6161 'o J3qui335Q 'Aepsanx PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON INCREASES YIELD OF WHEAT Arduous Jcb. Osiy Thought. Outlftte M'rti'iir, musiin't sit up for Grfiit thoughts, like Treat dei.tla oe; law forbids nlfrlit work for women, need no trumpet. Bailey. 8 Burlap Bag His Only Garment CHANGED HER MIND r;mcnt -cully of Treating Meeta With in England. Ee-d Else 3-cccss 3y ELEANOR C. KEN'YON. 5:. 8 -.ft l emit. l stifh a think tu !,,- W; tu ;.:::nur tin iu-i;i 'l'O Sll 1 mr i'ltv. Ann.! Ml. IV. rat 'Mr-.. I tu 1 Ailiti. Iiitlt -l -t. . .'" I V 1 I "J' .-... -i 'j . ; 'S .:: i f - ) ( 1 1. ; i ' 4 ta 1 l .v: i ,f"i 1 I ' ' r'vu : . ' , A t , : ? f ' ' v ' , v i . f - - n 1 e rsp .! U TVi H Ti JktJ ":. '!'' You' 1 need a new Grain Drill. We have the DEST. Call a.ul see them Superior Grain Drills "The Name Tells a True Story" Also see our line of PLOWS Oliver and John Deere Nothing Their Equal in the Plow line Peoples Hardware Company 1 " i-t tini.fi'-it; 8?S t;'.;,i hi ! vo 1 ui.iril l.i i!v;t ,1'i'li I ur iinivi 1 hit! vpi'i: ill ; wrir i limy 1 ;:i:i.ii)i; i-r i'oiiii1 l'llllL'il li Mini IIV thl'iilly s 1.0 Mil'!' I.v, "if nluir 1 mils.-' inki' Mm-. Jinlitli," Mr. Ki; hul.e lit- ' "Well, ili v.r, I wish m lurk, Imt not fiir ti.r. I would niiirli iii'i'frr 1 1 it mi Ilmr's ilrM-ivilii;ii." rrplird .luililli "luil. Miii-riii ilcar. I must not forgot my r.fiMiiii : Aunt I.ouisr lias w riilrn. iMviiiiic us UJi." -Vnii l.i'ow liui.ii lias n-tunioil 1'nnn Kj..-J?T lim-il ti. .xi-H-is , 1-: - vyjxz: ' ' tlum I'.iat 01 ! " V',ii ? C v-t'J Vii-Xi,!.. ; lf. TliHiv v.-rrr rvi- " 'mff 'r;C ' ' ' ' ' ""I t. 1". ill till' Hl.tl'l'lllrll V- fi' J. fi..'";"" ''. '".'Sf, f . '''!'';'.''" " j --iuih-viiit i..(-t llivt :-,-:';fi:F':'v-'-s;';;-; " T ' .v..;i;''4 : -ft . ""' 1 1.-. ,;t i.t.y IV,.; ::t tin- k--":-;-S?-' ' ". ?-v:,k- 5 : 'v ly ;Viv i'vi-Mi lliis ! " - ..' . "V''' " " ' ! " ',":'"'11 o, ...... in r... ..,,:.- D'Vv.i,';'-''S.:,v.3-:v..,-i .JrfS 'SUi..',? ,! ll;::t y, :s i .-""" .. . , , '. . , ' ! ' , .'' 1 - , " , m ' :r:E'i::t- cf War Ts'jrV Tackle Evrvy Frcblem R&ck-CcUom Up. iiiii' soich y.Miiiu I Kill villi It il', life." ;.t t il-. .n Ir ill so AllltlH two f rends v Doe fliup. wriles. and Hi him, nil l.!ei!trli:iiit in s, 1 1 1 ' -l 1 1 a I i i i del-, rlc l'lirker. who is all aloiH he v.iiiTd. :iiiiU'nita',!i lliiwuril Mas.iii, whose In. me is in the West. So the mar si.ul is just hulililiu;.: over vim ilrlli.lil ui l:::ii.u" HiikIi lnune. and -!it ,, mi' s I-. 1,, i nii.e and hrlii her w.iecr iii the l,i ." hy fire 1 ell you II new hunch of have "learned a mill the lillie j.'ame of ;,. y mean is that they n le fmiil-.imeiiti.is and Iii-olilein from rock-liot- 'J," Mrs. : irr, r o. 1 a iilllell il . 1 a: joined a lud iiu; for II he a e our i ;linl. d mi s,h nihil ef 1 i if rmirse I'll u ii. vi uiiily to do s . I- -SM..I I.esMli - ini-i' :o den. i ills ill llUVsilrV li.t we ui li mil I ill ei ii. e in liandy," hi) s In lor fiiinid I hen: ile heme ef : lint e v as w real hi 1 in mi Ihem in., si allien, slid quill weak Ir in ait in i; liusiiili eii in mint'. uvists that I urn ill, hut 1 line," he iins,eri d to the .liali'll. "1 in the '.utlise, nil s us iilnltely elll his li, Wlis iile-l ioniums of a. liievi .iiiili.ii. I'.ihi.i. A f'-w da eoMl..iahli whusr I'-mr she l!l'eetei While llil'l Ions i-.ini.i ehlleil at I -Molher am lerliiii; solieiliilis urn sure ilinl under Miin iii's uinl your skillful luiinN. .ludilli. that I lie lioys will seen rrrioer. llul .Mill luiisi meet jour .ul h Ills." u he led the w.i.v t the MMiiiiini win re lil Iwo 1 1 ietlds Hio rcei'ly iiwniliu.' Ihelr nrritiil. Afler ll.e usual inl rodiirt im. were oxer Ilinl till' Itil'ls tool refre-lied llielll selves Ht'iiT Iheir jelinn', II rrllieil us It It M-re ii reunion of eld frn'inls. s In- I...V- li.ld ef I heir eiel'leln'es. H, ,-iin: tin1 di-lo-lolul ihivs tint fol lowed while MhivI.i mid .Indith tl ,1 in Ihr inn- of ihe iimilliN. "IMUI Ct .i l" v ii- tuiMii the Him- nf Ills life. I n li. or or two i What have f:"ni' no larkled every toll! Ul. It was villi Ihr ii'idrrslandiiiL' that llie diiihrhhoy is u new iniin and a proii iein in Iiimself that Col. Arthur Woods, assistant to llie serretnry of war, laid out his plan of eaninii;n for tlie war deimrtment's jrlunllc etl'ol t to t ,1ohs for rrturned servieo ineii. "This," he told his assistants, "Is not merely an employment idea. It is a new experi ment in iisyrholoy. We must tinder sliind tlie soldier, the sailor, the nui- rine, riylit down to tne irounii. learn j their irohleni lniiiutely and take in- ! tinlle iains lo restore them to civilian 1 life Willi as lillie friction anil as nnirli j celei'ily as iiossil.le. j "These hoys are ooinius: home cnj.'or ly. hut also a lillie fearfully. We must liridi;e the L'ap that they have cnescd ; ilui'llitf 1SH7 and llMs. America's In- j tore lies in her iuth. The soldier, wlm fought in I'l'iince. Hie sailor who plied the dark waieis. and tin- nun i wlin drilled lahiiiiilly and alii ir.ly at homo, iniv-l not he left in llie lun li : her w lint I hey ha ve none mr u 'POSTER BASED ON ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AT ERIVAN, AR MCXIA, CY DP.. M. S. LITTLEFIELD. lie is only one of 'J.'.O. U0.il !:cl le.-.s oppression In Wrsirrn Asia. Clad j.isl iililii fellow, wl:!'. hnr.rr strii ken chei hody, was found v, iimierini: in tlie s;vi S. I.htl.'liehl of the Near liast llrllrf. ivriilianiuie, v.hri'e it was frond that his laiment in whieh lie s'.ooil -a worn, pa: "I saw this ra;: .'d lillie folio '"rival!, not f.n' firm Hie orphanat aimlessly ahout mid no one was child victims of Turkish cr.ielly and s he stands in tiie picture this frrion. ;s, hopeless inoutli anil frail, srnrv.-i! els of i'dir, Armeii.il, hy ir. Miliro lie was taken to a .Near liast Ue'.ief ni.iy earliily possci-sion was ihe s'n dr lirii hlankrt niii'ie from a huriap sack- on one of the hus;esr hasiness Hii-nis of ' sii'd Ir. l.itl'eii 'id. "Ile was wumleriim !:S !! slhtrs; aiir'.iion in ;;::-i, 1 d';l mil pose 1 j i in ; the picture shows just the way he against II nrarhy wall." The photorraph is the basis of. a striking i.oster by Near Kust lirlief. d when I liar, a d liiiii up bi'in dislvihuteci le- i.'lll hil .i hi: of i ..: iieiihi iiuiiiy mples. it ,1 i i.d Tiircc Essentials i i .;!.' -ir-1 -Mi 'r.l 'il. kill-: in' ''"H . i ii i ; - -;i I i' - '"-i i' UI i"!i i n ti-ih m i i fi'i- diul n!,iii-ii;i-nH'!M . i i.i n.'i I v'. i 1 1 ci til .liii I ,n'i l v "I U.t'li . -it ,i r tut; i ,i pa' ilo si'i !(, Il:, :i 1. 1 -i'ihv nli'iii siu',,- i. a 1 .til. Ir.- in.di U .. ..! i ii s! i'H i t if. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HKPPNER. ORIXON. ini . v c. V 1.1 I Cup Hi o. I' ll in l..it I 1 id II id r .'piiii M.i II. Ir I I ot ..r id I .i II .id M.i ..! I. - 1. ' th h. v iv II i.t imd ih out-. lint li" lie I to lit a I, I . d l.t In lion, tin l.i e '..I kll.w th. ilely, . cr: iiess ' iiui:e a Hli'.s. r.i refill underfill il h liiol nfl f a nciier lur .lalile. . in umtty .in' in Ihe l aw.iilHii.' ,1. ,. r -.lie He week I - ...Inn . r i t t urn . r j am no n'- New Photo Drk "Room." The dark loon loss.n-y 1ms iiiwiiys lieeii Hie one ripd ol.tarle to the perfeet flexibility of the photo .'i npliie art. Now, how e er. the opi nitor iiiii curry it complete dark cliiinil.tr ii'i-Ii,' ilh him. null deelop bis iAin in en when and where he pU use. The "room" ih r.'.eil mid IliiM rateil in I'epiiliir Mi cliaiiics mmnivliie pm-ks In K ciie less thnii two feel Inn-;, nboiit H foot wide I four itlchi thick. It opi lis to n Inenht. In the lm'i;i r sine, of IS Inches III ft'onl mill lit Inches III bnel . with walW i f lUdil proof fiihrli'. Kliistle cuffs hi H e "id 'mit Ihe op- ellilor's hands, while lie looks 1 ti ill cl II hood in front. n;u' pi'il with Iwo slniltris thill h-e opened by pn-s.ire Ml Ihe hood, end iuti.n!ly elus' i n re lease. Tr.iys and pn;n. m-e in-tiiid Ihii-iiifh n r il.i iili.s,.i! ioor in the ol. S5C.000 Japanese Women Woi a at Average Daily Ware cf Ten to Twe;ity Cents for a Twelve Hour Day. NATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS DEPEND UPON WOMANKIND Japanese Diplomat Says Men Alone Cannot Create Interna tional Friendliness. v Laoorer BudcU 0rp,2 Tin t w oi Kin'. inn n !,i an biv' waiics po-.---. -t uraud tnrll two pklUr. is l.i.Utir illl'lill''' piallii er e that li li. mi I Jills e ion.!- f r V't I'lll.li' Mftjl 6v. ..i;.. ti.r di. w ;; 1. f..m ! I the ;., .i ti i. III! I .ll The no I'-Hiiiict l.cln-t ' the mi ' l.r it i-llie I, I... urn y d If stiwi-il 'i i iii .1 v re- ,. , - I hull ...iii i in a ur i 1; ti i, i ".,' cut! 'i i i ne by j I , ,1 U the f- ' .11 of .... ' 'he 0 i- n-S llll.t IbC I . I'.'i : ,ir .-ieiii. 1 , iiH.lv .i t U lo.i'.'d ,1 Ihe iiul nf nilOii the s , . o( III lll. .1 the HI- d.H liot I -a ill ill l-utlil l'r ! .- it--f,1 tin ; Kiel lie led . ur fill INI ( tiu-kl Ini- Im-iii . :(- hrrrlo fen ul f' f until. metal Tli- fm-t-r th-' iIi-m- irinlin. lb-" i-t-f th I mil. milt l-f 'en( gi 'llrlklnl. Htll (b , mil. kr Ihr Ji b. bo e of music l r f ih llle lllilllil-ed 1. 1 whell 11 to luiU" more i,, on. Hi, .li rn.'fs-,! ;i--i. t eoli.il toil )..i of K woi '.! nun In ii Midland Sown. who. b iiu." of n iuil-.li al in,.! n. 'iiiii'' a' l.t, l .i. Iml'l llllliself II tn.i'l orciii in h hv.l ii riHiiu. 'Ihe in-f ruini-nt .i-'i' a reeil "top and -i n nil pi did iiote-i, all 1 ! U mm v eb. il piece of It.t.'iiuln . A) Hie family l N Inrte one m d Hill riMilll llbonl Vi feel -.illllie. It ran he I in ii in I what He oiii iiieio i Hie f n 1 1 1 , will.n to nude' wi in order tu lieiii1;-- l' I"'' of music T'i or uiin r, '- n'.out ..t i t'di l of Hieir only Ihlni! r.. i"i t oiidoii Cliioid, le, y Not? t'htii.'r .l.-n Jr. i f W.!tltim. Arlf . f"nr end oiii'fiii'f o n" i-f tut. reieutljr to .i rcl n M.all ih ii ml II few ,m li'l. r the foil.nii g niierti- tbui itivurri'I I..IWI-.H loin moi in I n. i ilmr i,i- -.Id or : I 'Mm. M. t mi! ' W )our , h!i ki-iin out of our yu " "Why, I'Uttirr, but il.i JoU tnen'i b llmir" "Wtil. I tmvi- io rr lirrp. mul If )nttf i lib km vm er hr' t in frH thul b U ft the rhbkn Au rtilitvnilc of hlrkm pot on t lb tltn. I'liei-p mi more women in Induslry !n .lap. in than there are men, accord ! to ii stiitenieiil recently made by the War Work Council ef the Vnunj; Wo ; men's Cbristian Assocliitloli. I The worlil war has broui'bt k..o.im) woiiieti uinl (-iris into the diiily irriiiil i of iiidiistiv Hecirditii.' tn Ibis slate ! li rnl : : :o,i mi of them little -.-.lis uiiilrr ; tif ien yeiirs of aire who Murk twelve j boms nt n wiive of tell tu twenty cents i il day, t hi, I the woiid uiny have sill, i dressi 4 lti;, iiiimi;oii. I In Tokyo iiloiie, ii diy of two uinl one half million people, theiv hit liM,. I null woinen employed In sixty two In iiisiiiis mul liii..ie-si. M.ryim fr-uii Work lis telephone ..print. Is, clerks, ' iilel eci iiphelM and book 1 ce pet s (o I olk ill s.'k and ether soils of f.i.- I furies i ml il-'iin",'1!' w,,ik. j I Hurli year ihoti-aiiils of tbe-e o- I nie'i .-ii bin-i; lo thrlr boine In the ! i.uu.lry, l,r,,l,i ii in beal'li mul irl,m , of tul-i-rrlibo. s berail!' l.f the pool i-omlitioi -i un ler which they wo.k uinl live, TI ey are lieu -oil in .'i.rm.ioi ic in the fai t'.r; r,ii,.mit.., TI ee ilorml lories are f ,i ipiently un-uniim . The lib Is oik lonu boiir. Iiiim- h i reer nl ton iiml on Hr.lsl.in.' Ibe!r Inn-; day I'll lUilOeililllely til bed. n'll lit IIU s bed wl.i.ii ii if rl v. l o m n j.nl Illl bel li 'eep.l.i; III all ihi. As part of Its woild seriie for w u men, the mil. -f Women's Coi .sttiiu Aio,'UiUoli .Ihu to buihl dm in toru s 111 uuiiiufu. turliii! low lis hei-f li.r.s limy iiw rlirnpiv im.li-r liealtbfi.i pll) Hie-ll lllid sorliil (oliditiiit-i, to srlol nut seen turies who run liitrodini- ree. reutioii iiitu the fm ior iiiiiipiuiml m,i direct liiiuien mul no(iU life, Till I llotli' Hll lb Ci-opelIl!lol of (be fitelnre-i' tliiilintfer-l ilinl prie prlelnrs. Uni' of H iiiimt influent ul nf tie li lr. uukl, lb iui.t proin'iu'iit wi'iuati miiniifiii lun-r In Jupiiii, bn ! i.mner nml iiuiii-ijer of firm h;.h evportnl ilim-n -north of Itenti oil tu America lust )rr. Hen-nHy Mr. !i?iikl deeidril In rinili y one tbuiitfiml i tiii n In her ofll.-c-i. Sim could but Rtnl cfi.Mii,'!i w-pll irallleil il,e M nil etaii!!iei l-rmmwtit cmsi beri Japan-- g rli nmy l tralnnl lo ni'er il .iil inl ..rhl. Tl girii'r-it Oan,'--'r l,e. ,f J a pun. ! tat. I In H rruiti( nulerlKllwn, mul Japan gritt newl, tli ik-trlot'infBt l.f tiff ! Iiileriuiliomil friend-hip be- iweeli mil ions di'iieniLs larcrly -I--! upon ihe friendly feelin-; between ! 1- llie women' of those imtloiis, ur- ! I- eordii.'- to rrpreseniatlves of the ! v .lapanese emhassy In WiislilnKton. i- Their theory Is Unit there can ! bo no llrui friendship between ? ! nvu nations unless the women of those two couniries know nhil S- like olio nmither, nn co-operniloii lejween milloiis, im In the state uinl in Ihe family. Is Imseil on co- nperatlon between men and wo- ! men. Therefore, If .Tapan ami Ameri- en me lo have n real, litstln;: J- frleinlsliip, to really know nml f iiiidersimul one iinolher, tin wo- men of the two iintloli must -r. lenrn to play tuKetber, lo study 1 ti ti tln r nml lo llilnk tonelher. ! The V. W. r. A. Is one of lilt' i ! bet meiliiims for br;n-:li,ir id mi1 ! ! Ibis frieiiiNblp between the 1 wo I ! iii't'ons, tiecordini' tu diplomatic- iepies....iHves of .laiuin, n Hint I ! iircunivaHon 1 leiirhliii: .Inpiiiiese I ! won, in i 'iieiitbiii, si, i, wlin; litem !" ; bow to enjoy oi:t-of dour life and . por'. It In itirtlcii!iirly nieei- ! siirv ti nt tatiaiiese w oim n h'Hrn tu ei b.y mi l nporei late reerrn- Hon, they ay. n'tim the (Trent -! llillr.x of M-oipru i.(,i 'tidustr -I- ntid bu-mes-i. u .Tnpiinese wo- 4- In.-ii, fi.Vliirrly -.ii roiiscrwitlvi', 4- are cuioii Into bns ii, (.ml ilolns ! ! ti ai v H 'li'.'S w'.l.h H ev Inol iu-m r iiii.ii.-l I of dolti.- bcf.iri the a r. ! I he V W r A lu. I. i. Hi. 4- .m'r. anon ! Bi ll H fll'lnt p,,..1!.!.. cr, op.T Iw .tnpiiliese eiiihn.s I I ri million iltiiini- to be 'or women nml sir'" In tb d S'me, It,.'n. C ;'na, .In- y.ni-b Aim rim, I'tvpt. SI- .1 : jiiinee people In mi k- Itii! lis ".. orhl S.r'''e i roeiiitn" for ii.... I fi-it. f" p.m. .er!. the S.,ir Kt mul MeXlltl unci V-1- 4- 1- Y. W. C. A, TRAINS WOKtN. Vi.iii. 4 x.ini nimlet'ii froin forty ff !te and 1p eniiiit, - Cbln. the IMillippIn t'(iml, Kf,n,,. Ru!(- rts. Ib.:ir., lii;n. Aniu-ni.i Cnnnn -.. ,i i ... . . ., . . . . . . " -- - "-- r-r':eFi..i m me N.Ih ml TraH.Inf ,i.-lw, nf it, Young W uii.i ii i I'l.f t an Aw e, ui on in N I'ork Ti t r .m.lytrii meih.n: .f I W. C, A work nh io tnkinc up tK..i!i.,fn in Y, W r. A rk either tn IM -iuntry r In nthrt of th mtin trie, .hem the Y w C. A I mrrylftf I-etiltij i n mpufi )!i pt worth Uerild (UiflflH ! t lu1U