u j' PAGETHREE CAUSE WE HAVE TfiSrTODlXw LEAVE TO US THE DECISION OF THAT DIFFICULT GIFT PROBLEM. "llc-"i It-IPATE THEIR WANTS; SO YOU CAN SAFELY EScEY 0YURUtTSFmThYgHTEFr;'WHAT T0 GIVE" C0ME AND SEE HW WELL PREPARED WE ARE TO HELP YOU. IT WILL SURELY Q Of Course He Needs Some New Shirts And you will find it a real joy to choose from the ones we are show ing-. Find out his size from an old It ru Kf : j.t -it l uciuic tuuiuig men you win be sure the new ones will fit. i i i $1.00 to $7.50 He Never Has Too Many Handkerchiefs How well every wife or mother knows this. If you are buying for a friend, you may well profit by their knowledge. ice to $2.00 Each 1 1 ij I i A Silk Muffler will Meet l I a Warm Welcome I They are very popular this year, 1 too. Onr stock is very complete I both as to range of price and styles I enabling you to find just the Muf- ! ! t- a -11 1 1 iicci mat wm piease mm Dest. $1.00 to $2.50 I I 1 s -M--;, vV'-i. V:r ; loir) Make Sure of His Com fort at Night Good, roomy Garments for Night wear make a man sleep well. You k NiN--2S) can be certain he will appreciate re vvr i" ceiving some of these. $1.50 to $2.50 THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR MEN Every Man Can Use a Good Sweater Coat at 1:1. x ,1 II (WfiXoc A tr A !'- r 1 T. a nidnv men iinc iu wear mem every w ' '- mrraya TTccinilU 1 f If r n IieS ChOOSe at Least 1 day, others only once in awhile, but ( u M , ' ' JU c. i r l,. 1 they are a m'ghty handv garment I W eeOS a iNCW Tair Several for Him to own. li $3.00 to $10.00 y v , , . t r - .1 i 011 mav inake your selection now Just the sort of Ties that men I Tf is nnssihlP tnr , t r. am n .ii 1 ' would pick for themselves. A wide 1 part of the Gifts suitable for' men i aml !t t1lcy do not fit we NviU range of patterns and colors. and boys that you will find here. change them after Christmas. ' 50c to $2.00 II We welcome you to come and see 1 I lor yourself. g 50c to $5.00 ex- THOMSON BROS. THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR MEN 4 - t LEGAL NOTICES j t - t lK-'a-t"irnt of tin? Ir.teiior, V. S. Linil office at La G rattle, Oregon. November 15ili, 1010. Notice i3 hereby Riven tlip.t CHARLES J. BOOKMAN, (if Heppner, OrcRon, wno, on June 2nd. 1915, made H .ii'.ostead Entry No. 014123, for MV lA , Section 15. Township 4 South, Kaniie 28 East, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to malte final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court '.' Morrow County, at Mb office at V. ?' ner Ore gon, on the 12th day of January, 1920. Claimant names as wi'neesos: Horace M. Yoakum, I'rank O. Ras- mns, James L. Kirk, Ed. E. Adklns. all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. J0-3S negisler. JVOTIC K FOR PinUCATION Department of the Interior. T7. 8. Ijind office at The Dalles, OreRon. NoTember 7th, 1919. Notice Is hereby flTcn that GEORGE 11. W. MEAD of Lexington, Oregon, who on Octo ber 4th. 191, tnade Homestead Ap plication Additional, No. 018507. for Lot 4 BWV4. Section 81. Town- abip 1 South. Range J East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof ,to establish claim to the land abote described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Clrenlt Coort. at Hepp- Oner. Oregon, on the lth day of De cember, 11. Claimant name aa wltneeaea: W J. Tal. W. F. McMllllaa, E. D MeMllllan. W. O. HIH. H of ttng- ton. Oregon. H FRANK WOOTXX)CK. jwmrr. xn rrBMCATios OI.ATn TRACT department of the Interior, V. 8. jand Offlee at The Dea, Oregon. f1ober It. Notice is hereby rl that, at dl lected by the Commissioner of the 0.eral Land office, nnder prort. In. of w. S455. R f . rw.M lo the apcio of MART N. FADBERO. public sale, to the hiirhcst bidder, but at not lers (hat ?2.50 per acre, at 11:15 o'clock A. SI., on the 10th day of December, next, at this office, the following triict of land: SEV.iNWVi, ??0ia 2, Tr.wnahip 3, South Iianjre 25, EaM, y. M., (Containing 40 Ac:es). The sale will not be kept open, but will be deil.ir.d closed when those pie:oMt at the lio-ir named have Tared biddirt'.'. The person ma'.tiiiR Ihi 'hlshent bid will be required to Immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land ore advised to file their claim ft, or objections, on or before tho time designated for sale. ' L. A. BOOTH. Receiver. SOTICE OF WiTTRrrF'fl RALR Case No. G-8043. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mult nomah. The Vollmer-Clearwater Co., Ltd., a Corporation, Plaintiff, TS. William D. Watson and Erma V. Watson, Defendants. By Tlrtne of a judgment, execu tion and order of sale Isnued out o' the abore entitled court In the nbor. entitled cause, to me directed anr dated the 7th day of October, A. D 1919, upon a Judgment rendered am entered In said eourt on the 2nd day of October, A. D. 1919, In faor e The Vollmer-Clearwater Co., Ltd., r corporation, plaintiff, and aralnr: William B. Watson and Erma T Watson, defendants, for the sum r' $5500.09, together with Interest thereon at the rate of I per rent per aaaum from the 16th day of Novem ber. A. D. 1917, and the further sum of 1171.14 as a Money fee, togeth er with Intereat thereon at the rat of I per cent per aaom from October 2nd, 1119, and the further snm of 111 It casta and disbursements, and the roste of and spot thta writ, eom mandlag me to make eale of the fol lowing described real property situ ated, lying and being la Morrow county. Oregon. to-w!t: The South half of the Northeast luarter of Section Thirty-four (14) and the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty fl?e (6), in Township One (1) South. Range Twenty-four (24) East of the Wil lamette Meridian; NOW. THEREFOR, by eirtne of 14 eierotlott, Judgment and order j of sale, and in compliance with the i commands of said v.-rlt, I will, on 3-ittmlay, iho 27tli day of n.-n'.vber. A. H. lfiin. r.t the front of the County Court House at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. ,., in Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for ca?h in hand, all of the rlt.-ht, title and interest which the within named defendants, William R Watson ami hrma V. Watson, or either of them, had In nnd to the ubove described property, or any part thereof, on the ti day of June, A. D. 191!), the date of the filing of the writ of at tachment In this suit and the at taching of said property herein, or hnve since that date had In or to the above described property or any part tnereor, to satisfy said execution, judgment and order, Interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this 15th day of October, A. D. 1919. GEO. McDUFFEE. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. First Issue November 25, 1919. Last Issue December 23, 1919. XOT1CK OF CjO.NTFKT Department of the Interior, U. K. Land office. La Grande, Oregon, Noevmber 29, 1919, To CLARA CARD, of Dog 501, Pendleton, Oregon, rontestee. Ton are hereby notified that JOHN KEECAN, of Lena, Oregon, who give Lena Oregon, a a his poet offlee address, did on September 29, lty9, file in this office his duly corrobor ated application to content and se cure the cancellation of your Home stead Entry, Serial No. 010133, made July 13th. 1911, for NEU NW, and NVa NEH. Section I, Township 1 South. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and aa grounds for his eon test he alleges fhat said C1r Card has not compiled with the law with reference te Homestead entries In that she hat failed to establish a reel dence therein, ban made no lmproe menu whatever, and eo far aa I hate been able to learn, has aer eeB on Ike place. Too are, therefore, further noil, fled that the aald allegations will b taken aa eonfeesed, and your said entry will be canceled without fur ther right to be heard, either before thla office or on appeal. If yon fail to file In this office within twmt dayi after the Fourth publication of thla notice, m shown below, your answer, onder oath, specifically reeaoedlaf to these allegations ef contest, tORefher will) due proof Unit you have served a ropy of your ans wer on th said contestant either in person or by registered mall. You idinuld state in your answer the name of tho post office to which you desire future notices to lie se.it to you. C. P. Dt'.NN, . TlenlHter. NOLAN SKIFF. Receiv r. Date of first publication December !), 1910. Date of second publication Deeer. her 16, 1019. Date of third publication Decem ber 23. 1919. Date of fourth publication Decem ber 30, 1919. DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN nnd StlUJKON Heppner, Oregon, I'ermaiK ally Located Odd Fellows ISuildiiK; Office Plioiie 7(i2 Itesidenee rli:t VAUGHAN & BUTLER llli.NTIST l'ei'inuneill located ill Oddfellow' I.anlilin;; Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOKN EY-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner Oregon NOTICE OK PI11MCATION ISO LATED TIIACT Iiibic K-ind Sale No. 01 ()(),') a Department of tftie Interior, U. S Ivind office at The Dulles, Oregon, October 22, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as 4 rwted by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Section. 24U. It. 8., pursu ant to the application of OTTO E. JOHNSON Serial No. 019962. we will offer at public iiale, to the Mgheet bidder, but gt not Ins than 3.n per acre, at 10:00 a'rlock A. M., on the 14th day of January, next, at thht fflre, the following tract of Inad: NE WW V4 . Section 27. Township 6, South Range 15, East. W. M. (eJonfcilnlng 40 wrea.) The sale will not he kept ope, but will he declared closed when those preeent at the hour named have ceased bidding. Tha person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to tht ftwelwr Ike amount thereof. Any persons tlnlmlng a4verry the ahova-dMwrlsed land are erlel i file their tlatms, or ahtlons, on or before tha time designate fer safe. L. A. IIOOTH. 1133 orelver. wrtvn er nwaa, aocavwv VMtre to tiTr rl"" 'he in"tc ffnwl afui nt h IBM vll m1 !' fcmftf rrf Jrhenft tl hMf ltr ftnJ ft'"Miltt i'h It f,rS tt i(m IVue fVniHw.f M'rr'i 'V. mtr, "rir', r-1 lii ! 'Veirt r l mi time Mf f ,.ltr tut II. ll m-a aftM air. ml lwnili tl, 11 ll, ho,ir l M '!' I' M . In l 'v.u mo tf m4 rr.ufi in lliHr. Into WAcifirn mi.iim. Bjirla r at ai-v It It Iwtkii DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SI KI.I ON Telephone 122 Office Pattorson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKN EYH-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR A TTOKNKY-AT-LA W. H'ppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN LAW YEU Roberts fildg. Heppner, Ore. Office fhene Main 443 Residence Thone Main 145 ROY V.WIIITEIS INM flAKO; HEAL EHTA FK, IMVH, Iteppner (Heaon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER nivMOArt Avr Hnu.mw fhxwie Oniieetma Immi, f)eea F. II. ROBINSON ATTORKCF AT MR Mala Mee Isss, Ova)a The Herald A Year $2.00 SALE OK ; V, Esr. ,; Ol ' In fill- N'ollee is 'iiereliy rJv ,h.l( "'ii'ersiKiied, as mini Inlst ra I ri ..r 11, ' ' L. lladley, ,, eeaed virtue of an ruiloi- ,.r 11... 1 ' I lllllll v 1 '"" ' the Slate f Ore,;en, Morrow Counly, iilv mail.. ,l lere.l , ih,. iH( ,1.,.. ,,r ,, , I !' 1 !. eM)W. I,,,. ....t-.,,,.!..:,., i direeliiiK h, r sti ,1,, -.in officii of s. j,;. v,,iu., . ,', Morrow County OreL-on. fr,,,.. ,..,.1 nftef the hnur of 10.00 o'clork In the forenoon of Friday, the 2nd day of January, 1920. nroeeed l ...11 r... cash, at private sale, t t, ,Khl.st bidder, the following described real property belonging lo the said estat to-wlt: The Southwest (matter of tho Northeast quarter (SW!4 NE'4), South half r )n Northwest quarter tS'j NW), Northwest nuiirter tho Southeast quarter (NWV4 SK4) ami Northeast nuarter of the South west quarter (NR14 SW H ) of S.t- lon Fourteen (14), Township rive, (5) South, lunge Twenty flvo (26) F.ast of the Willamette Meridian. Haled this 2nd day nf December 1919. MARY HADLET, Adtrilnlstratrla of the Estate of Cny L. Hadley, deceased 31-JS of totici or rarnro tr ebtbat momnsn ,l.r,?, 'i 1 ' "P e ..iu.lr wt j no ,,, . M hlr.li. l. t.lr ns.riiliitlvfM m mr r.r. I.Ihh f.w., vln r, en hi .m. hl. fw,i, kntnUwl Is .m Mj-hfc nt,iifir rrwtt.iii hniMi tm t-n Uinir)il IAuS mm niM t.rniMl,! o M Mat;,., fiwrn llwii.r. irir-i r..hi,. 1, tut 1 1 finxnJPrizclfctSaa ihtanns o Aramunilion Vflte tr CatAon Is !rfN J MMfOfaNIIUsV. Ck Maft W 1 !