IF 1 s -f; , . .e ..iSi, APPAWr.rr'. i?nn vaitd nAT,nT,TT,., . fcj . j CAUSE WE HAVE THEM TO DEAL WITH E'F WE W WHAT MEN LIKE DE LEAVE TO US THE DECISION OF THAT dMcULT GIFT ploBLH,? " NEEDS ArfD ANTICIPATE THEIR WANTS; SO YOU CAN SAFELY &SoYKloSH:WHAT T 01 VE" CME HW WELL SPARED WE ARE TO HELP YOU. IT WILL SURELY . ;.c: :.;.!?:; ;;,-:; 3 afcCSdCKS-SW! Of Cosirss 1e Needs I Some New Shirts And you will find it a real joy to U choose from the ones we are show- f ing. Find out his size from an old t shirt before coming- then you will A be sure the new ones will fit. I Si.oo to $7.50 He Never Has Too Many Handkerchiefs How well every wife or mother knows this. If you are buying for a friend, you may well profit by their knowledge. ioc to $2.00 Each I I 1 1 hi A Silk Muffler will Mec a Warm Welcome . lv,w- v-"" .''.. is t-iv complete v - -tfi ' y both as to range of price and styles EV'SSf5S?SlA!?l I enabling you to find just the Muf- VISj' E fleer that will n1 c fljMW m f"- mm uv.su. 1 $1.00 to $2.50 i Make Sure of His Com fort at Night Good, roomy Garments for Night wear make a man sleep well. You can be certain he will appreciate re ceiving some of these. $1.50 to $2.50 Several for Him . 1 rjt1H ' il, Tr iaT tha "F" It is possible ior us to name a small Ji , ... Ar :.Vriia p;ck t,1CniSflvef- WKl 1 Irt of the Gifts citable for men aml " CSt'P;)) - Ul l,attcrns anfl co,ors' I and boys that you will find here. change sort of Ties that men I Every Man Can Use a Good Sweater Coat Manv men like to wear th em pvrrv 1 Gloves Are Alwavc Wont-;n w c 1 day. others only once in Whilo h R - vrui, OU I they are a mighty handy garment "e IMeeUS a NeW Pair I to own. Jj $3.00 to $10.00 M v , , It is possible for us to name a small i . ., , THE CII-?I?;iMAS PTOt?E FOR MEN 50c to $2.00 i - welcome you to come and see will hem after Christmas. ex- . V III" 1 v B V X Bill j STO-BEFcfMEN I tlOMvjON BROS. . STORE rorT" J 'M II I', I LEGAL NOTICES XOTICK FOIt ri HMC'ATlOX I.'epaitment of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon. November 15th, 1919. Notice la hereby given that CHARLES J. BOOKMAN, of Heppner, Oregon, wno, on June 2nd, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014123, tor NWi, Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three rear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court 'X Morrow County, at his office at K '?pner Ore gon, on the 12th day of January, 1920. Claimant names a witnesses: Horace M. Yoakum. Frank O. Ras mus, James L. Kirk, Ed. E. Adklns, nil of Heppnrr, Oregon. C. S. M'XX, xotici: or sllKKII 1 'S SAM" C,ih No. C.-firn?,. !n Hit' Ciicuit C it t t of do State it uri'i'iin f-r !!" f'l-nit..- of Mult li'imali. T!ie Viillnn r-fli'iit w.:it r Co.. i ('irpiit.it!nn, i n t i f t . v. William II. V.ai-nn and Kr:na 'V. V..tii'n, It.-fi-ndant. l'.y victue nf a J'h!iii'M. ... n. tl'.n :ind omIit "i ..1 Iv-m-d : aluiM' ciilitli'il (outt in Hu' aliic entitled rause, to ti.e dipTtcit 1. 1, I dat-d tin. 7th day of Oet.,.r, . PI!', upon a Judgment rendereil nid ent'-red In said Cdurt on tin- 2ml day of Octol.er. A. I. In favor of The VolIiinr-('ear iter ( ., Ltd.. a rnrpntatlon. plaintiff, and uifalnut William II. Waton and Lima V. Wnt'on. defendants, fr lhi sum f IJ'iiiilOO. nsn!)..r wtth iritv't therm at the rite of I per rent p r nnnum from the ISth day of Novem ber. A. I) I 1 T. snd the further sum i f 117' 0i) as sttmneyn fMe. togeth er ith lntTet thern at the rate of 6 per rent per snuin from (Vtotier 2nd. 115, and the futth'-r sum of IK n) rosin and disbursement, and t!ie rot of and upon this writ, com manding nie to make sale of the fol lowing desrrllied rel property situ ated, lying snd being la Much c""n'), trectn. to-wil: The South half of the Nortl.eni Tiitter f Hertion Thirty-fo-ir (54) and the South halt' of the Northwest quarter-of Section Thirty-five (35), In Township One (!) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East of the Wil lamette Morldian; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment and order of Bale, and In compliance with the commands of Bald writ, I will, on Saturday, the 27th day of December, A. D. 1919, at the front door of the County Court House at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M., In Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all of the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants, William B. Watson and Erma V. Watson, br either of them, had In and to the above described property, or any part thereof, on the 23d day of June. A. D. 1919. the d-ite of the filing of the writ of at tachment In this suit and the at taching of n:ild property herein, or have since that date had In or to the above described property or any part t ici t-fif, to rntisfy naid f-x'euiU,n, in ' nn,: oiib r. In'- n-it, cot:' ;vi ;;(''! rii;-; coMs. ii-.l-l tbix l.Vh dav of Oeti.ber. A. I. i:i!9. c;:'). MeiuTFKi:. 'V.i.f -f Mot low County, Oregon. ! i it Noemlier 2"i, '. ' I i t' ri Miln-r il. 1 '1 1 ther right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the Fourth publication oj this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your ans wer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. Youshould state In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be Beat to you. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOLAN SKIFF. Receiv r. Date of first publication DecemVr 9. 1919. Date of second publication Deeer, . ber 16. 1919. Date of third publication D'-r em ber 23, 1919. Date of fourth publication Dee.-tr.-bor 30, 1919. AltMIMHIMA TltlV NOTK 11 SW.I-: OF RF.AI, Fsi'ATIl OF Hie tbe , by i n t y for vi'in: oi com':-' I ; 'art -o.-nt ' r lb.- !it.-!ir,v. f. . I. an-' 'ifr;r., (ii.mdi-, o-.i-... :.'ca- ,n'j. J'i, !i ; ! , To i l::a cacii, i -,; I'enill ! hi. (in-iron, rout. .(... Yn.i UK' Iwehy notllii i that JOHN KKEiJAN. of I.'tla. Olegon, lr) tivis I.ell. Ilrei; ill, ii s h.s post i. f f I e i addn-sn, did on S it inln-r 2'i, I'l'. file In Ibis offli-p his duly rono'io. .it"l upplii-Htlon to ronte-t nm! .--ure Hie ri,ncilni,n of your He Head htitry, .-.i Sn. 016117.. in.i.l July nth. J:I6. for NK'4 NV4. md Ni:',. Serf inn i. Ton-lnp I South. Itanite 29 F.Ht, W'IIUm -t'e Meridian, and as grounds for h. r.,n tet he ail-(s that sld Clsia (", ! h not compiled with the i with re'erenre to HomestHld entrie-. ','at stie f,,i,. (n ta,nh l, de.ne thereon, has made no Itnpr'if. ments whatever, and A far as I b.- ten able to learo. kss never Son on tke pUe You are. t letefo'e, further iiot. fied tht the said allegations will 'j tskeo as roDfed. and y.ur uj r.try will te ciQ.elU without tui- r-ul nit . N: tie,- i: ",1'iietiy riven, thai unite -s'Tn'-il. i adrnlnlMtalm o .t:.' ot Cnv L. II hI!. . d. -, , ii (' m' in oi dec o t h" (', Com t ol tb" ;Jfat' of On-m n M I'tuw f'uiii:ty. duly mmle am! en lT"d on tli.' J.st day or l)"i- , nber, I''!'1, empowi-rintr. ni".,nt . i l and '!ir'iti:u her m t,i ,1,,. will, at tie offiro of S. ;, Not on. in II- i;.lier. Mot row County Oreuon. In n, anil after Him hour of 10:00 o'llork i i tic tori-noon or Filday. the 2nd d of January, IfiL'O, proceed to f. ;l for cish. at private sale, to (,e I bidder, the followlne desenbe piofii'ity belnnring to the said to wit : Th" Sou'hwet (jointer of the Northeast quarter HW, Ni:'i. South half of the Notthwei ii!iiti. (Shi NV 'i ). Noi thwest qu.i'ter of the Southeast qiiMrter (NV, HK'i) and Northeast qimrtir rf tb- SouO-. west (jijarter (NKi SW', ) of S-c-t:on Fourteen (14). Town h p Five (5) Son'h. RsnKe Twent) flv (25) Fast f (ho Willamette M-rldian. 'Dated this 2nd day of I ... nber 1919. MARY H ADI.F.Y, Administratrix of the Kstat" of Guy L Hadley. ilsrsnsi) 11-26 l.lli: IMF Ol H MI X tMt ) Having rearheij that age r,er niea art tot wanted In eifbs- roa- merieal or industrial life, being turned down in favor of younger men, but feeling that I am not yet ready to be lnid on the shelf, I am now going to specialize In insurance and ask your patronage. Have two of the best fire Insurance companies In the United States, both purely American, and have Just taken the agency for The Idaho State Life in surance company, a purely western company with the most popular y .11 clas written. If you are In the mar ket for Life. Fire or Automobile in surance, give me a call. Let the young men do the work and give the old man a chance to make a living for himself and family. Tour busi ness will be appreciated. LEON W. URIOGS, 31-tf Heppner, Oregon. x frier: i on rt iii.ication ISOI.ATF.II TRACT fok ri'isi.ie.vnoN Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, December 15th, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that FREDERICK W. COXEN, of Echo, Oregon, who, on June 12th, 1916, made Homested Entry, No. 016011, for NVV14. W (. SWU. Sec tion 24, Township l South, Range 2S j f.aat, illnmette Meridian, has filed notice or intention to make Final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court at Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of February, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Harvu Mcltoherts, of Lexington, Oregon; Fay I'ettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon; Harry Ilrown, of Lena, Ore Eon; L. 1 1. Neill. of Echo, Oregon. C. S. IiCN'N. Register. DR. HAROLD C. BEAN 'MiMl'M.X mid SUtUFO.V Ili'iiner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Ilulldiug Office. IMione 7a Itesl.lenco 8lU xoTier: roil i t iii.ication ! I'artniei.t of tin- Interior, I'. S I. and i. iiui- m ,f, (iiandi.. luei-oii. I'e ber I ' I h. I 'I I 'I. Public Land Sale, Department of the Interior, I' s. Land ollice, al La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 6, IHl'i Notice Is heieby given that, ai ill leeteil by t;e Com II 1 1 " ii . Her of l t - -(''lleral I ... till niiiee, nn, vi I.I See. SI.'.:.. JI. S.. pil'Miaut In ti:-j N. t .- i; li..,v fixeii II, al apl'liiatlou of i;n.j. v. I i . . i. i. . M I; Y A . II A li'l I H i .( CI I ; ,' lleppn-.,, (H.-.m. .',;,.,! ::, ii'n.;i, ,,r i, ,,,.,, ii,,,-,,,,. , , N,.,,,,, " v:" ;' ' f. bei ;oih. TH'.. ,.,.,.. VI. i, i, on., I IHt-lie-t bill i ; 1,1,1 ,,i not than , -i.; ,,,., n in,--,-, ,. I'"'' '''' ''' "'"'k Ni:i ami ;i, hi;., .,.,,, - , on the l-'b day .. V.;,,, 1- , T.. , N,,,,, ,...,. ; ,;.,, ""x- '"""'"" !'" "i"ov ! , Will 11,-M,. .l:,,, ,, naet of land: -V.i, .WV, S-.-. ,,1 ,,, Mli;,P,. n ,., I.v.n.bi,, 4 South. l:an: 2T F. ,. te.,ahlh ,1 , , ,,. ,., Adl.iai.fe '.I- .: II above d,M,, be,. b.f,,,,. J w.,,,,. The sale I! . ,e . ,,,,... bit !f-,rk , ,-,,,.,, ., , ,, ,.,, tt'll be d -11.11111 il.,. id v.b mi I !n, ' ,, , ,,. ,,,, , .... lie,-, ,n, on the 'Mb d,,y of libnjary tUeil-Ilt at 11, 1- I. nil, !,.,, e, b.,v j,,,,,, ream-it blddinf Tin- Im i.i.i, Inal.i,;- ,., the hlthe-t bid il be r.ifii'eil lo ., .. - , ,. mediately pay to It,.- n,. ! ... , ,. , ... . , W nit. nbui f r. of l.rho, On i on C amount theieof ' Any person rUlmlng Hdv,,.e,v ' '"'" " above ,),..,, ,b.,l , . .K,..... I ' ' ' "' l"n fit., i i . i r ! M NN he'o'e the time d .-1 i'l, a I ' ) to- v e I C. I. DCNN. j ll.-l'l it. , I NOLAN rKirC. I V A UGH AN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow Bunldlng Heppner. Oragoa S. E. NOTSON ATTm.EY-AT-LAV Of.lae In Court Hnu"e Heppner Oragon DR. A. D. McMURDO I'llYSIClAV SIHGFON Telephone 122 Office I'at lemon's Drug Stora Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWKKK a i ioi:m:vs.at-i,aw H.-ppner Oregon SAM 10. VAN VACTOR A I lol!M i.VI I.AVY. "' f'I'ii' r Oregon I' A. McMKNAMIN I.AWil It i Itob.-it.. ..g. II. ppnei, Ore. Ofiii e I'lion.. Main 6 13 !!' id. tie I'hoiie Main fit):, l!e(-, lei ! 2 " H It.r. IF otic or riwL accooaT fl N o' i' 4 t ftr- rt,f if i f ri t i io-,r ft,t i.-4 , ,j. ,ttt """bl '-f J . i,ra j..v!..- (- tt " 'I . ' f tl r m:) .n! a. in ft ' ')'. 'r.'ii, h1 I m a,i . r ) 1 f5m it 'i t ' " I' , ' mm t . i ,..,..:, t - ; : ' t - lh- h" ,t uf ; . ,,.t . f m ' n't f.Killi t,t i,! (' ,.. Il. r,i r, tl St r M HTI.R AsKYonrDciJcr ai iirAnti rri7f riirrt i, i , il Mrp&rms Ammunition P.i M Vfite fnf CfttATr.D Iff i Li ROY V. WHITEIS lsl ItANCi: i:i:u, i.sTtrr:, i.s. Hepl-tn-r Oiegon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PIM-H i ami HI lu,iv rbolie ( onnH tlons lone, Oregon K. H. ROBINSON ArroitM.v AT .Vi Main Miwt I. .tin, Ontton The Herald A Year $2.00