M 23 ' S. E. X0T30N Tuesday, January 6, 1 930 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE ( LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande. Oregon. November 15th. 1019. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES J. BOOKMAN, of Heppner, Oregon, wno, on June 2nd, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014123. for NWli, Section 15, j Township - 4" 'South. Range 28 East,'! Willamette Meridian, has filed notice' jf intention to make final three year! oi, to establish claim to the land r-ve described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court of Morrow County, at his office at Heppner Ore gon, on the 12th day of January, 3920. Claimant names as witnesses: Horace M. Yoakum. Frank O. Ras mus, James L. Kirk, Ed. E. Adkins, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 30-36 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919 Notice is herby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S.. pursuant to the lication of, WALTER W. KILCUP, Heppner, Oregon.. Serial No. 017951, we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, but :it not les3 than $2.75 per acre, at ten o'clock A. M.. on the 18th day of I'Vbruary 1920. next, at this office, the following tract of land: N '2 NE Sec. 26, T. 2 S.,R. 28 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept open but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named cease bid ding. The person making the high est bid will be required to immedi ately pay to the receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to tie their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sal.;. C. S. DUNN, Register, NOLAN SKIFF. Receieve." ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE SALE OK REAL ESTATE OF Not ire is hereby given, that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate cf ( ,: L. Hadley, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County .ru t uf the State of Oregon, for ,; ,' i-'jyv County, duly made and en t 1 in the 1st day of December, 19 la, empowering, authorizing and directing her so to do. will, at the fff'ce of S. E. Notson. in Heppner, Morrow County Oregon, from and lift -r the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the 1'.; " Hum of Friday, the 2nd day of January, 1920. prnn-eil to sell foi ! :i, at private sale, to the highest bidder, the following described real property belonging to the ald estat?, to-xit : T;i South wxt ((it. t"r of the No-tli'-ast quarter (S'.'i NEVi), South half of the Xort'. .. : -t qu.urt.M (.s'j NV',i), Nnitliwe-i q.-.arter of the Southeast quarter (NW'i SE'i) nni! Narthenat quait-i if III- Soutr ! MUPiter (NK'i SV'( of Sm I'm Fourteen (5I. Town.-I.ip V.v. 1 Z i -i'iuf.1. R:nge Twenty-five (25) I ! f the Willamette Meridian. t d thla 2nd day of December, 1 f I '- MARY H DLF.Y. Ad'M'r.latiatrii of the IM.ite of Guy I. Hadley, deren'-d 31-H6 Mriio: hh: pi hi h tion Itol.ATFIi IP, U T l'utilic I.and Sale. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office, at La Grande. Oregon. Dec t, 1 S 1 Notice la hereby tiveo that, ai i'.I !. ted bv the f onvi -.liinei nf the C.enenl Ijind office nn ler p'ovls'o m if f-r 2453. U. 8. pu siiant to liv i ;.pl cation of Gor W. Dykstia. Iip-.)'ier. 0e"n, Serial No 019041. we II n'fer al public a1e. In IV ? e.t bidder, but at not lhnn "b per acre, el 10:' be V A. M on tt. lth day of February. Ii;0. text, at thl office. th following I ,-rl nf Und. SWH N W H Bw. 1. Towmhip 4 South, tunc IT Kat, lli. nette Meridian. 7)i will not b k't't op n. b': .1 I.e drrtar4 ch e ...rit a' ' "" k I bel l nr T - ! . t ...1 tv. '' I" r ( . ( t- ,l . .! to "if 1 ,,'-r par to t' , o-inl tf r- ' 3; JTo1 r'.t-u ' ,. d"' t !' ! lJf ' ! C.ir rla'H.a W ' ,e( 1- e . - ntl t' ,(,irt . f nn , tl!n 'Ij'' r I I- MNN. W -KIKF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 15th, 1919. j Notice is hereby given that I FREDERICK W. COXEN, of Echo, Oregon, who, on June 12th, 1916, made Homested Entry; No. 016011, for NW'4, W SW'i, Sec tion 24, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three - year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before r. A. Waters. Clerk of Countv Court at Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of February, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Harve McRoberts, of Lexington, Oregon; Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon; Harry Brown, of Lena, Ore gon; L. D. Neill, of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 15th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that MARY A. BARTHOLOMEW of Heppner, Oregon, who on Novem ber 20th, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 016755, for S NE Vi and EVS SEM, Section 31, Township 1 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters. Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th day of February, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Roy Neill, of Echo, Oregon; A. E. Wat'tenburger, of Echo, Oregon; C. H. Bartholomew, of Echo, Oregon. E. O. Neill, of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Isolated Trail Not Coal Land Public Land Sale, Department ol the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Nuice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, U. S.. pursuant to the application of A. LINCOLN SWAGGART, Athena, Oregon, Serial No. 018581, we will oiler at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.7 5 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of February, 1920, next at this office the following tract of land: Lot 4, Section 3, Township 2 South. Range 28 East, Willamette Meri dian. The sale will not be Ttept open, but will be declared closed when those present pi me nour named ,i ceased bidding. The peison mailing j the highest bid will be required to Immediately pay to the Receiver tlr amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-devil ilied land are advised t file their claims, or objection, on oi before t!:- time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF. Receiver. NoTU F loll I t Ill.lt l o Istilated Trni t Not ( oul Land I'-ibflc I.ind Snle. Deprrltnent of tin- Inieuor. U. S. Land office at La fiv."!e. Oregon. December 6. 1919. Nol'ee Ik hereby given lhat. an di lected by riie Coiiiinissioner of the Geoeinl Land of tin-, under ptovlsions f Sct.in 243.". R. S. pursuant to the application of F.LLH It. MINOR. lone, Oregon, Seiial No. 019341. me null of.er rt labile ne, o the hlghe-t tod'ie but at not left, than $3.nj per aci,' .it 10 o'clock A. XI.. on the Kth d .-, of Fibruary, J9J0, next at llii otfli ihe lolloalne ttact of lani. ' SV. Ni:'4 .ertinn I . Tonnsln 1 1 South. iunt! in y.u-i. Wiii,.,nef Meij.llan, Tl.e aule ill not be Ke.t ope), bi ' will be d"i niid 1 losed ' -n tho, liieeni ai ihe hour named iian rea.ed bidding. The pei,.,n ii,aV,ri the hlsl.eit bid will be tequr- 1 I imirrdiately pay t. hf Reretrei Ihe atnouol thereof. Any peron rlalmlng a-lvemely the above. dew rlid bind a'e ad.l ti ' their lUltrv or otijii i.oii utt or 're l t ir lar.at d foi e C S lt NV !' t -lef .V'i.AN -KM f I' v r Villi I ol pl III i tl') ilalel " l.'e, S,. In pa-tn ' r.i '1 at is- lit. r. t ij ... Octobere 22, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner ot the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of OTTO E. JOHNSON, Serial No. 019952. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less' than $3.90 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on fae 14 day of January next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: NE Vi NW Section 27, Township 5 South. "Range 2S'East, Willamette Meridian, (Containing 4 acres.) The sale will not be Tcept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highst bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised t. file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. L. A. BOOTH, Receiver. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455. R. 3., pursuant to the application of ELLIS R. MINOR, lone, Oregon, Serial Nos. 019352-019353-019354, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 18th day of February, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: SE14 NW'i Section 18, NEU NW-,i Section 7, NW Vi SEVi Sec tion 6, all in Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian. The sale will not be 'kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the I amount thereof. I Any persons claiming adversely the I above-described land are advised to 1 file their claims, or objections', on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register NOLAN SKIFF, ii.'i'etvcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I Department of the Interior. U. S I Land office at La Grande, Oregon j December 15th, 1919. j Notice s hereby given that ; FRANCIS J. HIATT 1 of Lena, Oregon, who. on November I 8th. 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 016728. forSH SK U Section 27 !N'i NEV4. and ? K 1 i NE"4, Sectlor 134. Township 2 South. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. haa filed notice of Intention to make Final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore J. A. Water. Clerk of County , Court, at Hippner, Oreaon, on the 1 10th day of February. 1920. j Claimant names an witnemet : 1 Vein F. Pearson. '. Lena, Oregon; 1 Noah E. Pettyjohn, of Moitan, On jgon; Howard E. I'e.iison, of Lena. 1 Oregon; Jesse D. Flench, of Lena. I Otegon. 1 C. S. IH'NV ! Register. I I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County CouH of the Stu'e or Oregon, for Morrow County. ; In the matter of the estate of Wil liam Marlon, deceased. 1 Notice la hereby given that Ihe tin deisigned. Administrator of the Ea j late of Wlltltim Barton, decenned. han (lied Ms flniil grronnt In the County rourl of Morrow County. Oiermi. nd I that Wedni sdy. the J !h 1I.1) or Jan lary, I";ft, at Ihe hour of 1 o!rk In Ihe foienoon of aald d.iv, nnd The f'oiinty Court Room In the County f'otirt l(oiie fit If r or.nio Moirour , . ...... . J I for tee hearing of i.ti.rtiona iiHi'-eo, ar-d f-e eltlenient thereof. ' 'lunir, om.-'iii, 11 limp imil umir M D CLARK, of l e I ..t-,i. of decerned 5 4?, A d -e !.'' 1 : lor William Iljr'on, NOTKr. To t HI III toltS N'lttrw h'- '-t,-. y irn ti 1ei ni. riei ,rVa A - II bee dull M.o-)'e A I i of the l,'le of Aline I "I 4d. toe t'oontv r , r Co(,M 1. ti' eg ofl A I! M- w.n t. It.e t r 1 , ... ! of Mot id Iji. 1.. -i ' ti'.t.'i i 1 1 . -I fled Dated and first published Decem ber 23, 1919. LETHA A. PATTERSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Annie I. Matlock. Deceased. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal ljind Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6. 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of HARRIET L. CUMMINGS. Lena, Oregon, Serial No. 018982, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.25 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 18th dav of Feb ruary, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: SWVi SEVi Section 24, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount, thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S.. pursuant to the application of HARRIET L. CUMMINGS, Lena, Oregon. Serial No. 01 8984, we will offer at public sale, to the Inchest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 10 o'rlock A. M on the 18th day or February, 1920. next, at this office the following tract of land: SE4 NE 14 Section 24. Township 1 South, Range 2'! Fast, Willamef.' Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed When those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely t'.ie above desrribed land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on 01 before the time designated for sale C. S. DUNN. Register. NOLAN SKIFF, RereHer NOTICE I OK PI III H Ho INilulerl Tract Not Coal Lund Public Land Sale Department ol the Interior. U. S. I.ati I oltlce. at La Grnnde, Oregon. December 6. 1919. Notice Is hereby given lli.it. us di rected by till' Coillllll'HOIler of the General Lund office, under provls lolia of Section 2l"i". I!. S , pursuant lo the application of JESSE I). FRENCH. Gurdane. Oregon, Serial Nos. (11890.!. fi 1 S ' ' " , we will Offer at public Sale, ti the highest bidder, but at not lis. than $2 50 per acre, at 10 o'l lork A. M . on 11k- 2'tli day of Fibru.iiy. 11-J0. n-i. at this orflce, the following tract of land: NWV4 SW'i, Sect inn It. Township 3 South. Ranee it t;.,.r, ,h.ii it,. Meridian, and NF.'i N W ' , .twiirtn U, Township 3 Smith. Rjnife rjr) Last, Willamette Meridian The evidence t ii 1 1 ! I'luulm f.9 laaued Oriobei II. I'. 17, (0;i, D. 225) haa been furni-hed At the time the application filet) Hie land had been sulijeit to bmeii-ai entry fin at least f .-,us after the unrounding lands tiieiei, f... I Upon, Or Mild by III1 go 1 mm nt i . The sale not 1,.. k,.i,i .,pe-i. in t Will lie ler.i. d closed When flee I I'm nt at the hour named h.i . ed bidding. The person toakm 1 highest bid will be t.-.nr.d lo m t-11 ((lately pay to (nteltr t' amount thereof Any petsona claiming advefely Ihe :.boe desrrih.d utid r. a!iied to I li I' e'r 1 !hI.i,i ,1 l,f,;.f 1 i.t. t I I.t I'. LAN !l I NOTII I I ol! I t HI i i I f, 1, .. 1 . ...I I ,'.i . Inlr 'l4e. I ill t .,-. I !..-i1 Il-.i-'inSe Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions ! of Section 2435, R. S., pursuant to the application of JESSE D. FRENCH, Gurdane, Oregon. ! Serial No. 018901. we will offer at i ruhlic sale, to the highest bidder, but ' at not less than $3.25 per acre, at 10 nVlnclr A M on tho -t;h l-.,h- i ,.'" 1 . !f ruiiij. m-su, nexi, ai. mis otuce, me following tract of land: SEVi NW, NE Vi SW Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 29 Eaat, Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by circular 569 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. D. 22 5) has been furnished. At the time the application was filed the land had been subject to homestead tntry for at least five years after the surrounding lands wer- ert.e.cd. tiled upon, or sold by the government. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections on or 1: of ore the time designated for calo. C. S. DUNN', Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, December 6. 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2 4 55, R. S., pursuant to the application of JESSE D. FRENCH, Gurdane. Oregon, Serial No. 018904, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, bi nt not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Ihe 25th day of February. 1920. next, nt litis office, the following tract of land: SW'i NE',4, SW'i SK', Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, j Willamette Meridian, j The evidence required by Circular 569 Issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. D. 225) has been furnished. At the time the application was filed the iana nan oeen sunject to nomestead entry for at least five years after the surrounding lands were entered, filed upon, or sold by the government. Tne sale will not be "kept open, but will be declared closed when those pre:.' nt i.t the hour namml have ceas ed biddirg. The peison niMUiiv; tne loghe.-t bid will be required to -n-i"ed;my pay to the Rpcplvrt the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated lor Hale. C. S. lll'N.N. Register. NOLAN SKIFF. Receiver. NMTH KOI! p BI.II ATION I'.olalt-d I mil Not I on I l.nml I'ulilli- Land S i.- 1 1 pai tmenl ef Hie Interior, f, s. I.at d oiille at La illiniie, Otej-otl. Dee.ln'll r 6, I 9 1 9 . Notice k hereby given I hat, as lli reeled hy tin' l omiiilssioner of Hie General Lund olfn ". under piovislona of Seinon 24"5. It. S. puinuatil ti the application of .11. K l FRENCH. liui'lane. Oregon. Seit.il Nos 01M17. I I Ii902, IHHOfiO, we will olf.'i at public sale, lo Ihe blxhest biildet, but at not les than $.1IHI pei jrre, al ll o'ci k A. M. on the jr.ih day or Febrilaty, 1920, m il. at I Ills rf Ire. Hie follow in E It act of land . NF.'i SW'i Section 10. NW'i NE',, NF.'i NW Section 15, i: '., N W 1 , . ,-W, NE'i, Keel Ion 3.r., Town hp 1 Soiiih, Range 29 E.i-i. W1II.1 tt Vetidian. Ill" !(' leqillied b Cnciil ir r.i l-'iei Oitober 31, niT, ( I, I 22.) hes be r. I'lriii.heil i,c lime t. n t.j.li. a I inn was tiei Ihf land Iiho l(ei ri siibje. I li, liomf rinv (ut al leini fue eni. after h,p sutio ,nd n- lstid wete enli ted f.. 4 oioii. in hi by the fen nl T.ef.le a ll riot l,e Iilpl I.J.. tl ,it H.I be lie. lurid llo ed . t tl,oe , i. .1,1 ,I I 1,1 ho tl in . . l,. nm. d b.d l ne The person msHni? Hie I I I II be l.i ir-d lo to,. i ;.J to ! lli i, ( Hit t . i. of V t ) t ' '.I- I U. i i ie r H'lM I ill I i.i- I'll" '! d liri'l ad., id t., I" t' "it rliiit ... ,f i, ,)...! ,,n. on or . -., .. r ,,. i ,. ,j, , f, ,,(,. r Dew. I..f..te. l. t. NOTICE FOR PTBI.ICATIOX Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6. 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the ' """- K Section 245 R. S., pursuant to the application of JESSE D. FRENCH, Gurdane, Oregon, Serial No. 018898, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the. 2 5th day ot February, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NE4 NW!4 Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by Circular 569 issued October 31, 1917. (46 L. D. 225) has been furnished. At the time the application was filed the land had been subject to homestead entry for at least five years after th surrounding lands were entered, filed upon, or sold by the government. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described laud are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Recelrer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Lund office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to tl c application of JESSE D. FRENCH. Gurdane, Oregon, Serial No. 01 8899, we will ofrer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.75 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 25th day of February, 1920, next, at this office. n,e fololwing tract of land: ! SW'A SE4 Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian. The evidence required by Circular J 569 issued October 31, 1917, (46 L. ,D. 225) has been furnished. At th I time the application was filed the land had been subject to homestead entry for at least five years after tho surrounding lands were entered, filer! 'upon, or sold by tb government. The Hale will not be kept open, but will be derlared cloaed when those present at the hour named have ceaH ,ed bidding. The person making tho 'highest bid will be required to I111 I mediately pay to tho Receiver tho amount thereof. j Any persona claiming adversely Iho above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or ; helote the time designated lor sale C. S. DI'NN, I Register. ! NOLAN SKIi'F, 1 Receiver. Wjllptperi Painted by Hand. The revlte I ti !-- t nf Alilerlctin "'""e d initors In ihw old 1 1 in,, wait- pallets has resiiliHil In it tin, linn f aome e(i'.. Ii-ii sieelltieis, put awtiy I'll years nr m.,ri. Hl! n nIP attic. I.lk'lileeii rol's of paper were recent ly discovered in in, ,,l. New Fiu-laml linuse lliiil .- , t(v f f,Mrr- visit I,, .,.r , Ulu-iinti. also the lialilf of tin. 1 . liuir Hallulier intik ers In no hk (,r and wide In history and geofraphv for Ihetr suhieits. snys tlie liri-.il.it, S. I. nr,. Monitor 1 11 old Kiillinier were i.fiet, p.iinti.d t,y loitnl or Ina.le In 11,.. , Hrl ,,f ,H, I. Im k . Million aliliini.il iiowmtata tliev tire rej. ...., e.. il.,ally or nth erwNe. h , -111111,1, f., wiHiilen bloi k "II,,. I'liirro pn p.-r ms pioti nl. i l.r.nieht A,ni.,,B a lot g aK' s IT t.'i. i;i4 l.ltit a War Halt.a HMttip f iH Christ tn.t I . p'esnnt or ( iiJ. Tha cot.fef. heala of llitet railed for Is-. Gortipi4 In Wi me eatiruinllnary u( na'lonal lalsir o r, li.. "tiitier 11 by fsiiiu"! ti.tt('on will r int''e !li adnratilil'ir f Itn-oumrailn III tteir T'.aaui a provialoB fif !rn. iietit (iovrnn.nl V. af anri a n ur way Igeard eonomlc lL4tt nr for tha wnrkar. The Herald A Year $2.00 1 ?r