Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 30, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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LOCAL ITEMS " y" "v'jVl'1 ii "00i ' 1 l)KV"''IX thk wimxuss I r 3
d in H"'P-
nd Kapids
V1 III (!!
, (I
Have ynu baggage to move? Call F.
A. Case, Main 524. SOtf
Mrs. Cay .M. Anderson culled
to Portland a lev.- days ago by the
Hidden (l;.i;i of a relative.
Do you want to r:; I ! Ihe morning
1rai:i. Cull I'. A. ('as-. Mr.in 524. 20f
Leo Nicholson, 1. r is a student al
the IniversiH ill' YY;;mi it: :;i on , spent
(tie Chrislnii'S holiday- with Heppuer
Mrs. it. V. Lewis iirt
pit last Ttie: ! i y ; : oin (
Michigan, to spend tin
tier son. I!. I,. Lewis.
O. T. Ferguson suffoi
of the leu a low day ago at tile Jim
Carty ranch, in Sam) Hollw, when
his horse fell with hiin.
Fred A. Case lia been confined to
his home for several days hy a severe
attack of illness. His many friends
will hope for his speedy recovery
F. A. Case, who has been seriously
ill for a week or so, was taken to a
I'ortland hospital Saturday. He w.
accompanied by Mrs. Case and his
brother, M. I.. Caffl.
:' TBtl. Notson .recently with the over
seas forces, now a student at Wil
lamette University at Salem, is spend
ing; the holidays with his parents, .Mr.
and Mrs. S. K. Notson.
.Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Campbell were
10. from their bin wheat ranch in the
Lexington country Christinas Day,
I he guests of his parents, Judge and
Mrs. V. T. Campbell.
A fine daughter was born to Mr
and Mrs. James .Morgan at the .Mul
ligan ranch, n miles from Hardman
on the Spray road oil Christmas day,
according to report brought back by
Dr. Harold C. Hean.
Charlie Osten came in front his
llock creek ranch Wednesday to
meet Ills son, Lieutenant Jake Osten,
who Is here for the holidays from
Madras whore he is engaged in news
paper dwoik with eCorge l'eatce.
Beryl Profit, who Is attending Ihc
North T'acil'ic Dental college at Port
land, came out the first of last week
to spend Christmas with his father,
J. A. Profit, and sister, .Miss Zella.
He returned to his studies again last
Mr. and .Mis. Ed. Hiirknum went
lo Cortland Monday to enjoy a week
or ko vacation. They expect to attend
the jubilee service at Ml. Angel col
lege being held this week in observ
ance of (lie founding of the institution
fiO years ago.
A ph-aianl Christmas enleitam
tiient was given by the Episcopal
Sunday school Wednesday evening in
honor of the holiday season. The
pingram, consisting of snugs, reclln
lions, etc., was well rendered, reflect
ing ciedit on those In charge of the
nl lair.
Mi. and Mrs. 1'. A. Anderson went
lo I'm Hand Sunday morning w here
I hey will spend a week or more en
joying a vacation. Mr. Anderson ex
pects to represent the llcppncr Coin-
11. -nial club at I do meeting 0f lf.
Mate Chamber of Commerce Monday
ami Tuesday.
Mr. Mc-Miir.lci rcpoits the advent of
a line son Monday morning to the
wile of Mr Eddie Chlnn, proprietor
I liie Llkliom restaurant. Mother
lllld babe ale lepcltled to be gelling
along an eh and Eddie wears a bit
happier smile than usual when Li.ei-
Int' bis 1 1 lends
m.ii ll.og leccived standard time
from Man- I -land Slauid.iv noon rot
(he fust Inn,' since e in,in,K ,.
VHil, ss oultlt whirl, , h.,,1 ,,, ,,
ii'iih-h i.dU i ii the ,n . ,K
1' H lip I'ls vv ll.-l. -i, some , ,, ,u
i1 d inn v, I I,,,. ,,,nt I,, M1
I1' I III III S. t.nd iv
"n I'ltV title llnlli.
I i loi.lll.-s M I
' - I" t'i. Inc.. .11
III till.
i. I ol
1 !
is I,,
I... I.
;n I,
K . ' I.
et ni'ii
M I!
-. p. I II
I .
I" I I..
.. 'l ll(.
w lib V
-. ..... ..It .' . .,
1 1 I' ll it A ill 1 '.ll I t 'l l
t x icii.niti. i.i till 4 (utn'tuip 'ilcr
i' t.iii kind on H rmint nf ttn i.rn-
tcd liindltlom of faftoile, r'c ,
In inn mt
Do you need a load of wood
coal or any kind or hauling? Oall F.
A. Case, Main 524. sotf
Miss Rachel Holloway, of Port
land, is the house guest of Miss Eula
'ia Butler dj.:';ig the holidays.
Are you :;o:i;;: to move? Call F
A. Case. Main .524. 30tf
Donald and Arlile Lewis, of Tin
Dalles, came up Wednesday it. so, nc
''ii! -istnias with their pamoi --, M, ;-.nd
-Mts. Ii. L. Lewis.
.Mi:.- Vera M, 'honey, a 5:i.-er.t .'.'
ihe Cnh -ersity t,i Wnshinrton at Se
'ie. jt- tiere spending t.!ie holidays
with her parents-, .Mr. and .Mrs. W.
i'. Mahoney.
Arthur ( 'ar.ipbell. a student at the
V. of 0., is here spending the holi
days with liis parents, Judge anc
Mrs. W. T. Campbell, and other rela
tives and friends.
F. H. Brown went to Portland Sun
day as a representative of the John
Day Irrigation district at the stati
Chamber of Commerce meeting yes
terday and today.
T. J. Mahoney, former prominent
citizen of Heppner, now engaged i)
the banking business in Portland, was.
a week end visitor at the homo of
his brother, W. P. Mahoney.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bayless have
purchased the Hill property on the
heights on West Mat street and will
repair and improve the propel ty be
fore making it Iheir home.
.Mr. and Mis. William lliatt are
here from their home at Kelso. Wash
hiflon, spending Ihe holidays with
friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs.
Iliatt were former residents of this
Father Cantwell of Heppuer re
turned to that city on Tuesday after
a short visit m Condon. He was ac
companied by six of the pupils from
Ihe local academy who were going to
their home in Heppuer to spend their
Christmas holidays. They were:
Mary, Anna, Kathleen and James
Monaiian and Kathleen and Elizabeth
McKnlire. Condon Globe-Tiuies.
lll.XKI -I F A I HI Its
(From our lone correspondent)
Mr. Hoy lilake and Mis Grace
Leathers were united in marriage
December 24(h. The ceremony was
performed at Heppuer by Itev. H. A.
N'oyes minister of the Federated
The bride a charming young lady
and also a successful school teacher
at Hardman, and the groom a
prosperous young farmer of lone is
I'.ie son of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake.
The young couple a re spendln;;
Iheir honeymoon in lone until after
the holidays. Mis. lilake will return
to llaidmaii and finish her school
and Mr. lilake will remain inlonelor
I hepresent.
Their many friends and associates
wish them every success In Iheir mat
' imotiial career.
(Continued from l'age One)
v. il.ilile but the only snlutinn ot Ihi
o i.bli-in the clorlotK believe, lies In
ibe iiiiineili.iti' building of a inodetn
io- plt.il in llc-pptier.
This run only be done lo-ie as it
. done in nihil towns and cities -u
-1 : 1 -1 . 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 assistance fiiiin Ihe
a ople ol the count), and until such
MMaUi i' Is tin ilu'oiinng II. pptit i
Hid Milium loiinlv people who wish
i c lov ho-i'ii ,il ri v i. e v. i II have in
l,' c t e oil a lull u . l'.i l il I i ! p to the till t
1 le v ,, 1,1
t I.i il .l ..e !..-t , llllllllet
( a n. "v mi at i.o .i iii'vv ho
' .. i '..i Idoi. ton -it d, i' tunc I he
I -l r.l'--' lei M.:i - we;.- belli-
i ! .1 .in. I I be in. s,., , i mop
' ' n " "i I.i il Mi '. , lo. . i..r .,, vii, -
TVie same energy that extended the
usefulnrs of the wireles telegraph in
th I'nited States during the war is
bound to bring about its still further
extension in times of peace. What
is needed here, as- in aviation, is the
understanding that the necessity for
broader commerce and communica
tion generally is possibly even great
er than the war exigencies. When
the war seemed he activity
istence it.;,-n, development hr-.d to be
rapid. Today, likewise, commerce,
in its broadest meaning is even more
the essence of all constructive living.
Thus the development of such
agencies as the wireless is absolutely
requiied for business. To the. dis
coverer of possibilities there can be
no limit. There may be some dis
cusion of apparent difficulties by
such bodies as the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers and the In
stitute of Radio Engineers; but there
is no stopping at even such obstacles
as the amount of available "space in
Ihe ether,"
As with the aviators, there has
seemed among many of the boys who
chose the radio service during the
war a reluctance to continue with
this kind of work, now that they
have returned to civil life but this is
probably only a temporary reaction.
All that wider knowled 2 f1 Jinf! f'roo.
dom from the trammels of the past
which they have gained is sure to
give an immense impetus to the de
veiopment ot the wireless, not nni,.
by inventions and discoveries mrh
themselves but through the influence
or tneir practical experience. nmr,n
the research men in the laboratories.
Trailing of this sort in the army has
meant the bringing out of qualities
ot thoroughness and discernment
;n i. ..... , .
ue vaiuaoie in every brunch nf
activity. So it will not be ,mi.idn.
v mauy returned aviator using
"loader experience for radio de
v-.uiineni, and the returned ,.,,it
tits in aviation Tin.
- .. , , t, xuier-
change of activity will mean much
Of course it is ridiculous to think
mat the "space in the ether" can ever
be too full of wireless mess-ages.
Even though the next Immediate en
largement of the scope of fhe radio
service may be merelv rmm n.- ........
class transmitting stations cnnnhlo r.r
trans-oceanic communication to about
weive, undoubtedly when these lat
ler are all used to their full ......
and long before that.
will open eVPI. niore ,e way J(j ,
possinuity. The worlj is pn(j(1
cd to the benefit of constantly quick
er and les,. impeded comm mil, ati in
Kxplorali,,,, of (he air, connection
with both aviation and radio activti,-
'""'"Hfor all a better understanding
".' iU "' geogrtiphv. of
Plar... and f ,,o ,ealm of
iio-iiiienialics. Th
any ea v si...
" iiiiKiiown places
"" " 'Vr.ainly the en,h.s.
i,s'"' (l"''l')pment of the wireless
'tlM help Very ,;,,,- , irHvM
"", s " 'n.l to immediate
Knowledge and well-ordered activily
- 'lt Inliiin Science Monitor.
liew Year
It is with the greatest pleasure that
we wish you
A Happy
New Year
May every day be crowded with
happiness and may you share lib
erally in the New Year's Prosperity.
J Minor & Co. j
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate e
te can no Ion,.,. , he Louis Croshens, deceased, has filei
her final account as s'ich executrix
and that the county court of the state
of Oregon for Morrow count. v has ap
pointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb
ruary, 1S2H, at the hour of 10 o'c lock
In the forenoon of said day, as tin
time of hearing and settlement ol
j said final account. Objections of said
IKKM.ATlov ro;i: FN ! final liri'lllint mnul hu l'H.i.1 ,,n .... I...
lol!T..VM,,MM AltVMi!li ,0 f01.; 3uld
The ninth annual meeting of ,;.
Il"'n I'ligation congress will be
held at the Chamber of c .,..
Oregon building. Portland. Jan,,,..-
'. 1U, imiiieilialelv lire i ....
special s.sn f the legislature.
I btl Iriigation congress in Its pre.
Vious sessions ha fostered much
legislation. It has M1).
poit.d sound reclamation n,.n..i.. ..
biougbt to ,,e attention of ,,.
or ,,e Mate l-;e Impoitance of
" -Ualioil PM.b! h r Oregon.
Hli the v.. r over. hiC, p.,,,,,,,
"I agriciilMi.al and liuliisti ial activity
)hv t ,i-ig. the piobl. ins oi t. )
file aie if anvlnng mole !,,,,,,,,
than those ,,r ,,(, ,,nK
I. I
i i in- i i-v
V. . : ! .. , ' . ' f I !'
-I !! t., ... . . , mo
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' " i .1 -; . 1 1 ... .i will ,.,!,
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v" I l I I'll s i li . i; i ,
Ml I lli,
I '
I h..
It l.ak.
i l.
. t I
'I' ll. II'. fell,.
" in I loll u (I, ,
Now that it i u i
HI'" i - . l. let
teen Ii. r ot th,
uv lie, I o !.
lop'OCm l.iji,
' ti'iii; ii i !r,i!
. I ihe :i. vi .. .
w III be ml) ,,, j,,,,.,
I'lVeli-d will oi, I,,,)
I'ed'-l.'l ... lo in
ill '.- .oi. n- ,,
:1 ' Ualli.tl I I. It..
W W '
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a I . J.-t
ll"t 1,1
I'V "l.ltllie 1
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"I '
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- ' ''. ' -i , t -i
-I .-t.i I r M ; . ,' i, . , ,-
. ' ' .1 '. . t , :
- -II ef HI '-. lei- IM .
:..l l.-i. jll v t-.oite bi t e rt l, lee. I iiu
W. ! M HiNf Y.
Pat. t!it 0t'i dy of ll.v.or her
''It 3:1 3
(lone Independent)
A party of 12 Mot row county
yotiiiK people had an expuiii-nce las'
Saturday which they will remember
through life and hand the stoiy down
to their children and grandchildren,
to say" nothing or the time they w ill
lelate It at gatlietlng of pion.-em ol
Ihe vintage of I'H'i. puiacitiK their
remiiikii with. "Speaking of hard
wiutem and tough trips, tl,.- don't
loinpiire with that of t 1 ' In East
ern tre,:on w In n " etc., i c
On that day the inn-v; pe..pe vv lo
'iguie It) thi stoiy wele dumped
mill main line tialtm, alonir with
cole ot two nl her pass, nem, at tin
lllcospitable si.iHoii "kimwii as ll' pp
lei Jl'tn-1 loll. Til' II tt.cV W ei e
oiiiie.l no tram vvoiihl b.. run on tV
'Hutu II because of ahoi!l'i. It ;i'
il her go back to ch ill.itlon and wail
hi take your foot In jour hand and
Atlei i-.nittsii.nu one vviCi anothei
Ice twelve M utii'. v.oue ymilh
(Mill of llnoil yoiltlg 1 .1.1 i deride.!
o alt.-mpl to ie, -ii II Inline .itnl rem
nl Ci.it n Cil, Tf.f n.i't .m i.-ad,
n the bitter mid with loot oi en.
w on the E'oitnl iitnl the fti.t
$7.50 to $1 1 .50
Every pair solid leather
Well put together
There are good looks and good honest wear
in every pair.
Itllill."!. . of which Ih.-ir trouble. lll
a', p.-.u ,1 a n . 1 ..til) f.'ml i he. i pre
Fl "III tb.'l e . (HI: II Ull I. Ml i(. Was t
l.iMlllcil till. nub I.i lone Wltll W. C.
' C.ln.n. H.i.l.-y .-ip-ny and
I rorti.no of lone, Ml Vlni..r
b khy . ngltie.-i w it!, j , ;i.
' m l.me; Eatl Vll-..n ;.,:.!
' ' I I: i ig.it on romp. .n I
Inn . of r.on.e, an,j , ,,
.m ! i
i t i
'"111 H i:
Tltt rk Mm HW.K
Thtw ten I'urkaid truck la A No
I condition 1 1 tot) Fr pttlculr
II in or iddrrM tb H.rro.r Br.
I1. Ilrprovr, Or(oB. f ftf
kn.iu n
llil but
Ol . '
i. l'. i n:n
l!.e I.....l!
.il IC . ,i
.iy. iimi i
i. T'...
,,t h.l',1-1;
,. te.t. h.-. .i-l.i til
n.lt . ell -pt n! e i ,, i ,h. I. of C ,
(.nl) A'lir a plnirt :.t t-.t.- C.
Hull len-ie iti w.! 'inl,i..-. I .
v.v the M'ty on u I .n.. ii ,in l n
p.-vded to I'enl a d:"t.in.e of ab . it
even mllet and III I-,. one nf t ir
ii'ilIK ladie In till" fart?.
At Cecil tt rr,y w el,..iii. J
to the hnp UMf hi. tn of Mr and
Mi. Tom l.oe and a ptptnc hot
lmnt pirparfd for Ihrm oB.ler h
i-t ti
r.iini.ite. r who w pi. v.nl. d up.ni
to In iii the teal., mining, lit
p.llt) to lotle F"'- Inn...
to .IV V t I -II ..1...II . re f- '( I
'! I'll' '!:.- ! I-t t tl,ll.' ., I
..I-..I II ... a .-t, to. .1 ..ii.) ,
! I b in. h 1'i.it i..1. ! In'.. ..t
lo, ,. l
The ).o!tie l.nln u ak n; '
and I-,,. .'.. .-.I ..i mu. h 1 ! .n k. n. .
utt.-iitii; j ..t. of r..n pl..,nt and
ii n i ii ii the . In, ii jinn ..( t'.i.ii
l.i irtii. rt of r uti.l M Tom t....
nf Ceril. and ti. M ite. May. duh
t'taofMr May, a ptoii.in.tit ranrher
of Cll.
Th itrotlrm.B la tb. mi ty .r
J.I. K.in of l.ev iu l,,n ; n ,
II ivn... and Ait Cm ph. ,,f
iiir era hail
H:iircinni(; Ammunition