Tuesday, December 16, iq 1 9 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MORROW COUNTY H I O NE GARAGE C. L. O'XEILL. Proprietor, lone, Oregon Automobile Accessories and Supplies Filtered Gasoline Station 2SM CECIL ITEMS t 1 Cochran's Orchestra Having secured first-class musicians who are located per manently in Heppner I am prepared to supply high-class music suitable for all occasions. Why send your money away when you can secure equal tal ent and satisfaction at home? For full information write or call HEPPNER ROY T. COCHRAX OREGON Aluminum Cooking Utensils Wc have just unpacked the finest line of Alumi num Cooking Utensils ever placed on display in Heppner. Practically every size of every style ves sel needed in modern cookery is represented. Every housewife knows how much easier it is to cook if she has the proper utensils to work with. Our stock is selected with that idea in mind. Come in and let us show you this elegant ware. Its lightness, brightness and durability is sure to please you. .Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove, left on the local on Saturday and spent several days visiting with .Mis. Fred Pettyjohn at Morgan. Miss Ellen McFadden of Eight mile, was visiting in Cecil on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Hat Pearson who have been visiting around Heppner made a short stay in Cecil Saturday before returning to their home in Boardman. Misses U. M. Hynd and Lizzie Balhm were the guests of Miss Ber nie Franklin of Rhea, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Oscar Lundell of Rhea, and Peter White of the Willows, were business men in Cecil Saturday. Mrs. A. C. Lowe left for Portland Sunday where she will visit friends for the next two weeks. Mr. Johnson arrived at Willow- creek ranch from Portland Sunday and will finish the work on the new house which he 'has been building for Mr. Oral Henriksen. Thos. Forkner of Lower Willow creek, was a business- man in Cecil Saturday. Buitorby Flats; IHivid Hynd of Rose Lawn. Sand Hollow; Charlie Hynd, , of the Pines, fkiah; and Mr. Me- j Lauphlin of Ekiah. j Geo. Krebs of the Last Camp, left Friday for Heppner. j Mrs. Ralph Winters and daughter, Wclma, left for lone on the local on Friday. ' j Mrs. Bennett of the Last Camp, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Georgia Summers, and niece, Miss HattteSVhivek, left for Arlington on Friday where they will spend a few days visiting their friends. Cecil was visited by a heavy snow storm on Tuesday and Wednesday, snow falling to the depth of 18 inch es on the level. Friday evening reg istered 2 5 degrees below zero. Sat urday morning at 6:30 it was 28 be low zero in Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore of Hepp ner spent Monday around Cecil. IKRIOOX Busy Bee his Cecil We Repair and Recharge Any Make of Battery and carry a full new stock of the Guaranteed two years. Fits any car. The Battery Electric Service Station Heppner, Oregon ptiiiyi i i I Gilliam & Bisbee Harold Ahalt of the ranch, was looking up friends. Three car loads of sheep were ship ped in from Heppner for Jack Hynd on Tuesday. They will be wintered on Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ahalt of Southern California, arrived in Cecil Monday and are looking up all their old friends. They expect to be able to locate a home in Morrow county. Jack Hynd who has been looking up his sheep at Freezout, returned to Butterby Flats Wednesday. ' A. Henriksen was a passenger on I the local to Heppner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen spent j the week end visiting in Heppner. Mr. Bryant of Pendleton, state ! highway computer arrived in Cecil ! Thursday and took up his duties, j Zenneth Logan of Fariview, W. A. ! Thomas and Pat Medlock of Morgan, were doing business in Cecil Thurs- , day. Mrs. T. H. Lowe entertained the following to dinner Saturday even ing: .Mr. ami r.vis. .kick nynu oi V .9 V g 011 Xmas Shop .in Hi ping cariy Wc Have a Choice Line to Select From STATIONERY Svniphoiiy Lawn, l.ord llalliinoro Riviera Linen in a:--rlel ''' an. I -it - :i! p'-pu'.v prin-s SUGGESTIONS KODAKS, TIII'.KMOS I'.OT TLLS. 1 .1 "NC'l I SKTS. I'YK.V . . i ( )!'. I.KATilKlv C, x )I)S Standing of the 10 High Ca ''ixiaccj in the Doll Contest Muriel Caum Kthcl Mooie 1 Maig.irct Itarratt Hetty liwln :6:iH Anna McNamee S23 Mary Adkin- 22f6 Tne.a II' ,! n :2fi1 liorothy llii in 21f.'. Claudia McM llan 20.-,:, Kleiuior Coi n I'O" Do vour shopping here and get votes for your favorite little girl The few cases of scarlet fever which developed some time ago are all re covered and most of the children who were out of school on account of it have returned. Quantities of for maldehyde were used to prevent the spreading of the contagion and we are glad to announce that Irrigon is now a safe place to be in so far as we know. The recent, cold snap made good skating on, the "slough" near the town site anil incidently provided a perfect carnival of sport for our j young people. Wasn't it cold? i N-O-O-O.O! A snow fall of about ten indies enabled two of our neighbors to sup ply a quantity of fresh meat to the Portland market. Wr. B. Howard and Tt. O. Jones captured and shipped six dozen fat jack rabbits. If this weath er continues further shipments may result. If sales should prove satis factory the contemplated slaughter of the rabbits by means of poison may not materialize, but is the returns satisfactory. Wholesale slaughtering of the beasts and a scarcity of stric'h nine may be looked for. And now the new Irrigon high school enters the list of standard high schools. Official notice having been reecived by the school clerk, F. W. Wadsworih. This school was au thorized last summer by vote of Hie people and (lie school board anil Mr. Anderson the principal hus been act ive in selecting and Kocurlng the ner ! 'HF ry library and apparatus and or ganizing the course of (study. Our public water supply went on ; : strike, so to speak, n'oul a week i;n ' The supply we caved in anil shut led'1' the flow of the nua pura, and ! residents of the town have I n com pelled to haul water from Hie few ! private wells or from the river. There ; Is no information as to the probnhil- I itv Ml Mil e-nlv niuuinnlinH ef ttw, M,...i Mrs, Naven ot Pendleton, in hold ing a short sci ies of gospel i lings Attendance was f:lr the lir.t even in u. Further accounts may iippiar ii"l week. llalph Walpoll, who bus he n ;.t tending school at O. A. C, armed home hist Tlli;i!:,y. He will he home lift a lew days, returning In Coi vallis tthia a ee.. Hurry Lc.j(; r. n tonncr redden' ol Iirit'o'l. who had been uielilng on ship pioilui lion .it Seattle lor Fiimr IHOIlt,'", iet H Cfl .le .. (n'l ... eetitlv W itll h';. I, ot I 01 a l.d ' lu ll . 'lit ! l.o A nj-i h s in t he hope ol ing a rem ii n i I 1 1 i v e job. Win has C. W. McNAMER B. F. SORENSON Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. We beg to announce to the people of Heppner and vicinity that wc have purchased the lease, business, fixtures aiid good will of the Peoples Meat Market and have moved into the quarters recently occupied by that firm in the (iillman building on West Willow street, where we will conduct a first-class market in such a manner as will appeal to the most fastidious. On our racks and in our storage will be found the very best the market affords in BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POUL TRY AND FISH IN SEASON Try some of our home made pure pork Sausages with your Buckwheats these cold mornings. Our purpose is to give the people of Heppner strictly first-class service, courteous treatment and fair prices Give us an opportunity to serve and please you. Central Market a in- I ago Horn Walla Walla where I I. iey were visiting relatives and friends. While visiting here their ' son, W. Ilenclul, ol' Arlington, came to spend a few days wi'h them ! Mr. niid Mrs. ,1. L. will return to ; heir home near Wasco. A number of people who have been living in Irrigon are planning to mm e onto their latins in the spring. Among (he number ore S. A. Smith, 0. V. Samson, 1". C. Kroderirkson, Chillies Hernial. Mr. and Mrs. Kinder, we undcr slaiiil have sold their town propel l and will not lie residents of Irrigon iiiuili longer. ding lecture here a low a very inlore evenings ago. Pev. Samples ()' lone, pleached at the .Morgan school house a lew even ings hut owing (o die ,.,( weather was obliged to close the meetings but IiiIcihIh to again lecture at a later dale. F. .1. Lly and II. K. Willis ware house men of Morgan, have been busy shipping wheat Tor the last six weeks. John Jewel Is going to put up n blacksmith shop here at Morgan soon. MOIU.AN Hi MS I l'IS OI'AI, s. S. Wil l, lilVC iiinsTM s im:o(.i: m A l li i iv S. rvi.it '-ii '"I'cat o toi d 1 1 i ! en i . ll'M U, le J, rind inn : in .1 lh '.a gen It Is IHMli l I It' ,ir 1 1 lie- .i'e a ml t wo III I p.lll lltS ' 1 I.I'. . to j two "It oil I h it he ( 'itei a . ; Not as an aviator. H,J v child (in in to live w i i Ii tor a lime. .M.iisball Maikham win) down the lie In ham to 'kali- lie think now I 111! I II tcow neeili l-kule Lis tened nil over til 111 i( ploteit his bfl- j "Old Man Winter" has ,, ii lion wli'h nlioiit two fe of snow and I zero weather. No i.pIiohI : line Tins idav owing to deep snow and cold I v e.ll !e . "' ! Ku-iy tied' cm enjoy i-leighiiir wliil'lliis winlii i at bee lasts. Hal id II. I". Morgan were tin' find nl with their sleighs In this seel loll. y. .1 Lly. our Mm gan merchant, was lulling J.iek nthbltK Vlnithdav. Itobetl Sin l III iiihI son, link. Iiavi I been hauling llndr winli i wood un to till the MlliW 1-toMllll Ihem Lail Morgan is hauling stmw Ihcsv davH, but bad the mr loi tunc one ilay this week of capsizing n load The Sunday School of the Lplscopal chinch will present the following mi December 24 at 7:80 P, 1C. It I lie I h ii reh : out; "ll Came Limn Hie M j ,1 . nil'1,1 Clear" rollyatili.i CI.ikk la vei I Song lay nig Hon fioi.i unpleasant rontad ol lbef ntraw on h Kteep hit aide. Hocfler's Chocolates Liggctt's Chocolates Lyon's California Glazed Fruits in i-2, i. a and 3 pound pkgs. Xmas Greeting Goods and Book Lets. A large beautiful line to select from 5c and Up The Recall Store Patterson & Son The Refill Sioee vmloiiH parti or Ills anatomy with the cold 11 ml unyinpatheii lie. Ak him! A Kroup of young folkn bad K very enjoyuble nocliil nie Unit lit tin- liome of Mr. and Mm. !. i i m ) h I lunt Sunday i-venlnR. Mr. and Mm. Krtic Jordan and Mr. and Mm. . ;. H rry all of Trim tills . vlit-d llh relative In Irrigon durlnit thr pt k. J. A. Slmlli r went to Antorlit Ui-t wwk to mak hia horm- l( will h ronnerteil llh a public ram. Mr. Kira Morrlam from th Hula law roiinlfy, la vlmtmr with frlendu, t)lbrt ami Knn-th liithy. It. H. Imeieaiii, rhler of !h iArlinaton bn, waa In thi vklnity lat Hunday lookitiR ftir Ma tUr which Ii recently turrhani-d f n p-t in mak iom Improvemnta In lh n-ar future. Mm Kotn rt M'f'a rihy and rhild ' fi Matthew llall paio'id thioiigb Mor Kan Wcdneiul.iy ,,f (1,1m weili to lim ranch two rnlbK lulow town, which he piicbawd from (ieorKP II. Whit roinb thin fall. II. A. Ldrnonds' blK ratapillar panned tliroiiKh Murran une day IM week on the train to be unloaded at lonr Mr. i:dniondn la farminn on lail!" arale In thia vlrlnity. Fred willla and iniTld Kly wem tryiriK tu catch lark rabblta In the deep anow Thuraday. T. M lienedlrt, old tlmr rr.ldent of Dila aertlon, who moved lo l.ylo Wah , thia fall, waa vlntin hf few daya lt wek. Mr. Ilrnedlrt In will pbaMd with hl new bom Mm M y. Willla baa be n tlnltln her rdd home In Ihe Wlllarnelti. val ley for the pal Iwo wefka. Th prent cold wiathrr baa dia continued work nn th Mrltway hr ' abnu Will w frerV t Tranklln Kly haa re-orr-d fro in 'a 'Vfr attack of ararlet frr Ha llalogll' leellalion Solo . Song "Spirit of ("In iidmas" . V'elnia Caso 'Ihi' Top or the World" Klower (linden China " ll'il v Mcht" I'ollyiinnii Claas Watch for Santa" . Ilutterfly ClasH "Wilting lo SaiiU" Hetty Irwin Mrs. Il an I'nll vaiina Cliiha Joy to Hie World". . . ' The School t CHURCH NOTICES Christian Slcn Chrlatlan Science nerrlrva ara hld every .Sunday rnoralnn at 11:10 o'clock In the Indue rmim In lha . O. 0 f. bulldlnr. Tetlniony meeting ara held every Wedneeduy evening at 1:00 n'rloek at lha borne of Mm. Rnrene Klaeuru. All IrOereett arc Invited In attend these aervleea. Hnhlert for Sunday, I)ecemner 21, "la the ttnlveraa, Inrlud.nn Man, Kvolved from Atomle. fcrree'" federated Choreh Sunday aehnol al 1:41 a. m. Wa uaa lha leanna of lha International Sunday 5'hool Aaorlatlnn. Moraine churVi aarvlr ll:t( Carlattaa Kndeavnr 1:31 p, an. Evening aer vicea 7:S If A. NOVKS, I'mVt. havi- rxi-n Kpend nr a wk i ill tar with Irlenrfa and rltl In t'nrl land Mr an4 Mr J. I.. I)-ii-ful arriT'd DRUGGISTS haa Yi-n alck for about month i Tb founty ant, Mr. Huol. rav