It PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, December 23, 1919 f j Christmas Shoppers I ill! 6SJ find our store just crammed with holiday needs Near East Situation Mow "Most Desperate in World," Says Hoover. r, 1. - '.K Ai I .1 , (i;')-i:itii-:s '.' Hi I LACK TO I'MJ, YOlTt , iiKiS'i'MAS (! ask i;t I. I .. t- ,0 i I OK V-' ( 'ALII OPXIA I'i'.l ITS AM) YSX.i.TABUOS THE PLACE TO ELY THE TKIMMIXtiS i'ou voi'i: XMAS 1)1 XX Kit !! in" Herbert Hoover, w h o has now be come a mem ber of Uie Ex ecutive Com ii t ot Near r. s st ra.'lief, I ) is ear ins Tor nearly iKioniio Ar- !( who. Men's Furnishings Department SHIKTS, N 10 C K W E A It , HAT S, SHOES, CiLOVEK, HEM'S, SUSPEX lERS, IIOSIEHV, DEI'EXDA IJEE MEIU'HAXDISE IV EXDEESS PKOITSION. O 'r i MLKUY CHRISTMAS I; . H Hoove of oiar fsrss Hosiery for HIS Xmas Gift HAPi'Y NEW YEAR )dii3 Hague s lo. SI hi. PI f'n 'I! oak:; w i t h authority when he tells ot' liu wtm suffering, siijs ill a formal '!:!l'liClll : "In my Oi-inioti, the situation n tlx? Near East is the most iesperate in the vvorhl." .sir. Hoover has sent a letter to Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer ,l Near East lielief, 1 Madison avenue, New York, in which lie oays : "In accepting your Invitation to become a member of the Ex woutive Committee of the Near East committee, I do so with reluctance, but out of a sense of duty towards one of tbe most difficult situations in Europe. Until some political settlement can be obtained for Uie Near East and some government es tablished In responsibility for the care and .epatrlatlon of the Armenian population In the Cau casus, this mass of people must live sheerly by the charity of the United States. There are In the Caucasus approximately 1,800, 000 Armenians, of whom 800,000 are entirely destitute refugees from Turkey and amongst them a tremendous mass of children. "I cannot too strongly urge upon the members of the com mittee and their supporters the critical necessity of concentrat ing every possible effort to sup port. Colonel Haskell's adminis tration in the amounts that ho r quires; otherwise we shall witness one of t In gr":itet trag edies of the entire war." will oiler at ilie highest bidder, hra SI. cd per aero. the Interior, t. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by fie Commissioner of the Cenei ?.i Land office, under provisions of Section 2 4 55, R. 8., pursuant to the application of .XLLI.3 II. MINOR, Ictie, Oregon, in! No. i.i iZ's, we 1 : '.He .!! t . .,Uf -re )?? I ' A M.. the ISth d,iy lot' i-'eb ;uuy, i;!2it, next at this office ! the following tract of land: -VKH XE Vi Section IS, Township Met ; I T!. - suii- will net te 'k vi open, but ! w:n be fi?Hurrtl closed v,'.ea rhc::: ; em at the hour named have j (-.; .i.sed bidoiiiir. The person mak'nR t!ie highest bid will b ivduiix-1 t laun'-J.iinfiy pay ie tlia Receive'' the ii;ii(ji;r.t thereof. A ty pe.-s-ms (dainiing adversely the abovf-tiesct ibed land are advised t: file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for gale. - C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICE FOR riBIJCATIOX Isolateil Tract Not Coal Land Public Land Sale, Department of the Interior. U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon. December G, 1019. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commis'icner of the Generai Land "tliee. under provisions of. S,vUo!i 2435, U, S.. ,:;;;;aain to ;;. :;.xor, i-r;:-. Oregen, Serial Xcs. 03 33 52-lP063-'0103.! we will effer at rt'b'.ic sale, to th.e , highest bidder, but a t not thy5 53. On per acre, at 10 oV'.,.ck A. .'. I on the iSfa day of February, 192c NOTICE KOU PUBLIC ATIOX Isolated Tract Public Land Sale No. 019952. !?!?., YTH R''.TE DROPS miDi nzLir:F arhives Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, Octobere 22, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of OTTO E. JOHNSON, Serial No. 019952, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 14 day of January next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land; NE NWVi Section 27, Township 5 Prmtli, Range 25 East, Willamette Meridian, (Containing 40 acres.) The sale will not be "kept onen, but , will be dwlrred el-wl when Ifor i preserl at the hour riatn.'Ml h:v"' ! cfiwrt !lItinic. 'nw perr.:.n i-aking lho hirlitst bid wiii be rcovir'il th; liU Famous Women Adopt Armenian Waifs 1 S V ...If.-.. 1 W'..VW l i t, - . .... 'JVv MRS. OUVERl'hARRIMAN VK it"' . WRS.CARRlE CHAPMAN CATT 1 : -fi (8.;.... ,v , 'v ; .fc ,... t . ' ' : r i- V c ill III Lives of thousands of Armenian children ,tr:nly have liten snvi i ly the Near East lielief taking over th? .'.i nieniau orphanages, according to de tailed r 'ports, which Wive just rcnchei! the headquarters of that organization. These institutions had buen run by the Armenians since the beginning of the war to care f,r the children whoso parents hail been murdered by the Turks. Iioenuse of lack of food, clothing and medicine, the death rata among the children In these Institu tions averaged ns hih as twenty or thirty u day In some cases. When Armenluti funds became In adequate the Near East lielief took clmrge of the orpha: age. Since that time the death rate I ih been greatly reduced. Given good f( od nnd car the children ore quickly returning to normal phyitlcul and mental condition. It U estliiimed by persons who have made a mirvey of Armenia that l'JO.UUO children will die during the next your unless they are given food and rare. Near East lielief In the only oi-gnnl-lailon now operating In Western .la and It Is making an appeal to uv Iliose Christ inn chlldreu. iy the e-l t imniediatelv pay to the Recei ar,iou,tt thereof. A'V j'.ersor.s claimir.g a (Ivors abo'v-deseribod intrl .i " ;.(!, HI" their H-ii'iH, n .5J H-t'cn.?, o;i '"' ,t,i l- the time designuted for i.tile. i L. A. 1IOOTH, t Receiver. 'ice. the followlni next, nt this of tract of hind : STZ'Vt N'-.VU Stction IS, NE NW-ii Section 7, SE Sec tion G, :.ll in Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian.' The sale will not be 'kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver 'the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or o&jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 15th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that FRANCIS J. KIATT of Lena, Oregon, who, on November 8th, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 016728, for SV2 SE Vi Section 27, N NE Vt , and SE NE, Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year proof, to establish, claim to the land above described, be- ' J. A. V.T.: tors, Clerk of County Court, at Heimner, Oregon, on the 10U day of February, l'!20. Claimant names ar; wltro'sses: Wrn F. Pe.t'son. of Lei a. Oregon; Noah E. Pettyjohn, of Morgan, Ore gon; Howard. E. Pe-i-fcn, of Lma,. Oregon; Jesse V. Frtnch, of Lena. Oregon. c s. Dry'" Register. NOTICE Foil I'l HI.K'ATION ;.y !' I Ml IV' Hi li., In r It . H . I el T ! . , MFV. ;i . i.mii r-eti ion.!-;; Hi, ,.n n,,.ir,(,r ,,f 'I ' i.-u found f,,ry .-,,1 f the ri. vdcrt, r. iitiver Unrrmiaf 11 ""I'" 1 ''I I.''!.. ,v thes,. e.. p,.. 1 l'v their... h-'. ,,f ,,! . d f.-r I.) Neil I;, ,i, f, I v.,.i , ,w In American $2 Bill Did This y II M.'Mi,., t, ( ,;l ,.r;,.,r ,,.,, h.iiiiel.-.,. Ion i, . , , ,,,, j tin' ,-. j t.- tl! ?!,. if, i,.,,f ti"n ! tl ,, !, ft ., j. ,,,, .iir l ii.t K. ilef i. ipt.u ;u ,r 10. i .ii, A'-.o: r ' ....! ,,, ,.f 1 1 ,. .lllC (ft) I t,,H ht .1,.. t!1t-ti I ii k. ii . . i, !.,'. r, !, I,, ,. ,,, I- ,j pi, ,!( , ,i'., .,, i , ,. f, """ '' !. tl' l I!... . , nuttl ,.f tt.Mt.iili ,i c,,,trT,.', , ,;. b, II h r... .: i) ,, ., ,,, i,. t ,ri, " M't'lft-r I :,... ,, ,,.r ti,.!,,!,, I.ttle t, t.n ,,f I : i, , T,.,, ,! .n-"'"ii nr.- k .k.e, t I),, ,,., fit.. N. .. !...( ;;, i ,.f ,, !,,,., , ,.. ,'elli Aia t Inert- Aiii.Ticii - . ,.. ,r ,-, ,-. (.1 t.-t It .'111 II. t.. int.- f..r , u, uliUj ,1,, C(J (HI t r I hni .!, v t ' V '.if- y-M. .; Altai,. i l n great fci-d for the .ro..! In uii,iie r u ti'l w '.liter. Alfalfa 'rmi.i a ur;e in i .-pit uf nun iineiit for I'trty Utnd of to. 1.. Il.-i-.t- Undnco : l.o ol hkht y utcl ilrhe )..:. S!..i hi the ,i.,,,- It H-il 'b. tin- e.-'i p'eiev ..f r...m In tthl. h t i .tr. li b hi !!!, 1,1'i-r liol b t Ititn follow Int.i the H. ,. ... j ' JTih r mill 'inlii;!it i -.t I nt ,;. . i -.) Ill the tt!e 1'iilrjr l- ini h..iil, ' I l.e itiry t-smi. Vi ...n,.r : I lit toll. j I I Hog linil,( lip lljille. t -iit. I nbli- Er-i-ll fornKf llllil l!lHli,i,J. i i In r.timii, a lunch nf I! ili..tit j ate r uiih!p, f..m;.- Isida'.eil Trai t Nil Ciai I.mtil Public l..i.ld S ile. lit pai tn,. :it of h" ! i 1 1". S !. ;( ollic ;U La .".i " I" ..i.e. 1 ..d tuber t", I'i Ml. v Hen Hi :. .... .Ii- 'i -.1 ', I.:,- ' ,,!,..;.,. r , , II,. G - '. I.'o' . .. i: '.!'.. . .io.p "t .- ' . n : i 'i'i ::. s . i,m ' tatit t, A. I.INl OI.N SvVAGGAUT. Athena, (ii. s. n, Serial No. (il', i v .'.I ot-. r :,t public s.iie. to If., his!,, i-t '.l.i.i. r. but at not i, it.,,,, f2.' p. r rcr... at ! iVrl.ick A M . on I In- 1 'h day of 1 . lu ! ut t!ii nt: , ,. the fulloKlm; of 1 rd; Lot 4. Soti n 3, Towni.hip 2 . ml!:. Kiinge : II. . W, Slant. tl.- Meri dian. The ,ile w ill not be kept oj , n, lull I will he ile. l.treil tlimj w N-n I hoo ' ! preu'Dt at I hi' hour n.iini.l i'1-.mi'ij boldini;. The pi rnn - ..kit'K thf l-.lghoM bid ill be t rtt!r"l to itiillie.iiat. ly p, to (lie Kereiv ( , j ll'lllttltlt tllftlN'f. j Any n-m..n rid nms .id . . i lv tli I ,.o...ii'-ri,..-.! l.m.l n:r ' ! their ri . -i . or olij.i t, otin on or 'ot ih M tie itooiannlml f..r ?!.' I C. i I'l'NX. I l:.r -i. r NOI.AV -KI V. Hcppncr Tailoring & Pressing Shop G. FRANZEN, Proprietor Whiteis Building;, next door to Wilson Hotel You Will Save Money by making- your selection and ordering your new suit between now and Christmas as our wholesale dealers have notified us that prices on all suiting will advance January 1st as much as $.oo per yard. 1 WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTORY WEARING QUALITIES IN EVERY SUIT MADE IN OUR SHOP. A u Cleaning and Pressim a Specialty cr ii ii I? if -t MUH I loll ' ftl trm GOOD WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Also Two fine Alfalfa farms I iune.M!..uri.rM.,h,,a.t lu., i,:...hH Vlf ..vo.curalL.tfe,,,,,,,,,, '-u ir, iir.u ce inc. ' K n E. M. SHUTT Up-itairg in Court House iM'Uinl Trxl V) Coal I u.l Tutiltc t.ia.l i i". r : i i-; fur In i nmwl fi-r.) that mo rt ti..