Tuesday, December 30, 19 19 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE -WS oALl OW COUNTY N MORR Cochran Orchestra Ha.i:i secured first-class musicians who are located per manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal ent and satisfaction at home? For full information write or call HOY T. ( OCHUAX HFPPXKIt OREGON Happy New Year To every friend and patron in Morrow and adjoin ing counties we extend the compliments of the season while wishing them one and all a happy and prosperous New Year and W hole Year. We will occupy our new building about .Feb. . 1st . . Pioneer Hardware and Implement Dealers . . Gilliam & Bisbcc CECIL ITEMS Pete Beymer of Lexington was a business man in Cecil Tuesday. C. A. Miller of High View was a caller at the J. Mclntire home Tuesday. Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Delk was looking up her Cecil friends Tuesday. Miss J. Crabtree, of Dothe Boys Hill and Roy Stender spent Wednes day in lone. .In'm Peterson who is wo'ki:r with the highway surveyors', spent Sunday with his parents at the Wil lows. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor are spending a few days at the "Last Camp" before leaving for their home in Portland. Miss V. M. Hynd and Miss Lizzie Did Your Battery Freeze? Blahm, of Butterby Flats , were 1! if it was fully recharged it didn't. But if its condition was poor or in ira . . . . . . a run-aown state, it migm nave neon injured. Better drop in ana m I., T" T t" I V A .11 ,l l i . guests of Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove Thursday. W. Matlock, of the Hager Ranch, who has been looking after his Cecil interests for the past week returned let me test your BATTETCY and tell you w! at shape it is in. the i H All maKes of Batteries repaired and a new 2 YKAK (if A I! A XT K.K.I) Mrs. Jack Hynd and daughter Miss to Heppner Friday. Violet spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H. j W. G. Palmateer of Windy Xook Franklin of RTiea. I was a business man in Cecil Tuesday. Miss Georgia Summers of the Last He was accompanied by J. E. Crab Camp is spending her vacation with tree of Dothe Boys Hill, her aunt at Troutdale. I Grover Curtiss who has been on Miss Letitia Shewey, teacher of the sick list during the past week was the Cecil school left for Dallas where able to leave for his home at the she will spend her vacation. ; Grand Dalles, Washington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and John Vickers, of Hood River, is children of Dothe Boys Hill left , visiting around Cecil before leaving Saturday morning for Wasco. : for Idaho whore he will visit with Geo. Cox who has been working his daughter for an indelinate period. around Cecil for the past few weelts left for La Grande Wednesday. ; Herb Hynd and sister, Miss1 Annie, j are spending their vacation wifn ! their parents on Butterby Flats. Bob Thompson, V. Gentry, and 1 7 u I 1 I i ri u I II Phone 83 4a turrit Npirjxi Geo. Miller of Highview, accom panied by his nieces, the Misses Johnson, of Battleground Washing ton, were calling on friends in Cecil Friday. About twelve hundred head of in stock for your car, if you need a new battery. The Battery Electric Service Station J. W. Fritsch, Heppner I Gene Penland of Heppner were look-i cattle and eight thousand head of ing alter their Cecil intersts Friday, j sheep are being fed around Cecil on John Krebs of the Last Camp: the tine alfalfa hay, for which the left for his home in Portland Wed-j Cecil vicinity is noted. nesday, where he will spend a few days. 1 Mrs. VV. G. Palmateer and daught- Jim Whitney and Ed Comiakey arrived in Cecil with 4000 head of sheep, belonging to Minor and Mat- Farmers Attention Whv not break the force of winter's cold pen etrating "winds from your house and barns by plant ing a few rows of CAROLINA POPLARS BLACK LOCUSTS LOMBARDY POPLARS BOX ELDERS on the windward side of your buildings? These arc h.-rdy fasi growing M-cvs and will in a very f.vv war's prove great protectors from winds dur ing both summer and winter. The small expense involved wil be many times repaid in the shelter they will give you. Plant your trees about eight feet apart in a' double row. Figure out how many you need and let us quote you on your re quirements. "A hustling salesman wanted in this section." Oregon Nursery Company ORKXCO. OKI.C.OX. er, Miss Cleota, of Windy Nook, left j lock, which will winter here. Jim Friday for Eugene where they will! and Ed have taken up their abode at visit for some time. I the Dove Cot Dan Engleman of lone arrived In j We are glad to hear that Neil Nash Cecil Friday and is busy papering youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John i and fixing un the future home of Mr. ; the door and invited the crowd in to and Mrs. Phil Brady. some time ago is now able to be up ; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor who and around, and was well enough to i have been spending the last few daysj be brought to his home Monday, from : at the Last Camp left en the local ; Heppner. Wednesday for their home in Port-1 Miss Vivian Logan, whose school land. l closed on acnunt of the severe weath- Mrs. Peter Nash who has been 1 er, spent Monday and Tuesday with spending the past few weeks in Pen-1 Mrs. Welt ha Comhest at Cecil leav- dleton arrived in Cecil Tuesday where she wil spend some time in looking up her old friends. Miss Sarah May who has been teaching school at Wamlc, is spend ing 'her holidays with her parents on the Lone Star ranch. Her sister in lone Miss Smith makes her home with Mr. and Mrs.' Elmer Griffith. Mrs. Jack Milliorn and son of Bend came Tuesday evening, having been detained several days at Arlington on account of no trains running on the Heppner branch line and will vis it for some time with relatives here. Mrs. Herb Olden who has been in Portland for several weeks doctor ing for rheumatism, returned Thurs day evening and is feeling much bet ter. She was acocmpanied by Miss Agnes Gregson who is a guest at the Olden, home. Noel Dobyns and his friend Don Mason came Tuesday evening from Milton and will spend the holidays with the formers mother, Mrs. Herb Olden of Rhea rreek. Noel is a student at the Milton college. The boys bought a good supply of ammu nition bfore leaving town and will hpend some of the time hunting Jack rabbits. ing Wednesday for Heppner where she will spend a lew days before leav ing lor her home in Portland. George D. Anderson, camp tender for Hynd Bros., left on the local lor Heppner. He will resume Tiis duties for the winter at Hynd Bros, ranch In Miss Ruth who has been attending . Sand Hollow. George declares this school at Wasco is also here. I to have been the coldest winter c Get your dancing slippers on and I have had lor thirty years. iBancel ! The Old Year Out The New Year In l'ir-t and I .n -1 Chance a Cmn.l 'I i t , w Last Chance In 1919 first Chance In 1920 PAVILION Wednesday Night December 31st get ready for Saturday January the 3rd and come to Cecil hall and have a good time. Arlington orchestral will furnish the music and Mrs. Lowe eats as usual. All welcome. Bob Thompson and Leonard Ball ot Heppner, arrived In Cecil Satur day with a large band of sheep which Mr. Thompson will feed on the Min or and Krebs ranch for the winter. Mr. Barr'will take up his abode at the Shepherds Uest. Mr. .1. M. Meltonot The Look Out entertained the following friends on Christmas day. Mr. und Mrs. J. H. Franklin and daughter, Miss IP-mice, of Khea. Mr. and Mrs. Ben liarnes and family of Poplar drove and Claud Murray of Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan and son Willie and nephews .llm and Dick Loiian oi Founnile, also Melvin Lo gan und daughter Miss Vivian, and Zennith Logan of Fail view hit on lie local Wednesday for I'oitlatid' where I hey will spend the holiday with lehitlves. Mis. T. H. Lowe was enabled to sell all the lied Cross seals sent to 'cil. and wisheH to thank evcty one who bought seals, especially to three of Cecil's prominent young men who came to the rescue at I lie last mom ent and bought all seals which were i unsold. Eleven hundred was the to tal sold. A htingr bunrh of twelve nun folks who weie Mianded ct Hi-hpticr Junction Sunday, all deterniiin d to spend Christmas at (heir I omen. Finding no other way than w.,lklnit all net out In a good himmi and iimn anei to make ten miles w"ht n ,i good oHinaiitan kindly rami to I'nii n. cue and conveyed t'ie worn fit tiit-v- elel tn (Veil W here tl'.ev y Kll thawed nut and led by M . T il j Lowe. w. (;. pi,;,,at. er or Winds t i ....... . j .' anu nn tour inne t, ,, I .culled In to tiike eigl.t of the party jjitO I'ltie . Ltery one declare.! III!) i ill never forget tl.e'r l! 1 1 of Mimlll ' vi mn . (TO l.ile of ;,(, e. c U avtie Kotkner .f lower Willow ' Y lert rucujity ,, j,,, , in .4ient m Tt, Dalle John II. Mill-r f ! ..,r,. llatn left Tijexday tor Milton ul.e e h wll iM lrenij for a w d, Wslter Pope t,f SijnnM1 und C A Miller of llltrlivum efe r.ilor lil r.iitte.tn t jit, T;' ! Coy Slender an) V Juanita ll'tre of t,lh Ilrjy. Hill tiiiy p-opl in Cecil Sat'jrdur Peter Beymer was In Cecil Thurs day leaving during the day for Spray, where he will get about 4U0 Taead of cattle belonging to Boh Carsoner and bring them to Willow creek to be fed off for the markets. Mr. Cars- (To late for last week) M. B. Haines, local hotel man, and his wife are home from Portland af ter enjoying a two weeks stay in the city. Mrs. J. B. Sparks and son, How ard, came Friday evening from Con don and will visit with relatives un til after the holidays. Mrs. Grace Goodall arrived Thurs day evening from Pendleton and Is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Griffith. Karl Wilson und Hurley Sperry, ner has bought Everett Logans hay students of Behnke-Walker business on lower Willow creek. The Last Camp was the scene of a charivari on a large and very noisy scale Wednesday evening. The nolHe was kept up until George Klfbs brought his bride, Mrs. I;. Ilennet. to the door and Invited the crowd in to partake of their hospitality. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the large number of Iriends present, w ho all wished the newly weds every Joy and hapilnes in tlielr inline life. IONE ITEMS Flank Hopkins Mine up (mm I'oill.itid and siiei.t a lew d.ns la t! ..k ir .,lwi i , (lav otoinini." 101 .--an ilimt. an college, are also home lor u two weeks visit with home folks. Mrs. W. II. Cochran went lo llepp nei Friday on business. She cairn home Monday, not being able to re turn sooner on account of the wash out. Karl Make, a student at ). A. C or Corvallis, arilved in lone Tuesday evening and will spend the holiday with his iiaienis, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. Mis- John Troelson and her ri .ui l j ter, Lena, lelt Tuesday inoi iiini: h Sun Kranilscn in utiswei to a lef gi.n.i stating her biolliei was tiol iv ! peeled to llTO. Mrs. Uobeil Marl'n t,u . )t 'In He leiurmil 1 1 ' i r 1 1 week with his pn Pei rv Hopkins. Sal III day. Lowell C,i i It son of Mi . and M's. Henry Chnk left Monday nioiiiiiii; lor Vancouver Washington wlieie he will visit lot a few llavs. Haloid Dolins a gm ei tin.eiil tiap per llllll'll lllitav evening aim will spend I few ilavs with hi mother Mrs. Herb Olden and other iclatncs Mi. and Mis. I;.n Blake and in'.int daughter united TIihimI.iv I'oiu Gia-i Valley to spend Xi as we. k V. (Ill relative i They ref'l'n'd I.OT.e "iindav , Miwi Ulll.Hil n'id .lol.init Blake me it.joiint: a Willi t'ien patents Mr nint Mr t- Mil'.'i, nd Inother ilaid M Mei n r., n llli.lge Idaho Mr and M - II av P!.,; irfiit daugi.iei iii i ,v d Ti.ii' ' ; i it . V.ih v llo j.. id Weet; Wllh lelalive f l.' . I. I i I, id horif Sunday. Me... HU'kc M,h Mi. lid M-i A'. J. I'.Uke i anu U ,.) i. .Uv . v l. II fiom K ui lie ) fit I e i a 1 1. nd in C. ti' O e ill .p. nd h. tai .. ' i'ltl tll (l I.e. , I . Ill Mei,re IH.idf. .on of ) ;.f,d M A'. J. Blake ! W !nc 'U. . i. 1 llOtlt fllti lie Wr.e'e .e m 1 1 . II -1 ti !'. of O and will! niel i.l- t...a ion wllh hi. j.a'i ntf Mi Mahel VmMh w o i a i id Til of he loi.e H.tl S. hoo I .!,! . Moin H4t r.la fi .; i ;,. ,. ihr Win e . I.e i vfii ct III till 1 1 1 V. 1 1 ll liei ll Ilie .lepei son. to sn nd several iiikliler. Mis. Win- Miss Zelma Engelman a studeut of the O. A. C, at Corvallis, arrived Tuesday evening and will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman. Miss Gladys Musgrove, who has been teaefhing in the primary grades at Sodaville, Oregon, came Friday evening and will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mus- grave of Rhea creek. Mr. and Mrs. James Cosman and little son eame Tuesday evening from Estacada and will visit with Mrs. Cosman'g niofher, Mrs. A. C. Petteys. Mr. Cosman has a position as a teach er in the Estacada schools. Mrs. John Calkins underwent a surgical operation a few weeks ago at one of the hospitals In Portland, for the removal of a goitar, which only afford temporary relief a there was found to be a cancer on each side of the goiter. Mrs. Calkins is now at the home of Marshall Frank in a critical condition. Mrs. Mayne Moore and little daughter Winifred accompanied by N. E. Baiter left Tuesday morning for Missouri. Mts. Moore and daughter will visit for several months with rel- itives at Joplin, Mo. Mr. Baker will go to his home town Adrian Mo., where he will visit for some time with relatives. Ed Turrish and Martin Barnfielrl have leased the W. It. Cochran build ing on Main street Just above the telephone office and will put In a Kord repair shop. At present they are remodeling the building. Both men have had Khop work experience, having worked in the lone garragH for some time. Dwliit Hisner broke the trail to Arlington Sunday, accompanied by four of lone'R school teachers: Mis ses Amy Nihlen, Meda Angell, Mahel Nelson ami M. J. Clapp, who wished to make connections with the main line. We understand Mr. Mistier is detained In Arlington for a lew days on account of car trouble due to the hard trip. ('has. Cochran and Eldied Cm son former lone high ihIiooI students, now all. tiding I'nlverslly ol Wash ini'lon arrived In lone Monday morn-in- In spend (In 1st mas taciturn. A - ording to the lints tin y Had iillle a time gelling home. They lelt SeatlU Thursday lilghl but due to washouts and a late train liny were unable In teach lone until Monday. The hoys ue well pleased with I in1 iinivciMly in. I think it the hert on the const a -id di ! C) r. I C. W. McNAMER IJ. F. SORKNSON Central Market Mc NAM ICR & SORENSON, Props. Y !k jr to ;ttin'iiMK c to llu- If of I Iciiht ;tinl viciiiitv lh;il u r li.nr jitu h.'i m 1 tin- Iii-c. I ii-incs-. It 1 11 r - ;iiid imkkI will ol llu- I'l upUs Mi nt M.nkcl fiti'l Ii.im- tniiw'i inl't tlic iii;n I n nriiilh iiiiniiril lc il.ai linn in l!ic '"iillniaii liiiililu:'; mi I iHuv. 'Htti. ulcn- will (nmliKl a in t (la-i 1n.1il.1i in -in h a maimer a will aip a I to tin- 1110 t )a I id mil v i ai l- ami in our !m am- v ill In I' iiiml tlf l I ue mat I i t alliiiil . 111 ' Mi ei ..iv I Tr ' t IJEEK, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POUI, TRY AND FISH IN SEASON - i'IH 'ill r I 'Mile ll',ir Jii; ll- .(i I k S.tM - a V. 1 1 it l'tn k w lii-ii1 I l;c t ('li n.oi rutins, I jtt;ri'i i- III UC n(,.;, ,, , 1 1 UK I It i. tl i la ss i i iec, t disr I ( iiii 1 1 a' hp in ati'l la u ! u t Give us an opportunity to srrvc and plcnsc you. Central Market ret ill lh holidai. in tat Mr and Mt i i hi v . i .it l.ef hi.