Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 02, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, December 2, 19 19
1 t !
G. V. Milholand rcurnwl KrHy
fiom a business trip to l'oi tland. i
Do you want to ostoh the morning
train. Call F. A. Can-, Main ".24. 30f
Mr. Pevine. of mar lone, was her.-'
Saturday attending the Ka'm Jiureau :
Mr. and Mrs. Kl lis Minor and child-1
i. n vent to Portland Wednesday for.
a few days visit.
Dick Swift, well known resident of j
Hardnian, was a visitor in Hoppm rl
several days la t u t"k. , j
Are you ginnj: to move? Call Y . j
A. Case. Main 524. 30tf !
Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Whiltis went j
to Terrebonne Wednesday to six nd
Thanksgiving with his father.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Carter were in I
town Saturday doing some rhoppini;
and looking after husiness matters.
Have you buF,p:ie to move? Call V.
A. Case, Main 524. 3011
""Ed Itimf,' was in from his Iihea
meek ranch boosting for a real coun
ty fair while attending the Farm
Bureau meeting.
Do you need a load of wood '
oo a 1 or any kind of hauling? Call V.
A. Case, Main 524. 30tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beymer have
gone to Borland for a month's visit
and will stay at the Imperial hotel
while in the city.
Sam Ii. Van Vactor went to Con
don Sunday to be present at the reg
ular term of circuit court In seKstoii
In that city thin week.
Cecil Ahalt, Whit Ewing and Clif
ford Hendriksen were up from Cecil
Thanksgiving evening taking in the
grand ball at the pavilion.
Kd Iteitman, of near lone, was a
visitor in Peppner Saturday coming
tip to attend the regular monthly
meeting of the Farm Bureau of which
organization he Is vice president
Miss Gwendolyn Darbee, who Is a
student at Lincoln high school in
Portland, spent the Thanksgiving
holidavs with her parents, Mr. and
MrB. C. Darbee.
Heppner didn't n.iss one of Port
land's celebrated "silver thaws" but
by a small margin last Saturday
night. We call it a sleet storm up
in this old fashioned country, how
i ver.
Mrs. W. B. Barratt and fwo (laugh
ters went to Portland Wednesday
where they will join Mr. Barratt,
w'ho has been in Portland for a cou
ple of weeks and Carnet and Miss
Helen who are students at () A
The family will spend the Thanksgiv
ing holidays in the city.
Students of I! 1 college In Port
land have asked permission to send
additional delegates to the religious
colli eii. nee to he held in Des Moines,
Iowa, liming the Christmas vacation.
'I lie students have already su1. scribed
more than enough to pay the expen
us of their delegates and at least
live will be rent.
(Ira I.. Harlow vas in from his
Klthtuiile ranch home Friday and
anion.: other criants called at th"
Herald off ice to have his copy Ira in
ferred fitiin the lone list to tl"pmcr.
Mr. Barlow, who lived at lone bofoie
going Into the seiviee, wi lit cut on
the lanc'u alter getting out of the
ain.y last summer.
It. W. Turin r heard a commit
t e ol the Kami ltuieau that will ap
pear before the county colli! toiliol
(mi to pn si lit the bun ail's plan lot
1'ie I e ot caulat ion of the Morrow
County fan. The Farm Bureau, it
may be a. I. I'd, is about the only lite
P'oi.totioit oi catii.ation now lunc
lioi.nu: in till pait ol Mo now
C. unity
I'. d. la! Judge and Mr-. M Mi an.
i I I'm I land. n,m out lioin tin .it
T'lllt'dilt lot a holl te.it Willi tin-.'
ii. n and d.iui'ht' t . In ..nd Mi" II. n
'd C. Beau Judge lii, in. who 1-i
ii. ..in- of iln iu.i'1 iiiiiii. nl niMst i
.'tii... ' ; i y s. .! II. ppin t 'ii
lM, win II i.e It, ..I In ' lni.e It" nil
town wl. hfi w.. la. ti itol titv
I' g. l.el pii.h.il.lv proline In a. tUH
I. tli.il n. ad.' tni-iin ..r w.ua.
I . i Judic I'i.iii w.i- in -cm n
;ili In .' ..n Hi. .- inn i. In .
' mi. i MMt an. I I . t.,mi hay.. Iniiiid
! the I n t 1 1 p ,i-- I . .I'd Ii.. I em...
t u k . I all i 'l In yi ,n
h.iri.-r Number :!774 P-eserve District No. 12
U Hejiipner, in the State of Oregon, at the .-lose of business on November
17, 1919.
l.ii.ins .'.ml il 1 -i tin' :;, lie'ltidiriK rediscounts,
lexcefil those rh..v.m IT' h and rl ? t .0:1(1. S7 .2
Tf-I:. I loans l,')0,S73.2li
Votes .-.ail bills : r-liseonnloil (other llian Iroik
H' i 'entaiiee (isld I (see item Si an) '.) 0, 1 III). 09 $1,01111,077.17
r. .ii J i :. n k ui:--..-. 'i rod J, 112. 72
I lepus; i (i :o scei,tj cj rr-'i buk.n ( LT. S. bonds par
value) 2.1,1)00.00
Pledged to seem.; II. S. DepofiitH (par value).. 1.1.400.00
I'lidjied t secure postal savings deposits (par
ali. ii) 1,000.00
'nvm d and . i:.le.l:-(l 11.050.00 '
Wcr Si" inKs ( 'ei" if ice. I s am) Thrift Stamps ac-
liia.lv uwrel 1.973.2:!
Total (J. S. Cove-tmiellt seen ri tie:-: ... 5.1,423.23
S ri'.iis, mbe" lle.n IT. S. bonds (not inclnd-
iliM slin ks), owned and unpledged 16.0S6.37
Slo'l; of I'Y'I. "a' Hi sci've 1 nk (50 per cent O-
si.bi.ui-ipi'o : 4,500.00
Value, of banl:ing l.tur-e, owned and unincum-
euml.i.red 30,000.00
Kurniti'.-e and fixtures 6,300.00
Kt.il cslato owned olhu' then banking house .. 4,545.00
U'lWfiil reserve will, H'eilenil Kcscrvc Hank .... 92.572.00
fash Pi vault and net amounts due from nation
al banks 235. 822. 5S
Nut amounts due from banks, bankers and trust
companies (olper than included in Items 12, '
13, or 14 237,826.51
cheeks on oilier ba.uk'. in ibe same city or iovn
as i-'poi'iiag bank (other than Hem 16) 1,857.90
Ti til! of I. mu 13, I I, 15, 16, 'and 1 7 .. 475,507.05
Checks on banks loeaied outside of city or town
of report ing bank and other cash Items.... 1.877.51
He.ienipt ion fund with 17. S. Treasurer and due
from V. S. Treiuauvr 1,250.00
tnterest earned but noi. collected approximate
on ngto'i ami bills receivable not past due 11.569.?2
Total 1,701.420.37
I'll) ital stock paid III $100,000.00
S'"'"1"'s ''"ml 50,000.00
t'ndlvided profits
lans curia nt expeimen, inleroat, and taxes paid lo'osr, 32 fll 503 44
Amount reserved for taxes in erued ' ' '37tj'fi9
Circulating notes ."Is'tandinu' 25 000 00
Net amounts due to National banks ' H!)" 4 1
Nel amounts .lue to barks, bankers, and trust
companies (oilier ttia'i Included In Items 211
l,r :l01 45,272.4 I
r'e'.'l fled checks (iiitstalidin '688.76
f'asbier's checks on own bank outstanding ... 51,15t.55
Total of Items 30, 31, '::, and 3.1 100.105. 1 6
Individual deposits siihlect to check 983,018.26
Ce. l il'icules of deposit due In less Ihnn 30 days
(ollirv tban for nuuiev 1 orrowed) 50,000.00
liber deimind di por.lls 69,300.16
Tntal or demand deposits (other than
bank del'osll1') si'bleet to reser'e, Items 34,
35, 36, 37, SS, and 39 1,102,348.72
c. rl ili. ales of del. oi-l (other than for money
borroe.e.n - 209,701. 2x
Postal savings ih posits 11.47
Ofn r time deposits 42,066.83
Total of lime deposits si'l.iecl to re
.. rve, r.enis III. II. 42. ami -13 251,779.58
War loan deposit account 10,161. SS
1,1-a.U's ..f Credit imd Travebus' Cheeks sold for
.ash and oelslinulii.g 145.00
Total $1,701,420.37
Ihbilillcs for reiiii'.ri.r.i'.ls. Inch. dug lhi.se. wth
federal Ueservn Hank (see Hem hi) 30,196.09
Total contingent liabilities If.r.n, b, and c. . 30,196.09
,f ore:. m. County of Morrow, ss.
I V I'. .Maboliex', cashier of lb
;.1 the above statement is true t.
above named bank, do
olemnlv swear
best of my knowledge nnd belief.
W. P. MAHONKY. Cnshior.
A I tent:
V. t). MINI HI
rihcd and s.'orn to before me this 29th day of November. 1919.
Itl'ltlNA R CdliUKlAI.l., Notary Public,
em issloll explre.'i AilKiist 9, 1921.
Your choice for only $5.00
I'M iv'
, api
As their name indicates, they are
as ahva'vs Worth More
Much More
They are made of Georgette Crepe,
Crepe de Chine and Tub Silks of
Splendid Quality.
The price of Silk Fabrics is exces
sively high "Women's Wear" of
November 5, reports advances of
over 200 per cent in Silk Fabrics.
On todays' market, the price at
which these Blouses are being sold
would not pay for the material.
6im t
Till: oi l) MI N A ( MANt i:
llavini; reached that ;u:e where
iii.ji lire not 'iin It'll In either eom
mciiciil or induslrial life, l.elni;
Krom the Wakefield ranch, west
of Heppner, one coming two-yeur-old
colt (smllion) color black with a
turned down in favor .of younger sprinkle of white linlrs, stnr and
nu n, hut leelini: that I mil not jet i stripe on face, branded S W tin left
ready In be laid on the shelf, 1 am j shoulder. l'lease cull or otherwise
now (foiim In specialize In Insurance nidify
and ask your uitronac,i'. Have two SHEKM.VN' WAKKKIEI.D.
of the best fire Insurance companies i 30-" 1 Heppner, Ori'Kon.
ill tile I'lliteil Slates, both ullel
A nun i. an, ami have Just taken the
ati iicv lot The Idaho State I. lie in
Miiaii.c . mu pa u . ,i puiely westein
' i iup.iiiy w Itii the most uipular t
lies Mi.ttin. It oii are in the mai
ki l lor Lite. I'tie or Ailtimiobile III
Miiamo. mi' nie a 'call. l.el tile
M.iing men do Ibe wink and Kie the
old man a eh. Hue to I'l.ikc a llvim:
lot him .elf and tamlh. Your hiu
Hi"", will be appicck.'lteil.
' I If lleppllt r. Oll'KOII
III I -luMI Its Mi I lit I All,
k i
II, i, ni' -eld mi h,iiin".i and auto
l.'P Ihimiii'-k to Mr. Ibrt V. Snmi'
P. it. i known .it Stuiie. I take tho
in. 1 1 1 1 nt ol lb. inking my ni.inv f i ioll.l .
iVi III WAIili W.vi
Kur the arrest and conviction of the !
pTu ly or partien v.lm havf been steal- I
ink! in y caltle from the rano in
N.jttliettt Morrow county. My cattle
are branded M C on tht vtnlit side,
ri u Ii t ear split.
j.Mi:s r. li i'Y.
Nov. in. I'U!. Lexington.
2''tf tieton.
Clii-Utliin Silenrn
.1.1 ii
i -.,li mil'?. .1
el til'- hunie
l '. lid Cc
ii k h i b. . ami
I. II ,.,.
.1 of I In . .
tie I I 1 1'
na.. I
'. I' w ril
M ..lid M' I
. ' . ii M i 'd..b. I I
. I..,.!.- ..I l i
. . II N' ' , I
. I'd . I ni. !., I" t
Poll' of lb. I '.'i i . iit'.ntint! pint
. '. Will km II .Hid " ' pit In r H ii-
i,t uf tin l;...i Urn I III l. lllinl
I Iln- ii.i.m ).. itiir ibe on of Mr
. rid Mi I., oil' l( v. M j.I. mi.1
lb.- b.i.le l I'l.' .laui'liiir 'f Mr. nd
I II Mrliklir Th hal'py
i iiunr roup'' .H u tl 'n rir llUik
' .... r. .1 ..ii
Christian Selene nvrvliv arc hlil
eveiy Sunday inornliiK at 11:00
tin Him lin e buin and m.inv ta- o'clni k in th loilc rrniiii In the I. O.
ol cIl tided In lee 111 thr pat.
I ! 1 . 1 II the -addle bll-I.H -. it! f.o t
ill t b .. I "it.lill lo Hie allt of I'l '
' i v !! , , ulil i'.. I in it".' .."'.'.
Ibe :.,uio.l- Noble i i.t.l I.- whnli
111. I. 11 ill .ill pill t of I he llill.'l
I Oil I I.I II ;. I d. HI.'Hi ) . W I II ll
bin ii m e iiplm lor eti ten year
" .1 p.. t a at. i in fu' l ames nnd
auto t..p builii-., mi. I hi Inleillit
i a in. .11 in I.iiiiiiI l. pi. i, ..Ii, .
hmi a i h no i w lo n ),. art- In lionhU
be will tlx y .mi up
TbmikiiiK you y.iln tor the main
fa.. in. am
Yo'ii ri-pecifull)".
(V V. building.
Teslliiiony nicetlnr Btf liclil rcry
iilnci.il.iy cii'iiini: l II : 00 o'clock
nt t lit li.nne of Mm. Klicent SUi utn.
x.t .i.'.n.u.i ,.re .ny.tnl u sttfod
tbei net vice.
.iiililect r.M Sun.I.iv. Ii. ,-, mlwr
T. ' tio.l the Only I'aune ami Ci ,.r "
VViliTBieJ Church
Sunday nhool nt :J . lu. V
ue ih b'Mina of the Intftn.ulonil
(i n .1 .i y School latlon MornlBf
chui.1 M-rtlif U (id. Ctiilntlao
rnde.iior l p. in, Kieniin rr-
icin 7:50,
M. A. NOYKX, rtor.
Buy These Wirthmore Blouses Now
As these are positively the last that can be sold at this very low price and
only because contracted last May at prices then prevailing. These materials
have been used up and prices must advance, which is not surprising rather it
is surprising that the price has been kept down so long, but it is in accord with
the Wirthmore policy "KF.KP PRICES AS LOW AS YOU CAN, AS LONG
I ' ii
Mr. M
ii 4
an Without
a Home
Have you noticed in your daily work that things always gn bet
ter when you sorter plan your work ahead the night before?
At first, more than half the work we do is the thinking over
the planning one must tin in connection with it.
After a while doing it the .-anie way becomes a habit then
the work comes easy.
P.ut in building a limne you have little or nothing to guide you.
t"i unlike ymir .ther daily wurk. u cannot profit by the frequent
mistakes. This makes it all the more necessary for you to do a lot
t planning before you start to build.
Trie kind of planning that takes into consideration all the good
tilings ou have promised your-ilf all these ears that you have
1 1 en lonking forward to putting into a new home.
When you get ready to plan your new Home, wc would like
to hae you call on us, as we have number of good plans to choose
trom, from which you can secure some good ideas.
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.