Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 02, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tuesday, December 2, 1919
C. L. O'NEILL, Proprietor, lone, Oregon
Automobile Accessories and Supplies
Filtered Gasoline Station
Paul G. Balsiger
Farm Implements, Vehicles, Windmills, Pumps,
and Gasoline Engines. We Sell Winona Wagons
Tank Building Agency for Mitchell Cars.
Main Street lone, Oregon
Aluminum Cooking Utensils
We Have just unpacked the finest line of Alumi
num Cooking Utensils ever placed on display in
Heppner. Practically every size of every style ves
sel needed in modern cookery is represented.
Every housewife knows how much easier it is to
cook if she has the proper utensil.; lo work with.
Our stock is selected with that idea in mind.
Come in and let us show you this elegant ware. Its
lightness, brightness andhirability is sure to please
Gilliam & Bisbee
C. Vaughn of Heppner, lias been
busy during the week putting in a
Delco light system at the home of
Minor & Krebs of the Last Camp.
The dance held at Rhea Siding on
Saturday evening was well attended
by Cecil people.
Mrs. G. A. Miller of Highview, who
has been visiting friends in Uattle
Ground, Wash., lor the past few
weeks, returned home Saturday .ic-
companied by her nieces the Misses
Johnson of Battle Ground, who will
visit in Oregon sometime before leav
ing for their home.
Pete Bauernfeind, who has been
attending to business in Heppner re
turned to Cecil Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter and
family pf Fourmile spent Sunday at
the home of J. .W. Os-born of Cecil.
Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats,
entertained Dr. and Mrs. Butler and
daughter, Miss Eulalia and Miss
j Doris Mahoney and Earl Cronk of
Heppner and Miss Vivian Logan of
Fourmile for the week end.
W. G. Palmateer of Windy Nook,
was a business man in lone on Wed-
j Jack Hynd, "mayor" of Cecil, A.
Henrfksen the "Dogfinder" and Da
vid Hynd of Rose Lawn arrived in
Cecil from Portland Sunday.
Miss Etta Barnes of Poplar Grove,
was a caller at Butterby Flats Friday.
Roy Scott and Jack Knox passed
through Cecil Sunday with a band of
Hynd Bros, sheep to winter on But
terby Flats. Jack and Roy leaving
Monday for a few days vacation bo
fore resuming their duties.
Ed Melton of the Look Out, made
a business trip to Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Penl-md spent
Monday looking up their Cecil Mods
Mrs. Bennett of the Las'. Canio,
acompanied by her niece, MU. Haltie
Van Schoick, returned from Portland
Cecil Ahalt, who has beer visitins
all his Cecil friends during his vaca
tion, left Thursday for Heppner
where he will take up his duties on
(he Bob Thomson ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner autoed
to Portland Wednesday where they
i will spend a few days.
Miss Shewey left Wednesday for
Lexington where she will visit with
friends for a few days.
v Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and family
of Poplar Grove, spent Thanksgiving
at the Last Camp. ' j
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cronk and son
Earl, of Heppner, took Thanksgiving
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd
of Butterby Flats.
E. F. Fairhurst of Busy Bee ranch,
was doing business in Arlington on
Leon Logan of Fourmile, also Mel-
vin Logan were seen in Arlingto on
Herb Hyd accompanied by Misses
Violet Hynd. Lizzie. Balhm and A. C.
Lowe called on Mrs. Boyd Logan on
Harry L. Hayes of Hood River, is
spending his Vacation with hts sister
Mrs. H. V. Taylor of Ewing.
Grover Curtiss of Grand Dalles
Wash., and John Nash of Ewing, I
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Henriksen of Willow creek ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and
family of Rhea spent the Thanks
giving holidays with their lone
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winters of
Fourmile, also Miss Hazel Winters of
Shady Dell, were looking up their
Cecil friends Thursday.
Cecil was visited with one of the
most severe sand storms ever known
in this locality which continued all
day Wednesday, Nov. 26th.
Roy Stender accompanied by Miss
J. Crabtree of Dotheboys Hill, wfre
We Repair and Recharge
Any Make of Battery
Guaranteed 2 Years
The Battery Electric Service Station
lot Huntington eBach, Call'., to visit
a montth or 6 weeks with relatives.
Mr. Wilson may buy property while
there and if so will move his family
Cecil callers on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Henri'ksen of Wil
low creek, left on the local for Hepp
ner Friday.
the school being present. Games ap
propriate to the occasion, including
an indoor track meet, were played
during the evening. Refreshments
of popcorn balls, cider and apples
were attractively served by the stu
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks and appreciation to the many
neighbors and relatives who so kindly
rendered assistance and sympathy
.during our recent sad bereavement, in
the death of our beloved daughter
and sister.
lone, Oregon, November 30, 1919.
1 10 Beautiful Dolls I
to be given away FREE
at your REXALL Store
-No girl over twelve
mav be entered.
2 Only one nomination b!ak to be
placed to the credit of each con
testant. 3 Eveiy voting coupon must be
rertified by one of our salea
4 No contestant shall solicit votes
or patronage while In (he More.
5 No coupons will be given except
at actual time of Hah'. Do no
ask for them at any oilier time.
6 Any coupon showlnn truces of
any Cnimccs In d'-nomination
will be destroyed without bin
7 No coupon may be deposited in
the ballot box before Tliarksiiv
Ing Day, or nlt r 6 o'clock 1 M.
Chrlstmtia Eve.
Thirty relatives gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lundell last
Thursday and enjoyed a sumptuous
dinner. The meal was prepared by
Mrs. Lundell and relatives. Those
present were their three sons, Algott,
Earnest and Oscar and their families
and two daughters, Mesdames C. E.
Llnstrom. J. R. Swanson and their
Rev. A. B. Snyder of Berkley, Cal.,
supplied the pulpit Sunday evening
at the lone Congregational church.
Rev. Snyder preached In the forenoon
at the Lexington Cong'tgatioal
church where the ladies of the con
gregation reived a bountiful repast
In the dining room after the service.
Mrs. John llossucr and l.er son. nth
Doald. are her vlsllig her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Howard. Mrs. H:
snrr and h-T husband have not de
cided whether they will spend the
winter in lone or in the valley.
Earl Blake spent Thanksgiving
week with relatives and friends in
lone. H left Saturday morning for
Corvallls to resume his studies at
the O. A. C.'
Depot Agent Hawk ate Thanksgiv
ing dinner with Aillnetotn Meds.
Mrs. J. B. Sparks ad son. Howard,
are here from Condon and will visit
a few days with home folks. They
are accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Jark Milllorn and son, of Bend, who
have bi'en vlsillng at the F-park's
Miss I.ury nutler of Skamania,
Wash., ip a gueot at die htnne of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. McNamar.
Martin Belhm wtio was culled a
few week ago to Sullivan. Mo., on
accoui't of the serlnim lllniss of his
mother, returned hoin Wednesday.
One. third of the school year has
passed. The regular six weeks ex
animations are being given the high
Miss Dorothy Cummlngs, a mem
ber of the freshman elasw, was given
a surprise party last week by her
friends. This will be her last semester
In school here, since her parents will
move to Hood River. We will miss
Dorothy In our school.
Pupils neither absent tnor tardy in
the grade are as follows: In the 7th
and Kill grades, Mr. Brown's room
Helen Palslgei, Carl Linn. In the
and fith erodes. Miss Angels
room: Wrealha Mi-Cormick, Wilbur
Simples, Mary (irablll, Huston Pry
son, Ina Morgan, Eugene Oiiihill
lloxie Vount, Lucile Brlstow, Belli
Craig. Mary "'.etcher. In the 3rd
and 4 Hi grades, Miss Nelson's room
Wilbur Alcrs, Alfred Balsiger. Haze
Crabill, Rosa Fletcher, Robert Gra
bill. Maybel Taylor, Fern Engelnnin
Ernest Brown. In the 1st and 2nd
grades. Miss Denny's room: Irvln
Ritchie, Dorr Mason, Leonard Weath
erford, F.dwnrd Yount, Thelma
Weatherfoid, Ordle persons.
The 3rd end 4th grades of Miss
Nelson's room had the hlgheht per
cent of attendance, 99 during the
last month. The second highest p"
cent was 9 ". per cent of Miss Angell'
room. The per rent of attendant
for the entire school was 95. V
There are now enrolled In the
school 65 b''vs and 70 girls, making
a total of KIT,.
j The high school si-i-nied Mr. Wuldo
Iiavii lo give a musical concert with
COMI". IN AN Y TIME AMI M-.K TIM'. 111. l Til-1 I.
griviioi uv wi.-h a:oi t 1 1 1 ; covn m.
to r. vor no so
!.. t.S AMI AK 1N
: wil l. 111: (.i.Aii
Candidates to be voted for
1 Catharine llUbie ' Map C.ro: l.r-n IS- A flti" M N.iti.w,
Teicn Bie-din 1 0 --Cl-mentin.-i;ro,.l,.-n 1 .- m.,, .;,,. t Notn
'. 1 1 Dorotl.y ir. i r-n 2. Yltn Owrn
3 Eleanor Cohn
12 - I.lln Hill :i-Ti,. l:na SUrk-y
4 Melba Chldsey
12-Betty Irwin 22- Luir I'liinmon
5 Dorln Cox H-Mary Jarkaon 23 -Zal.la Th
6 Vivian Cason 1 f,-Claudia McMillan 24 Edna VamTi.n
7 Ethel Craddirk Id-Patricia Mahoney I " ."',! I J,.kn Yi,i,n
ft Mary Tarl-y 17 - Kiln I Moore 6 Margery Clark
The Recall or
Remember you get a vote with
every cent you spend in our store
Patterson & Son
l.w lU xMt lon-
iiis mother passed away a short time j
tifiore h reached her hi-didd . j
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shemwell. who ,
have been enjoying a week's visit 1
with the lii'H-r's ltei, Mrs. E. J. j
Tli it tw, relumed Tii"d:iy by auto 1
lo 1 tr home m ar Milton, t
Mr. and . Mis. Andn-w imuglut I
drove over to I'cnlteloil I'llekilay '
linvltlK recilvid Wild thlit l':e little
on of their daiuhtei, Mix. A. J:"nen,
letimnly H
Ednmtl D'dn itv rji'i e ow r
Pendleton Tiie,l.iy nnd will vhlt n
"k or ten itnvs Willi M lllirl...
Mill fiohetty, 1,1 the Well splint"
! tii lglilioi tiond.
Mm M. TV WilM.n. ho pel.' f"-
Bt lk mitll i.er nil. I. MY-, .Nellie
Wilt 1. of I'oitlnnd, Htmii'd Iiom p
'Monday fveninn m rompanW d bv
Mis Walli in and her oilier 1 Inter.
Mil. Ita Itarnflend, who lo
bei n Uniting relative in Portland.
Mm Cny lllal'e and In'anl ditii-h-li-r
letnrtH'd S'llid.iv rioiruli;' In hei
h'.li e in ;. Valley
Jem AKei ho ), tun HVlny IV
l..n tinnll" inklii? tin'
.aleii,, (am" home Tii'l.i and ll
p'li'l Hi- W.l.l.r itl dm t.ir.M
Mi. and Mr A. A. Afe
T. M lien. Int. a t'.ui.i r 1 .;.!. r f
ef M'.iran. nut nw l it-. V.'ff-h .
t I nnd l'l I1" rit li
,,n I ' 4 I ft ! r I, ft' f .M i- . n
P V ' n P ' . , .
, . I . '1 , . 1 . . , ' 1 . I t
' I'hoiil nn 'li 11 g ol
at I'h' ihool houie
of levying a pedal
his chiineH ucconipanled by Mlsa Mar
gant Jones, whom we wern vety for
11ns. to lii Koctiritia. The flint cluiwic
liiere on the urogram was "II Trova
tun-' whiixe renileilng was r bar
iMi.iiiinihlv performed Unit the mull
enie was much enthused by It.
ilerilons weie "Moitln.n
Medllalloll," cextetlr, "l.uiin," and
"The Holy City" each being followed
l,y line popular or national ong
I .rid the an-'ien'-e ringing the rt,o
1 nr.it
There 'ih a
olen S'ltlH'lMV
(or llii- pin pose
iilrld tax.
ittnuf of Hie ilireeloi have tni n
viiiin the pihooli, 11a well as par
nil M'-xith. Moigan and Howard.
M. iaii e Howe and Lawnnn.
A larre crowd witnimpi'd Ihe local
double deader bnpki-thiill ('nine Hat
11 1 day after tlm plcliiie plmw Tin
town li'i) "n niir the dlyh arlnml
l,i 4 4 lo 14. The reull of tin
i'ill value a M lo I I In favor of
tl.e lud limil. Tdn Pinail adinl"
,11 n 1 '..at re of 'i and II "lit1
Iiii.iii I I I ! 1 7'.
! A ll "I'l'e t.i'n'i I da'kil ball I Bine
lietwirti II' II'"'1 ""'I lone lemi P it
1 .!.! I 1 ! p.n no t'ri'la i ! 1 . '
Every Man
Needs a Pair
of Arctics
Extra pood arctics
with the "Ball-Hand"
Trade Mark, a Red
Hall on the Sole.
They are warm and
snug. Strong cash
merette tops, lined
with thickcomforting
wool. The long wear
you get from rubher
footwear of this qual
ity makes it the lowest
priced you can buy.
To every man who
goes outdoors in
tne winter they give
comfort and protect
E. N. Gonty
AlvvrtlamnenU undnr this heading
ona centa a word for each Insertion.
No ud for less than 13 renta. Ads are
invariably rash In advance unless
given by persons with duly establish
ed credit.
thi ck roii SAM-:
Tliien Ion I'ai-kaid truck In A No.
I condition 1 1 800. For particular
call on or address tlm Heppner Her
ald, H-ppnT, Oiei,'on. 62tf
I'll YMCI N AMI piriu.im
riionpi Cnnne Mom lone, Oregon
Main Slrwt lune, Oregon
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