PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 30, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Knt'-rwl at th' Hppncr, Oregon. Pfis-toffic as second-class Matter TKHMS OF SI BS, KIITION One Y'Mr ...$2.00 .Six M-'.ntlis $1.00 Three Months .50 hoo i:k i iii: rr.iisiF.T The tact that Herbert Hoover has iinnoi'.nwl that he is not a caii'li'Lit'1 I n' ;i, i-sid.-nt will probably have not the .-:ligliti:'t ei'l'ert on his frixndx nl i ilm ! it.i s at iJ'iHLiu:n wiir ' jok n,! miiiiiiKp of the rerent cold snap by Luiheiini; around a friendly utovf ; ; ti 1 talking polities. The talk, it 'enis, liiuilly ery.stalized into a un animous endorsement of Mr. Hoover for president and we understand that serious effort will be made to pivf i lie movement national siguifira nrc inroimli the American Society of Kn L.iniers. 'I'hi' iilea of die Hoardman men .-ems to be that the country needs to not away from the olil idea of al lowing politicians' to run the country and that during t'uis period of recon-.-truction truly patriotic business men, men well grounded in econom ics are needed to direct the destinies i'f the., ship of state. And it would be a pretty hard task for any of us to undertake to prove t'lat the lioardman people are noi en the right track. Patriots" an needed in these troublous times more than are politicians and so fur as w are able to learn nobody has yet ac cused Mr. Hoover of beini; a politi cian. He Is an engineer of ability, a man of vision, a practical man who (iocs thingB that he sees reei!-! -int$ jam as he would build a railroad or an irrigation system. Mr. Hoover may not be a candid ite for president but if enough comnii ii"s in these l"a led Stat m should 'ike similar action to that, of I;o:i:d man he might be persuaded to become such. tiii: nf.xt i'i:i:siiii:nt i d i::": v. -.; politics sre. Its so with tiie nation. What we need is one who n-ver knew what politics was. A s'.ion: constructive hand. A man with a clean mind, a clear eye, a strong will. That's H. C. Hoover. l)o you know any one man the war ii iod'.; c d the eiiual of H. C. Hoover? Let us say that we o to the polls tomortow to vote for president. No candidates have been named. No would-be candidates have been al lowed to wind-jam the people. H. C. Hoover would be our next president. I'lay tii aero.-s the board (Europe) and "i" would be president of the world. You and I pit around. The two h-.iding political parties "doll up" a couple of candidates. We look them over, pick out the least offensive one, gulp it down, and have political in digestion the following four years. When the old ship is sailing along serenely we do not give these things much thought, but the individual 1.1ml can sit placidly by these times and not squetek a yip out of 'his system Is decayed matter. The country is now overrun with anticipated presidents. Some ar senators and representa tives. Where do they belong now. Down in Washington passing laws the country needs. The likes of the'n would have difiic-jlty in h"C.ur:np my vol. lor dog ck hi r. We all have a part to play. Wui you sit in? Yours truly, SAM'I,. H. inAFlDMAN. Boardman. Oregon, Dec. 21, 1019. SAYS MJOIH.K CLASSICS SHOULD SUI'POKT HOOVKIl i IMAKIMA ITICMS ISKl.II'VI S 1 1 F.ST I'OU PPKSIDICNT MA X Kdilor llepimer Herald, lleppner, Oregon. 1 'ear Si r : The cient cold snap has befn pro liuciive of poliliccl gossip. due o our local prune dealers was I'ortu- , 'ale enough to have fuel that our i bodies mlglit he warm, although our minds may seem politically fio.en.. We fathered about his hospitality I stove) and every one proceeded in i l"t go all holts. Here Is the remark able outcome of the "sitting." The leneial sense of the rollerled vlduals was one and the same. That the time had come lor plain horse sense. That the blatant politician pussy footing about (lie land, a dif leri it tn..tnini to fit each line or wites he unets, f ; tul seeks) should he'i ,alcd. This is mi time for mil l, i ;m reentry f sick. It ' I U '.ulle: I to (led lie -mil II. And Kin" ..!., I rail von: .Miration in en . 1; ilile iuri:!..;. Tin. "Mitini;" iinaiiin. Wl'..'.' 'US 111 i le.'liii I', it !,, lb At i- t ii i Hill hr :M ,lv . II II He I In. Ii I ICditor lleppner Herald, Heppner. Oregon. Dear Sir: I pi esunu' I hat. in common with most periodicals you are glad to re- I reive i iiuimiinications from your reader'; relitive to live topics of the d iv. One tiling that seems to be of gen eral iiiier. si. and discussion wherev er men meet today Is the possible candidates who will !-;ui the great puliiical paitie.i in the it xt few months. Many conjectures are of fered but lew aie willing to predict who, but ;t i.. generally conceded that dark horses are apt to play un im portant part in both national conven tions. Altho I can hardly be classed as a republican, as I have beeu a good ideal of au independent u times past, there is one niiin wliosi' n.ime is and ever shall be written large In the an nals of the tenlbl" and historic years just past, a man who has served in an rjerutiw rapacity and has proven himselr to be a nui'Ter, ;i man who V's nut lit any time shown any incli niiimi tu pl polities tin his peiHon al advance-. eiit, :i i,i;i:i ''ao ti is pi ov en I';.. I ! 1 logner than any pail.v, 'I ' '' " i" li ea'e ,t bio- i. ss nSill- I V . a III---A I li.i I lilii ope I,,, . Oil: for I- and . -. It. i ml mI esi.eit ,:id :h- , eil in lo .K w. I' :ii ! n.inl . Are You Hungry? Sure. Well then try Mc&A Lunch Goods We have the line that pleases "t i: i D ! . iMi.mou llllelesl I'.leales' se. Itrl '";i Mr er a'l.p 1 1 1. n ..ailidate ' but ! il pinha !' ! lie !. ACSICN. rr. ICditur Heppner Herald, Heppner, Oregon. Dear .Sir: 1 Having served wit'.; Uncle S.n's forces during the world war, I now consider it just as much my duty and the duty of every American to help solve the present industrial condition of this country a3 It was to protect it t j om it's enemies at war. To do this v e must put cur shoulders to th-e wheel and express our selves and not be content to let a few- political dema gogues lead us as tho we were sheep. We of the middle classes have or: ideas. Why ntt express them? T:c settlement of our present industrial unrest must come from the sob." -thinking middle class. Either to al low capital or the radical element oi labor to settle our industrial Ques tions would result iu a chaotic con dition? They are both extremist. We of the middle class must get into ac tion in order to slableize oenditions. Due to this call to duty it were, I take tins privilege to make a brief dis cussion on the prospective candidates for president of the United States. At present the illuminating stars for the candidacy are Major Genera! Wood for the republicans and Wil liam McAdoo for the democrats. Does it appear to you that either of these men are presidential calibre? Have we not a far greater man in the per son of Herbert Hoover than either of the above- They why not him foi president? Let us first consider Major Gen eral Wood. He is a military man having made that 'his lite study. Doer a military career tend to make a broad minded man? He always works to one end, that is to build up a strong machine of war. Do we wanl h military expert or a man versed ir economic conditions at the helm of Our Ship of State? Will it not be economic questions that will confront him.? When we entered the world war Major General Wood was at the head of our military department Why was he not allowed to retain this position? Does It not seem that he was :ot considered big enough for the place in time of need? Surely o::r Pol:: ical system was not so rotten a. to replace a man Irotu such a 'o.., posi!ion without just cause. Iio -s it not seem reasonable that he was re placed to give a man who was hie enough for the position a chance. Now let us consider Mr. McAdoo. Is he not a politician from every point of the game? He acted in the capacity of railroad adin inistrotoi un til big questions begun to confront him, then he took the route of least resislance, that of resigning his po sition in the cabinet. Why did he resign? His plea was that private business called him and that the re muneration it his office was too small. Does it not sound mi ore plaus hue lint he did not wis!' to make d" clsiotis that would cause him politi cal enemies. He would rath-i- resiun laud prepare his campaign for presi-Id'-nt perlorm the duties that Conftoiited him. Is not that the ; iiiali"iner.-i cif a politician puie and js;i. pie? Would lie not have shown iiiin . ';). crest for his country had lie lem i.-.-l In oftire instead oi resiun 'ii'a !- I"' sona! i ti t n". t s ? Knous!' s.ld I I'le't" nilii: tliee two i o ipei-t. i l r. qaistion jiii-ps 'f pot McAde , r. Pa;.nf c ami . secrel iiy id j :' P.iii:, r.urva-!. wil. .v'end I-'cm- . e:s Week at Carvalli-. Da-em be 2S to January ::. School wil! begin January "th. Ac re Hanson, of the Minnesota State i Nor'iial has been offered a piare in ' the third and fourth grades. ! Practically all the teachers of the Boardiiuin schools will attend the O. S. T. A. at Portland Deeunbe- '-i'1. " '. i and SI. Principal M. R. Signs wdP also represent the Commercial Club at the annual state Chamber of Com- merce meeting December 29th, Mrs. Signs will attend as a delegate from the Parent Teachers association. The community Christrmas ex- 1 ercises at the church were very well received the building being taxed to 1 the limit. An enjoyable program was presented by the children and all treated to popcorn, apples, oranges, and candy. Santa Clans was in evi dence in the event and liad as good a time as the rest of the crowd. Rabbit drives- are following the poisoning campaign with good re sults. Plans are also on foot to have a supply of poison on hand for anoth er campaign later. According to the government another storm or two will be due before the winter is over and if the results are as- good as in the previous drive theer will be few rabbits left in this section. MOKGAX ITICMS Cecil Thorne is spending the holi days with his parents at Newberg. W. F. Palniateer butchered some fane porkers the fore part of the week and disposed of some in Mor gan. Morgan was without mail for three days because the train was not run ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morgan and fam ily spent Christmas day at the Wit.zel home. The high water caused Noah Pet tyjohn to move out of his house for a brief time. Fred .T. FCly our smiling merchant is having a few loads of straw haul ed this week. All the farmers are anticipating large crops lor 1020 owing to the re cent snowfall. .Mr. and Mrs. Fay McNab left on I'l'.ri.-iiras .lay to visit their parents it I. vie Washington. Miss Martha Metealf our Morgan school teacher i.i spending her Christ inas vacation at the county seat. Willow creek was higher than it; has been for a number of yeais. but no real serious damage was done. The brief spell of zero weather has changed to almost spring like weather which every one is enjoynig. j The snow has about all disappeared. I L. Y. Gentry of Heppner has a ' large band of sheep west of Morgan n ! few miles which he is feeding baled ! hay , 'muled trom Morgan. 1 Several large bands nf sheep own- "d by c. A. Minor i' .T -.clc Hynd I have paseil through ,'u-' to their feel, n grounds- larthei down the' creek. 1 Fred Willi.t drov.- to Heppner J'lr.ct'on a week ago Monday after his mother and brother, Kenn'lli, w ho were on their w lum.e I nun the V.illev. Tin 1 r Wi nii-lo i. Who? I sa He: he inn hh.nwii his choan to handle I'., ad In I-'.. -- 1' llal ... : lid 1. ' I t .. I 'II- I t I ,, V'.' '1 1 '!' I A ll s ; m H l- i' . :t i: want a' the who ! i- b. ' Pi. t it r a'ulii y .e vnd nt a I et our initio died and lie 't Hoov ahilitv ' raitl'V tie ' i i,. (, ' ' : n i Mate ' illdi.. i,.rV CUM'I.IIMMi HOIXIFVIsM Set' iter KellVOIl, : it'.ei inc .,: .nv : i''ty the other e. OI liol.-il Ci-e 1 ;)!! In aildre.-si'u a s In New Vmlj nine in toii'diing "Von an d"port I .i'i . ' I iu. found an id. l...te K-l you r ianot d'-o ' ' Ti e f lie lor Il,.;:.. : to the ,..M.,., .. A-:,... jr !, 0 '.. :. t inii on Si rater aiidn-sr hr I'ilt.i.l:; u, l,,. ) l II .- I" lad 'Ii tmh . W .'nil, Dr. : rrw , itT .-em all I .. in., f 1 t otic- It 11.!;. down at I i-o !!!::! i :i" j'liMti.l i 1 . t . I , . .. ."Ir in ',d inn that 1 ,l ileal i. m mi. oi ii mi , tnM nun.. .."i, . m lb. ... a roil tind." m tll'.w a: I ii'it a aaleil In I ! t.u .hi o th..... .. , ,,ir 1, , ni.i, ,,, ia i ; . n t . I t.. ...,, i rii. e. that I ri.n ., '''n " ..! tiik-t on I'i. .,.,!iifo y ii id hi d i ii ., Hot 1 1. I. t!,,. I at I v to t I! ii h .!'! :a. ! . n c all I t!... I. " 1 - I ! ii. I in.' I, !, If'l tl. j Pi Ir e labile of i I :r l.iulU el' II , l,e- . l.l.ldr I hi In! I t . t' a! lo r oil t at h r d.llIU" ntil t.heU ' thr ni inuhl l-ihl. til' a. men trad. mm j' ami .,- I IV' Ii tar ie, .. ll tll.l .11 'ill 111 i!!.ll!"M..I n t.ner Inii; foil I I ltd u'l IV. ci,.l..r .' Veil' I'.lt'.n.n.. 1.. I ..... iuai..n Int.. I S'l!.. . ii. .net i,.i 'oi The I I , not li, I ; I i b .111, ! com- I he! 111! .I'll si,. n i: !! I' I ' ' if. 1 1-1 ll ii McAtee & Aiken al a t Wi'e w'i.i I ,,, to rn 4 hl.4liK t" 1 I I'. ! a- ii-'th.n t.. con.-pal K-. p ii,.. 10 iw rnoiith to lainh I .) ' !. Id!' 11 ..I'd to I ..e n.)rU nil. 1 .l.i :i 1 h. 11 t,,o, ,. : 11 i tlovri itlnl I tic I'fait uf ..ii .t.-p (',,. cmnct.ln of th 1 s.., 111 thf no .'I imi in ('iu of my iil..e makr hc trc in.nur Vnt ant f rpiuh mmplf ii- Mm " r. u 1 f. I. - !nil' J:.-l I., I Stat. l"li. ll t p..;, , ill t Vet.. 11 oil Ilk' e ill 11. lt n if te 11. r 11 ib It. J rhan, It ali i 'an ill 11 b apP'e. At- d l.i:o w ..'1 ( III ...ips in s.nato- Ken- tul 1 hat ol niar.v other . tl 1 ' - 110 ti is that ei.'l) ui.'e t 0111 1.1 letoiii,, n.ty ciitn-iMii rai-ri.-i Itn'i-'ie lanviUage, and niueli that V as plain Alll.'ili all pt lihai.. to ,.x. pres opinion n't iidil quefioi,. ha b n 11. ii hiiiUmgh . nd ton ot ten 111 'el 1 j 1 i! v M'l il.iuo i . ii,.;.;,, . T! m tu -u : .i ! . l .t ii. e..;rd Oh. 'it illlil Othelh into belli le.l.u I tul dtei t-'ti annuity rxi-ts ii around lii whin If mum urdliiaii t...i,i t oil 'M,t!, roniiun. II ilo. s not, and l'' kiiod A oift h am I...MH.S, ciir- ailllet j not A : ti'.inn do Hot Ii. ri mi) I'd jrt ! P'-ci. I .!'-. .1 on lii in.ike llir-n ,:.. I nmf""o i'lirop. an HoMin inn. T!:.!r n : urn ' nuti v. iiilfii't'.t A 1 u 1 ii n I tii i ,m .,. two .lllliei' idr tll.i'illati ,. ! I.I rdril ....mi" j '" ' e ihiin .uijthitik- I'll.' it. I.... 1,11, pu 1 1 ulni.'t a ;!,.. nl. .11. I'.. N',. i .ie , . . J Iheif'J' fi .! th.rj I!, it do. i-..( t . r In i an I t'.f tUint I li -i:..trn'.iiii .Ir' n I f .e-f a'-e tit 11. a ir ... n h,.-. ,1-li-jl'ea In ,, I'liltu ;..i:ti i. v,.,. il'.itt.n - m' j w .11 .(.-..pp.-.u , ll In ii .:i,i, of f.-ar i.V in j an I rcat'itia' 011 Tin- llol-l . 1 :t , ,t lhejit-i Ciniliit lo- 11 .i.Tt.. r.y loin, ,i e h- I h ill .1 e .(,! 1 ! .1 fan In- il, j , , J hlKi1 I li.11, I Ml. V..M Pall' . 1-. ,1 w i.i ; .1. , I , m ! ' t.i li i.Ijv foal , ppticr. il,!. jt'roH. t tltil tit r Hon. t'tf l Hill. & !i r Now Make Good 1920 Lies Before You You have planned long enough. Climb now. A heart and mind full of resukil ions will soon make a full pocket. To the right of you, to the iet't of you are men and women who already have snug balances in the First National Ikv.k. You also can nave money ahem! before the new year is out. Start now with a small sum and make regular visits to the First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON A Worth While New Year Present liny this ideal home, now offered at a real bargain as a New Year present for yourself and your family. SIXTY ACRES, NEAR IRRIGON, With Water Right All Paid Up In Full. I itteen acres in alfalfa. Oood 4-room hou.-e and ok-i- Unltim-:- and improvements. PRICE ONLY $8,000. BETTER ACT QUICKLY Roy V. Whiteis THE REAL ESTATE MAN 1 have a i.'.-.mlicr of other g,,d buys in .stock and wheat ranches. to "PERMANtNT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Scvvcr and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 Halla Walla, Wash. Ilfj I'Dri , Oi .arm I Ibui.Miiro, ia I U nuNf. , t.il4nir I 1' y. V- i l " ti - :-.rn l ! ' R J 1 ! fur all tli ai t'l .fk 1 1 . s :UM.DV.NT ADS.;: v Till: m-ST UKSri.TS. i i