-T-es-45y'-Qi-c-rner 3' j9!9 'aaNdd3H 'Q1VH3H H3NJd3H 3HJ,' PAGE SEVEN CHIIIESE WOMEN .GCC-3 COVER FCP. HAYSTACKS V i III! Ample Froieciion Af'orcV d by ,?.yer cf Ccars-s Grass, Si.ch Sc'an or ?.-,rc!i i ! ! I'!- Three Dcr.iors Return F:-:-;n ' America to Begin Active Health : Campaign Ainor'j Women. ' ' PVc-tJ r r. r t :: , - irr of t- v tt-.e i.tvM ,f To of prop. sverty F Sl-nobr. ir ut: f(T en and Ch-klrcn Twelve Hour slid :i American Y. W. C. A. Wii! Support Women's P?.rt cf Chinese CE.ir.pr.isn p.s Fort of World Gcrvics r.-ogram. As a i"su!i i.f ihe V. W, C. A L.'cr- WlliOIUll Coi.i"I'C!;''e f V..l!"!l ay- sicians, h.'Id ilnr!i.g i .( i' i ; : 1 i- cm! oe P.be:', Chinese wop..cn lire to hare a f:i r-ni.iiiiiir l.capli ir x..v.:, IT. KUm, ! Li lli-Cu mvl I Hail, tl.iv" i (';;::. .'s half hi:;.;!. won. en phy ."limr.. who uiteiiiU-i 1 . a g. k. pi : tea, or sossse cnnre v;t the u n of i'ui" stack or re r,rr Iiiiis poles our the hay, and then 'chiding these- poles ; onininently in ' Iy the tl!c of v trc-s w, igii.oct down tit I'litli ends. Where fin1 hay i:-' Marked out of O.iiirf is olilcii;; riri:. a s.r.i-faei'V.-y cover ir.uv often in Made by u;in.ii' 12-incii IsoawJ 1 to 1U hakes in lhicknos. cr.t as ic.:g as he which may lu v.'iro.I together (I like shingles: (' firm a ra; tf-ry rover o.-r th" hay. Some i ts have been sac r--f nl ,;i Lsha: ur:! galvanized' r ciir.Lr civ corni ' m-i'.ae xvith ih!.. H-m io ! ( ine-fnu.'.h of l! ur.i'U arc Cii'.i csi . I'hcin. Tlioy arc in hire" numhcrs to and i r little im.i.r; In Slia.nulr i, for !er cea,,. of the i co'ton r.iills lire v,a Wuikin; hours fur : siK in t'ac taorniii' ami l'riiia s;x at nii;l it.' (ti in the msw : (tt'i niu !a;;rs:ry ; Ion:: I.oui-b ty ii ew ureecines The msi anee, i" the M..e hav-rii na.c.ier t .ro- raornii'L'. 1 th - inornin tile v,i"! ; ; ph ycd :: : I hour ul'lo; ' l-i'-ns of costve'v ;vcr: ntil k l:i; amir Finn :losl c aiai I Slijf,f. V,'i pe. vetity liiii'.vecs ia the ca and children, 'diners are from ...1 sin nt iiif-'ht until si:; In :!ie wcr': from a :.'li mi seven at ni;.'h! a"d ti''n to twenty eciis I' women tiro en;- t- t riis, httntiliiw ra. a n .'. eoi oens in i.-a'or in Ihe : ..! !.c.-wiry for there are l.'HI.":!) ; at a laaxiainei s a i's'.v for vr.mien s a day for irls. .ro;.r;tni or' worid !!te Xaiii ntil V is m m it gT'M W $ h J1 i B I" O F ll f Q Sr-" nditii V r er : !,..,. 'Il ls va in! nidnol ion of r iife anare. tiK. Inet :(. anil odu e will i 'i rt on Will (lev rial vr-.r von:e!i include :n- i Clop ;il ; to i j; etn- j i the ' lion and social rs and of heallh lail classes. it a ol ii the lid). line a c ils fri-iion ollll !(. Will'T ti-f it" speed, ll dtieli to the Mil oils from piiit.;. Th" ii' ' 1,; ,"Jfi'"M"'l ild Her . v. l.icli il line tit M -A VH'! , H I ft IDA K.AHN LT.CCS CHINESE i WOMEN TO WORK. are to lake an active pari :S this l;e.:i:h pntrani for will I e Hit' si hit; of the COMPLAIN AT PRICE OF ACID PHOSPHATE Physical Training School Main tained in Shanghai. i iih Ills j i ir.Mv'.u's id iiv M-icmls ;u;l cuslmiiors I lie 1 " i 11 1 1 ) I i 1 1 K' 1 1 1 S itf I ho ''-"o t'.'vliK-r wdii best wieiies iir a linpiy ;uid id'tispi-nms -v N'ear. Mmdiul of ilie splendid record of the past ear this .-lore eiiler'; , 1 1 .. - portals of i')..hi wiih an earnest desire to surpass nil j,;,.,, ;ul)jcve- ''"''ils in 'umlern nierehnndisin:,;- I lie ethics of which are founded ' ;1 1 -u' !,r,,-!M'i ui smv.- d.'a I :.. lioiiesty and , sine I Idismrs nitei'ily. e expect I lie coniine- year to he the best in I leppner's history and "in- earnest desire is t hat every man, woman and child in Morrow connly. will have a share in the general prosperity. Yours for iyjo, II ds I ri : ii PI i rt IS! !b 5 1 lts heallh move .a. for csit, iiil: these ii :ao: stratlorts ol I r s. for head!: a. lor hahics ,ii i rlieral eiluea I oe niiscil hy the A. as part of Ils n ice fi'i' wooiel, ttd:iei: whirl Y. W. '.. A. .ii nt in 'l.i; i The fluid.- icullh ((liters, lor ;! t;i (are lor I lectnr. ..; :,r the wci j,i a,: ,c tlo: .i' an: u-.u, lAi.icrieaii V. v.'. V program of r;,; Rll-IS 111 li'-il fir. Ida Kahn, In a ivcont api'eal to .'.Iiodcrn f 'ninese woaa n saal, "Let our lv,( n:c;i of education in I'ekit.' i.tnl -ise 'T.tlior il.eiasehcs together rto work fur Ihe tciiools. Ih d Cross and Y. W. ('. A and cer tl.in e.se which I'l's ,-.:ks Ihe licllcrn i nl of l!ie come try, instead of stujlin; m luime to piay poker and 'sparrow,' ami going out to :ici.',l tndlchs (lliincis, lea parties and Uhliee. "f-et us rally our forces And lud) the 'h!p of Ktutt! to move safely. One per on cnntict accomplish much, hut ou or two hundred millions of women cun work wonder. I-et tin go hack to a more Spurian llke iinpllclly of llvlnR and let tin build up social service until vry el'.jr In China la sanitary, every fectlon of tin town hua Ita roier iicliools, and e ery child, whether hoy T plrl, Ik sent to sin li school True foclul sendee hrlni;' democracy In III train, and ( who are cltlzcna of a lew republic can help to nuike It truly freat hy preaehitik' and lllng demoo racy all the time. Why not learn to 6 our household dull. -a, deeming It effeminate to he 8it-( iiimio liy maid and si mm.' girls all the time) "The slalus of women In China, Vlille leaving much to l.e desired, still ,a (julte hopcfal ;., n consider tt.at she Is Just einer.liig Into tii Irrliood of the taii h i . liar men mil ilepeiid upon us to I i ur die burdens of the dav, fur nowhere Is tin re a more Industrious il M.eiit and perf er.ng woiiiiitihoiiil than ,n I'hinii." I'T, Kiihn Is leciur n in ih coun try fin lie needs of h.-r fel'o eouutry Wiuneii, 'n tie' liiierc;s of ihe V. W. C. A. li lueallonal inn! .i .n Idch Ian to iicipinli.t i i Ii nli nil . Iui.es nf V. W. C. A. work In the t'l.lted Slates, Sonlh mi r .cii. China, Japan, linl ii and linri pe I bi educa t on n I timpii'gii will te followed hy an a- the eTort to nii-e the :t,ii .( reed'-d for senlre fur wonn ii through cut the World. Figures Quoted by Manufacturers Are Too High. CHINESE WOMEN HAVE FINANCIAL ALILITY. YKty Ctff.fij Y. W. C A. i.;fnpilgn Ovtr t-t Top " .-. . -eh s. id ftt'uul tfie hntl s .11 nf t' CI. p. ! ii" tn-t . (..rid hit- i .-:.., . 'd to teen t-Miimal i.''P"t of citiese ' '..-r I f" I !. s .h.l'ty in '. uncial iiiii iia.gn of the T. a T elilSih . thre wceha era iilp.e5 ... ra a ' "VgMf hv stjt- ' :.n ef'er tli niin!"1" rotntn fee las i...ii nti l aim in-sry In .-airi" on the of ilie "fii.nf .-ar. T Tlefi'ain .inpitft aa mi r e I on eatifeiy hy CtiHiea wmieti an4 1 1"..!. all r.isrd ( nlnf f tb trp in ten dart with large aarfM ter k1(t SI'i. h I e'y hi ! .an ! Ih.ti t.- U e 1: C ,-. In i, Strikes and Car Shortiue in Florida and Tennetfee Fields Have Com- . bined to Reduce Production and Shipments. (Prcpured by the t'nitnl States Depart ment of Ai;i icLiitiil'L'.) The I'nited Siatcx ilepnrtiiient of au'riciilliire has received nuinermn.1 coii;phii:it regiirdini: ihe price of acid phosphate as compared Willi ihe rices of mixed fertilizers. The price ijtio'o l hy mainifuettircrs (luring the spring of l!M!t to dealers or individual;) ordering .'HI tons or moie was 'l'-I a ton f. o. b. r.alliir.ore, rhlliMlciphiu mid Carlend. Tlie price asked for the full trade is J-J'.'.M) it ton. It will he recalled that the depart ment on June 7 Issued n stalt'iiieul to the effect tiint farmers slioi.ht bp aide to obtain mixed fertilizer in (lie fall 1 of 1!)1!) nt prices approximately MO per cent lower tliHti those which prevailed , In the spring. This statement was luisptl upon Informs 'Ion that had been fihluliicd from tuiiniifalirers, hut It Win expressly stated t tint the price of i acid phosphate wna being further In- ; vestlgnted. Obviously, the price of thia I imiterlnl has not decreased by .'(0 per ' cent, mid the department. In letters f to manufacturer, hna expressed the view that the prices quoted nliove lire ; too high. i It has also ndv'-(d n'l nehl phos . pbate tnanufectun rs Unit In the fu Hire It will ricpilie tlnm to base the price nf straight IK id phosphate, lis a separate commodity, no (tie actual cost ..f lb., tiii.ierials of luiiiiufiictiire aiel sale, plus a rfasonal l" prdll, iitut licit the cost of manufacturing nni ! N tnnst tint be proratid on that ion nil of the a -'il pbo-ph'ie I. I'll Is sold such. She., the prices if fiePI f'n til 'e uite iielhiCed In ll -pittii'.i' by the fi I 'lll.cr manufacturers, the prp . of . I'lde acid pbo-pbnii hllte aUio ed to soli ii point that the dry mixer, "lei buy the crude muter al. cru U mill, cru n. mid bag It. co'iiphdn tb.it e ( . 1 1 1 tint hlllldle it Willi 11 pro!'! nt the price Ibey bio! ngned to n il t f.-r S'r'l i s lu l lor d:i i i.d ar sin rt liges In butli -be Klorhhi I fid TeliO. ei fields haw . .unbilled to r. dni e prod I' tlofl lllld shipments, 'lie depurttiioV bus liild the sltiiatli.il f nl 1 v before the rudrimd administration and has urged that llftiolcM inrs be llitile n.id able for f.-rt i ll.-r d. liver , s In the In. j i ri t of crop pr.eluotii.M I I' bll kUii liotlptd the tb.ispbllts ! tidm rs Htid tlie lold ! b..pl i ' t,i ii f.o t iiefs th.it ll... irVs..fit iri. es of r.H s 1 1. .(hate, or of f. id phi. hii'e. mud tot he adi nfir.it without sip n If til g the r.... increiis s to the lie I nrfniit. 'cotni anled t y ai i-eiflr In a h.iviit.f n real st.d nnnx ld id.ie lie r.-n that toay h fH-f iirrnl Id the f.-s'a of I roducllofi. huih In- ff.i-e In rosts. In the opinion of Ihe department, would be the only po.. jiistifiriition f..r any adxance in Ui f..s u.at prexalleO In Jut. The de partment hold that Rone attortice of supply lo the eile'lbf tlrrart.stan r la not 15 Itself tiff lr,t Jntin- tun f..r Increased Irlce The vast ninjorily of Chinese men remember their mothers as cripples. Many a girl wanders into n' mission school who has not had her own feet hound, but has never seen n woman ol" her own class who could walk, and, therefore, she walks in n most ungain ly fashion scarcely conscious of her natural feet. The Ch'nese x.todicr.1 Association an Association composed only of Chi nese physicians tno-ily graduates from American and Ihirlish Institution!- have asked the eiiCie edueaied commu nity of Ihe eonj't ry "lo co-operate III hotter heallh for the children of Chi i.:l. All Ihe Miss'on Hoards otierat in;: in cidi.ii f"!t thai one of (lie areaies! cool rihiil ions ihe Vouu'.' Wi men s Chiisiinn Assiicial ion could offer lo ihe h.'tl'.h of China .'.teilil be to es liddish a : iiuial s. hool for the train ing cf p'lyslcel ii-,-c:ors. Accordingly, in Shanghai, which Is ihe L'reaiest port In China, the tuition nl coinniillee csliililishcd such a school in ltd I. The school bus won favor tvkli all e'lucatloois:s, both missionary ami government. There have already been nine graduaies from this school. Miss V'ng Mel Chun, a grnduiiio of tlie Wcllcsley School of Physical l.du cuthin, hits been dean of the school. Craduales of the school are scattered from Canton to Tckliig, leaching with conspicuous success In iwelve mission mid government scboo's. 7c Sai Hughes Company i! in ii! .Mi', and .Mis'. lh no !cve come in Iroin their Orant roiinly raii'di !n r.ncnd I he v. inier in lleppiier. Iiiiin K ilKenny i nine in 1 1 om 1 ii S-uiil Hollow lunch Wednesday i , i niiig lo inc. i ii hunch of his kids on lie il "idiirn from school at 'i tidh ton and l'ortland to spend the holidays. ClussilVd tula on page 5. 1 Herald rlm-siried nds Ret results, a.ad the ('lai rifled and i ii c ,;,.! Penny a word. ' .lohnny . 1 1 . former r..M. ''j i in W. Nik. a, v. ho ImbN an im- uiile hoy, and lamoiia over the I'.icilie h o' ""I l'"oilioi, with Ihe Singer Sew coal as a foolhall star nhile a slu iiu: ALichino Co., al l'orllaud. came detil at I', ol o.. vveiit down lo rasa out Wednesday evening to spend ,. deua he) week on the Oregon co.icl Christnias will, ,is parents, . ami nn .... i., ,,.,, H,p ,, ,,..h j,.,,, Mi'O Ceo. Aiken. shape he ils lussel with llaiva.d. JAPANEJE DOCTOR IS Y. W. C. A, OFFICIAL. I'r. Tolnii looiiye of Tok.o, Japliti. treasurer of ti c Niitional Committee of tin- Niuiiig NN'otiie'i's Chrislian Aso-i-hrion In .lapuii. ir. Imuiye bus been 1 u P-;.';sf-tp' -- -, la i' ,"J V Y ' " S'J " .:, , Or. Tonse Inouy of Tekia, Japan. rlel'Qjt l the air k Intamational Cot "enti ef Womt ix Pafticuna CJ ltd If tn Y. W C. A. particiilailv ,f'i.r...l i, fi,,, puhre In ai'ti ii'nl rK r. iit .iiifil p'st.s i I In-r .-it? f .r s.iie tine m,d is twdinil In. p. . ...r f..r fr's In the put.Hr !..' f 'i' Vio. as a!o In ix-rri pritate IhsiIs In i,e ii- , 'I I, ere in' e ProLiant. .) ,Vi anioer. pls iisi,. .a J t ;, ii noa. ' . mi. and " O'.e.ia merflea' p'-i'Wa I ir Inngte na.iif ofily d- (s' frmii Jspofi In the T W, ?. A llieri,'iies f -.f fereaee of VV Q men fayao-ica, u .-io durinj teibher a ad 'olr Thomson Bros. We extend our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and customers