PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 23, iqiq THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter On? Year . TFKMS OP SIHSCIUITIOX :...$2.00 Six Months J1.00 Three Months $ .50 WISH YOU A MKItUV C'HHIST. MAS To every man, woman and child in Morrow county and the world at lai-f.'o the Herald today extends the compliments of the season with our best wishes for a right merry Christ mas and a very happy and prosperous New Year. The past year has dealt kindly with Morrow county people bringing to them a plentiful measure of prog ress and prosperity. Having shared in this period of prosperity the Her ald would be an ingrate indeed If it. failed to remember its blessings and acknowledge its gratitude for the many manifestations of good the old year has brought. While the general arrangement f things may not suit all of us down to the last little detail we must a1 admit that, taken by and large, it is a pretty good old world we live in an it is up to all of us, individually an collectivey to make it better w each succeeding year. This we car perhaps best do by striving to cany witli us through the year the spirit of Christmas Which is nothing if not the practical exemplification o! the doctrine taught and practiced by the Man of (Jalilee: "On Karth Peace; !ooil Will Towards Men." INSANITY ( ll.Ii(ii:S I II, Kl) A charge of Insanity was made ir. .fudge Campbell's co'irt a few days ago against. Dr. Hayden, f Haul man. the bearing beiir; for yes terday. When Sheriff McDul'I'et went alter his man, however, he had decamped, it being understood that be has gone to Fossil where, it I. said. he rented offices some time ago. The doctor is said to be a drug addict and whin under Ihe influence of (,pi ates ami 1 Iher concoctions he is con sidered, rn it is said, to be pite ir en,mi;;;ldc. So lonv as I lie doctor stays away ''oci t.iis county it is understood (he charges wjll not be pressed. ' "if ,.-.i , spriiid rice , "'..'1 loi'e ('. cil. Morgan, Una rd ma 11 and Iriigon is held up this week by l;i.-( of train service and news is sure scarce In I loppner. . (!. I'lper, a progressive young ' 'liner of the l.cxinulon country, was via'or in lleppnei this morning. '' ': Ihe load between here and ! is place is aboul as bail as It can '! "d si ill be passable. Mepe, 1 , 1 ,,,in 1 1,,, ,,, , ot- tll, '":' eive.1 o derii.iy nay that ' IX 1 ' 1 . 1 -- Id M11 w '1.11 covin s I ' n t Kit v ay while l. i.tie i" "' Tin: in T-piing weailier. All ot lii h 1 1 1 1 1 1 c ,' 1 1 1 h I hat Heppner lias Hie In inter 1 limale on earl h. XLe CLrlstmas Spirit ztL 1 CHURCH NOTICES : t Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:60 o'clock in the lodge room in the I. O. O. F. building. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All interested are invited to attend these services. Subject for Sunday, December 28, "Christian Science." f Sri -tiCj Krlra Business 01 war, pRl nJl uni1 uml,;r the 'sl)Ur ' con (A wllA I nervation rilens wrnnirlv nn- 'ffii derstood, there is danger f''--i this veur that something of the Christmas spirit will be lost. Never before has It been more important that it should not be. The Christmas spirit as well as civilization und liberty must be saved. The world is in the midst of a war that is wrench ing men's hearts; a nation that has made peace its emblem is throwing it self and every resource into the con flict; on all sides sons have purted from mothers and fathers; news of casualties is being received. Under such circumstances it might be natural for the weak to yield to depression. This must not he. There is a brave and cheery side to the picture, which must be kept constantly in our hearts and minds. Preserving and accelerating the Christmas splrli of other years will help do this; omission of the usual acts of kindness and generosity will add needlessly to the depression that all ure trying to drive from them. Hearts were never In greater need of cheering than this yeur. Nor was there ever greater need for an outlet of the spirit of kindness and generos ity In man. We are engaged In the un pleasant business of bringing to her senses by force a brutal government. That Is the task of the hour. But it should not be permitted to blind our eyes to the things wholly of the spirit, to dull sensibilities Into disregard of obligations less presslngly important, but equally essential to the preserva tion of the finest type of American manhood ami womanhood. That Is why charities in war times should be more generously supported than in days of peace; why this Christinas should be made, if possible, cheerier und happier than any Christmas that has gone before There are some people who cannot afford to observe this (TirltfMims as ihey have observed It In years pre ciii.i;.' There are others who can liet Ici aiiinil in pe generous than i-Vci. All should give In proportion. llieve is no reason why they should not, anil e-ery reason why they should. Not li do bo v ,11 Pe unpatriotic and Bullish. Federated Church Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. We use the lesons of the International Sunday School Asociation. Morning church service 11:00. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening ser vices 7:30. H. A. NOYES, Pastor. Keep Christmas. "There is a better thing thnn the ohservan if Christmas and that Is keeping Christmas." llenry Van Dyke. Let It Stop at That. A white Christmas Is well enough, "it It 11 1 not embroider its lienefao Hons by milling frostbitten toes. VSZ. i Wy 1 ! Give llii.i Girs tilz 2ie Would Buy for Himsetf M v t men snv.i 10 or more of the many brands of C.;;ais we c.i; 1 so you can come here with the in. in 1' ll-.'.i - si w ill In- .iM,' lithl "I I IS" ( ;'.n s in 111 l 1 1' i- ln. hi w .mi in e. '';t vm il c.i-i pic-itv v'i.ijs .t i,i l! , mi the h m- u ,i is in hi .!, t iln in .it l ,nnl h t it, kfi 1 ho 111 li ! 'II U'M ll Chi lM in. is. MUKMKI- OPTIMO NUGGETS DRY CLIMATE 1-I.OKA DE MOSS McAtee (St. AiKen NOTK'K TO CHKDITOKS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Letha A. Patterson, has been duly appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Annie I. Matlock, de ceased, by the County Court of Mor row County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my at torney, Sam E. Van Vactor, in Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, with vouchers duly veri fied. Dated and first published Decem ber 23, 1919. LETHA A. PATTERSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Annie I. Matlock, Deceased. TKCCK FOR SALE Three ton Packard truck in A No. 1 condition $1800. For particular call on or address the Heppner Her ald, Heppner, Oregon. 62tf LOW PRICE FLOUR SALE THE United States Grain Corpora tion has arranged with the mills in Oregon, Washington and Idaho to offer to the trade a "Standard Pure Wheat Flour" equal to or better than that now heing exported by the United Stales Grain Corporation, at a price that will permit its being sold to the consumer at not to exceed $12.00 per barrel; packed in 2 4 lb. cotton sacks at not more than $1.50 and 49 lb. cotton sticks at not more than $3.00. If any dealer is unable to obtain this flour at a price that will permit its being retailed at not to exceed prices named, or if any consumer is unable to .obtain this flour at retail at not to exceed prices named please notify the Grain (Vu porai ion at 510 Hoard of Trade Building Portland, Oregon Herald classified ads get results Classified ads on pag 5. I LOOK. FOR THE RED BALL TRADE MARK a i ucaniu uniiiiuuiiuiun ShootiniRii The Price of Pork Chops and Bacon Here are reasons why the fine, fresh pork tenderloins and pork chops, or savory ham, or crinkly bacon, which you enjoy for break fast, cost much more per pound than the market quotation on live hogs which you read in the newspaper: An average hog weighs 220 pounds. Of this, only 70 per cent (154 pounds) is meat and lard. So, when we pay 15 a pound for live hojs, we are really paying more than 2iy a pound for the meat which ve will get from these animals, even niter taking into account the value of the by-products. But people show a preference for only or.o-third of the whole the pork chops, fancy bacon, and choica cuts from juicy hams. This moans that when we are sell ing Premium bacon at 43'i?per pound wholesale and Premium hams at 30, there are other parts for which we get as low as 6 or 8f per pound. The net result is an average profit to us of less than U h pound. The choice cuts are higher because of n demand for them. Another thing: Only 35 pounds of the entire hog or about l6th is usually marketed at once. The rest must be pickled, cured, or smoked. This takes months, and adds to the costs which must be met. Swift & Company, U.S.A. iHll i. JL v txt vi -tki '. pe. i la f il l! 9 PT I !!,'.. t N i m I i t THE BOOK OF THRIFT FOR CHRISTMAS Within the pages of a Savings Pass Book is an incentive to practice thrift. A cheery little bank book is a fine thing to give and a most worthy gift to receive at Christmas time. It is typical of the joyous spirit of thoughtful giving. Savings Accounts will be started as you may direct, for ONE DOLLAR or more, and a pass book showing the amount, issued to each person. You can be as liberal as you wish. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON A Worth While Christmas Present Buy this ideal home, now offered at a real bargain as a Christmas present for yourself and your family. SIXTY ACRES, NEAR IRRIGON, With Water Right All Paid Up In Full. I'imvn am- in alfalfa. C 1 4-rtn house ancUtlur building ami improvements. PRICE ONLY $S,ooo. BETTER ACT QUICKLY Roy V. Whiteis THE REAL ESTATE MAN 1 have a number of oiher good Inn s in stock and wheat ranches. "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Scwcr and Water Pipe. Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 Norlh tCth St Walla W'alld, Wash. Phono 467