Tuesday, December 23, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MORROW COUNTY it t 1 I ONE GARAGE C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station Christmas Plums Cochran's Orchestra Having secured first-class musicians who are located per manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal ent and satisfaction at home? For full information write or call HEPPNER ROY T. COCHRAN OREGON IONE ITEMS Aluminum Cooking Utensils We have just unpacked the finest line of Alumi num Cooking Utensils ever placed on display in Heppner. Practically every size of every style ves sel needed in modern cookery is represented. Every housewife knows how much easier it is to cook if she has the proper utensils to work with. Our stock is selected with that idea in mind. Come in and let us show you this elegant ware. Its lightness, brightness and durability is sure to please you. Christmas co-operation, cheer ! It is a catching affair this 6pirit of Christmas and the nearer It ap proaches the more contagious It be Every time that Christmas comes around again we wonder why we haven't cultivated the Christmas spirit all the year. Here's hoping that all our soldier boys, on land and sea, will have a few Christmas plums on the day of good will even though this year they may be mostly in the pudding. Probably the girls are saying the same thing this year that they have said every year In the past "Well, I'm going to start making presents right away for next Christmas." " We get most of the enjoyment of Christmas out of the dreams that come before and after. Oh, to dream of it before it comes, to enjoy It while it is here, and to appreciate it when it has gone 1 At least we are reasonably sure of one thing which is that no soldier will have to go without a good Christ mas dinner. Well, this Is as it should be, since to paraphrase our old friend, Mr. Dryden surely the brave deserve the fare. (Too late for last week) we ft y NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT .(..,. i.ai'a Gilliam & Bisbee In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam Barton, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Administrator of the Es tate of William Barton, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and that Wednesday, the 28th day of Jan uary, luno, at tne nour or iu o cick : in the forenoon of said day, and the County Court Room in the County j Court House at Heppner, Morrow i County. Oregon, is the time and place set for the hearing of objections j thereto, and the settlement thereof. M. D. CLARK, Administrator of the Estate of William Barton, deceased. o4-o5 Do Your V A mas Shop ping Early Wc Have a Choice Line to Select From STATIONERY Symphony I ..v.n. l.ord ijaitiinoro Riviera I.incn in assorted tjnts and .-ies at pi .pular prices SUGGESTIONS KODAKS, TIIKKMOS 1IOT TI.KS. I.l'N'Cll SKTS, l'VKA 1.1 IVORY. I.I'.ATHKR ' GOODS Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Buffington came over from Pendleton Tuesday and spent the week end with friends In lone. D. R. Engleman is here from Heppner and will visit a few days with friends. Mr. Engleman is nurs ing a frozen ear. Mrs. A. E. Johnson and children left Monday morning for Portland where they will visit with her mother Mrs. J. T. Knappenbere. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Christopherson are in Portland visiting relatives. They also expect to visit at Ridge field before returning home. Rev. B. E. Emrick and his wife left Tuesday morning for The Dalles where they will visit a short time be fore leaving for their home at Philo math. Wayne Schriver, w'ho has been at tending the Adcock Tractor school for the past three months, has return ed home after completing the course at this school. Willard Fan-ens and family have moved from their Wall creek ranch in Grant county, to lone and will spend the winter here to send the children to school. Last week Henry Stender, who lives near lone, had the misfortune to be kicked in the back by a colt, bruising him up quite badly. Mr. Stender is still confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Zink returned Tuesday from Portland after spend ing a week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Zink have been detained in lone for x few days on account of the snow being so deep they could not make the trip to their" ranch in a car. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Townsend and son, Johnny, who have been spending the past week with relatives at Walla Walla, returned home Saturday even ing. While away Mr. Townsend pur chased a bran new Ford car. They came as tar as Pendleton in their car and on account of the deep snow were compelled to leave it there and re turn on the train. The members of f'ne Eastern Star lodge held a special session last Thursday evening for the purpose of meeting with their worthy grand matron, Mrs. Albert McMurthy, who was here from Eugene to pay their lodge an official visit. There wore about 27 present in spite of the cold weather. All express having spent a very profitable evening. Re freshments were served about midnight. We Repair and Recharge Any Make of Battery and carry a full new stock of the nLADf&PHIA Guaranteed two year. Fits any car. The Battery Electric Service Station Heppner, Oregon C. W. McNAMER B. F, SORENSON Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. We beg to announce to the people of Heppner and vicinity that we have purchased the lease, business, fixtuies and good will of the Peoples Meat Market and have moved into the quarters recently occupied by that firm in the Gillman building on West Willow street, where we will conduct a first-class market in such a manner as will appeal to the most fastidious. On our racks and in our storage will be found the very best the market affords in BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POUL TRY AND FISH IN SEASON Try some of our home made pure pork Sausages with your lUickwheats these cold mornings. Our purpose is to give the people of Heppner strictly first-class service, courteous treatment and fair prices Give us an opportunity to serve and please you. Central Market COMPANIONS FREE PLANS FOR DWELLINGS Standing of the 10 High Candidates in the Doll Contest Muriel Cnson ' :l ''! Moore 112"" Eleanor Cohn 10783 Hetty Irwin 147 Tftet.1 Ilieslln Marjory Cl.rl: 7576 I) il till y He en f!"02 Mai rare! IJ: rati 6M Louise Tlmi on 58 j2 Mai; Ailkln 4714 Do your shopping here and get voles for your favorite little girl Hocflers Chocolates Liggett's Chocolates Lyon's California Glazed Fruits in i-2. i,2and3poundpkgs. Xmas Gcting Goods and Book Lets. A large beautiful line to select s'rom 5c and Up The Retail Store Patterson & Son The Renall Slote United State Housing Corporation's Scheme to Assist Own-Your-Own-Home Committees. The fnot that" plans for dwellings, prepared hy the Cnited Slates Housing corporation ilurlriR war time for vari ous (,'ovorninc'nt projects, urn to lie made available for general public use liy the own ynur-own home wet Ion, Information ami I'llunitlon service. 1'nltc'l Slates department of lalior, will serve to stimulate the Interest of wom en In all parts of the country In this' movement. Several type of houses have lieen selected, and the plans for these will he irlven to own jonr-own home com mittee which are now carrying on campaigns In more Hum 10 cities. These plans are for dwellings that will host serve the needs of average fami lies. I'.eauty and utility have been combined In the most practical manner , and the plans are capable of many va riation. It Is explained that the pur pose Is not to Interfere In any way i with the work of local architects by ; thus providing government plans, free of rost, but It Is expected that when j thp estimate In widely separated , ! state nri compiled the Information i will bi of Table to prospective home owners, while It will afford comparl- 1 sons of the varying rot of construe! tloti III many parts of Hie I'nliid i States. The employment of local arch itects I advocated. Iteipiests that local ownyonrown I borne campaign lie vtnr'."l without i delay wire sent out by the I'nlt'-d j States department of labor to 4mi ' rifles. Letters Were addreid to mayors, labor orgariiioiiloti and the ! clergy, as well as fo clubs and otter association that ha xpressed will Iflirilen to hid the riilnpii.clis. While tb-re are now 41 cllb s conducting well advanced , n our -own leune cum p'llgns, nearly oth. r lme Murbd the work of n'lmuhitiiri: iHiiidim ' t The poor will many a care forget. 4 !' The debtor think not of his lelt. J Hut, a they lcth enjoy their cheer, Wi-ih it were Christmas alt the year. I mi fx D.'UCGISTS II ii.ou.ii. Miller. Make It Footwear for Christmas Come to Us for Shoes We have the BEST for the PRICE, the price may be. No matter what New Stock Just Received We have in stock Ladies' Fine Boot in Black, Gray and Brown Kid, also in Combination Tops, A, B, C and D width in stock. E. N. GONTY, Shoe Man