Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 02, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, December 2, 19 1 9
Grand Prize HoiteAi
1 iicauiia vjniiiiiiunuiuii
V.'ri'? for Catalogue
Worth Seeing.
Wo don't know much ahout this cir
cus that's coming, hut we hope it's the
ore Put attended not Ion? ago. "There
vins wan fellow." lie; said, "that heat
ill the rest. Sun-, he balances u lad
der on his nose, climbs up to the top
'iiil pulls the I : h 1 i 1 -1- up after hiin."
I'.i.ston Transcript.
15'Taid classified a.is set results
Head 'I ll" Herald tor all the news
inv a wnprl.
Made by men who know,
for people who want the
Only the choicest wheat
carefully graded, and
thoroughly washed is used
in making our flour.
Your baking will prove to
you the big advantage of
using White Star Brand
, flour for both bread and
t pastry.
it Heppner Farmers'
Elevator Co.
i They Show Marked Inclination Toward j
1 Good Citizenship and I
I ' Patriotism.
j What the Alaska natives are doing
i and are willing to do as p;oof posi
i tlve of their fitness to live under the
I Stars and Stripes is Impressed on all
j wiw come In contact with the natives
j and their numerous 'activities along
j lines of advanced citizenship and pa
triotism. 1
! By way of a minor illustration that'
, shows which way the wind bluws with
j them: The natives in Juneau, through
1 he press, advocated the killing of
dogs, that there might he more food
for human consumption. They ad
vised their native friends to protect
the idevr from their dogs that might
kill oeer during their helpless con
dition following this last winter's
deep snows, when( many starved and
all were weakened, for lack of food.
Down at Kake the natives have only
ahout one-third to one-quurter the
number' of dogs that they had last
year. One who went through the
village last fall and again this spring
remarked on the fact that there were
almost no dogs In town.
"Yes," said a representative citi
zen, "the natives became convinced
that from a sanitary standpoint and
an economical standpoint they were
keeping too many pets., As a result
of this conviction they began reducing
on dogs and Improving on health and
food supply." i , ,
Another point that Impresses even
a casual observer is that the natives
all take local newspapers and read
carefully often very slowly the
events that are taking place locally
and throughout the world. If a native
Is not a regular subscriber to a news
paper, you may be sure It Is because
he cannot read one word of English
or any other printed language,
Camels are sold everywhere in scientific
c'.ly seeled packages of 20 cigarettes; or
packages (200 cigarettes) in a glass-ine-paper-covered
carton. We 'strongly
recommend this carton for the home or
often r.upply, or when you travel.
Vin-ton-Saiem, N. C
CAMELS' expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had ! Camels give
such universal delight, such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you'll
call them a cigarette revelation !
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty
odor, smoie Camels! If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that has all that desirable
cigarette "body" well, you get
some Camels as quickly as you can I
Camels' expert blend makes all thb
delightful quality possible. Your
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste ! You will
prefer them to either kind of to
bacco smoked straight!
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price !
; :z.:n- aogiijttiia iiiiii tMtxi
Emblems Taken During the War
of 1812 Are Safely Preserved
in London.
A recent walk through Chelsea
brought me to several places of Inter
est to Americans. Firstly, the old Roy
al hospital, built In the reign of King
Charles II, the great hall of which
is now used as a recreation room for
the old pensioners and from whose
walls n number of flags captured dur
ing the 1X12-1815 war are suspended.
The colors hang sedately side by
side with Napoleonic eagles and other
war trophies, and If It were not for
the records It would be almost Im
possible to discern their story. Among
them are (tags of the Sixty-eighth and
Klghty-flfth regiments captured at
I'.laiidensherg ; the Kentucky regimen
tal Hag, the Fourth regiment oMTirfted
States infantry, taken nt Detroit ; the
Second regiment of the I'nlted States
Infantry and another taken ut Queens,
town Heights.
I wonder how many Americans
know of their existence. It would cer
tainly be a graceful act of the firltlsh
government to return them to Amer
ica. No doubt the American author
ities have some similar trophies which
they would be pleased to exchange.
London Landmark.
Best Auto and Tractor
Work that Skill
. can give
Repair Department McRoberts-Cohn Auto Co.
Assists Visits to Craves.
According to a report r Ivcd here
'lie Amcrcim Young Women's Chris
t!iin association overseas has been re
liii'Steil by the l ulled S'ntcs army to
iiicn hotels to care for relative vis
iting the four large American military
'dill lories In France. The ir hotel
will be opened at Itevlgny, near the
cemetery where Is a small town, mid
prior to this had no hold m l ommodn
1I011K. A calde iiNo 'utes that hotel
I'otrograd. the Y. V. C. A. hostess
house In 1'nris, which v. us to have
been turned Into an American women's
club with an Information bureau and
guides, for the benetlt of w tin rel
ative going to France to visit sol
dier's graves, now being u-etl for
.,.. , ,."l.mc.v housing of '.'cm HrltMi
and French girls working with the
An. orb a:i iiiitiy.
Meteorites of Great Age.
Meteorites of indicated great age, are
not found In museum collections, and
It is suggested that such specimens
may disintegrate and disappear from
the rocks within a relatively short
time after falling.
The IirltMi Museum, however, has
ncqulred a slice weighing somewhat
less than a pound from a meteoric
Iron that Is believed to represent an
ancient fall, says the Newark News.
The slice Is from one of two simi
lar masses that were found In Jan
uary, within .1 few mllo of Paw
son. Klondike, and that, from their
position In the oldest gravels of the
district, are thought to have rested
there since the I'llocciie nge.
"Didn't you say the swords would
be beaten Into plowshares':" "Yes,"
said Funner t'orutossel, "but Is seem
like we can't get the hired help to
keep up with the plowshare-."
Our Co-operation Aids
Your Operation
1 ' our i 'Moils at building business or
furthering farming just stop ami consd
cr the advantage of adding OL'R efforts
toward that end also.
l'ei -possible banking facility is avail
able t'.ir on In 1 e.
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
Life C.i Leap Year Afttr Another,
Tlicie exists nt 1chi one place In
the world where men consider It below
their dignity to notice women nt nit.
much loss make overtures of iinrringe.
! l'oiieiiienil.v the promising l left to
' the vvoiuoif. W hen a New Ouliu :i worn-
I an full In love with a mnii l sends
I1 l ine of tt l'lliK to Ills Ulster, or. If
I he bus tin ulster, to lu tuoilni or to
11 not her of his Imly relatives. Then th
Indy who receives the string tell th
favored ninn that the psrtlculur wom
an Is In love with him. No court In I
follow, however, for It U romldered
beneath the dignity of New (lulnea
11 ui u 10 waste his time In such a pur
suit. If the man thinks that he would
Ilk to wed the bid), he mi! her
alone, and they tlrcld whether ; mar
ry r drop the Idea.
Albanian Qua1 f Pajamas.
It I estimated list scverul hi nil red
liillr of lllililesi bril luuailll lots r-
'!' teen 11" Inn .tI."!- j.if the
Albanian. I110M of whom air In raft.
I .deed. Ihe shirt of on A.bnii mi had
craps of '.'S7 different a!fn1 f cloth
111 It. whrn he "traded It In" f, r th
atylUh ami neat suit of psiin which
he now wears proud!) lliruujh th
Always Orswfea
They tr Mantis second husband,
baa lionsj a )tr. How roooted
a asust t."
i Rti Isn't. lh..uh. viarilf. A
f thai (rait ta't hau4 hu rU
jLt (-r '..v v'.w.i.f.. t-;.4
Z. ftsw . . . ' i. I.'.. 11 .1 '.'... J
ere IS a
I V' y 'SU
I 'til V'
Caal. Jan Hr). th famwtj
rwei aviatela. Ik ftra. wmai ree
t rwlv a lkw aJlas. ha
rl4 ) Nn YH tMi tvetaUM
If you want to buy a place on the Oregon-Washington
highway where you wiH have a paved road
past your door-yard you will like this:
.530 .Acres
Two and one-hall miles from town, jrx; acres in
wheat seeded on summer fallow, l'lenty of water,
good fences and fair buildings.
For Prices and Terms see Us.
Iletter see us before the Fire.
We can give ou the right service and the kind of
insurance vrm want.
Brown & McMenamin
Room d Roberts Uuilding
1 i
Chte Up and 0tr Up.
It takra rheera ami (ear to make :
this old world ( The avrnife man
ha ao many thlnca thst hold tt I is bark
that he la In daafer of giving up. Hut
lh great men of the are the prod
uct of trial. Ther roiiie thpnieh the
furnace trlrl and fltte. for life'a ob
aiariew Iwnwui thejr hav dared face
th up-grade wl'h a smile, ttmenion
Sa) , "Nature, when she adds difrul
Ilea, adds brains." That may not aeern
to h true whit we are under trial,
hut the aaylng hobls In the long run.
And. tmldrw brains. au nmt h a
rewnortabl nieamr of fond rhevr. IF
an easy tn go down beiaue ther la
hnthlng In th pilml to add resistance
tn th nmstsnt thti.1 of adversity. Ten
mast rheee up a well (ear up If
r f lt( to win.
lhfmn Had 0od Dav.
Thre South ronland M) fisher
men, Iir. Oeorge W. P. Htudley, Percy
York and Captain William York, wer
out after groundflsh when tliy alghtl
a wor.lflsh. They had n awordDsh
fishing outfit, hat with a
d a hoathook hand! they lmprorle.
anarpooa, win which they landed the
big fellow. In Portland they aold the
awordft.h far faj. and th groundflati
they had caught about l.issi bounds
for .
lrU4 Wlfsly toltcltud.
Mr, riatbush Ar you wearlag
(hose pretty auspenders, with flow
all or Vm. 1 ,M tor your
Birthday. Hewryf
Mr riaihuahfia. dMr,
afraid th aan Tm ntng ta piaca of a
hattuti oi4 rw.f .
kls tii'.c(, au haw.
Ra (ha HaraU tlaaMfiH u.
Hrald oaty IS O) a ywr.