It Tuesday, December 23, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN mi EAGER TO SERVE, GO TO AID ARMENIANS Mary Vail Andrees, Only Woman to Receive Distinguished Serv ice Medal, Heads Party. n HELPING HAND IN THE NEAR EAST 0 tisfied with uneventful civilian r two years' vivid experience .iI.kai.1 It. thr. .nU b party of young women, led by Miss Mury Villi Andrees, or New York City, have .lust tone to tie Near East, 5 fe m i mm Former Ambassador to Turkey Says America Should Not Let Armenian Allies Starve. By HENRY MORGENTHAU, Former Ambassador to Turkey and Leader In Near East Relief. If tliey were good enough to fight and die for us when ,ve needed their help so sorely, they are good enough now to share some meager little crumbs from our plenty when they have nothing, when hundreds of thou sands of them are' homeless, unclad, foodless and threatened with extermi nation by their enemies and our own. Not fur from a million Christians have been murdered by their Turkish oppressors. Hungry, terror stricken hundreds of thousands of refuses now look to the United States for succor. Have Trust in America. c cannot refuse. Next to theii faith In (,od is their trust in tike dis interested good will tiiid generosity at MISS MARY VAIL ANDRCES, Distinguished Service Heroine Who Now Goes to Near East. where nearly a million people are suffering from disease and starvation. Miss Andrees had returned to Huh country after serving for the Ited Cross, but when she read of the'snil plight of Hie Armenians, she at once offered her services to New Kast Kb lief, the former American Committee on Armenian and Syrian Itellef, whlcn already has saved thousunds of lives In Western Asia. Miss Andrees Is the only American woman war worker who was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by Congress. Most of the other members of her party like wise served with honor for the lied Cross and other war service organi sations. Among the other members of the group are the Misses Frances end Betty Anderson of New Canaan, Coun., who were decorated with the Croix ae Ouerre hy the French Government ; Miss Murguret Milne of Washington, IX C, who was a member of the Hoover Itellef Commission for llu mania, and Miss Alex Sidney, tin Eng lish woman who served for three vmi'S with the British Itellef Commission in Serbia. Miss Doris Ncvin, luiouer member of the party, Is a daughter of the late Kthuluert Novln, the com poser. Col. William N. Haskell, commis sioner to the Near East for the 1'uris I Vine Commission und official repre sentative of the Near Kast Relief, has culilcd that the relief workers now in the Held are overwhelmed by the mag nitude of their task. Col. Haskell says HOti,(KHl Armenians will starve before the next harvest unless they are given I 1 INI ' Copyright by Underwood A Underwood. HENRY MORGENTHAU. the American people. They look to us lis the human agency to extricate them from the frightful situation In which they have been left as a conse quence of the war. If we should fall to aid them, starva tion and the winter's eld would go far to completing the work done by the unspeakable Turk. I have not seen with my own eyes the misery In which the Armenians now exist. I have been spared that. But the reports which have been brought In by agents of the Near Kast Relief and by representatives of the Pence f 'onfoisanre paint a picture of wretchedness Inconceivable to those who have not a first bund Impression of the savagery of the Mussulman. Exiled From Homes. Slnrc the beginning of the war tho Turkish Armenians have been largely refugees from their homes. A simple agricultural people, they have been We Wish Al! Our Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas Of course you arc planning something a lit tle out of the ordinary for Xmas Dinner and festivities. You can find here everything needed in FANCY GROCERIES JAMS PRESERVES JELLIES NUTS AND CANDY FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FANCY CANNED FRUIT OYSTERS AND FISH in fact everything for the occasion, in the way of eats Phelps Grocery Co. 1 1 1 Wm exiles from their krms, deprived of ltd and VM.0OO orphan children face 1 "I'tx'rtunlty to support themselves, dulh frnm hnn. .nrf I 1 ,;,,r 'eUr "lflr SUfTerlngS bSVC III- Thousands of refugees are dally be ing brought to the relief centers fr-yu tue deserts. .ALLENBY STOPS V GRAFT OF TURK Confiscation of Property Pre vented by English Officer. creased. Now, a year after fighting has ceased, they are still living the life of noinails, able to continue to keep alive only by virtu of American philanthropy. These homeless people "filthy Infi dels" to the Turk were food enough to esert their poor 'might In our be bslf while the war. was stilt In the balance. Massacre of a half century hud not so broken their spirit that they dured not fight for right and for ' democracy when Justice was the Issue, Persecution of Armenians and w tl"?lr !,, ,h2n- Sar' we rtnaii 1011 puns ineio i wimuut I compassion how, The day tins pasted when sny self respecting man dares permit ahson (Ion In his own personal affairs to ex- rlude consideration of his neighbors The most srbltrsry city boss In th ; s, ,,, ' rld, It seems safe to say, as well as , knoltigly allow his neighbor to hun- Uie most unscrupulous politician of 1 jt-r or to go unclothed. The Christina awdero times, bss turned up la Alntah, 1 peoples of the Near Kt sr our Armtnls. to lodre from sn official re- ! neighbors. The money needed to re- Only Rest Monument. "Those only deserve u monument," wrote Il:i7.lltt, "who do not need one; that Is, who have raised themselves a monument In the minds nnd memories of men." Diamonds of Many Colors, Although when free of color they are snld to be of flret water, diamond are found In nearly every color of the rainbow red, yellow, orange, green and blue. I Mr-HMlnaiii''ai'wv9iSkr,r'43Stfr''nsi port recently toads by Major Stephen Tmwbrldfs, uadw Uen, Kdmund II IL Alleobys orders. K Is Turk named Beslm Ivy. Cntll lh Near Kast Relief stents stopped lleve them ran be spared wtttmut rsusiiig any mn, woman or child la the t'nlted Hiat'-s to suffer. Mart Net Nsst n fMt In other years of oar own free will we sent missionaries to Turkey. Oar rT. bt practical uo tie terrtOd . , t tn4 bospltsls Vmenlsns racti farms of anttar-crsft 1 1 ... i.i.i.rrit rnt in hu. tnlfht well mat every other cor- i rnsnltlng that dsrk spot la th world. net polltldsDj In th world green with lour Idest, our edursnonai resource, Dry. sad aaca erneitlea as nik all : our material equipment, bsie bee her heartleas rulera, fmm Nero 1 leaven In th. Vsr Kast. Iiecsuse w 0"n, em sweet snil tent rh i . . . .... this greut e.ortutilty fur the prewnt. sctwrs. Ill offle wis that of Muni Tl-e Ami04ni bsv bTi tri-uted s H'ul Chief Aceountsnt of Alntst.; but, L,.r,H1, ,, .Hpl in ;t..r bsb.o ail dlahoOMt office holders know, t(,.-,..j I..-. n ,m- they are the kpirttual it !n't the Job that iimtier. but th bmiliers f wnifem races isar plums that go wrib It. Ileal m ! will AtiH-rica help them) Tberw I't plurkl sugar plutiis with ktb Inn be l- it one snwer. llielr fcera- Is, night stid dsy. Itty l d:r. but nur piwer Is great I lntilret city t- hs their I Vse sr.- n.niihjr We sre a nemhr 't '.) Iteaiin Rey's rame tin Me j 1! f .! of r.iti O'if broihei-s N-r Kast Rellff agents found that no r..i I !. ' money, n en. 0 u i K I X t a A Christmas Gift t -p, I I ' ' . ff f V " 3r'""':"v-A III 11 timm What would make a more sensible Christmas Gift than a pair of our HAN DMADE WORK SHOLS or a pare of O'DONNELL DRESS SHOES foi men. ' t'igh Artnctilsn relief work rtmil " In thst i!y lill sii-'li rotell' ' of t rruri! i n ;ed ticneml ' At. drew nrd-r the artt and "si of the : worst Turks In the ! 'but ruii (.,,. . nod Hesitn ivall0ed, as, fwr Eft t a. - !, t i,rp!'l If f unman , g .! l fit -ccir the ,liki-t 0 ir . : e,il be tie.-t. ', A f iiiot.,! s n ir snd It . ,' ;i ! ter. is'e for tie .. . ci "t i) t'u Mt. V- i, !. J tLcufc .. WE DO ALL KINDS OF SHOE REPAIRING j Bowers Shoe Shop WHITE STAR BRAND Made hy nun who know, for iH-oplc wlm want the l.tst. Only the choicest wheal carefully nraIcl. ; l lliorotit;hly wahetl is iim-iI in making 'ur flour. Your baking will jnuve t' you the big advanlage of using White Star Brand flour for both bread and paMry. Heppner Fcirmers Elevator Co. r. . i 1 1 - I