PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, December 30. 1910 GIRLS WHO USE CUSS WORDS ill! To all our friends and customersold and new thanks! May the new year bring you Pros perity, Comfort, Peace and an end to the prevailing- unrest. Phelps Grocery Co. Sinjular Admission Said to Have Been fwede by the Members of a Graduating Class. It has long been the fashion at college-; and schools to take a census of graduating classes to determine such vital facts as these: What is your favorite flower? How tall are you? Do you smoke? Are ynn a prohibitionist? At a girls' seminary a recent tnrjiiiry was more sweeping. To the interroga tion : "Do you swear?" 200 of the U15 girls answered yes. Hut admitting that they swear is not proof that these feminine lips do niter oaths. So at least says tne law in New York state, writes "Uriant" in the Philadelphia Press. . "r'otir or live people" must hear yon swear, not for a second or two, V.ut "for about live minutes" that's the law in North Carolina. Down in Alabama they don't expect a man to swear from the housetops, hut the law says that if three or four persons hear you just once, good night! !n Tennessee it is not necessary to repeal the offensive words when a culprit is indicted for swearing. I saw on the veranda of a country club seventeen women of whom twelve were drinking an intoxicating llnuor anl seven were smoking cigarettes. I tMt u that census ar llje sum r-euie nary is an index, more women sweifr than daily with John Ijai ley.'orn or I.-idy Nicotine. Query: Why do women insist on being so much like men? DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN mid SIIIOKO Heppner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Buildinj Office Phone 762 Residence 5-3 ! WOODSON & SWEEK A TTOK X E V S- AT-1 , A W Heppner Ores SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKXEV-AT-LAW . VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow't Bunlding Heppner, Oregon lit lop- Th rutvart of th I " ml Su'm if miw 'h onr-tlnnl, rwaily one - hiK, of l( tin- rail? uf ike world Thry rarrjr rmry lrti- m nnk (rtilr thin that at any tnhfr i nuatry mat thr rMy no ban fur I'tmptri aoa. Im4'4, th trflf ( imy t nttium nnv l mm bisnii, mmi iltll il ti.i ont appro,, ti the ftmmrnt ml Aaifn -a Wlf tip Aariaii railway. I'mitd tutitt tnt' nmmii. Ask Any Doughboy Who Was 4 'Over There' ' ami In will Ml you that American railroads are tlie let in t tic world. lie saw (lie fuieiu'ii roads in Knolatid and I'rance, llio htM in Knrope -and in oilier Con tinental i'oiintries und lie knows. The p. ill railroads have plaved in tin Ilient ol' the I'liiled Slates i beyond llli American iui!roali have achieved hi ards of piiUic M-rx ice by bir-Mo'ited am ons in vest inc'tl i if liipital, .rid lv the striving of m macr ;i id mci for r "v.irds for work i !l done. We liau' the IhM railroads in the world we iihinI ii t i ii in to have the h.--!. Hut they mut i;n . To the 'i),0il(l,U00.()iM) now incle. in our railroad-, there will have to l,e a l e- I in the next few years, to keep pace with the nation'-, bnsitn's, hillioits more for additioitd tracks, stations and termin.iU, curs und -n ;i in e!ccliic power houses und trains, automatic signal-, safety device-, the elimination of iralc crowing - and for recon struction und ennineeriiiK economies that will re duce I 1m co-it of tran-portathiu. To attract to the railroads in (he future the in. vestment funds of many thrifty itietis, the direct . in 14 genius of the most t apalile builders and mau uu'ers, and the -kill and loyalty of the work men in conictitiou with other industries bid dim; for capital, managers and men the railroad industry must hold nut fair rewards to capita', to uia lingers and to the men. American railroads will continue lo set world standards and adequately serve the Nation's needs if they continue to te built ami operated on the American principle of rewards for work well done. (level i -aire, h stand coi'ra ;e- COtlsi lilt Almost Too Obliging. A Scottish emigrant on his arrival at. Montreal Ktnppod for a moment to examine a coat hanging In front of, a clothing store, when the proprietor asUed ! 1 1 lit if lie would not try on a coat, relates the Scottish American. "I dintia ken lint I wad," responded the emigrant, consulting his watch; and he went In and set to work. No matter how often he found a tit, he tried on another and another till he tried on about thirty. Then again look ink' al his watch, he resumed his own garment and walked off. saying: "Wee, I've lost time, nae doot, but hang the fellow that'll no' ohleege auilher when he can '." OWED MUCH TO STEREOSCOPE How Commanders During the War Got Information Vital Importance. i Great of S. E. NOTSON ATTOHXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court Houe Heppner Oregoi DR A. D. McMURDO rilYSlClAX & SIIIOKO.N Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon Heppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 ROY V. WHITEIS IXSlTtAXCE REAL ESTATE, LOAN'S, Heppner Oiegon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER l'HYSICIA.X AND SURGEON phone Connections lone, Oregon Useful Sand Flea. The "sand th-a" Is not n Hen at nil. It N u crustacean, clad In a wonderful suit of armor-proof. It Is rarely abroad in the daytime, lis business is nocturnal. Tito sand tleas are Ihe "white wings" of the ocean strand. They come out at night In myriads and remove all decaying organic matter, animal or vegetable, that lias been de posited on the lieach. It U their ac customed food. Their work gee on winter and summer. As each broken billow recedes a bubbling may be per ceived from ever so many little hole In Ihe wet sand. These are the i, ninths of small vertical pits, In which the sand (leas dwell. The rH-fashionod stereoscope plaved in important par! in III world war. It supplied an angle to photographs, snapped from airplanes, that could not he obtained from the ordinary camera lens. I'.el'ore its use the picture all seemed Hat, but Ihe stereoscope added height, and thus steep slopes, that appeared in pic tures like tint L'round. were shown in their true characteristics, and ll'.i' lives or" men who would have to cover the ground in attack" were saved. The airplane camera looks directly down on the spot to be photographed, making a picture as a one-eyed man would see it. A stereoscopic cnmei'll, In which Hie lenses are two nod tin -quarters Inches apart, would not produce the stereoscopic effect, I'ho-l.e.-niphci decided lo lake pictures 1ml vanls aoart to (live a view, iust as a giant, with eyes 100 yards apart, would see It. These pictures were put on cardboard, and viewed through the stereoscope. At first a collage looked like a lower, a bucket like a well, a trench like a canyon, etc, the orticers soon learned to translate these eeeiitrioi!ie-i, and the problem was solved. True pictures, giving .lust the exact Information desired, were then obtained by the airplane pi gra- phers. Start The New Year Right Be Well Shod jr.i,.'W" i V r Ui Bay yourself a pair of our unexcelled Hand Made Work Shoes or a pair of O'Donnell Dress Shoes for Men. Kither one of these justly celebrated shoes will give you the maximum in service for the money invested. I jo .Yu Kinds or crarsre v i oo ienainnsr. and tor n can double ! he wearing w e uo .yu Kinds or t " ii i i, v I it .v.. 1 1 1 i ; . i f s i"v;cc o! our '-lu e & Bowers Shoe Shop f UtiLs ihhwliMWi'il h tmhliihl hu the A T 4ttmf s'Jiei is-i. f' Ihr tl-val f. Rare Edition of "Pilorim'i Progri." One of the oiitstiiiidlng Items In a recent Sotheby sale was a copy of Ihe third ediiion of l'.nti.Min's "I'llgrini's 'iogre." I.ondnii, ' I'rliilcd by Nalli. Peielcr .11 Ibe I'i'iieock. in Ihe I'oiiltrey, near rornbill. li'.TI'." This is Ibe til t cmiplole eilitl-i-i this Immortal worl. exccs-lvelv rare. Il has an en- gr iNeil rroin ispiece oy ii. u line in , ldi II Is rcpreeiei a pert roll of Ituii i .b-eping nut n d--n In which Ibere i lion Htol above him Cbrlstbin with j bo-ik In one hand, a "!aff In the other j und a burden mi hU back, tolling un j from the 'It v of 1V-C ii. ll.iii to n i-lty on tne netgnu nmiie'i in tiiinigiiT. Itiistou Trmiscript, Thi "Biblert." The ('7.ei-ho-SloMiks, having attain xl national indepen ' -I'-e. ullain also the privilege of rea ! 'v. 'a" Hible In Ibi) national tonjpie. ti' Itrltish Bi ble sociely Is planning lo print Czech P.ibles purclitisalilf for " cents ein-h, Atistrians and Italians have long ! called the Czecho slovaks "Itlblers." The C,ech P.ible was tirst printed in H.Ti. but when the C,echs ciiino under Austria Ihe printing and I ding of the Itlble ill their own language was forbidden. Copies of the C.ech Plhle were printed In oilier lands and xumg gl d In, hut were burned If discovered. I!..IIiOiiim nerseciitioii. dating back to ' the time of John Huss, Hie liihem'.an i reformer of Ihe tiftifiiib ceiiturj, com I billed With poilllcal perseclploll to make the Crech I'.lble rare, but all the I more highly valued. AI'ln.llgY hi d ' em days. Ihe AuMriiin govei iiineiit I H'riii!lteil the circulation of lb" j C.eoh I'.i'de in Ihe army. It continued I ,i prohibit the i-lii u.iiiloti among the ! Czech lit home. i Heppner Tailoring & Pressing Shop G. FRANZEN, Proprietor Whiteis Building, next door to Wilson Hotel B't Prprtlon for Wrlur. Head Ibe I'.lble for IlluiiiliiiUlon. kiionlnlg mid power." -oi'd I'lina; -tliHI'ver' Trl' for detail, mid Hubert l.owl S'eiensoli for iyle " n niHii or woman lm lll make it .,f be Hlbte and h" III miiiiUh "i;i,l!i -r' Tnne'i" and Hit Itibert I..11U Sieeiim Into hl loiirl. will American Ell LitU Mutton, In Creal Hnuiii al"in per cent ) of nil meat imtiiinil is niintoii. In j ' l-rnn.e It I HleiUi It wr cent. Ill ,f i-uimdi It U not "i-ilte 7. and In the l ulled State Is o:d aboiil .T per j i-nl. IjiI ear (I'.tIS) (be coii-ump- j Hun of ilres-eil ru-'St (lard evlnded) i In the I'tiiled S'ate. averHge-l l.'sl ! pounds per pecoii, of which only ." -re mull' and Inaib. , Th lirill-h, Ihe Csnadiiiii. and thf Krench Hll linllsr l pe "f eoplo , ami bavin liablln of life IMilhir ! You Will Save Money l;y making your .selection and ordering your new suit between new and Christmas as our 'wholesale dealers have notified us that prices on all suitings will advance January 1st as much as S;voo pel yard. ' , WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTORY WEARING QUALITIES IN EVERY SUIT MADE IN OUR SHOP. Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty be, .me a good writer, pro bled there t American" - U le liieul (linn Amer I, hU.i loiiuml lilenl In trl with. j n, do. toil imicli larger proportion " ,,,, fr,)MI ,ie,-p. The 1'nltrtl Staler .-t. Its meat prlm lpsliy from raiHe n-l h. I'o'V nii'iimpllon l nbotii F. II. ROBINSON .ITTOItNKV AT LAW M.nn slrrt . Oregon A.-K Your Dealer l,'fr , vVr A Grn!rrizcKotoAl hrc.vms c- Ammuniticm I II lime. nl beef iiinsiiinplb'ti about ' ti lime. great nr n- of taut ton mil Isinh. Tbee nr Ihe atintial tirrtf 'or 1 it yer. tig Chaegi ("to Float ! A llriiih inveinl in for Ibe teP.-f of I ieroomi' tmiWIil "!' "er rl.-,i 1 , treiili" f itt-T f 'fi'i" of a mnr of 1' 'lr bj l.t lb" 'renter of hin l -r. t l.-l a ' ' of l-y f -bil" Ord.onf l lb- ts I I, ei,rri-sl by tb. n'.r.l. In lb- f(,t.s .Itl'e; but In the et,t of . 4eiit It mi be Itilla'ed itt f. "i il I ate to fori" i""' 'rl'v.i.l- r.ift i - - w.. . ,,!! m Mrli4 tif b.4 . . CM- b 'a I I nf nn i- - "" .TC$ " "U" I btnl Hi""-.I mroufii -ptr4te g,r J-ftfar'rolll L.M aro pres i ! -I f f pr-; i'.e.i pur- GOOD WHEAT FARMS I" now have a number of the best wheat farm in Morrow County listed and FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS ranging in .-ie from 480 t Hkio acre.. Also Two Fine Alfalfa Farms 1 iuu' stun o'lir i.inn uie asi ivu un.m 1 iuvc several .jarani' in and see nn1. to offer :;it a- ...!. (' E. M. SHUTT Up-stairs in Court House 1 i 1 SI i