-i
a t 'mi to I'm i h, ml unit lake sum..
Ollierted aclion to net the metis of
tie- loli n I i.i y pioj.-cl before Ho- p,-o-I
I'- if the slate.
Wh.it Will tin- HeplHH-l' f'om .
ial lull do in this mallet ? Shall w
i busy and try lo do so hini,' lor
ui 'dves or thall we sit tinht i.t
! otiie and let this bip chance tl i l)y?
VM i:i 1(11! PIMSIDIM :
In a timely arthle in a ii-cent is-s'l-
of Hie Sahnila) liviiiiu-- 1'i-st,
Samuel (!. Itlythe points oill 'h- n.
II III heeil liu Hie people i, I ' imi
t i n I St. ill - lo au , ' I I I ' ,,
lime iMihtii'.il a! 1 1 1 la I ions and. i t pin'
"I H e liiaelllll.lll,,!! . 10 ,,i(: ill pnlitil'
!.lli I.' till- old p.l I t -. In Mini a
.i ii.i '' hummus m, i i i" i. ,;,i-i,i
-' ho ,11 be lllili'l I ! ..! I',e M li'-
t' I. II ill t I llt'l i t HI e II, ,. p. ,-! nn D
'in- i-i.ii nt i ,( i e., 1 !,n ; it o!
.- 'rriiot, II le II e '.,,p!,
V. - Mi :l:' .- :!.. in ,ns i .ip
'III. ml I "II Holes ill h S uj e- p i
' di I i .. 'i. ' Wh.,1 pi - ' t 1 ' ; a
! ' h t- ' .i i ii- . , it.- p. . .1 .1 ,i II-, I
'. v ' lo ' It'll,' I . . .ril it I I.i -.
i . .'triiK?" .i ml a l. - aii. u . ,4 i,.
II It until I, p. i, pie in, I I.,),.; ,, I
Are You
Sure. Well
then try
Mc. & A
Lunch Goods
We have
the line that
McAfee & Aiken
as .roai -class Matter
S x M'.r.;l.j
t .Vi
Mr. Civ
'. pavs hi'
to t'..i
Old t party poi'-
:.:.. i'E;;'f t'r ; : vo- t. :'. ! -.
. i.i-d v.hen 5 he p-opi- o" ' r.f
:'. coiition. e'-e: .ijy
r x;a;.(-i .s arid v.O!:-:- : :u"
Br.i uke i: hand in the polt-
1 f.:i.:-rdiDtrs by U-utln th- uC
;.!;.- t: :r'i: i'-rs i, it t;. s !.-' t : n ind
l"-'. ax a pr-.-.:-J.-nt.
.Mr. Hly.hf- tht-n mw.t.'t;p.- . ial
".: v.-.-hj i t- .- -1-; ; ; s to think wo! rhy
o; i or - hii-i ,;tion by t!'.- p'. do, tho
i. riiioi! i.n. I.ulnr -i. U...J.,.,.
, . . ' i
ftlifi l-- .'. r.ri h- Inu ii-'i-- r..r......
ii'-nir. ini-niioni-o in tni-S'r rolumn.-,
last -i-k in a oumbt-r of commen
datory li-tti-rs froir rf-sid'-nts of
In thi.-. connection a It-vr i-xtra't.,
" "in Mi. Ulythe's aiticle may prov
of inti-i'i-.st to our rea(ii;i!:
"The term 'business man' iru.st not
In- interpreted too loo-elv. T!: -
iovrnmi-nt of the I'nited State-, i.,
tl'- i,!'eaiift htisine-s oijraniz.) torn in
!. v.ot-M. but does i!s bitsin--s in j.
own way. usually with a bwyr its
.eciitivi-. and r, ho-'d of dit -ct
- 'iie roni'ii-.,.s- par-kd full of law-veat;-
;:i.,o. The government difficut-:e-
ihi.i have -' i '1 with ni;,!i!si
IxiKines.i have io:ii" tor the reason
that thi- men who have b --!i in exe
cutive .ositions- in (he government,
thoiii;!) t (-- may have been rcason-
lily i on vi-!.-'.: nt withpaitv uolitli-.-.
p.i at" business have proceeded with
out coordination.
"The fact that a man has been
-iii'cessiul in building up a ;reat
"lunula tuiini; concern or a :reat nie-:chandi.-::i
cneern or a pleat sell-tii-'
ot liiianc:,:! oi panizaliun does
i:ot of it ,! ! to him for the presiden-Ik-
iiiii-i tuive more limn H i '.
He must have nol only iiis knowleil
and i i t ii-ni oi private business bn,
o ne knuu l.-dae and i-XM I u"Ce II.
"';b!i'- bu'ii'.-.s in onler thai he may
"-'n- the needs of each coord in
t - Hie ,, 1,1,, i, iake Ihein both el fecl
''' II'- iiiml know the machinery
aini npi-i a t ions oi public business, as
'I a.- I hi .- o, p. ate business.
"'io br-uin iih, then is IVrberf
Hoover, tie i.s admirably placed S
'Hi a.- political all liation ;;oes, be
cause -nine o h:s Iriends ,-ny he i..
I den in-, ii ami s,,y u ;t a K.
publi.-an; nn' hi. in all I c-.n le;,,u
h" has a , -v . r na :J what he is no ,i
. - politics IS Clllll-el u. d. Tims he
Mil. it be impie-.se 1 on eilher pin y
i'- bolli. by a demand m I he peoide
.C'lllll III- peiiple, .in scltlllUV, be
'il i.i In- i 1 1 a : 1 -1 atiiui- Hon-..
t ' . 1 l.u- ni-
I'll! II nt
.!'- r.t..,
. but ir-
ii1 In o;
il o.lij ..'l-
" tui' i' nal l i
t .1 . II h.l.-il.e
'! t He
it Ml I I.I
II I '
t.pe v .etc
'" I " i t I e
1 t'.-lee,
p.l. I.-. .
. .i.i. -bill!,
i nt Hoi
t '
' P-
- : ' i; wis 1 1 1 1
pb .lt.il In.'
' p .1 In i in '
V . t ' il'.iiM-l
- can tie Ic.
' ' i -i III e.ii
i I Ih:'
t. i 1,
tMs C.UIllv
I f the so-,,
e I I ! ,,
t'-t I I I 1)1
1 , .,,.,( .,
. mod s
. i. n.--
1 r-
In III '
I ' 'I' .tin I, CI
"I ' .tlnll ,
i . ill r ' i - ii i!
ri and -
-iot it i,i I
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-U'l-I -11
It'!.- 111
e .1 V 1 -
j ' I.!, tl-e p.- ,
I I'.'l ' - I lit . .
I'.t't '
' I " I" 'M'h' f .111 K.-t hut
-ml 1:01 1. nh 11 Hi. uiKe
in- -t.-ni ii.-'" ni't
"I" 1 1'iv oil' i. hi. I,di l ,n
C! - 111 nil ,ti I I. -JO t,,, ., ,, , ,, .
' if- ! ill I' I"' .t f .ii,- and
1 ' it..- ,,11 t -,-n'i I,, 1 p 1 , 1 1 1 1
i- ' 1 - '.- e hi I 11 1 1 1
' . ' . I, 9 i ,;.,. , , , l,, i ,.f
' 1 1 ' ' 'j '! 1 . o.r 11 1 In. 11 1, I... ri'-l
' t . . . n Hill l K I .- 1 P 1 ,. , f, .
-' ' -11 - ' I l-l p.SU'e.l I I'. p-n.1. (j. O
''' ..' 1 ' . t, ' . A ft I :. ,1.- In- n
' I 1 11 1 Ilk: II l.r. I's.-i.- ! I ,t jt
t l 1 . h 1 1. K tf- to. 1, 'Ii.1ln.11
1 I her .I.- j 1 On, r 11 r t h "
tl ill.'. (I- .- n I .;, J!,,- I ,.,,). . f j,,,,,
' i'i nu t I-.i nm pi -1 m ".in.
I l.iin I!.- nl.t tl'iir. u - it lb.
!1 ll.l-t .illU e,m Up l.-.-t ,11. Q
' I'M 1 1 V it (.1. fur t ,,,
'! ' 1 .- .I -n I n-i a ...
(Cominued f:or:i
! air.e -eei-eta! v of i:.-
'- Cote-
:y Farm fcurtuu. "-p: --v.;r-i Morrow
icur.ty at the n.e-t:n?
A nui:.'oer of ir.;eres'i:: c':pp:n.-.
::orn th" N-ws a:e also addeo:
"Plan.- tor makins cc-un'y fairs nd
::ok- shows o: K:ea'-- eduetticnt.
value are bein aiade by Paui V
Maris, state county azent leader.
Mr. Maris discussed the situation at
'.he pacific International Livestock
exhibition recently, and is hopeful of
improvement alone these lines.
"We beileve there is a great op
portucity for increasing the educu
Jonal value of the county fairs s.nr1
::.all stock sliovs in support oi
which the counties end stare spend?
thousands of dollars each year."
:.aid Mr. Maris. ' Special teatur..
.-.hows sur-h as the 1'nion Stock show
Dutur r:oi
show, Deschuf -s Countv
how, acd numerous corn
I shows prove conclusively that carni
Ivals, wild west features, horse and
automobile racing, are not neces
'sary to draw crowds. Those events
are. however, overshadowing tht
i educational features of the county
i fairs.
; "we should tret the fairs out of
'some of their bad habits, or rely
!:nore exclusively on the speci.'l feat
i tire shows. Proper labeling of live
stock and products on exhibit, and
making more of a feature of the
; judee's reasons, lor awards are need
ed reforms. The casual observe!
I who looks at the yearling shorthorn
I heiter now often thinks that he is
, looking at a mature cow. If tin
shows are to mean something to
: those who are not already somewhat
professional in livestock brt-ed'.r.e
greater consideration must be given
to those who go to the fair to loam."
1 (iijiin notation
The time honored system of crop
!pma' alternately, wheat and suinnie:
fallow in Eastern Oregon is doomed
'to go, in the opinion of P. E. Pt11-
phens. head of Hie Experiment St:'
lion at Mum. Sheimaii county. Mi.
Stephens gave an interesting talk
yesterday mo'nir rr on '-Uoti't'op
; .nil f'ult'iic.l I'ra'-tiri s for Ea.-:ter..
fiK '.-'ti drain I'' a. '.iir.'" in whi.'-i ii-
, reported :o :-oU;e lelii.ble d;.; .-.-!;,
-liled nom reioiiN on hue Mori, s a
i'ion over a pei-'oil of eight ye; r.-
ai !1 a.; the result "i trial" if. !'::
iColumtda stiiio't- an 1 franc!
i The sv"!.)i" or i per a.-re It- th--h,,le
i.M ie Wi, - ,'1)45 for v- iutm
I wheat an fiuii'nir l'..ll v d latin, a:
cording to his figures, wnlle-the av
ii'iage profit on a line-' year eolation
(iii'duding whcii; corn, and barley
was $11.01. O' tii'; htltei only or.e
"!o. l'g Wiis !;-. '.sarv. ill early
spring alter ;! . wl.ert mil before
plant the corn. loii'tiou of .lust
i.";'' :: I f .'. was a I n its
.naklng an i-1..- p' ' ' "f but
was not r- ii.i-i i ll a-1 io -i I .).')'" n
ihe loriiier rotation because iof the
conflict of tiie cops in harvesting.
When hogging oi: with livestock i:
le.isible, (be p.-a.i W'oii; well lino th
cioppii.g svstem. .Mr. Step'.i-as indi-.-.it.-d.
"Alfalfa acl'lally cause,! a de
Ce,.si' in Hie yield of He giain crops
iiilbiwliig it." M
"Ibis liein- piob
cess ot tllt'ligen
till which there
. Meyl.en.
1)1'' due t"
til-plied t'.
was ml
the ev
the .soil
Th's Is
i tlum.
o y ma
iiioi.-liire to no iilong wit'i.
tutu who is ii
.i' -. ,-n: ; i ;
a er f i
11 -.!' 'I'
. 111. a 1 1- io I pnlii ii ,il. I !
I'd. ites, but Ho- , i, i, !,. nun! Hem i n
p'dltlc.il, Whllh ailiO'.t!!- t" I x.ictl.v
I ti- i -i.e : to lit.
"I; t.ie A met . an penple i.tly A re
,11 111 111, lie colli el tl ' tl K lln-ll nn poll
t n-.it all.ii's, now i the time ti them
lo Kpeak "
I'llldl.l I-SH MHilHVt:
(Cl.:,! lined
by railing at Hie ic ., .- ,
Cure C.altslou.- c.i ,.i
l'ri-.-ni mi: and 'l'-.-..tinr
11 - . ,ind '11 m i,i '-. i .
id : lo 1
.', ppi ti.li
I in I ml 111
tail Men In l'-"tl..nd, n-.i-in. In
M.irkenzii' anil et'.-i. t i I p.,pf
app.-ndu. t irnl m,.t d in - ii. 1
It on whnii. nt Jiit Iiii.i-i.i Muni.
Oll" "In .1 fe.lt llll", I -I III C.I Bppentll.'iln ln't the trouble .it
Ml. but pnl it -. 11, pin,.,' lr S.a: niaile hia p.iper il.tuSly IMii
"t in K tii nhnnirt l.uii. -n uli.les nt t.iv irtut'i if ra'- It'll lia-l
rnine undi-r hi nt,.. n .,1 ,,, t ' . i t the past Ihle.-n titmlV. All
lieni h.t.l hern mi"., (utni itiimi'r pp nilnol.t. ;r. tnn.i .i
them had hint p-. ,, i.;.. tatii.u . u- uppt iidn i!. i. , l 3, ii.H
only tailed to f . 11 ' . 1 h ,t In u i.,e Hi-.tal)i'n !ml . t II m.l" Ik
tumble tne '
ttr tn-l nf SU .-nii h .'l trl
Th nanun.-r 1.. nt ih.,1 y.m i j mtuii if ot tl'..- iV'V jril
i-I.D. tlil nn hundred i.ii-.-' pil.n ,p m n y i.f-U-e wi'hnt for i,i, ,
to m mui'h nn".' 1'tjn ,n ..iiliiury iii.n.'otn .inent nt tnt'-t and
Itnptntaii. f I .(,t-, ,1
I majr ?.i"l )'i!'i p,,;d
rr pait nt i i) 1 1 '.-I - .
nn mi' t it, ' 1 . , '1 !-! ..:
pr tt! r rj . ii-',. it-; 1 1
apnna.M.' '. 1 1- ,11 I -,
1 n i-i",''i'i r, ,-i ' ,.,
just exactly the opposite of its ef-
feet in irrigated sections." '
"cl order of their value as crops
to replace sui:.:it-r fallow v. :- have
f i'-'l-; success wi'ti pe. -. coin, anr;
ah;.':a. corn h a- better :r-;::, t:;-:
staidroinr o: a: :?';!!- tii- iai.or
pfi.fon.s to pioi.tmg arni ha:-,;.-irg,"
asserted i- speaker.
Mr. Stephens had a targe cu::.be
of questions to answe".
Simp;.- I 'arm Account
Ail bu in--- done thr-::'.. t:.
bank by check, is the simplest way
of keeping accounts, according to n.
V. Gunn of the farm management
department who discussed "Easy
Methods of Keeqing Farm Ac
"If you would make it easier yet.'
he said, after he had carefully ex
plained the method or keeping the
farm io-d book, "do all of youi
business by check, through the
The I.-.!: - lecord book put out by
the College, is being distributed by
a larze number of banks throughout
the state, and which may aUo be
had through the county agents, is a
practical, easy, simple method of
keepirr a. record of the farm busi
ness. A great deal o? Interest was
shown. The room was filled to its
capacity. Mr. Gunn will go into the
subject more thoroughly on Thurs
day afternoon.
I'iirm Loans Menaced
A. C. Dorhnstedt, manager of the
federal larm loan as-sociation at Sa
lem, will speak on the present menace
to the federal farm loan system be
foie th? Farmers' Week conferences
'omoi row afternoon. Tiie effort now
on in the national congress to enact
legislation taxing the bonds on which
loans ct. be Issued to farmers at low
Kites of interest k; the present men.nv
as Mr. Bohrnstedt se"s it. His ai;..
is to arr-j.-,e the Oregon tanner and
oilier friends of the loan system to
tally to its drlense before it i- ton
Mr. 'tohrnstei-.t's address will b.
given i nroom 1' . ., agi icultu ral hall,
at i :.' "
C. 7. Paine, secretary oi the Moi
iow Cijun'.y Farm iJureau. has arriv
ed lor Farmers' Week. He reports a
sa. ct s.-i u! campaign against rabbi'.'
tin- waved by the Farm IiiiM-ini.
if V TUli!! . liv s, -"l; ;; , t- ,
fari'-f it .Moi'o,-- county i.- -i.i-t.d-iua
'e.mers' Week, attended by Mrs.
Ti'.ri"-. and. other members of the
fanii'v. Mi. Turner is ;t member o!
Hie eirutive committee ol the Mor
row ''uiinly Farm liureau.
"For the Columbia Hasin, begin
ning with western I'matillt county,
and including Morrow, Gilliam. Sher
man. Jefferson and most of Wasco.
Turkey Red is undoubtedly the best
variety. On some of the lands in
Wasco where there is considerable
rainfall. Hybrid 12 Is possibly mine
K. W. Turner of Heppner. believe.'
that what is good foi :i good for
his lamily. Mr. Ta , a stock
man i-nd Is interested ,n animal hus
bandry, farm crops and farm nit-'hai.ii-.-.
I ! is wile and daughter An
ita, are taking wont in home econo
mics, while his son, .lnhii, is unend
ing elas-es Willi Mr. Tinner.
V raid only : fo a ye.ir.
Ash lourDewer
. Snr-
r 1 r! nr.- if.f-. i
firearms 6 Ammunition fcft
Yrir forrMMrtuf
srv ...
U1 Z 3 iniw.eIr.
VarfJitU rrg,.'f i
.M lll,(M)i Khs l Itt.l u
from I'ate 1 )
. p: inl oi I i.-- t.o i r . I cli . T-t
A '.-mm:-- What In do ilh thv-i
i-it-. Women Nut ;.,.!e I.. I'm t.i
k h 1 1 l'ii t ! n coin . n t mn of M. .! .
!l!lil H. IJo'k'l. 1" .-'-.ll l
1 in all irli they n.iid "pintpcl tii"
fuM- In it up I -n 'I rntili -i-n
"In- If wiIIiiu to rut It out I.e
.ithf a- it p.-t.rinl at hlti rt n' ulilrh
tt h i- 1 . i-t, in t,,. il.p litf-, of (Vr n.n
VV-- Ink' Kt,ii.' tti It'tlt i.-p,.ir,t 1h.1l w
m 1 k.uiiI mil a nil rnn'itiprf nt I' -nf
d.-p . n-lj Pie cu iin.' and wtifr a t
ti l t .-a . t la I. hn hi l.-atn.-d i-
in; , PL':'-v ' ONt)
. Ti " V .
It sure!' is worth while to make your
dollars work as hy.rd for you as you worked
tor them.
Consider, then, the value of a persona!
Savings Account at the First National Bank
as a means to accumulate and keep dollars
huy earning' interest tor you.
Make up ymir mind what you can afford
to save each week or month, and DO IT.
Regular deposits, even though thev are
.small, will soon make you the owner of busy
dollars. ' .
Start now and make 1020 worth while.
First National Bank
A Worth While
New Year Present
IUiy this ideal home, now offered at a real I
bargain a a New War present for yourself and
your family.
With Water Right All Paid Up In Full.
Fifteen acre in alfalfa. Coo.l 4-roum house
and other buildings and improvements.
RoyV. Whiteis '
I have a number i.f other g....l buys in stuck and
v heat ranches.
Concrete Pipe Company
Sewer and Water Pipe
Irrigation Pipe
Culvert Pipe
Hollow Silo Blocks
Cement Products
1003 North 1 Oth St
Phone 467
lit' ' .
Walla Walla, Wash.