Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 06, 1920, Image 1

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( oi 1 1 , airs to hi: imi-rov i;j 111.11 -kmc o: iuki.am) aithor
Interesting Clippings From "Fm-m- )r.-Rn .--ked to Subscribe $10, !
cr's Week Xcivs," Published Dm- I COO. .tS.iriow anil (liliiam ( nun
in Sessions Which Was Success ! lies $2.5tK
Farmers' week at O. A. C. is be-
coming- quite an institution and this j
year the greatest number of farm- 1
era look advantage of the short j
course? in fanning, f toc'k-ernwiiii-. j
hoi ticultttre, home economics ami j
other subjects included in the curii-
culiifn than at any previous meeting.
Farmers, stockmen, f r'.iitgrower-
and others interested were present
J'rom all seel ions of t he state and the
vly proceedings were published in
laily newspaper, known as the
Farmers' Weekly News, which was
established for the purpose.
From copies of the News received
at this office we learn that Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Turner, their daughter,
Miss Anita and their son, John Turn
er, County Agent Hunt and C. C.
(Continued on page 4)
Morrow county people who believe
in celf (' termination for small na
tions a-f to be giv n an oppor-itrc-y
t help iml;,r:d in 'itr fight for :'ive
ilptu ;.nri independence.
I "Dial Kireann,'' tiie elected con-
grrts of the Irish people has author
ized the sale of $ 1 O.nil0,i!00 in 5 per
cent bonds and Irishmen. Irish-Americans
and their friends in this
country have- been asked to subscribe
$1,000,000 of that amount as theii
quota. Of this sum Oregon is ex
pected to subscribe for $100,000 and
Morrow and Gilliam counties com
bined have been asked to take $12,
500. F. A. McMenamin, of this city has
been named by the state committee
as chairman for Morrow and Gilliam
(Continued on Page 5)
' Highest Medical Au (hority on IM-ttgs
A few days ago the press announced, the world over,- the death
of the greatest authority on drugs, Dr. Osier, formerly of James
Hopkins University, but of recent years of Oxford. The medical
magazines and many other publications will be crowded with words
of appreciation of what this man h as contributed to tcience and it
would be fitting here to again call attention to his contribution on
the subject of drugs in the Km y clopedia Americr.na which is one
of the latest and best works and rasy be ,v, en in the Heppner
school libraiy- Dr. Osier my.': "Hut the tu w school does not feel
itself under obligation to give any medicine whatever." The modern
treatment of disease relies very greatly on the fo called natural
methods-, diet and excercise. brtaing and massage, in other words,
giving the natural forces the folios-, scope by .f.tsy and thorough
r utrition. Increase ! Slow of M'-oi'., raid ro:p&v.l cf obstructions to
the excretory system or the circulation- in the tissues." This Is the
result partly of the remarkable experiments cf the Pails and Vi
enna schools Into the action of drugs, whie",i have shaken the stout
est faiths; There is but one conclusion to draw, that most
drugs had no effect whatever on the diseases for which they were
administered" Kncyclopn'.la Americana, Vol. X (Munn. C,
New York.) The leading medical men of the world have given up
drug practice. Vnquer-i ionubly the future of the healing art is a
combination r drugless prop'.iyhxis (or prevention) and the:apui
sis (or cure) of disease, wot kin hand !i hand with corservativ
(or sane) surgery which operates only tit. a last r.-sott and then only
when .there Is some rational hop-- of benefit, from taking radical
Sometimes the simplest way to explain any thing Is to font -
11 with something else In the n.me class. 1 shall 'aere contrast t'n.c
less methods and bloodless suigtty with the traditional methods ol
practice In a case that came t'nde r my observation. "Renal onlculm
colic" is another term Tor a "stone" passing from the kidney to the
bladder. The long narrow tube along which the urine pastes from
the kidneys down Into the bladder Is called tnt "u-et'.-r". Wait
people want Is facts. I shall not Indulge In theories in these arti
cles hut contrast old and new Ideas of treatment i.s applied In one
actual experience. Have treated so'tral ) ulsil'.ar cases but will
take this one and give all t ,,-. r.i-tl. ulai s Just i.s they occurred.
' ',, H.iW ItenitM nleillll" folic Was Relieved
t i The history of the cse, cs I learned It firm the patient,
follows: The pat!nt had been taken with a Jain In fhe ah(!oiY,.n
to the left or the navel and was rompidhil to lie down. A physic
ian was rent for who ent over the synpton-s art I concluded thut
It whs probably a:i attack ol ir.letaiul Indigestion. It is often v i y
hard to determine such films by a meiely "t yinptoiiiattr" diagnosis,
which Is bound to be superficial and oil hues mi-l-ading. I!" admin
iteie, r. raMinriic. T'..e pain w,-s r nun, th.l he was called b,t-'-ii
ml ali'i ml in i n . ! tr.g -"t o -thing to i.-llcw the pain pie gat :-. -
vcie adminicle, d again, li lt on the i, How in;. i!,iy Or": ir'"!
he no change unless it was an the wors tl,.y railed in an
oilier physician. The two pli sin an com Imbd, so ! ; into-
:t in u-1 be s Itelitii.itloll of 11 o.a!l i :i t . t tl . a'ld so th. v ir-,-
n.ded to work on t nit th-my tint, I I 1 i n the
At lltl'l' I piOifede.l to link.' c, infill A,l"iitl.t ion of tl,e Jei
runt's tissues alone the pine, Tl ,. of com ..hn, not been done l.y
the other pllli I.UI" slll'e l I II' I a p.l't Ol tin il i.ltl.O is. In the
-iglon wheie the tn iii' none o,r fro'ii the spinal cod to sup; ly tie-
tntesiini", 1 loiind no foulil". Tins avoned n,e tht t.ie bovn-N
lint Invidved. Further on down the spin", however, on leioluni:
P e pn'tlt of eniel l-ellee of the tlcte supply to t!,e kldlles and
w,tei, to'itiil the ti.ii 't win i l h mi ly rnnt -'ed. oi e" arnl r.
"sitlve und-i pri--it" 1 l.ni w, tin n. thi't the tro-itde w.n. , ((.,'
thele. Tlie p.itlen' t in ttet t ute 1.1 lot T'le .. hei.e,.',il .t
in the abdomen i" the I" ' "I the n-oe and in t te ifu,n if the
lliall Itlte.l ne. t..gelli. l with !! eVrflnihritlnn of spine local. .
'he trouble il"-! II ' ' I '' '' '- H'l II! the t t . 1 1 ! .
It. l.ltioK the I l. ti ls '. I niMle.l Hie Mniie i I'.i..
I hlnl t.e ;
p;ne , td'P h
t he 111. let It"!
( r i. -i ; !
.ol.i'.'.t t.o-.t :
,i i i I -
I '
n tin
r In
1,:,! I
..111. I gel
T I. 1 l,pl
.t,.l 'I
"i 1 I
i '
.. I.' .
i! n ii.'.i
ui ii-. p n1 t;
.lone" j-'i. -l
li veil.
For i-lev.n ).-1!. t - 'lV '
Morrow county, and d inns thai t
d :' thai h ro-r to ni ani f n ,
thie or font ra.i jjtu.n.'l tX tt."
i ..
i t.-;... ,i
I n ! i
r .i
... lr
In 5 I
- trtv i-.-sl.-d itei) rat of
i in i l.i" . nrt Ii of tin '-.
thst 1- ftfih r.f lirti feaily
ndd to hat th kn:? )"). 1 "r '"& record "don't oi
think?" Th above a't ren at p ar ,nc from week t week la this pa
per will be p. il in pan p M't fmm or reprint and yon ran , n
(CctttifiuH on Pa roof)
tt ' 3 c i i "Art..
k. r,i;oY, vn UKi'in siiM.
rassiiig of Old Time "Wind Jam
mers" Presence of Modern Live
Wires Voted
The .lews of l.emberg, (Itilicin, recently paid a great tribute to President Wilson by ilacing his name in the
tjohli'ii Rook of the Jewish National Fund,, which will he placed In some building in Jerusalem. It. contains the
names of those who hate rendered some great service to the Jews. The photograph shows the certiorate issued to
Mr. Wilson. . :
AN excerpt from an article in Western Ad
vertising by Mr. Paul Findley, Retail Mer
chandiser of the California Fruit Growers
Kxchange says: "The adage 'well bought is half
sold,' is pernicious not that it untrue, but be
cause it fixes the merchant's irnvfd' on buying in
stead of on selling.
What the retailer must seek to learn is how
to sell. He must think sellings He must plan
selling. If he will do this and just to the extent
that he does this, he will likely be a s-uccessful
Too many merchants are carrying on their
shelves many hundreds of dollars worth of goods
wir-t.li their customers do not know is there.
The manufacturer, as a class, has come to
the full realization of the absolute necessity of
advertising as a means not alone to increase hw
sales, but also to cut down his selling cost. Yet,
without the co-operation and backing up of the
retailer, the advantage of the manufacturers ad
vertising is discontinued considerably.
It is a psychological fact that nine times out
o! t n ihe housewife who reads an advertiMiient
of a certain braiv! oi 01 ids which she wants or
' 1 K' desire for which is 1 iVued by the adurtUc
m -;it. v il go to ti e s' re v.-hi- b has advertised, in
pi; i h.'iM- 1 hat rail -cnlar .uticle, and will tu -i
I '"lik to a-k i i'e litvi'i ' ;.l t whi t e she I'egiliail.
trade- for it. even thmiii -he goes (o him fur the
reMoi' !ur order and thi- she does tin! ahv.r. -d".
1 it her, but goes 011 and completes her order .il
the other 'tore.
Morrow county will be ably repre
sented at the irrigation ocngress In
Portland this week, arrangements
having been made whereby Hon. Km
melt Callahan and S. H, Hoard man,
both of Boardinan, will jointly repre
sent the Boardman and Hcppner com
mercial club. Mr. Callahan Is one of
Oregon's most gifted public speaker
and Mr. Roardman has, perhaps,
mete egenulne "dope" on the John
Day project than any other man in
Ihe state. F. It. Ilrown, secretary,
and F. A. McMenamin, attorney for
the John Day district, will also at
tend the congress and tiie (gtiartelte
will make a Ktrong combination.
I on many men nan! - play the
tin- Ih ganie, itlH 111 the -tore wailuiy 101
trade to run into ihem. and a-k for what it uanl.-.
They may buy t'ie b--t of wide!) adeilt-- d
good-, at right pine-, and then -il down and e
" initid readi i -, - l.n
kt( ilu-ir eu-lomei I"
a- letting tiuin kii"w
good- i- coiii-enied.
M 1 reliant s ! .wa
S. II. Iloardmaii. C. W. Cobb anil O
M. Warner are here from Hoard
,111111 on ro. id hushi"s 11111I are, pci-
llllIS. llll illi lllallv. Hill I I illg II tew en
president iul hooiin'. Mi. lto.it dm ii n.
who in the origitiiil lliovci iimn, is
t-onnwlml elingiiiiiil thai bis candi
date has lefused to run while Mr
t'olili, who Ik boontmg Hi Jolmson sky
hi. Is 101 1 e-pondlngly well ph io-i-il ,ir
In- hi.ii been advising Ills nelghboi:i to
lloovctie on Hoover as a pi csidcnl i.ii
'andnlale nnl to liili-li tlu-lr wagon to
'.he III turn - Johnson. Mr. Wi.tm
has not y.-t comniiiie.) himselt on tin
political silnatlon but In- iniintuieil
to lleiulil npoitii that In- I" not
always asleep when tils cw-n ai shut
ami that lie Is apt to spin.;. .1 politi
cal sensation on a lot of lo n'-i':li-
lllll plilll II I.HIM 1(1.11 1 I II' l
n. kt 1 old n.iii' ii' ike- tio nl
mail 1- 'liiiil'inr o nii'inc . 11,.:.
llll. I , ,ilo to il. ti-il' illi .. 1 ".e.
M . il HA- 1 1 .HI del I II" 10 1 llll -11 III
l.o e . tin- i liilor-. 111. Ill i,l the riietm
polo of norther Morrow m,,:
I'll P 1 ; llo 1 1 1. ( hum 1: so d
1(1,1 i,,,.i.
F. It. Ilrown, who attended the an
imal meeting of the Oregon State
chamber of Commerce at Portland
last weik as a representative of lite
John Day Irrigation district, ha.i re
turned to Ileppner and speaks in the
h'-hest praise of the work of the se
sion. Mr. Ilrown was a member of the
Heppner delegation thiit attended the
initial meeting last winter when tin
state chamber was organized and he
says he noted a big increase not only
In the members attending b.ut also to
a great extent in the calibre of tin
men present. The sessions were strict
ly business throughout and no long--
winded, old time political or near po
litical speeches were attempted nor
would they have been permitted had
some old time brother undertook to
put. one over.
Speakers were uniformly brief and
to the point and those present were
thus enabled to get a line on the gen
eral needs of Oregon as n common
wealth or combination of communi
ties. Not a single resolution was
passed or recommendation made only
for some proposition which is of gen
eral interest to the state at targe. An
effort 'vas made to secure the en
dorsement of the chamber for some
purely local measure hut all such
efforts were promptly "squelched."
The John Day project was recog
nised as one of the coming big pro
jects of Oregon and wh recommend
ed to the Oregon Irrigation Congress
which will meet in Portland this
week, for further consideration.
Mr. Ilrown say. that In a brord
sense Irrigation was the big iiieslion
at all the sessions as hardly a snbjeci
was considered but what, in some
way touched on the reclamation ol
Oregon's arid and semi-arid lands.
1'rai tically evety city, town and vil
lage in Oregon that has any suit of
comiiieicial omaiiiation was- tept.
seated by from one to half a dozen
delegnt, s.
IV A. Anderson, who went to I'oil
lalld iliti ing the session on pi lval"
business and who hoped to lie able
to represent I lie Ileppner Commercial
club at the meeting, was unable to do
Bo because of the pressure ol nersoii
nl business affan s.
' 1 1 d.i v 1,
I. , Iir C, Ih,, I.,, I . i 'ii l. le bl'' V
i'lpl pi Iiln Ol Hi.- I'.il.ir. Il-,
I. I Co fto I','- pill h,.-e ol I'e (. i.,
H ha e -tucked I
1 .
hv W
to tin
let e-
-ll) ol .!'
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lofo- ;,l ., oiir 1 out'. !.
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-i i- hi! me-- w 01 id, an
ii s u ilbofii diim 11 - i' .it, t'
tin i-inia-and ".a D-r aii I a lew -jintal . . . ( .
ii'ii-, b-.t cvry l.iy in tin- Near; and, iinhk. ate
other alualilc poss --ion. the more y. i u-e ii i in
better it grows.
nv-t, elu-api'-l
1 1 1 - 110 1 iiii'i :
',1 1 1.1 ah a !.
: !o !. .,i;r- !
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WATI It nwi ltt Tlo IIIDS lit
UK oii:m:i w i ummi w
ritv council liebl a lively meelin-
Monday evening when Mayor
Va n ! 1111 called attention to the r.n 1
that bids lot the const I 111 I till of til"
tow gravity water system will be
opened Wednesday evening III the
oiiucil (liainliei and 111 red thai all
t'iti ami lupiivem who I eel In-
li ll'- II d - ill 1 'I Id he pi 1- l ilt 'I tie mil . -
01 att'l , 1 , 1 1 n 1 1 1 ,ii- a. ion' lot tin- pio
pe in Ihi I, i.il I. I 1 lies w ..lit all
.-. a in- 1-, te- op. 11 . lei .it.oi.
d and a I Iv .1 I ..t-t. .
1 1 1 1
It'll 11
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KilktitAf an