Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 16, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, December 16, 1919
While goods in many branches of the Jewelry line are not to be bought in the Jewelry
market, and some lines over sold one year, still we have been able to secure a
fairly good general representation of the line, in the following articles
In glancing over the list you might find something suitable for
a Christmas gift
For Ladies and Misses
Diamond Rings $6.00 to 44 1.00
Diamond La Valltera $24.70 to $94.50
Diamon Brooches $10.00 to $24.15
Diamond Kar Screws $10.00 Up
Solid Gold Brooches $3.50 to $33.60
Gold Cameo Brooches $12.00 to $55.00
Solid Gold Beauty Pins $2.50 to $3.60
Solid Gold La Valliers $3.15 to $14.70
Solid Gold Hat Pins $2.00
Solid Gold Emblem Pins $2.50 to $7.60
Solid Gold Thimbles $4.50 to $5.00
Solid Gold Bracelets $11.00 to $24.65
Solid Gold Set Rings Jm $2.50 to $35.00
Solid Gold Signet Rings $1.50 to $6.50
Solid Gold Hand Rings $3.50 to $11.50
Solid Gold Watches $39.50 to $57.25
Solid Gold Ear Screws $2.30 to $8.40
For Ladies and Misses
Gold Pierceless Ear Drops ,. $3.15 to $8.50
Gold Filled Bracelets $2.00 to $7.55
Gold Filled Thimbles 25c to $2.75
Gold Filled Lockets $1.35 to $6.30
Gold Filled Beatuty Plus 50c to $1.50
Gold Bar Pins $5.55 to $6.50
Gold Filled Brooches .. $1.00 to $3.00
Gold Filled Fobs $3.75 to $6.50
Gold Filled Bracelet Watches .... $19.95 to $35.00
Gold Filled Umbrellas $15.00
Gold Filled Silk Fobs $2.00 to $4.50
God Filled La Valliers $2.60 to $8.40
Gold Filled Hair Barettes $1.25 to $1.50
Gold Lingerie Pins $1.35 to $2.60
Fountain Pens , $2.50 to $10.00
Stytographic Pens $1.75
For Gentlemen
Solid Gold Set Rings , $10.00 to $20.00
Diamond Tie Pins $8.00 to $58.00
Solid Gold Tie Pins , $2.50 to $9.00
Solid Gold Tie Clasps $2.00 to $2.50
Solid Gold Cuff Links $3.00 to $8.00
Solid Gold Emblem Pins & Buttons $1.00 to $4.00
Solid Gold Emblem Rings $8.00 to $18.50
Solid Gold Signet Rings .. $12.00 to $13.50
Solid Gold Vest Chains $12.50 to $22.00
Gold Filled Tie Pins $50c to $2.50
Gold Filled Cuff Lin'ks $80c to $4.00
Gold Filled Tie Clasps 75c to $2.00
Gold Filled Fobs $5.00 to $6.75
Gold Filled Waldemar Chains $2.50 to $4.50
Gold Filled Vest Chain3 $2.50 to 14.75
Belt Buckles' $2.75 to $3.75
Watches $16.00 to $60.00
Fountain Pens $2.50 to $10.00
Gold Filled Dickens Vest Chains .... $2.60 to $9.00
Gold Dickens Vest Chains $16.80
For Children
Solid Gold Pin Sets $2.60 to $5.25
Solid Gold Band Rings 75c to $2.75
Solid Gold Signet Rings $1.00 to $3.08
Solid Gold Set Rings $1.00 to $5.00
Solid Gold Pendant Neck Chains....$2.00 to $5.00
Gold Filled Bracelets $2.00 to $4 00
Gold Filled Ring Chains 7Sc
Gold Filled Pin Sets $1.00 to $3.00
Silver Sets ! $2.50 to $4.00
Bib Holders tl-75 to $2.10
Silver Thimbles 25s
Fancy Scissors, Pocket Knives, Hand Bags Match
Boxes, Elk Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Sugar
Trngues, Individual Salts and Peppers,
Souvenir Spoons, Etc.
Some Useful Pieces and Attractive Patterns
in "Cut" Glass and Hollow Silverware
Oregon Myrtle Woodware and a line of the latest thing in Nipponese Ware
May your Christmas be Merry
afea J -iiii el 1"" iu mtd k-
And the New Year a Happy One
i il i mi i.r t - i i. i i i ,aaaeiaeaaa '
.v ''! i: rot: iTi.ucvnos
isoi.vn.n Ti!.T
I ' (' ll.'V.i t'P'-J.r
i r, V. ;i. l.;iM n; ,1-, . ,i!
'" v . n I i,:' a i '.
, : " i 'i ! i i Mil 'i t j : .
.J! J 1- ' U Iill.i-M' pl'ovi'.il1"!:
i.! . '. !'.. i . i . (l ii I to ! ,;
:ill" .lion nl' (',,', .n;c V. Dylisl
1 1c i,nnr, (livsnii, No. (MdOil,
w will olTri' ;i( public sale, to t'lr
hll'lirtt luililrr, bill at not Ichs than
j;'..tni i i- ai if, al o'clock A. .l. ,
i n tlic isih day of 1-Vhruuiy, 10 '0, i "'
r ' I , at tlihi ollli'i', tlie follow inn ;
V..wa tt'ni ! " ;i, Unaso 27 l-'.i.s'c,
U'illami'tic Met i,i;iui.
The mlo will it-)! be kept np n. b'.1 1
will hi' ilrciiitvtl cloned when ti'O.iP
i;'i-nl ii T'li' Iiotif mimed lnv
iniKp.1 bitUiin . Tin' perron m:il;irK
list- W. :!nit liU vvil hv rmuii.'il to in
;n'.l:s;t.'iy pay lo I hi' Kceiivov tUv
. nsut'iit '.h'vi'iif.
An;. l T. ;! I'iaiiani;; .uK ', ;-t-iv ii,t
; 'miv.' di :-n ibi'd S.-.ml ;'.'v i'aivised to
Mo llielr claim;!, or oujivl i'lW-' on or
!' tho titi'"1 'I v.itsn'lipil ''" i'.'Ih.
c i.. i)i:.;,
HtKi:itet .
S Receiver.
trai l of land: SV V, NV'!i Sec. 2. . Hfr.il.l only $2.01 a year.
!'!: ( !ii:i;s' K.v.Mi.vvrfo.v
nesa will bo appreciated.
l,I0ON W. BRIG 03,
21-! f
: n that
of J:o,'
Id tho ivt,
for :
h.m ;o,
i no
Let Us Fill Your
Christmas Basket
Some Baskets are ready filled with just the
things fur a hijj Christmas Dinner -hut it you
.vould rather, nuke your own choice, our stocks
jffer a wealth of suKcstions.
l'verj tiling i.s arranged for quick ami easy
choosing. We K'tirantec all goods to be of
first quality.
Sam Hughes Co.
I',,;l loo if, hereby
ooiinly iuipei hui ndoui
Cou.'jty, ( )i'oo,(,'ii, will hi
ex i ! ten cr appUctil.i
otM't. i :'' c;i t e.; at tho cou.'t
ic! ;;!..-.:
'oi:;iV:i I'.eiii,,; V.'odncsday, l)rne;: -'uo'
17, '!!'!!. at !i:00 o'clock A. A!.,
nn:! t'liiithiuiiiK urilit irhitm day, 1)
eiehtr :'0, V.ll'J., at -1:00 o'clock 1'.
WohieXiiay lAnt'iinoU
U. S. History, writing (peumar.
hi). uiunic, drawing.
WVdiu-Mliiy Alti'Mn
riiyhiology, roading, manual tram
lag, uamposltlon, doinectie
mothod In reading tuiurne of atudy
for iali)K, uu'thoda fu arithineliu.
Tliaixlay I'oii'iuxiii
Arithmetic, lilatory cf edueatiou,
Vyeholofy, niPthodn in geurottiy.
iu-halojil drawtnp. doiuwitia urt,
ci.ai f iitudy for domestic art.
Thui-Mlay Aftt'rniKia
Grammar, i;eofraphy, stenography.
Amnrlrtn literature, phjslca, lypv
wrltlns, methods In latiKuage, thult
for primary certificate.
Frtilny Foit'tHMm
Theory and practice, ortlmp"
(npning). physical geoRraphy, Eng
lish literature, chemistry.
Xly ArterVB
School lit, geography, algebra,
rWU goTernntent.
Hatardity frrwma
Oeometry. botiiny.
HalanUy AfterniHia
0'neral history, bnokkecptag.
Tery truly yourn,
II 11 9upt. 1'ubllc taatractlon.
Ileppner, Oregon.
I i' oi
iii'ioiu and conviction of i'v
ra'lkts v.lio have heen Fteal-
:))!.' lay . -1 1 ' from the range
Xi. t'ioip Morrow c 'r . ?ly cattle
are hi dk'oiI M C ol ... mht tstdo,
ri';h.t ear split.
Nov. 13, 1919. Leilnston,
' 39tf Oregon.
neppner Taiioring & Pressing Shop.
G. FEANZEN, Proprietor
W'hiteis Iluildini;. next door to Wilson Hotel
It you want what you want when
you want It try a olugnlftad ad.
(ilTtl THE Ol l MKK A I HAXi'li
Harlog ranched that aga hr
mea are aot waated la elthar osn
tnerlaat sr tnduatrlal Ufa, belag
turad doat Id favor at yvaagar
mea, but frfllng that I ta aut yet
ready to be laid ea the self, I aui
oov r'lag ta .fUhe U tanarao
ad aat your gatroaaga. M w
of the beat (Ira lnura,e rva Hain
1 la the tailed States, buta parety
Amertfaa. and have Jtint tukca the
sseory fur The tdahe State Life la
uranca Company. purely weetern
ceinpany lth the moet popular y -It
ole written. If you are la the mar
kt fur Life, I'Jra or Automobile IP
urance, gte me a rail. Let the
young mea do the work aaj give the
old man a chance to make a Ula
fur bimalf aad fauil. Tear kaiit
San Fraaciac Jut to Make
Guilty Choose Between
Fine and Invaatmcnt
Instead of forcing aeraaaa guilty af
minor tranvgreeelaoa ef th law to pay
fluea. In future Polk) and Eufwrier
Court Judgea ef Pa rraotlaco, aa a
corractlva meaaura tandlag to charac
ter building, will give offeadera ap-
prlug before then aa alleraatrte of
helping tbauiaelvM by la fee ting la
United fate, War ftavtuae ftlampe.
"1 lhaU be g.ad." eaid Juaw T. t.
rittyatitek, rrealdlbg Ja4e of tbe
f olk Court, "te aeatet la the move
ment la tk'.a d treat lea aa far aa I ean,
under the preeleleca ef tbe charter ef
this city aad eoaaty, eaea Iba Iheete
that a thrifty Biaa la a eettar atUaaa
and that uiaay af ear ecoaoaste tiki
and much af ear peeeeai ey aoctaJ
unreal are dae directly te tastftleaa
aeaa." Tbe aoltey area4 la by the Baa
rrancleca Jadvae la a aaeee U rw
uou a better eilkeeaeete Maoa taeae
eereeae ceaikag beeeea tbeaa aa nila
deBkaaaer abarajaa. Fla4aai taeaj
bile eertlaf aa a eatreetlaa aeeae
ara, levara the eaif aagaeetlag alitlhy
ef defeadaala. vhareaa cainaalHe
tbeai te furebaae laiareat aaraiag aa
curitla af the Valtad tiatea Uefera
meat, ta the Judges' belief, will t
bea a at art toward baildlag ug a
'.ack account, aad. proportionately, a
feeling of reeeoaelble etMaesjblp. Tbe
jnly condition attabed to the alter
atlTe Of purchasing eecurtllea U
itaad of oaring the See win be that
be defeedaale tnuat held the securi
ties aalll aaatarlty.
You Will Save Money
1;y making your selection and ordering your new
suit between now and Christmas as our wholesale
dealers have notified us that prices on all suitings
will advance January 1st as much as $? oo per
yard. '
Cleaning and Pressing
a Specialty
I now hate a number of the best wheat farms in
Morrow County listed and
rautfiog in ie from 480 to 1O00 acres.
Also Two fine Alfalfa Farms
I have sold four farms the past two .IOnths, but
have several bargains to offer just as good. Come
in and see me.
Up-stairg in Court House